摄像头Camera 标定Calibration原理Theory
Pinhole camera calibration calls camera vision from 3D objects in the real world and transforms them into a 2D image.
We named points from objects as objects point and points in image as image points.
To calibrate camera, we need to undistort radial distortion and tangential distortion.
Radial Distortion: Radial Distortion is the most common type that affects the images, In which when a camera captured pictures of straight lines appeared slightly curved or bent.
Tangential distortion: Tangential distortion occurs mainly because the lens is not parallely aligned to the imaging plane, that makes the image to be extended a little while longer or tilted, it makes the objects appear farther away or even closer than they actually are.
Five Distortion Coefficients 五个畸变系数:
In math, the Transformation from 3D object points, P of X, Y and Z to X and Y is done by a transformative matrix called the camera matrix(C), we’ll be using this to calibrate the camera.
max = 摄像机矩阵 = 摄像机的内部参数(焦距和光学中心)
内部参数是摄像机本身具有的,包括的信息有焦距(f x ,f y ),光学中心(c x ,c y )。
dist = 外部参数(旋转和变换向量)
外部参数与旋转和变换向量相对应,它可以将 3D 点的坐标转换到坐标系统中。
It’s recommended to use at least 20 images to get a reliable calibration, For this, we have a lot of images here, each chess board has eight by six corners to detect
于是必须要提供一些包含明显图案模式的样本棋盘图片,一般至少需要 10 个(部分中文资料)建议20个这样的图案模式。
(X, Y, Z) are the coordinates of a 3D point in the world coordinate space
(u, v) are the coordinates of the projection point in pixels
A is a camera matrix, or a matrix of intrinsic parameters
(cx, cy) is a principal point that is usually at the image center
fx, fy are the focal lengths expressed in pixel units.
A chessboard is great for calibration because it‘s regular, high contrast pattern makes it easy to detect automatically. And we know how an undistorted flat chessboard looks like. So, if we use our camera to take pictures of Chessboard at different angles
import numpy as np
import cv2, glob
calibrate_source_path = ‘./data/camera_cal/*.jpg‘
calibrate_test_path = ‘./data/test_image.jpg‘
# define
objpoints = []
imgpoints = []
nx = 8
ny = 6
objp = np.zeros((ny*nx,3),np.float32)
objp[:,:2] = np.mgrid[0:nx,0:ny].T.reshape(-1,2)
# chessboard
for path in glob.glob(calibrate_source_path):
gray = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(path),cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret,corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(gray,(nx,ny))
if ret:
# gray = cv2.drawChessboardCorners(gray, (nx,ny), corners, ret)
# execute
img = cv2.imread(calibrate_test_path)
ret, mtx, dist, rvecs, tvecs = cv2.calibrateCamera(objpoints, imgpoints, img.shape[1:], None, None)
dst = cv2.undistort(img, mtx, dist, None, mtx)
# display
cv2.imshow(None, cv2.pyrDown(np.hstack((img,dst))))
cv2.waitKey(0); cv2.destroyAllWindows()
摄像头Camera 标定Calibration原理Theory