NAF标量乘法算法是标量乘法算法的一种增强,该算法使用了非邻接形式(Non-Adjacent Form)表达,减少了算法的期望运行时间。下面是具体细节:
让\(k\)是一个正整数,\(P\)是一个在域\(F_q\)上椭圆曲线\(E\)上的点。这个计算乘法操作\(Q = k * P\)就是圆曲线上的标量乘法操作(点乘)。一个最简单计算的方法就是基于双倍-加法的霍纳规则的变体。顾名思义,该方法最突出的两个构建块是点加倍和点添加原语。就像名字那样,算法也十分简单。把\(k\)写成
\[k=k_{n-1}2^{n-1}+k_{n-2}2^{n-2}+ \cdots +k_{1}+k_{0}\]
,其中\(k \in \{0,1\},i = 0,1,2,...,n-1\)。下面有两种算法来表达。
INPUT: k = (kt?1,..., k1, k0)2, P ∈ E(Fq).
OUTPUT: k ? P.
? Q←∞.
? For i from 0 to t?1 do
? If ki = 1 then Q←Q+P.
? P←2P.
INPUT: k = (kt?1,..., k1, k0)2, P ∈ E(Fq).
OUTPUT: k ? P.
? Q←∞.
? For i from t?1 down to 0 do
? Q←2Q.
? If ki = 1 then Q←Q+P.
\frac{m}{2} * A + m * D
在1951年,Booth[3]提出了一个新的标量二进制表达被叫做有符号二进制方法。然后Rietweisner[4]证明了每个整数在这种表达下都是独一无二的[5]。尤其,如果\(p=(x,y) \in E(F_q)\),那么有\(-P=(x,x+y)\),如果\(F_q\)是二进制域。同时如果\(F_q\) 的阶大于3,就有\(-P = (x,-y)\)。计算减法就会很有效。这让我们想出了另一种有符号整数的表达方式。\(k = \sum^{l-1}_{i=0}k_i * 2^i\),其中\(k_i \in \{0,+,-\}\)。一个十分有用的有符号整数表达就是不相邻范式(NAF)。NAF的形式就是上面那样,但是规定了 \(k_{l-1} \neq 0\),同时没有两个相邻的\(k_i\)都是0。NAF的长度是\(l\)。
INPUT: A positive integer k.
? i←0.
? While k≥1 do
? If k is odd then: ki ←2?(k mod 4), k←k?ki;
? Else: ki ←0.
? k←k/2, i←i+1.
Return(ki?1, ki?2,..., k1, k0).
INPUT: Positive integer k, P ∈ E(Fq).
OUTPUT: k ? P.
? Based on previous algorithm compute NAF(k) =∑l?1i=0ki?2i.
? Q←∞.
? For i from l?1 down to 0 do
? Q←2Q.
? If ki = 1 then Q←Q+P.
? If ki = ?1 thenQ←Q?P.
\frac{m}{3} * A + m * D
[1] Hankerson, Darrel, Scott Vanstone, and Alfred J. Menezes. "Guide to elliptic curve cryptography". Springer Science & Business Media, 2004.
[2] Jonathan Taverne, Armando Faz-Hernández, Diego F. Aranha, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez, Darrel Hankerson, Julio López. "Speeding scalar multiplication over binary elliptic curves using the new carry-less multiplication instruction", Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, Vol. 1, No 3, pp. 187-199, 2011.
[3] A.D.Booth, “A Signed binary multiplication technique”, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 4. No. 2, pp.236-240, 1951
[4] G.W.Reitwiesner, “Binary Arithmetic”, Advances in computers, Academic Press, Vol. 1, pp.231-308, 1960
[5] Karthikeyan, E. “Survey of elliptic curve scalar multiplication algorithms.” International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, Vol. 4, No 2, pp. 1581-1590, 2012