sqlplus / as sysdba
select name from v$tempfile;
select name from v$datafile;
create temporary tablespace demo_temp tempfile ‘/oracle/u02/oradata/ERP2/demo_temp.dbf‘ size 100m reuse autoextend on next 20m maxsize unlimited;
create tablespace demo datafile ‘/oracle/u02/oradata/ERP2/demo.dbf‘ size 100M reuse autoextend on next 40M maxsize unlimited default storage(initial 128k next 128k minextents 2 maxextents unlimited);
注:删除表空间的命令drop tablespace temp including contents and datafiles;4、创建用户并指定表空间
create user demo identified by demo default tablespace demo temporary tablespace demo_temp;
Multitenant Environment:多租户环境
CDB(Container Database):数据库容器
PD(Pluggable Database):可插拔数据库
COMMON USERS(普通用户):经常建立在CDB层,用户名以C##或c##开头;
LOCAL USERS(本地用户):仅建立在PDB层,建立的时候得指定CONTAINER。
The data dictionary in each container in a CDB is separate, and the current container is the container whose data dictionary is used for name resolution and for privilege authorization. The current container can be the root or a PDB. Each session has exactly one current container at any point in time, but it is possible for a session to switch from one container to another.
Each container has a unique ID and name in a CDB. You can use the CON_ID and CON_NAME parameters in the USERENV namespace to determine the current container ID and name with the SYS_CONTEXT function.
select * from v$version;
select sys_context (‘USERENV‘, ‘CON_NAME‘) from dual;
select con_id,dbid,NAME,OPEN_MODE from v$pdbs;
alter pluggable database pdborcl open;
select con_id,dbid,NAME,OPEN_MODE from v$pdbs;
alter session set container=PDBORCL;
select sys_context (‘USERENV‘, ‘CON_NAME‘) from dual;
create user demo identified by demo default tablespace demo temporary tablespace demo_temp;
imp demo/123456@orcl file="C:\Users\xiejiachen\Desktop\test20190630.DMP" full =y;
imp demo/123456@localhost/ORCLpdb1 file=home/oracle/demo.dmp ignore=y full=y