Given two nodes in a binary tree (with parent pointer available), find their lowest common ancestor.
There is parent pointer for the nodes in the binary tree
The given two nodes are not guaranteed to be in the binary tree
/ \
9 12
/ \ \
2 3 14
The lowest common ancestor of 2 and 14 is 5
The lowest common ancestor of 2 and 9 is 9
The lowest common ancestor of 2 and 8 is null (8 is not in the tree)
/** * public class TreeNodeP { * public int key; * public TreeNodeP left; * public TreeNodeP right; * public TreeNodeP parent; * public TreeNodeP(int key, TreeNodeP parent) { * this.key = key; * this.parent = parent; * } * } */ public class Solution { public TreeNodeP lowestCommonAncestor(TreeNodeP one, TreeNodeP two) { // Write your solution here. int aLen = getHeight(one); int bLen = getHeight(two); if (aLen >= bLen) { return getLCANode(aLen - bLen, one, two); } else { return getLCANode(bLen - aLen, two, one); } } private int getHeight(TreeNodeP node) { int len = 0; while (node != null) { node = node.parent; len += 1; } return len; } private TreeNodeP getLCANode(int diff, TreeNodeP node, TreeNodeP other) { while (diff > 0) { node = node.parent; diff -= 1; } while (node != other) { node = node.parent; other = other.parent; } return node; } }
[Algo] 127. Lowest Common Ancestor II