这里首先看一下mysql官网文档对于使用的mysql驱动的说明:https://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-j/5.1/en/connector-j-reference-charsets.html 对于驱动版本有明确要求。
Notes For Connector/J 5.1.46 and earlier: In order to use the utf8mb4 character set for the connection,
the server MUST be configured with character_set_server=utf8mb4; if that is not the case,
when UTF-8 is used for characterEncoding in the connection string, it will map to the MySQL character set name utf8,
which is an alias for utf8mb3.
则在连接字符串中使用UTF-8进行字符编码时,它将映射到MySQL字符集名称utf8,这是utf8mb3的别名。 For Connector/J 5.1.47 and later: When UTF-8 is used for characterEncoding in the connection string, it maps to the MySQL character set name utf8mb4.
当UTF-8用于连接字符串中的字符编码时,它将映射到MySQL字符集名称utf8mb4。 If the connection option connectionCollation is also set alongside characterEncoding and is incompatible with it,
characterEncoding will be overridden with the encoding corresponding to connectionCollation. Because there is no Java-style character set name for utfmb3 that you can use with the connection option charaterEncoding,
the only way to use utf8mb3 as your connection character set is to use a utf8mb3 collation (for example, utf8_general_ci) for the connection option connectionCollation,
which forces a utf8mb3 character set to be used, as explained in the last bullet.
因此使用utf8mb3作为连接字符集的唯一方法是对连接选项connection collation使用utf8mb3排序规则(例如,utf8_general_ci),
[client] default-character-set=utf8mb4 [mysql] default-character-set=utf8mb4 [mysqld] character-set-server=utf8mb4 collation-server=utf8mb4_general_ci