在laravel中使用leftJoin添加多个条件时,如select a.* from a left join b on a.id = b.pid and b.status = 1这种类似sql,发现框架自身封装的leftJoin不支持多个参数传递(当然可用写原生sql),laravel框架自身封装的leftJoin方法如下:
public function leftJoin($table, $first, $operator = null, $second = null) { return $this->join($table, $first, $operator, $second, ‘left‘); }
浏览下 \vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder.php文件,发现join方法可用实现自己想要的left join携带多参数。laravel自身的join方法如下:
public function join($table, $one, $operator = null, $two = null, $type = ‘inner‘, $where = false) { // If the first "column" of the join is really a Closure instance the developer // is trying to build a join with a complex "on" clause containing more than // one condition, so we‘ll add the join and call a Closure with the query. if ($one instanceof Closure) { $join = new JoinClause($type, $table); call_user_func($one, $join); $this->joins[] = $join; $this->addBinding($join->bindings, ‘join‘); } // If the column is simply a string, we can assume the join simply has a basic // "on" clause with a single condition. So we will just build the join with // this simple join clauses attached to it. There is not a join callback. else { $join = new JoinClause($type, $table); $this->joins[] = $join->on( $one, $operator, $two, ‘and‘, $where ); $this->addBinding($join->bindings, ‘join‘); } return $this; }
DB::table(‘app_a as a‘) ->join(‘app_b as b‘,function($join){ $join->on(‘a.id‘,‘=‘,‘b.goodId‘) ->where(‘b.status‘,‘=‘,‘SUCCESS‘) ->where(‘b.type‘,‘=‘,‘UNLOCK‘); }, null,null,‘left‘) ->where(‘a.id‘,‘>‘,1) ->get(); //相当于 SELECT * FROM app_a as a LEFT JOIN app_b as b on a.id = b.goodId and b.status = ‘SUCCESS‘ and b.type = ‘UNLOCK‘ where a.id > 1;