USE [PIS] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[SynchronizePDI] Script Date: 2020/3/28 20:54:51 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: <Author,,Name> -- Create date: <Create Date,,> -- Description: <Description,,> -- ============================================= ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[SynchronizePDI] AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure here IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM tempdb..sysobjects WHERE id=object_id(‘tempdb..#tempTableName‘)) DROP TABLE #tempTableName SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Id) AS TABLEINDEX,TableName,SynchronizeServer,SynchronizeTableName,PrimaryColumn INTO #tempTableName FROM SynchronizePDISetting t DECLARE @tableIndex INT =1,@maxTableIndex INT=0,@tableName nvarchar(100)=‘‘,@SynchronizeServer nvarchar(100)=‘‘,@SynchronizeTableName nvarchar(100)=‘‘,@PrimaryColumn nvarchar(100)=‘‘ SELECT @tableIndex=MIN(TABLEINDEX),@maxTableIndex=MAX(TABLEINDEX) FROM #tempTableName WHILE(@tableIndex<=@maxTableIndex) BEGIN SELECT @tableName=TableName,@SynchronizeServer=SynchronizeServer,@SynchronizeTableName = SynchronizeTableName,@PrimaryColumn=PrimaryColumn FROM #tempTableName WHERE TABLEINDEX=@tableIndex DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(4000),@maxId int IF object_id(@tableName,N‘U‘) IS NULL BEGIN exec (‘ select * into ‘+@tableName+‘ from ‘+@SynchronizeServer+‘.‘+ @SynchronizeTableName) END ELSE BEGIN Set @SQL=‘select @maxId = max(id) from ‘+@tableName print @SQL exec sp_executesql @SQL,N‘@maxId int output‘,@maxId output Set @SQL= ‘ insert into ‘+@tableName +‘ select * from ‘+@SynchronizeServer+‘.‘+ @SynchronizeTableName +‘ where id >‘+ convert(nvarchar(200),@maxId) +‘;‘ print @SQL exec (@SQL) END --删除重复数据 Set @SQL= ‘ delete from ‘+@tableName +‘ where id not in (select max(id) from ‘+@tableName +‘ group by ‘+ @PrimaryColumn+‘);‘ print @SQL exec (@SQL) SET @tableIndex=@tableIndex+1 END END