方法一:递归 最坏O(N^2)
class Solution: def verifyPostorder(self, postorder: List[int]) -> bool: def recur(i,j): if i >= j:return True p = i while postorder[p] < postorder[j] : p += 1 m = p while postorder[p] > postorder[j] : p += 1 return p == j and recur(i,m - 1) and recur(m,j - 1) return recur(0,len(postorder) - 1)
方法二:辅助单调栈 O(N)
class Solution: def verifyPostorder(self, postorder: List[int]) -> bool: stack ,root = [],float("inf") for i in range(len(postorder) - 1,-1, -1): if postorder[i] > root:return False while(stack and postorder[i] < stack[-1]): root = stack.pop() stack.append(postorder[i]) return True