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OO 第三单元总结

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OO 第三单元总结

JML 语言概述


JML 的理论基础是按契约设计(Design by Contract)。[1]

Design By Contract (DbC) is a software correctness methodology. It uses preconditions and postconditions to document (or programmatically assert) the change in state caused by a piece of a program. Design by Contract is a trademarked term of Bertrand Meyer and implemented in his Eiffel language as assertions.

按契约设计实际上不是 JML 首创,但是 OO 用到的是 Java,所以 JML 应该是一种比较容易引入的规约语言。首创按契约设计的是 Eiffel 语言,这种语言也普及化了契约式设计的思想。[2]

JML 官方文档给了 JML 的三大组成部分。[3]

The Java Modeling Language (JML) is a behavioral interface specification language that can be used to specify the behavior of Java modules. It combines the design by contract approach of Eiffel and the model-based specification approach of the Larch family of interface specification languages, with some elements of the refinement calculus.

实际上,Larch 语言家族一开始是基于 Hoare 的工作。Hoare 率先提出了前置条件和后置条件的思想,以及 ADT 的思想。但是 Hoare 的工作过于理论,需要程序编写者掌握一定的数学知识。JML 吸收的另一部分,是从 VDM 一类语言中吸收的用基本的数学工具建构规约的思想,但是这也需要数学知识。因此 JML 结合了 Eiffel 内置的规约特性,使得规格更加方便编写。[3:1]

总之,JML 是结合 Hoare 的前置条件、后置条件、ADT 的思想,以及 VDM 语言用预定义的数据类型构造抽象数据类型的思想,同时还有 Eiffel 语言内置规约特性的思想。这三大思想结合在一起,使得 JML 具有理论优美性,也具有实用性。


类型 工具名称 官方网站 情况
静态检查器 ESC/Java http://jmlspecs.sourceforge.net/ 通过 JML 进行静态检查;
可以与 SMT Solver 和 Eclipse 集成;
不支持 Java 8
检查器 OpenJML http://www.openjml.org/ 通过 JML 进行静态检查和动态检查;
可以与 SMT Solver 和 Eclipse 集成;
功能较为完善、支持 Jav
前端 JML Launcher http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/~leavens/JML-release/docs/man/jml-launcher.html 是官方 JML 工具链的前端;
不支持 Java 8
编译器 jmlc http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/~leavens/JML-release/docs/man/jmlc.html 可以根据 JML 的注解编译出运行时动态根据 JML 进行检查的程序;
不支持 Java 8
文档管理器 jmldoc <www.eecs.ucf.edu/~leavens/JML-release/docs/man/jmldoc.html> 可以根据 JML 的注解生成类似 Javadoc 的文档;
不支持 Java 8
编译器 jmle http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/~leavens/JML-release/docs/man/jmle.html 可以根据 JML 的注解,直接生成程序,真实代码会被忽略;
不支持 Java 8
运行环境 jmlrac http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/~leavens/JML-release/docs/man/jmlrac.html 自动载入 JML 运行时检查需要的库
运行环境 jmlre http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/~leavens/JML-release/docs/man/jmlre.html 自动载入 jmle 编译后的程序运行时需要的库
代码生成器 jmlspec http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/~leavens/JML-release/docs/man/jmlspec.html 通过 Java 源代码自动生成 JML
前端 jmlspec-gui http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/~leavens/JML-release/docs/man/jmlspec.html jmlspec 的前端
前端 jml-gui http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/~leavens/JML-release/docs/man/jmlc.html ESC/Java 的前端
前端 jmlc-gui http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/~leavens/JML-release/docs/man/jmldoc.html jmlc 的前端
代码生成器 jmlunit http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/~leavens/JML-release/docs/man/jmlunit.html 通过 JML 的注解自动生成测试代码;
不支持 Java 8
编译器 jtest http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/~leavens/JML-release/docs/man/jtest.html 结合 JML 运行时检查和 JUnit 单元测试的工具;
不支持 Java 8
运行环境 jml-junit http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/~leavens/JML-release/docs/man/jml-junit.html 运行带 JML 运行时检查的 JUnit 单元测试的工具;
不支持 Java 8
代码生成器 Daikon http://plse.cs.washington.edu/daikon/ 通过动态运行程序,自动检测出代码中的不变式,支持 JML 生成
静态检查器 KeY https://www.key-project.org/ Java 程序的形式验证器,使用 JML
静态检查器 Krakatoa http://krakatoa.lri.fr/ Java 和 C 程序的形式验证器,使用 JML
动态检查器 TACO http://www.dc.uba.ar/inv/grupos/rfm_folder/TACO 通过运行程序并将其转换成中间语言,实现对 JML 规格的验证
静态检查器 VerCors Toolset https://fmt.ewi.utwente.nl/redmine/projects/vercors-verifier/wiki 通过 JML 静态验证程序
代码生成器 JMLUnitNG https://github.com/FreeAndFair/JMLUnitNG 通过 JML 生成 JUnit 测试程序

