Class<?> ob = Class.forName("com.fxl.spring.test.SayServiceImpl"); //ob.getDeclaredConstructor(); 检测构造器是否是公有 SayService say = (SayService) ob.newInstance(); say.getMessage();
public class SimpleAliasRegistry implements AliasRegistry { /** Map from alias to canonical name */ private final Map<String, String> aliasMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(16); }
public class DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry extends SimpleAliasRegistry implements SingletonBeanRegistry { /** * Internal marker for a null singleton object: * used as marker value for concurrent Maps (which don‘t support null values). */ protected static final Object NULL_OBJECT = new Object(); /** Logger available to subclasses */ protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); /** Cache of singleton objects: bean name --> bean instance */ // bean的名称和实例 private final Map<String, Object> ‘singletonObjects‘ = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>(64); /** Cache of singleton factories: bean name --> ObjectFactory */ // bean名称和产生的工厂 private final Map<String, ObjectFactory<?>> singletonFactories = new HashMap<String, ObjectFactory<?>>(16); /** Cache of early singleton objects: bean name --> bean instance */ // 早期存放bean的名称和实例 private final Map<String, Object> earlySingletonObjects = new HashMap<String, Object>(16); /** Set of registered singletons, containing the bean names in registration order */ // bean的名称 private final Set<String> registeredSingletons = new LinkedHashSet<String>(64); /** Names of beans that are currently in creation */ // 创建的类 private final Set<String> singletonsCurrentlyInCreation = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>(16)); /** Names of beans currently excluded from in creation checks */ // 当前创建时需要排除的名称 private final Set<String> inCreationCheckExclusions = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>(16)); /** List of suppressed Exceptions, available for associating related causes */ // 抛出的错误 private Set<Exception> suppressedExceptions; /** Flag that indicates whether we‘re currently within destroySingletons */ // 销毁时的状态 private boolean singletonsCurrentlyInDestruction = false; /** Disposable bean instances: bean name --> disposable instance */ // bean名称 private final Map<String, Object> disposableBeans = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); /** Map between containing bean names: bean name --> Set of bean names that the bean contains */ // 名称 private final Map<String, Set<String>> containedBeanMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set<String>>(16); /** Map between dependent bean names: bean name --> Set of dependent bean names */ // 依赖的名称 private final Map<String, Set<String>> dependentBeanMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set<String>>(64); /** Map between depending bean names: bean name --> Set of bean names for the bean‘s dependencies */ // 依赖的名称 private final Map<String, Set<String>> dependenciesForBeanMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set<String>>(64); }
public abstract class FactoryBeanRegistrySupport extends DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry { /** Cache of singleton objects created by FactoryBeans: FactoryBean name --> object */ // 由FactoryBean创建的单例对象的缓存:FactoryBean名称—对象 private final Map<String, Object> factoryBeanObjectCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>(16); }
public abstract class AbstractBeanFactory extends FactoryBeanRegistrySupport implements ConfigurableBeanFactory { /** Parent bean factory, for bean inheritance support */ // 父类 bean factory private BeanFactory parentBeanFactory; /** ClassLoader to resolve bean class names with, if necessary */ // 类加载器 private ClassLoader beanClassLoader = ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader(); /** ClassLoader to temporarily resolve bean class names with, if necessary */ // 类加载器在必要时临时解析bean类名 private ClassLoader tempClassLoader; /** Whether to cache bean metadata or rather reobtain it for every access */ // 是否缓存bean元数据,或者是否为每个访问重新获取它 private boolean cacheBeanMetadata = true; /** Resolution strategy for expressions in bean definition values */ // bean定义值的表达式的解析策略 private BeanExpressionResolver beanExpressionResolver; /** Spring ConversionService to use instead of PropertyEditors */ // 使用Spring ConversionService来代替属性编辑器 private ConversionService conversionService; /** Custom PropertyEditorRegistrars to apply to the beans of this factory */ // 自定义propertyeditorregistry应用到该工厂的bean private final Set<PropertyEditorRegistrar> propertyEditorRegistrars = new LinkedHashSet<PropertyEditorRegistrar>(4); /** A custom TypeConverter to use, overriding the default PropertyEditor mechanism */ // 用于使用的自定义类型转换,覆盖默认的PropertyEditor机制 private TypeConverter typeConverter; /** Custom PropertyEditors to apply to the beans of this factory */ // 自定义属性编辑器应用到该工厂的bean private final Map<Class<?