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第2章 类模板:2.6 局部特化

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2.6 Partial Specialization

2.6 局部特化


Class templates can be partially specialized. You can provide special implementations for particular circumstances, but some template parameters must still be defined by the user. For example, we can define a special implementation of class Stack<> for pointers:


#include "stack1.hpp"

template<typename T>
class Stack<T*> {
    std::vector<T*> elems; // elements
    void push(T*); // push element
    T* pop(); // pop element
    T* top() const; // return top element
    bool empty() const { // return whether the stack is empty
        return elems.empty();

template<typename T>
void Stack<T*>::push (T* elem)
    elems.push_back(elem); // append copy of passed elem

template<typename T>
T* Stack<T*>::pop ()
    T* p = elems.back();
    elems.pop_back(); //删除最后一个元素
    return p; // 然后返回它(不像一般的情况)

template<typename T>
T* Stack<T*>::top () const
    return elems.back(); // return copy of last element



template<typename T>
class Stack<T*> {


we define a class template, still parameterized for T but specialized for a pointer(Stack<T*>).

通过template<typename T> class<T*>{},我们定义了一个模板参数为T的类模板,但使用的是指针类型来特化(Stack<T*>)。


Note again that the specialization might provide a (slightly) different interface. Here, for example, pop() returns the stored pointer, so that a user of the class template can call delete for the removed value, when it was created with new:


Stack< int*> ptrStack; // stack of pointers (特化实现)
ptrStack.push(new int{42});
std::cout << *ptrStack.top() << ’\n’;

delete ptrStack.pop();


Partial Specialization with Multiple Parameters



Class templates might also specialize the relationship between multiple template parameters. For example, for the following class template:


template<typename T1, typename T2>
class MyClass {

the following partial specializations are possible:


// 局部特化:两个模板参数的类型相同
template<typename T>
class MyClass<T,T> {

// 局部特化:第2个参数为int
template<typename T>
class MyClass<T,int> {

// 局部特化:两个模板参数都是指针类型
template<typename T1, typename T2>
class MyClass<T1*,T2*> {

The following examples show which template is used by which declaration:


MyClass< int, float> mif; //使用 MyClass<T1,T2>
MyClass< float, float> mff; //使用 MyClass<T,T>
MyClass< float, int> mfi; // 使用 MyClass<T,int>
MyClass< int*, float*> mp; // 使用 MyClass<T1*,T2*>

If more than one partial specialization matches equally well, the declaration is ambiguous:


MyClass< int, int> m; // 错误:匹配MyClass<T,T>和MyClass<T,int>
MyClass< int*, int*> m; //错误:匹配MyClass<T,T> 和 MyClass<T1*,T2*>

To resolve the second ambiguity, you could provide an additional partial specialization for pointers of the same type:


template<typename T>
class MyClass<T*,T*> {

For details of partial specialization, see Section 16.4 on page 347.


第2章 类模板:2.6 局部特化


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