Monica and a boy are in bed after they make love.
Boy: Wow.
Monica: You keep saying that.
Boy: You know, you read about it. You see it in the movies. even you practice it at home.
oh man, It is nothing like that.
Monica: you told me something that is really diffcult for you.
well, I figure if you can be honest, then I can do.
Boy: God, don‘t tell me I did it wrong.
Monica: No, no, nothing wrong about that.
Okay, there go, I am not 22. I am 25 and 13 months.
Boy: Hey.
Monica: But I figure, you know, that shouldn‘t change anything.
I mean, what the hell is matter how old we are?
Boy: Listen, as long as we‘re telling stuff, I have another one for you.
I am a little younger than I said.
Monica: you are not a senior?
Boy: I am senior in high school.
Monica: what we did was wrong.
Oh God. I just had sex with someone who wasn‘t alive during the bicentennial(两百周年).
Boy: I just had sex.
Monica: Ethan, focus, how could you not tell me?
Ethan: you never told me how old you are.
Monica: That‘s different. My lie didn‘t make one of us a felon in 48 states.
what were you thinking?
Ethan: I wasn‘t thinking. I was too busying falling...
Monica: Don‘t say it.
Ethan: love with you.
Monica: really? Well, fall out of it.(放弃)
You know, you shouldn‘t even be here. It‘s a school night.
Oh, god, oh god, I‘m like those woman that you see with shiny(闪亮) guys named Chad(人名).
I am Joan Collins(一个人).
Ross: Ok, Andre should be there in about 45 minutes. Alright bye bye.
It‘s just easier that way.
Chandler: Oh come on. You tell me about your last dream.
Rachel: No, forget it.
Chandler: Why not? Was I doing something particularly saucy(俏皮).
Rachel: All right, fine. emm. Well, you were the not only one there.
Joey was there.
Ross : Was there... anybody else there?
Rachel: no
Ross: Are you sure? Nobody, handing out(分发) mints(薄荷糖) or anything?
Rachel: It was just three of us.
Joey: So tell me, was it like you and Chandler and then you and me or you and me and Chandler?
Rachel: You know what? There were times...when it wasn‘t even me.
Phoebe: That is so sweet you guys.
Rachel: Hi Mo, Ethan called again.
Monica: waht?
Rachel: Hi Mo, Ethan called again.
Ross: you are not seeing him anymore.
Monica: No, somethimes just things don‘t work out.
Chandler: And this has nothing to do with(和什么无关) the fact that he needs a note to get out of gym?
Rachel: I didn‘t say any...I did not say anything, I swear(发誓). He stoped by(跑过来看你).
Joey: Listen, next time you talk to him...could you ask hime which one the strongest Power Ranger(强力游侠)is?
Monica: My life is just so amusing. Can we drop it now?
All: sorry, sorry.
Phoebe: Oh, I gotta go. wow, head rush(头晕). one more. then I have to go. cool.
Rachel: where are you going?
Phoebe: Oh I get a birthday party with some work people.
Chandler: wrok people? nobody tell me?
Phoebe: Know, I know. That‘s part of whole, you know, them are liking you extravaganza(夸张的内容).
Chandler: Know what? I didn‘t get thist. A month ago, these people were my friends.
you know I mean, just because I‘m in charge(转了管理人), doesn‘t mean I‘m a different person.
Phoebe: Then you should come tonight, you know, just hang out with them.
Let them see what a great guy you still are.
Chandler: you think I should?
Phoebe: Really do. yeah.
Ok, Can we not go together?
I don‘t wanna be the geek who invited to the boss, you know?
Chandler: I think last night was great.
You know, the karaok thing(卡拉ok)? Tracy(翠西,人名) and I doing "Ebony and Ivory"(黑檀木和白象牙,歌名)?
Phoebe: Great, But they make fun of you.
Now you are more like Mr.Caring-Boss. Mr. "I‘m one of you" Boss. Mr."I wanna be you buddy" Boss man Bing.
Chandler: Then I don‘t get it.
Phoebe: Well, you know what, Chandler? I think you just gotta face it.
You‘re, like, the guy in the big office, you know?
You‘re the one that hires them and fires them.
They still say you‘re a great boss.
Chandler: They do?
Phoebe: But they‘re not you friend any more.
Chandler: But I just want to...
Phoebe: No, but you can‘t.
Ross: Carol and I have a new system. If she punches(拳打) in "911", it means she‘s having a baby.
otherwis, I just ignore it. What about Andre?
This morning he got a call from what I think was our cousin Nathan.
frankly, There is little more than I needed to know.
Ethen: Hey.
Monica: That was gonna be my opener.
Rachel: Hey, did you guys check out those new hand dryers(干手机) in the bathroom?
Ross: I thought that was just a rumor(传闻). True story.
Ethen: Allright, I gotta tell you something.
I am not 17. I only said that so you‘d think I was cute and vulnerable(脆弱).
I am actually 30. I have wife, I have a job, I am your congressman.
Monica, This is rediculous. We are greate together.
We can talk, we make each other laugh. And the sex.
Okay, I have no frame of reference(参照系), but I thought that was great.
Then, what‘s the problem?
Monica: It‘s icky(肉麻).
Ethen: you‘re actually gonna throw this away because it is icky?
Monica: Look, this isn‘t easy for me either.
I wish things were different. If you were a few years older or I was a few years younger...
or we lived in biblical times(圣经的时代).
I could you.
Ethen: No, don‘t say it.
Ross: Are your hands still wet?
All: They‘re moist(湿), Let dry again.
work people: Or like, "Could these margaritas(玛格丽特) be any stronger?"
Hey, Chandler. Hello, Mr.Bing. Loved your Stevie Wonder last night.
Chandler: Thanks, listen. about the weekly numbers. I am gonna need them on my desk by 9:00.
work people: sure, no problem.
Chandler: you have to give them something, you know?
Okay, that was Gerston, Santos, and who‘s the guy with the mustache胡子?
right, right, some people are gonno be working...this weekend.
Rachel: That‘s nice. Ross.
Ross: I‘m here.
Rachel: You are.
Ross: Great, Now, I am having a baby.(ross drop off)
Rachel: Ross.
Ross: I am hurt.
Monica, let‘s go. come on. People, Wonman in labor(在生了).
Chandler: Hey Ross look what I got going here.
Ross: save it for the cab, Okay?
what are you doing? what are you doing? We are going to a hospital.
Rachel: what, so can I look nice? There might be doctors there.
Ross: Joey, get out of the fridge. All right, all right.
what is that?
Joey: For the ride.
Chandler: like in a cab
Ross: save it.
Monica, come on now. let‘s go. baby coming.
Monica: I can‘t believe that I am gonna have a nephew(侄子).
Ross: That‘s nice, get out.