>, Class<? extends PropertyEditor>> customEditors = new HashMap<Class<?>, Class<? extends PropertyEditor>>(4); /** String resolvers to apply e.g. to annotation attribute values */ // 将字符串解析器应用于注释属性值 private final List<StringValueResolver> embeddedValueResolvers = new LinkedList<StringValueResolver>(); /** BeanPostProcessors to apply in createBean */ // 用于在createBean中应用的beanpost处理器 private final List<BeanPostProcessor> beanPostProcessors = new ArrayList<BeanPostProcessor>(); /** Indicates whether any InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessors have been registered */ // 表明InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessors是否已经注册 private boolean hasInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessors; /** Indicates whether any DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessors have been registered */ // 表明DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessors是否已经注册 private boolean hasDestructionAwareBeanPostProcessors; /** Map from scope identifier String to corresponding Scope */ // 从范围标识符字符串映射到对应的范围 private final Map<String, Scope> scopes = new HashMap<String, Scope>(8); /** Security context used when running with a SecurityManager */ // 与安全管理器一起运行时使用的安全上下文 private SecurityContextProvider securityContextProvider; /** Map from bean name to merged RootBeanDefinition */ // 从bean名称映射到合并的RootBeanDefinition private final Map<String, RootBeanDefinition> mergedBeanDefinitions = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, RootBeanDefinition>(64); /** Names of beans that have already been created at least once */ // 已经至少创建过一次的bean的名称 private final Set<String> alreadyCreated = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>(64)); /** Names of beans that are currently in creation */ // 当前正在创建的bean的名称 private final ThreadLocal<Object> prototypesCurrentlyInCreation = new NamedThreadLocal<Object>("Prototype beans currently in creation"); }
public abstract class AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory extends AbstractBeanFactory implements AutowireCapableBeanFactory { /** Strategy for creating bean instances */ // 创建bean实例的策略 private InstantiationStrategy instantiationStrategy = new CglibSubclassingInstantiationStrategy(); /** Resolver strategy for method parameter names */ // 方法参数名的解析器策略 private ParameterNameDiscoverer parameterNameDiscoverer = new DefaultParameterNameDiscoverer(); /** Whether to automatically try to resolve circular references between beans */ // 是否自动尝试解析bean之间的循环引用 private boolean allowCircularReferences = true; /** * Whether to resort to injecting a raw bean instance in case of circular reference, even if the injected bean eventually got wrapped. */ // 是否在循环引用的情况下使用原始bean实例,即使注入的bean最终被包装了 private boolean allowRawInjectionDespiteWrapping = false; /** * Dependency types to ignore on dependency check and autowire, as Set of Class objects: for example, String. Default is none. */ // 依赖类型忽略依赖检查和自动连接,这是类对象的集合:例如,String。默认是没有的。 private final Set<Class<?>> ignoredDependencyTypes = new HashSet<Class<?>>(); /** * Dependency interfaces to ignore on dependency check and autowire, as Set of Class objects. By default, only the BeanFactory interface is ignored. */ // 依赖接口忽略依赖检查和自动连接,这是类对象的集合。默认情况下,只会忽略BeanFactory接口。 private final Set<Class<?>> ignoredDependencyInterfaces = new HashSet<Class<?>>(); /** Cache of unfinished FactoryBean instances: FactoryBean name --> BeanWrapper */ // 未完成的FactoryBean实例的缓存:FactoryBean的名称—bean包装器 private final Map<String, BeanWrapper> factoryBeanInstanceCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, BeanWrapper>(16); /** Cache of filtered PropertyDescriptors: bean Class -> PropertyDescriptor array */ // 过滤的属性描述符的缓存:bean类-属性描述符数组 private final Map<Class<?>, PropertyDescriptor[]> filteredPropertyDescriptorsCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, PropertyDescriptor[]>(64); }
