apt-get install mutt offlineimap getmail4 procmail msmtp
修改配置文件 ~/.muttrc
set mbox_type=Maildir set folder=$HOME/.mail set spoolfile=~/.mail/ set header_cache=~/.mail/.hcache
$ mkdir -p ~/.mail/{cur,new,tmp}
[general] accounts = myaccount # change to whatever you want ui = Curses.Blinkenlights # Gives you a nice blinky output on the console so you know what‘s happening. # ui = Noninteractive.Quiet # If uncommented, this would show nothing at all. Great for cronjobs or background-processes [Account myaccount] localrepository = mylocal # Profile-Name for the local Mails for a given Account remoterepository = myremote # Profile-Name for the remote Mails for a given Account autorefresh = 5 # fetches your mails every 5 Minutes [Repository mylocal] type = Maildir # Way of storing Mails locally. Only Maildir is currently supported localfolders = ~/Mail # Place where the synced Mails should be [Repository myremote] type = IMAP # Type of remote Mailbox. Only IMAP is supported right now. remotehost = imap.myhost.com # Where to connect ssl = yes # Whether to use SSL or not # remoteport = 993 # Would specify a port if uncommented. That way, it just tries to use a default-port remoteuser = myremoteusername # Login-Name remotepass = myremotepassword # Login-Password. -- ACHTUNG! Of course, this is not too safe. Make sure that the file is readable only by you. Even better: use some of the suggestions in the OfflineIMAP-Manual to make it safer.编辑~/.getmail/getmailrc
[retriever] type = SimplePOP3SSLRetriever server = pop.gmail.com username = username@gmail.com port = 995 password = password [destination] type = Maildir path = ~/.mail/inbox/
现在可以运行getmail了。如果它正常工作,可以为getmail创建一个计划任务Cron,让它每隔一段时间就运行一次。 此设置可以每隔三十分钟,运行一次getmail。
$ crontab -e $ */30 * * * * /usr/bin/getmail
# Accounts will inherit settings from this section defaults auth on tls on tls_trust_file /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/Thawte_Premium_Server_CA.crt # A first gmail address account gmail host smtp.gmail.com port 587 from username@gmail.com user username@gmail.com password password tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt # A second gmail address account gmail2 : gmail from username2@gmail.com user username2@gmail.com password password2
[destination] type = MDA_external path = /usr/bin/procmail
具体参见archlinux wiki
mutt + getmail + msmtp + procmail配置