openresty 获取POST或者GET的请求参数。这个是要用openresty 做接口必须要做的事情。
GET 请求
function _M.get(self) local getArgs = {} getArgs = ngx.req.get_uri_args() return getArgs end
POST(urlencoded) 请求
function _M.post_urlencoded(self) local postArgs = {} postArgs = ngx.req.get_post_args() return postArgs end
POST(form-data) 请求
function _M.split(self,s, delim) if type(delim) ~= "string" or string.len(delim) <= 0 then return nil end local start = 1 local t = {} while true do local pos = string.find (s, delim, start, true) -- plain find if not pos then break end table.insert (t, string.sub (s, start, pos - 1)) start = pos + string.len (delim) end table.insert (t, string.sub (s, start)) return t end
local upload = require "resty.upload" local form, err = upload:new(4096) function _M.post_form_data(self,form,err) if not form then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to new upload: ", err) return {} end form:set_timeout(1000) -- 1 sec local paramTable = {["s"]=1} local tempkey = "" while true do local typ, res, err = form:read() if not typ then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to read: ", err) return {} end local key = "" local value = "" if typ == "header" then local key_res = _M:split(res[2],";") key_res = key_res[2] key_res = _M:split(key_res,"=") key = (string.gsub(key_res[2],"\"","")) paramTable[key] = "" tempkey = key end if typ == "body" then value = res if paramTable.s ~= nil then paramTable.s = nil end paramTable[tempkey] = value end if typ == "eof" then break end end return paramTable end args = _M:post_form_data(form, err)