public class DefaultListableBeanFactory extends AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory implements ConfigurableListableBeanFactory, BeanDefinitionRegistry, Serializable { private static Class<?> javaxInjectProviderClass = null; /** Map from serialized id to factory instance */ // 序列化的工程id private static final Map<String, Reference<DefaultListableBeanFactory>> serializableFactories = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Reference<DefaultListableBeanFactory>>(8); /** Optional id for this factory, for serialization purposes */ //这个工厂的可选id,用于序列化 private String serializationId; /** Whether to allow re-registration of a different definition with the same name */ // 是否允许用相同的名称重新注册一个不同的定义 private boolean allowBeanDefinitionOverriding = true; /** Whether to allow eager class loading even for lazy-init beans */ // 是否允许热加载即使是 懒加载设置 private boolean allowEagerClassLoading = true; /** Optional OrderComparator for dependency Lists and arrays */ // 用于依赖列表和数组的可选的OrderComparator private Comparator<Object> dependencyComparator; /** Resolver to use for checking if a bean definition is an autowire candidate */ // 解析器用于检查bean定义是否为自动连接的候选 private AutowireCandidateResolver autowireCandidateResolver = new SimpleAutowireCandidateResolver(); /** Map from dependency type to corresponding autowired value */ // 从依赖类型映射到对应的自动连接值 private final Map<Class<?>, Object> resolvableDependencies = new HashMap<Class<?>, Object>(16); /** Map of bean definition objects, keyed by bean name */ // bean定义对象的映射,以bean名称为键 private final Map<String, BeanDefinition> ‘beanDefinitionMap‘ = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, BeanDefinition>(64); /** Map of singleton and non-singleton bean names keyed by dependency type */ // 单例和非单例bean的映射,依赖于依赖类型 private final Map<Class<?>, String[]> allBeanNamesByType = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, String[]>(64); /** Map of singleton-only bean names keyed by dependency type */ // 依赖类型的名称 private final Map<Class<?>, String[]> singletonBeanNamesByType = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, String[]>(64); /** List of bean definition names, in registration order */ // 默认的名称列表 private final List<String> beanDefinitionNames = new ArrayList<String>(); /** Whether bean definition metadata may be cached for all beans */ // 是否为所有bean缓存bean定义元数据 private boolean configurationFrozen = false; /** Cached array of bean definition names in case of frozen configuration */ // 在冻结配置的情况下,缓存的bean定义名称 private String[] frozenBeanDefinitionNames; }
1. DefaultListableBeanFactory->preInstantiateSingletons(): public void preInstantiateSingletons() throws BeansException { List<String> beanNames; synchronized (this.beanDefinitionMap) { beanNames = new ArrayList<String>(this.beanDefinitionNames); } for (String beanName : beanNames) { RootBeanDefinition bd = getMergedLocalBeanDefinition(beanName); if (!bd.isAbstract() && bd.isSingleton() && !bd.isLazyInit()) { getBean(beanName); } } } 2. AbstractBeanFactory->getBean(String beanName); public Object getBean(String name) throws BeansException { return doGetBean(name, null, null, false); } 3.AbstractBeanFactory->doGetBean(String beanName);一个回调用来生成 bean protected <T> T doGetBean( final String name, final Class<T> requiredType, final Object[] args, boolean typeCheckOnly) throws BeansException { final String beanName = transformedBeanName(name); Object bean; ... ... ‘getSingleton回调一个ObjectFactory‘ sharedInstance = getSingleton(beanName, new ObjectFactory<Object>() { @Override public Object getObject() throws BeansException { try { return createBean(beanName, mbd, args); }catch (BeansException ex) { destroySingleton(beanName); } } }); ... ... bean = getObjectForBeanInstance(sharedInstance, name, beanName, mbd); return (T) bean; } 4. DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.class->getSingleton:调用singletonFactory的回调来实现bean的创建 public Object getSingleton(String beanName, ObjectFactory<?> singletonFactory) { synchronized (this.singletonObjects) { Object singletonObject = this.singletonObjects.get(beanName); if (singletonObject null) { ... ... try { singletonObject = singletonFactory.getObject(); } ... ... return (singletonObject != NULL_OBJECT ? singletonObject : null); } } 5. SimpleInstantiationStrategy->instantiate()
private void parseDefaultElement(Element ele, BeanDefinitionParserDelegate delegate) { if (delegate.nodeNameEquals(ele, IMPORT_ELEMENT)) { importBeanDefinitionResource(ele); } else if (delegate.nodeNameEquals(ele, ALIAS_ELEMENT)) { processAliasRegistration(ele); } else if (delegate.nodeNameEquals(ele, BEAN_ELEMENT)) { processBeanDefinition(ele, delegate); //加载bean } else if (delegate.nodeNameEquals(ele, NESTED_BEANS_ELEMENT)) { // recurse doRegisterBeanDefinitions(ele); } }
public static AbstractBeanDefinition createBeanDefinition( String parentName, String className, ClassLoader classLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException { GenericBeanDefinition bd = new GenericBeanDefinition(); bd.setParentName(parentName); if (className != null) { if (classLoader != null) { bd.setBeanClass(ClassUtils.forName(className, classLoader)); } else { bd.setBeanClassName(className); } } return bd; }
