//linear list described by linear //线性表:由同类型数据元素构成有序序列的线性结构 //表头、表尾、无元素称空表、元素个数称表的长度。 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------第一部分-introduction //a struct for polynomial typedef struct PolyNode *Polynomial; struct PolyNode{ int coef; //the coeffcient int expon; // the exponential Polynomial link; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //for linear list, we have the following operations. // List MakeEmpty() 初始化一个空线性表L; // ElementType FindKth(int K, List L) 根据位序K,返回相应元素; // int Find(ElementType X, List L) 在线性表L中查找X的第一次出现位置 // viod Insert(ElementType X, int i, List L) 在位序i前插入一个新元素X; // viod Delete(int i, List L) 删除指定位序i的元素; // int Length(List L) 返回线性表L的长度n; // now let‘s realize it ! //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------第二部分-使用数组 //利用数组的连续存储空间顺序存放线性表的各元素 #define MAXSIZE 100 typedef struct Node *List;; struct LNode{ ElementType Data[MAXSIZE]; int Last; }; struct LNode L; List PtrL; // initialize the orlder table---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List MakeEmpty() { List PtrL; PtrL = (List)malloc(sizeof(struct LNode)); //malloc a memory space Ptrl->Last = -1; //let the last value initialize to -1, means no elememt return PtrL; // if the last value = 0, means have a element at the first site } //search the element ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int Find(ElementType X, List PtrL) { int i= 0; while(i <= PtrL->Last && PtrL->Data[i]!= X) i++; if(i > PtrL->Last) return -1; else return i;//if not find, goto the next untill retune -1, or return i } //insert the element ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Insert(ElementType X, int i, List PtrL) { int i; if(PtrL->Last == MAXSIZE-1){ //cheak whether the list is full printf("full"); return; } if(i<1||i>PtrL->Last+2){ //the element must have a valid position number printf("illegal position"); return; } for(j = PtrL->Last;j >= i-1;j--) //translate from the back to front { PtrL->Data[j+1] = PtrL->Data[j]; } PtrL->Data[i-1] = x; //insert it at x-1 PtrL->Last++; // last point the last value return; } //delete the element ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void Delete(int i, List PtrL) { int j; if(i<1||i>PtrL->Last+1){ //validity cheach printf("%dth element inexitence",i); return; } for(j=i;j<=PtrL->last;j++) PtrL->Data[j-1] = PtrL->Data[j]; //translate the elements PtrL->Last--; return; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------第三部分-使用链表 //linked list 通过链表存储 //不要求逻辑上相邻的两个元素物理上也相邻。 //插入与删除不需要移动数据元素,只需要修改链 typedef struct Node *List;; struct LNode{ ElementType Data; list Next; }; struct LNode L; List PtrL; //the length of list ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int Length(List PtrL) { List p = PtrL; //p point the first node of this list int j = 0; while(p){ p = p->Next; j++ //current p point the j th node } return j; } //find by value ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List Find(ElementType X, List PtrL) { List p = PtrL; while(p!=NULL && p->Data!=X) p = p->Next; return p; } //find by the serial number -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List FindKth(int L, List PtrL) { List p = PtrL; int i = 1; while(p != NULL && i<K){ // i = K, mean we find it, or p is null p = p->Next; i++ } if(i == K) return p; //find K th else return NULL; // or don‘t find it } //insert ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List Insert(ElementType X, int i, List PtrL) { List p, s; if(i == 1){ //the new node insert into the list head s = (List)malloc(sizeof(struct LNode)); //malloc a space for this new s->Data = X; s->Next = PtrL; return s; } p = FindKth(i-1, PtrL); //find the i-1 th node if(p == NULL){ printf("parameter i invalid"); return NULL; } else{ s = (List)malloc(sizeof(struct LNode)); s->Data = X; s->Next = p->Next; //let new i th point to i+1 p->Next = s; //let i-1 th point new i th return PtrL; // the above operations cannot converse! or, s->Next point s! } } //delete ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List Delete(int i, List PtrL){ List p, s; if(i==1){ //if the first node will be delete, easy! s= PtrL; if(PtrL != NULL) PtrL = PtrL->Next; } p = FindKth(i-1, PtrL); //find the i-1 the node if(p == NULL){ //if i-1 is null printf("%d th node inexistence",i-1); return NULL; } else if (p->Next == NULL){ //if i is null printf("%d th node inexistence",i); return NULL; } else{ // if valid, let the i-1 th node point the i+1 s = p->Next; // in order to free it convenience! or, we can‘t find it! p->Next = s->Next; free(s); return PtrL; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//第四部分-广义表与多重链表 //广义表, 是线性表的推广 typedef struct GNode *Glist; struct GNode{ int Tag; //标识域Tag, 0表示结点为单元素和1表示结点为广义表 union{ //子表指针域Sublist与单元素数据域Data复用 ElementType Data; GList SubList; }URegion; GList Next; //指向后继结点 }; //多重链表 //标识域Tag, 区分头结点(Head)和非0元素结点(Term)