select * from student
select * from teacher
select * from course
select * from score
--1、 查询Student表中的所有记录的Sname、Ssex和Class列。
select Sname,Ssex,Class from student
--2、 查询教师所有的单位即不重复的Depart列。用distinct去重
select distinct depart from teacher
--3、 查询Student表的所有记录。
select *from student
--4、 查询Score表中成绩在60到80之间的所有记录。用between也可以用大于小于来做
select *from score where degree between 60 and 80
--5、 查询Score表中成绩为85,86或88的记录。用in来取离散的值
select *from score where degree in (85,86,88)
--6、 查询Student表中“95031”班或性别为“女”的同学记录。
select *from student where class=‘95031‘ or ssex=‘女‘
--7、 以Class降序查询Student表的所有记录。
select *from student order by class desc
--8、 以Cno升序、Degree降序查询Score表的所有记录。
select *from score order by cno,degree desc
--9、 查询“95031”班的学生人数。count(*)统计函数统计有几个值
select count (*)from student where class=‘95031‘
第一种方法:按分数排序,取top 1也就是取最高的
select top 1 sno,cno from score order by degree desc
select sno,cno from score where degree=
(select max(degree)from score)
select AVG(degree)from score where cno=‘3-105‘
select AVG(degree)from score where cno like ‘3%‘ group by cno having count(*)>=5
select sno from score group by sno having MAX(degree)<90 and MIN(degree)>70
select sname,cno,degree from student
join score on student.sno= score.sno
select sno,cname,degree from score
join course on score.cno=course.cno
select sname,cname,degree
from student
join score on score .sno=student.sno
join course on score .cno=course.cno
select AVG(degree)from score
join student on student .sno=score .sno
where class=‘95033‘
select cno,avg(degree)from score where sno in
(select student.sno
from score
join student on student .sno=score .sno
where class=‘95033‘) group by cno
select * from grade
create table grade(low int,upp int,rank varchar(1))
insert into grade values(90,100,‘A‘)
insert into grade values(80,89,‘B‘)
insert into grade values(70,79,‘C‘)
insert into grade values(60,69,‘D‘)
insert into grade values(0,59,‘E‘)
select sno,cno,rank from score
join grade on degree between low and upp
select *from student where sno in(
select sno from score where cno=‘3-105‘ and degree>
(select degree from score where cno=‘3-105‘and sno=‘109‘))
select *from score a where sno in
select sno from score group by sno having COUNT(*)>1
and degree not in
select MAX(degree) from score b where a.cno=b.cno group by cno
select *from score where degree>
(select degree from score where cno=‘3-105‘and sno=‘109‘)
select sno,sname,sbirthday from student where year(sbirthday) =
(select year(sbirthday) from student where sno=‘108‘)
select *from score
join course on course.cno=score.cno
join teacher on course.tno=teacher.tno
where teacher.tname=‘张旭‘
select tname from teacher
join course on teacher.tno=course.tno
where course.cno in(
select cno from score group by cno having COUNT(*)>5 )
select *from student where class=‘95033‘or class=‘95031‘