1. ‘属性‘ public abstract class AttributeAccessorSupport implements AttributeAccessor, Serializable { /** Map with String keys and Object values */ private final Map<String, Object> attributes = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(0); } 2. ‘资源‘ public class BeanMetadataAttributeAccessor extends AttributeAccessorSupport implements BeanMetadataElement { private Object source; } 3. ‘对象信息‘ public abstract class AbstractBeanDefinition extends BeanMetadataAttributeAccessor implements BeanDefinition, Cloneable { public static final String SCOPE_DEFAULT = ""; public static final int AUTOWIRE_NO = AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_NO; public static final int AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME = AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME; public static final int AUTOWIRE_BY_TYPE = AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_BY_TYPE; public static final int AUTOWIRE_CONSTRUCTOR = AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_CONSTRUCTOR; public static final int AUTOWIRE_AUTODETECT = AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_AUTODETECT; public static final int DEPENDENCY_CHECK_NONE = 0; public static final int DEPENDENCY_CHECK_OBJECTS = 1; public static final int DEPENDENCY_CHECK_SIMPLE = 2; public static final int DEPENDENCY_CHECK_ALL = 3; public static final String INFER_METHOD = "(inferred)"; private volatile Object beanClass; private String scope = SCOPE_DEFAULT; private boolean abstractFlag = false; private boolean lazyInit = false; private int autowireMode = AUTOWIRE_NO; private int dependencyCheck = DEPENDENCY_CHECK_NONE; private String[] dependsOn; private boolean autowireCandidate = true; private boolean primary = false; private final Map<String, AutowireCandidateQualifier> qualifiers = new LinkedHashMap<String, AutowireCandidateQualifier>(0); private boolean nonPublicAccessAllowed = true; private boolean lenientConstructorResolution = true; private ConstructorArgumentValues constructorArgumentValues; private MutablePropertyValues propertyValues; private MethodOverrides methodOverrides = new MethodOverrides(); private String factoryBeanName; private String factoryMethodName; private String initMethodName; private String destroyMethodName; private boolean enforceInitMethod = true; private boolean enforceDestroyMethod = true; private boolean synthetic = false; private int role = BeanDefinition.ROLE_APPLICATION; private String description; private Resource resource; } 4. 创建:bean创建的信息 public class GenericBeanDefinition extends AbstractBeanDefinition { private String parentName; }
public Object instantiate(RootBeanDefinition beanDefinition, String beanName, BeanFactory owner) { if (beanDefinition.getMethodOverrides().isEmpty()) { Constructor<?> constructorToUse; synchronized (beanDefinition.constructorArgumentLock) { constructorToUse = (Constructor<?>) beanDefinition.resolvedConstructorOrFactoryMethod; if (constructorToUse null) { final Class<?> clazz = beanDefinition.getBeanClass(); if (clazz.isInterface()) { throw new BeanInstantiationException(clazz, "Specified class is an interface"); } try { if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) { constructorToUse = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Constructor<?>>() { @Override public Constructor<?> run() throws Exception { return clazz.getDeclaredConstructor((Class[]) null); } }); } else { ‘获取构造器‘ constructorToUse = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor((Class[]) null); } beanDefinition.resolvedConstructorOrFactoryMethod = constructorToUse; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new BeanInstantiationException(clazz, "No default constructor found", ex); } } } ‘实例化对象‘ return BeanUtils.instantiateClass(constructorToUse); } else { // Must generate CGLIB subclass. return instantiateWithMethodInjection(beanDefinition, beanName, owner); } } 2. ‘BeanUtils.instantiateClass(constructorToUse)‘:用构造器实例化 public static <T> T instantiateClass(Constructor<T> ctor, Object... args) throws BeanInstantiationException { Assert.notNull(ctor, "Constructor must not be null"); try { ReflectionUtils.makeAccessible(ctor); return ctor.newInstance(args); } .... }
Class<?> ob = Class.forName("com.fxl.spring.test.SayServiceImpl");
//ob.getDeclaredConstructor(); 检测构造器是否是公有
SayService say = (SayService) ob.newInstance();
public class SimpleAliasRegistry implements AliasRegistry {
/** Map from alias to canonical name */
private final Map<String, String> aliasMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, String>(16);
public class DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry extends SimpleAliasRegistry implements SingletonBeanRegistry {
* Internal marker for a null singleton object:
* used as marker value for concurrent Maps (which don‘t support null values).
