1.Oracle处理批量插入涉及到的相关概念有:Type、bulk collect、Oracle数组等。现在对它们依次简单的介绍一下。
类似与全局定义的常量,只要改一处地方,与此常量相关的地方都修改了。一般子类型常用于货币类型的定义,如number(10,5),我们可以定义子类型:subtype hb_num is number(10,5),这样货币的精度需要修改时,不用搜遍全部地方,只需进行一处修改即可。
create or replace type type_employee as object( id varchar2(36), name varchar2(50), age integer(3), experience varchar2(4000) );可以使用该类型创建表,如下:
create table employee of type_employee --则创建出了员工表使用该Object类型,还可以创建其他类型,如下
--创建数组类型 create or replace type type_employee_arr as table of type_employee更多详细的内容请看:Oracle Type介绍
type v_arr is varray(10) of varchar2(50);
type v_arr is table of varchar2(50);
--下面的定义如同1)中的创建数组的情况,不过两者作用的范围不同 --以object对象建立的数组可用作任何地方 --以表定义的type不能定义全局的type,只可在函数、存储过程定义变量处定义 type v_table is table of poco_test%rowtype index by binary_integer;3)bulk collect
bulk collect用于一次取出一个数据集合,比游标取数据效率高,但是其需要大量的内存,可以使用select into、fetch into、returning into语句到bulk collect中
declare type v_table is table of poco_test%rowtype index by binary_integer; v_values v_table; begin select * bulk collect into v_values from poco_test; end;2.了解了相关的基本内容后,下面为本次研究Oracle批量插入的示例代码
create or replace type poco_test_object_type as object( id varchar2(36), name varchar2(200),code varchar(200));
create or replace type poco_test_object_arr_type as table of poco_test_object_type;
create or replace procedure poco_test_arr_pro(v_arr in poco_test_object_arr_type) is test_obj poco_test_object_type;
begin for idx in v_arr.first()..v_arr.last loop test_obj := v_arr(idx); insert into poco_test values(test_obj.id,test_obj.name,test_obj.code); end loop; end poco_test_arr_pro;
declare abc poco_test_object_arr_type; o poco_test_object_type; begin o:=poco_test_object_type(1,2,3); abc:=poco_test_object_arr_type(o,o,o); poco_test_arr_pro(abc); end;
public class PocoTestModel { private String id; private String name; private String code; ........ }
Connection con = null; CallableStatement cstmt = null; try { con = OracleConnection.getConn(); List<PocoTestModel> orderList = new ArrayList<PocoTestModel>(); for(int i=0;i<100000;i++){ orderList.add(new PocoTestModel(UUID.randomUUID().toString(),"name"+i,"code"+i)); } StructDescriptor recDesc = StructDescriptor.createDescriptor("poco_test_object_type", con); ArrayList<STRUCT> pstruct = new ArrayList<STRUCT>(); for (PocoTestModel ord:orderList) { Object[] record = new Object[3]; record[0] = ord.getId(); record[1] = ord.getName(); record[1] = ord.getCode(); STRUCT item = new STRUCT(recDesc, con, record); pstruct.add(item); } ArrayDescriptor tabDesc = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("poco_test_object_arr_type", con); ARRAY vArray = new ARRAY(tabDesc, con, pstruct.toArray()); cstmt = con.prepareCall("{call poco_test_arr_pro(?)}"); cstmt.setArray(1, vArray); cstmt.execute(); con.commit(); }catch ....通过继承oracle.sql.ORAData接口,实现toDatum函数,可以简化执行的代码编写
public class PocoTestModel implements ORAData { private String id; private String name; private String code; public static final String _ORACLE_TYPE_NAME = "poco_test_object_type"; protected MutableStruct _struct; static int[] _sqlType = { OracleTypes.VARCHAR, OracleTypes.VARCHAR }; static ORADataFactory[] _factory = new ORADataFactory[_sqlType.length]; public PocoTestModel() { _struct = new MutableStruct(new Object[_sqlType.length], _sqlType, _factory); } public Datum toDatum(Connection conn) throws SQLException { _struct.setAttribute(0, this.id); _struct.setAttribute(1, this.name); _struct.setAttribute(1, this.code); return _struct.toDatum(conn, _ORACLE_TYPE_NAME); } public PocoTestModel(String id,String name, String code) { this(); this.id = id; this.name = name; this.code = code; } .... } Connection con = null; CallableStatement cstmt = null; try { con = OracleConnection.getConn(); System.out.println(new Date()); List<PocoTestModel> orderList = new ArrayList<PocoTestModel>(); for(int i=0;i<100000;i++){ orderList.add(new PocoTestModel(UUID.randomUUID().toString(),"name"+i,"code"+i)); } ArrayDescriptor tabDesc = ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("poco_test_object_arr_type", con); ARRAY vArray = new ARRAY(tabDesc, con, orderList.toArray()); cstmt = con.prepareCall("{call poco_test_arr_pro(?)}"); cstmt.setArray(1, vArray); cstmt.execute(); con.commit(); }catch ...