First we need to create the various topics, depending on the partition count and replicas:
kafka-topics --bootstrap-server ${BOOTSTRAP} --create --topic test-rep-one --partitions 6 --replication-factor 1 kafka-topics --bootstrap-server ${BOOTSTRAP} --create --topic test-rep-three --partitions 6 --replication-factor 3 kafka-topics --bootstrap-server ${BOOTSTRAP} --create --topic test-7k --partitions 18 --replication-factor 3
Kafka ships with two handy scripts you can use to test your cluster, kafka-producer-perf-test and kafka-consumer-perf-test
Single producer, no consumer, no replication | 1 628 081 msg/sec (155.27 MB/sec) |
Single producer, no consumer, 3x async replication | 1 463 136 msg/sec (140.46 MB/sec) |
Single producer, no consumer, 3x syncronous replication | 1 226 439 msg/sec (125.11 MB/sec) |
3 producers, no consumer, 3 asynchronous replication | 3 960 110 msg/sec (377.69 MB/sec) |
No producer, single consumer | 4 096 100 msg/sec (390.63 MB/sec) |
No producer, three consumers | 11 813 321 msg/sec (1125 MB/sec) |
At this point we‘ve duplicated the testing with the original tests done, hopefully with much improved numbers.
However, as the tests were done with 100 byte records, the tests were re-run with 7KB records and optimised Kafka settings (larger Heap size at 8GB, larger batch sizes and some snappy compression applied).
6 producers, no consumers, 3x async replication (larger batch sizes, snappy compression) | 1 070 970 msg/sec (7321 MB/sec) |
0 producers, 6 consumers | 963 071 msg/sec (6896 MB/sec) |
Over 1 million messages a second, reading and writing 7kb per message. We‘ve reached the networking limit!
The commands used for each test if you would like to reproduce yourself:
Test 1: kafka-producer-perf-test --topic test-rep-one --num-records 50000000 --record-size 100 --throughput -1 --producer-props acks=0 bootstrap.servers=${BOOTSTRAP} Test 2: kafka-producer-perf-test --topic test-rep-three --num-records 50000000 --record-size 100 --throughput -1 --producer-props acks=0 bootstrap.servers=${BOOTSTRAP} Test 3: kafka-producer-perf-test --topic test-rep-three --num-records 50000000 --record-size 100 --throughput -1 --producer-props acks=1 bootstrap.servers=${BOOTSTRAP} Test 4 (run three instances in parallel, one on each node): kafka-producer-perf-test --topic test-rep-three --num-records 50000000 --record-size 100 --throughput -1 --producer-props acks=0 bootstrap.servers=${BOOTSTRAP} Test 5: kafka-consumer-perf-test --broker-list ${BOOTSTRAP} --messages 50000000 --topic test-rep-three --threads 1 --timeout 60000 --print-metrics --num-fetch-threads 6 Test 6 (run three instances in parallel, one on each node): kafka-consumer-perf-test --broker-list ${BOOTSTRAP} --messages 50000000 --topic test-rep-three --threads 1 --timeout 60000 --print-metrics --num-fetch-threads 6 Test 7 (run a producer on each node, including the Kafka brokers): kafka-producer-perf-test --topic test-7k --num-records 50000000 --record-size 7168 --throughput -1 --producer-props acks=0 bootstrap.servers=${BOOTSTRAP} compression.type=snappy Test 8 (run a consumer on each node, including the Kafka brokers): kafka-consumer-perf-test --broker-list ${BOOTSTRAP} --messages 50000000 --topic test-7k --threads 1 --timeout 60000 --print-metrics --num-fetch-threads 18
kafka2.3性能测试:Kafka 2.3 Performance testing