protected static final Object NULL_OBJECT = new Object();
/** Logger available to subclasses */
protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
/** Cache of singleton objects: bean name --> bean instance */
// bean的名称和实例
private final Map<String, Object> ‘singletonObjects‘ = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>(64);
/** Cache of singleton factories: bean name --> ObjectFactory */
// bean名称和产生的工厂
private final Map<String, ObjectFactory<?>> singletonFactories = new HashMap<String, ObjectFactory<?>>(16);
/** Cache of early singleton objects: bean name --> bean instance */
// 早期存放bean的名称和实例
private final Map<String, Object> earlySingletonObjects = new HashMap<String, Object>(16);
/** Set of registered singletons, containing the bean names in registration order */
// bean的名称
private final Set<String> registeredSingletons = new LinkedHashSet<String>(64);
/** Names of beans that are currently in creation */
// 创建的类
private final Set<String> singletonsCurrentlyInCreation =
Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>(16));
/** Names of beans currently excluded from in creation checks */
// 当前创建时需要排除的名称
private final Set<String> inCreationCheckExclusions =
Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>(16));
/** List of suppressed Exceptions, available for associating related causes */
// 抛出的错误
private Set<Exception> suppressedExceptions;
/** Flag that indicates whether we‘re currently within destroySingletons */
// 销毁时的状态
private boolean singletonsCurrentlyInDestruction = false;
/** Disposable bean instances: bean name --> disposable instance */
// bean名称
private final Map<String, Object> disposableBeans = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
/** Map between containing bean names: bean name --> Set of bean names that the bean contains */
// 名称
private final Map<String, Set<String>> containedBeanMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set<String>>(16);
/** Map between dependent bean names: bean name --> Set of dependent bean names */
// 依赖的名称
private final Map<String, Set<String>> dependentBeanMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set<String>>(64);
/** Map between depending bean names: bean name --> Set of bean names for the bean‘s dependencies */
// 依赖的名称
private final Map<String, Set<String>> dependenciesForBeanMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set<String>>(64);
public abstract class FactoryBeanRegistrySupport extends DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry {
/** Cache of singleton objects created by FactoryBeans: FactoryBean name --> object */
// 由FactoryBean创建的单例对象的缓存:FactoryBean名称—对象
private final Map<String, Object> factoryBeanObjectCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>(16);
public abstract class AbstractBeanFactory extends FactoryBeanRegistrySupport implements ConfigurableBeanFactory {
/** Parent bean factory, for bean inheritance support */
// 父类 bean factory
private BeanFactory parentBeanFactory;
/** ClassLoader to resolve bean class names with, if necessary */
// 类加载器
private ClassLoader beanClassLoader = ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader();
/** ClassLoader to temporarily resolve bean class names with, if necessary */
// 类加载器在必要时临时解析bean类名
private ClassLoader tempClassLoader;
/** Whether to cache bean metadata or rather reobtain it for every access */
// 是否缓存bean元数据,或者是否为每个访问重新获取它
private boolean cacheBeanMetadata = true;
/** Resolution strategy for expressions in bean definition values */
// bean定义值的表达式的解析策略
private BeanExpressionResolver beanExpressionResolver;
/** Spring ConversionService to use instead of PropertyEditors */
// 使用Spring ConversionService来代替属性编辑器
private ConversionService conversionService;
