public final class DefaultEventExecutorChooserFactory implements EventExecutorChooserFactory { public static final DefaultEventExecutorChooserFactory INSTANCE = new DefaultEventExecutorChooserFactory(); private DefaultEventExecutorChooserFactory() { } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public EventExecutorChooser newChooser(EventExecutor[] executors) { if (isPowerOfTwo(executors.length)) { return new PowerOfTwoEventExecutorChooser(executors); } else { return new GenericEventExecutorChooser(executors); } } //!!!判断一个数是否是2的倍数!!! private static boolean isPowerOfTwo(int val) { return (val & -val) == val; } private static final class PowerOfTwoEventExecutorChooser implements EventExecutorChooser { private final AtomicInteger idx = new AtomicInteger(); private final EventExecutor[] executors; PowerOfTwoEventExecutorChooser(EventExecutor[] executors) { this.executors = executors; } @Override public EventExecutor next() { return executors[idx.getAndIncrement() & executors.length - 1]; } } private static final class GenericEventExecutorChooser implements EventExecutorChooser { private final AtomicInteger idx = new AtomicInteger(); private final EventExecutor[] executors; GenericEventExecutorChooser(EventExecutor[] executors) { this.executors = executors; } @Override public EventExecutor next() { return executors[Math.abs(idx.getAndIncrement() % executors.length)]; } } }
int一共4字节32位,2的倍数的特征就是二进制只有一个1.随意给定一个数,把它变成最近的2的倍数,其实只需要关注最高位的1,如果此时没有低位1,它就是2的倍数;如果有低位的1,那它的高一位1就是它最接近的2的倍数。例如00000100 00000000 00000000 00000000这个数,它就是2的倍数;例如00000111 00000000 11111111 11001100这个数,低位有1,那最接近的就是00001000 00000000 00000000 00000000.这里采用的算法是,拿到一个数,先减一,确保本身就是2的倍数不会变大一倍,然后把最高位的1向下传递,比如00000111 00000000 11111111 11001100变成00000111 11111111 11111111 11111111,这个时候加1,就变成了00001000 00000000 00000000 00000000。如果是00000100 00000000 00000000 00000000本身就是2的倍数,减1变成了00000011 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111,把高位1传递后还是自己,加1变回了00000100 00000000 00000000 00000000。
/** * Returns a power of two size for the given target capacity. */ static final int tableSizeFor(int cap) { int n = cap - 1; n |= n >>> 1; n |= n >>> 2; n |= n >>> 4; n |= n >>> 8; n |= n >>> 16; return (n < 0) ? 1 : (n >= MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) ? MAXIMUM_CAPACITY : n + 1; }