/** Custom PropertyEditorRegistrars to apply to the beans of this factory */
// 自定义propertyeditorregistry应用到该工厂的bean
private final Set<PropertyEditorRegistrar> propertyEditorRegistrars =
new LinkedHashSet<PropertyEditorRegistrar>(4);
/** A custom TypeConverter to use, overriding the default PropertyEditor mechanism */
// 用于使用的自定义类型转换,覆盖默认的PropertyEditor机制
private TypeConverter typeConverter;
/** Custom PropertyEditors to apply to the beans of this factory */
// 自定义属性编辑器应用到该工厂的bean
private final Map<Class<?>, Class<? extends PropertyEditor>> customEditors =
new HashMap<Class<?>, Class<? extends PropertyEditor>>(4);
/** String resolvers to apply e.g. to annotation attribute values */
// 将字符串解析器应用于注释属性值
private final List<StringValueResolver> embeddedValueResolvers = new LinkedList<StringValueResolver>();
/** BeanPostProcessors to apply in createBean */
// 用于在createBean中应用的beanpost处理器
private final List<BeanPostProcessor> beanPostProcessors = new ArrayList<BeanPostProcessor>();
/** Indicates whether any InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessors have been registered */
// 表明InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessors是否已经注册
private boolean hasInstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessors;
/** Indicates whether any DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessors have been registered */
// 表明DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessors是否已经注册
private boolean hasDestructionAwareBeanPostProcessors;
/** Map from scope identifier String to corresponding Scope */
// 从范围标识符字符串映射到对应的范围
private final Map<String, Scope> scopes = new HashMap<String, Scope>(8);
/** Security context used when running with a SecurityManager */
// 与安全管理器一起运行时使用的安全上下文
private SecurityContextProvider securityContextProvider;
/** Map from bean name to merged RootBeanDefinition */
// 从bean名称映射到合并的RootBeanDefinition
private final Map<String, RootBeanDefinition> mergedBeanDefinitions =
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, RootBeanDefinition>(64);
/** Names of beans that have already been created at least once */
// 已经至少创建过一次的bean的名称
private final Set<String> alreadyCreated = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>(64));
/** Names of beans that are currently in creation */
// 当前正在创建的bean的名称
private final ThreadLocal<Object> prototypesCurrentlyInCreation =
new NamedThreadLocal<Object>("Prototype beans currently in creation");
public abstract class AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory extends AbstractBeanFactory
implements AutowireCapableBeanFactory {
/** Strategy for creating bean instances */
// 创建bean实例的策略
private InstantiationStrategy instantiationStrategy = new CglibSubclassingInstantiationStrategy();
/** Resolver strategy for method parameter names */
// 方法参数名的解析器策略
private ParameterNameDiscoverer parameterNameDiscoverer = new DefaultParameterNameDiscoverer();
/** Whether to automatically try to resolve circular references between beans */
// 是否自动尝试解析bean之间的循环引用
private boolean allowCircularReferences = true;
* Whether to resort to injecting a raw bean instance in case of circular reference, even if the injected bean eventually got wrapped.
// 是否在循环引用的情况下使用原始bean实例,即使注入的bean最终被包装了
private boolean allowRawInjectionDespiteWrapping = false;
* Dependency types to ignore on dependency check and autowire, as Set of Class objects: for example, String. Default is none.
// 依赖类型忽略依赖检查和自动连接,这是类对象的集合:例如,String。默认是没有的。
private final Set<Class<?>> ignoredDependencyTypes = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
* Dependency interfaces to ignore on dependency check and autowire, as Set of Class objects. By default, only the BeanFactory interface is ignored.
// 依赖接口忽略依赖检查和自动连接,这是类对象的集合。默认情况下,只会忽略BeanFactory接口。
private final Set<Class<?>> ignoredDependencyInterfaces = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
/** Cache of unfinished FactoryBean instances: FactoryBean name --> BeanWrapper */
// 未完成的FactoryBean实例的缓存:FactoryBean的名称—bean包装器
private final Map<String, BeanWrapper> factoryBeanInstanceCache =
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, BeanWrapper>(16);
/** Cache of filtered PropertyDescriptors: bean Class -> PropertyDescriptor array */
// 过滤的属性描述符的缓存:bean类-属性描述符数组
private final Map<Class<?>, PropertyDescriptor[]> filteredPropertyDescriptorsCache =
new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, PropertyDescriptor[]>(64);
public class DefaultListableBeanFactory extends AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory
implements ConfigurableListableBeanFactory, BeanDefinitionRegistry, Serializable {
private static Class<?> javaxInjectProviderClass = null;
/** Map from serialized id to factory instance */
// 序列化的工程id
private static final Map<String, Reference<DefaultListableBeanFactory>> serializableFactories =
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Reference<DefaultListableBeanFactory>>(8);
/** Optional id for this factory, for serialization purposes */
private String serializationId;
/** Whether to allow re-registration of a different definition with the same name */
// 是否允许用相同的名称重新注册一个不同的定义
private boolean allowBeanDefinitionOverriding = true;
/** Whether to allow eager class loading even for lazy-init beans */
// 是否允许热加载即使是 懒加载设置
private boolean allowEagerClassLoading = true;
/** Optional OrderComparator for dependency Lists and arrays */
// 用于依赖列表和数组的可选的OrderComparator
private Comparator<Object> dependencyComparator;
/** Resolver to use for checking if a bean definition is an autowire candidate */
// 解析器用于检查bean定义是否为自动连接的候选
private AutowireCandidateResolver autowireCandidateResolver = new SimpleAutowireCandidateResolver();
/** Map from dependency type to corresponding autowired value */
// 从依赖类型映射到对应的自动连接值
private final Map<Class<?>, Object> resolvableDependencies = new HashMap<Class<?>, Object>(16);
/** Map of bean definition objects, keyed by bean name */
// bean定义对象的映射,以bean名称为键
private final Map<String, BeanDefinition> ‘beanDefinitionMap‘ = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, BeanDefinition>(64);
/** Map of singleton and non-singleton bean names keyed by dependency type */
// 单例和非单例bean的映射,依赖于依赖类型
private final Map<Class<?>, String[]> allBeanNamesByType = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, String[]>(64);
/** Map of singleton-only bean names keyed by dependency type */
// 依赖类型的名称
private final Map<Class<?>, String[]> singletonBeanNamesByType = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, String[]>(64);
/** List of bean definition names, in registration order */
// 默认的名称列表
private final List<String> beanDefinitionNames = new ArrayList<String>();
/** Whether bean definition metadata may be cached for all beans */
// 是否为所有bean缓存bean定义元数据
private boolean configurationFrozen = false;
/** Cached array of bean definition names in case of frozen configuration */
// 在冻结配置的情况下,缓存的bean定义名称
private String[] frozenBeanDefinitionNames;
1. DefaultListableBeanFactory->preInstantiateSingletons():
public void preInstantiateSingletons() throws BeansException {
List<String> beanNames;
synchronized (this.beanDefinitionMap) {
beanNames = new ArrayList<String>(this.beanDefinitionNames);
for (String beanName : beanNames) {
RootBeanDefinition bd = getMergedLocalBeanDefinition(beanName);
if (!bd.isAbstract() && bd.isSingleton() && !bd.isLazyInit()) {
2. AbstractBeanFactory->getBean(String beanName);
public Object getBean(String name) throws BeansException {
return doGetBean(name, null, null, false);
3.AbstractBeanFactory->doGetBean(String beanName);一个回调用来生成 bean
protected <T> T doGetBean(
final String name, final Class<T> requiredType, final Object[] args, boolean typeCheckOnly)
throws BeansException {
final String beanName = transformedBeanName(name);
Object bean;
sharedInstance = getSingleton(beanName, new ObjectFactory<Object>() {
public Object getObject() throws BeansException {
try {
return createBean(beanName, mbd, args);
}catch (BeansException ex) {
bean = getObjectForBeanInstance(sharedInstance, name, beanName, mbd);
return (T) bean;
4. DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.class->getSingleton:调用singletonFactory的回调来实现bean的创建
public Object getSingleton(String beanName, ObjectFactory<?> singletonFactory) {
synchronized (this.singletonObjects) {
Object singletonObject = this.singletonObjects.get(beanName);
if (singletonObject null) {
try {
singletonObject = singletonFactory.getObject();
return (singletonObject != NULL_OBJECT ? singletonObject : null);
5. SimpleInstantiationStrategy->instantiate()
private void parseDefaultElement(Element ele, BeanDefinitionParserDelegate delegate) {
if (delegate.nodeNameEquals(ele, IMPORT_ELEMENT)) {
else if (delegate.nodeNameEquals(ele, ALIAS_ELEMENT)) {
else if (delegate.nodeNameEquals(ele, BEAN_ELEMENT)) {
processBeanDefinition(ele, delegate); //加载bean
else if (delegate.nodeNameEquals(ele, NESTED_BEANS_ELEMENT)) {
// recurse
public static AbstractBeanDefinition createBeanDefinition(
String parentName, String className, ClassLoader classLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException {
GenericBeanDefinition bd = new GenericBeanDefinition();
if (className != null) {
if (classLoader != null) {
bd.setBeanClass(ClassUtils.forName(className, classLoader));
else {
return bd;
1. ‘属性‘
public abstract class AttributeAccessorSupport implements AttributeAccessor, Serializable {
/** Map with String keys and Object values */
private final Map<String, Object> attributes = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(0);
2. ‘资源‘
public class BeanMetadataAttributeAccessor extends AttributeAccessorSupport implements BeanMetadataElement {
private Object source;
3. ‘对象信息‘
public abstract class AbstractBeanDefinition extends BeanMetadataAttributeAccessor
implements BeanDefinition, Cloneable {
public static final String SCOPE_DEFAULT = "";
public static final int AUTOWIRE_NO = AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_NO;
public static final int AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME = AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_BY_NAME;
public static final int AUTOWIRE_BY_TYPE = AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_BY_TYPE;
public static final int AUTOWIRE_CONSTRUCTOR = AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_CONSTRUCTOR;
public static final int AUTOWIRE_AUTODETECT = AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_AUTODETECT;
public static final int DEPENDENCY_CHECK_NONE = 0;
public static final int DEPENDENCY_CHECK_OBJECTS = 1;
public static final int DEPENDENCY_CHECK_SIMPLE = 2;
public static final int DEPENDENCY_CHECK_ALL = 3;
public static final String INFER_METHOD = "(inferred)";
private volatile Object beanClass;
private String scope = SCOPE_DEFAULT;
private boolean abstractFlag = false;
private boolean lazyInit = false;
private int autowireMode = AUTOWIRE_NO;
private int dependencyCheck = DEPENDENCY_CHECK_NONE;
private String[] dependsOn;
private boolean autowireCandidate = true;
private boolean primary = false;
private final Map<String, AutowireCandidateQualifier> qualifiers =
new LinkedHashMap<String, AutowireCandidateQualifier>(0);
private boolean nonPublicAccessAllowed = true;
private boolean lenientConstructorResolution = true;
private ConstructorArgumentValues constructorArgumentValues;
private MutablePropertyValues propertyValues;
private MethodOverrides methodOverrides = new MethodOverrides();
private String factoryBeanName;
private String factoryMethodName;
private String initMethodName;
private String destroyMethodName;
private boolean enforceInitMethod = true;
private boolean enforceDestroyMethod = true;
private boolean synthetic = false;
private int role = BeanDefinition.ROLE_APPLICATION;
private String description;
private Resource resource;
4. 创建:bean创建的信息
public class GenericBeanDefinition extends AbstractBeanDefinition {
private String parentName;
public Object instantiate(RootBeanDefinition beanDefinition, String beanName, BeanFactory owner) {
if (beanDefinition.getMethodOverrides().isEmpty()) {
Constructor<?> constructorToUse;
synchronized (beanDefinition.constructorArgumentLock) {
constructorToUse = (Constructor<?>) beanDefinition.resolvedConstructorOrFactoryMethod;
if (constructorToUse null) {
final Class<?> clazz = beanDefinition.getBeanClass();
if (clazz.isInterface()) {
throw new BeanInstantiationException(clazz, "Specified class is an interface");
try {
if (System.getSecurityManager() != null) {
constructorToUse = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Constructor<?>>() {
public Constructor<?> run() throws Exception {
return clazz.getDeclaredConstructor((Class[]) null);
else {
constructorToUse = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor((Class[]) null);
beanDefinition.resolvedConstructorOrFactoryMethod = constructorToUse;
catch (Exception ex) {
throw new BeanInstantiationException(clazz, "No default constructor found", ex);
return BeanUtils.instantiateClass(constructorToUse);
else {
// Must generate CGLIB subclass.
return instantiateWithMethodInjection(beanDefinition, beanName, owner);
2. ‘BeanUtils.instantiateClass(constructorToUse)‘:用构造器实例化
public static <T> T instantiateClass(Constructor<T> ctor, Object... args) throws BeanInstantiationException {
Assert.notNull(ctor, "Constructor must not be null");
try {
return ctor.newInstance(args);