部署 SMT Solver


通过 OpenJML + z3 进行测试。z3 是微软开发的 SMT Solver,开发历史较早、有大公司支持,而且是 OpenJML 自带的 SMT Solver。[4]

OpenJML 在最新版的 JDK 1.8.0_241 下无法运行,需要把 JDK 降级到 1.8.0_102 版本。

z3 使用 OpenJML 自带的版本也可以,也可以去它的 Github 主页下载。[4:1]


通过 /path/to/jdk/bin/java -jar /path/to/openjml.jar -prover z3 -exec /path/to/z3/binary/z3-version -esc /path/to/Source.java 运行。其中对应的路径需要填空。


警告: An internal JML error occurred, possibly recoverable.  Please report the bug with as much information as you can.
  Reason: Last resort loading of extensions

如果需要调试,也可以在运行的命令行参数里加上 -trace -subexpressions

如果长时间没有响应,可以试试更换 z3 版本。

实际上 -esc 是程序代码静态检查。还有 -check-rac,分别是 JML 语法和运行时检查。



警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (ArithmeticOperationRange) in method ...


在主要方法上用 OpenJML 和 SMT Prover 验证

MyPerson 各方法

选择 MyPerson.java 进行验证,在运行时不仅要加上 MyPerson.java,还要加上 Person.java

MyPerson.java:65: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (ExceptionalPostcondition: Person.java:65: 注: ) in method compareTo
        return this.name.compareTo(Objects.requireNonNull(p2).getName());
Person.java:65: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPerson.java:65: 注: 
      @ public normal_behavior

TRACE of com.oocourse.spec1.main.MyPerson.compareTo(com.oocourse.spec1.main.Person)
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null && java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null) || java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null && java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null) || java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         requires p2 != null; 
                        VALUE: p2        === REF!val!59
                        VALUE: null      === NULL
                        VALUE: p2 != null        === true
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         requires o != null; 
                        VALUE: o         === REF!val!59
                        VALUE: null      === NULL
                        VALUE: o != null         === true
MyPerson.java:65: 注:         return this.name.compareTo(Objects.requireNonNull(p2).getName());
                        VALUE: this.name         === REF!val!41
                        VALUE: p2        === REF!val!59
                        VALUE: Objects.requireNonNull(p2)        === REF!val!59
                        VALUE: Objects.requireNonNull(p2).getName()      === NULL
                        VALUE: this.name.compareTo(Objects.requireNonNull(p2).getName())         === ( - 2147483649 )
MyPerson.java:6: 注:          PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: THIS != null
MyPerson.java:65: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _JML_METHODEF__java_util_Objects_requireNonNull_1803(_JML__tmp1078)
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__15
MyPerson.java:65: 注:         PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp1101 != null
MyPerson.java:65: 注:         Exception thrown by getName()
                        VALUE: _JML___exceptionCall      === REF!val!74
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         Terminated with exception
                        VALUE: _JML___exception  === REF!val!74
MyPerson.java:1: 注:          signals () false; 
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         ExceptionalPostcondition assertion: !Pre_16 || false
MyPerson.java:65: 注:  Invalid assertion (ExceptionalPostcondition)
: Person.java:65: 注:  Associated location

MyPerson.java:65: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition: Person.java:66: 注: ) in method compareTo
        return this.name.compareTo(Objects.requireNonNull(p2).getName());
Person.java:66: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPerson.java:65: 注: 
      @ ensures \result == name.compareTo(p2.getName());

TRACE of com.oocourse.spec1.main.MyPerson.compareTo(com.oocourse.spec1.main.Person)
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null && java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null) || java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null && java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null) || java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         requires p2 != null; 
                        VALUE: p2        === REF!val!54
                        VALUE: null      === NULL
                        VALUE: p2 != null        === true
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         requires o != null; 
                        VALUE: o         === REF!val!54
                        VALUE: null      === NULL
                        VALUE: o != null         === true
MyPerson.java:65: 注:         return this.name.compareTo(Objects.requireNonNull(p2).getName());
                        VALUE: this.name         === REF!val!40
                        VALUE: p2        === REF!val!54
                        VALUE: Objects.requireNonNull(p2)        === REF!val!54
                        VALUE: Objects.requireNonNull(p2).getName()      === REF!val!58
                        VALUE: this.name.compareTo(Objects.requireNonNull(p2).getName())         === 1
MyPerson.java:6: 注:          PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: THIS != null
MyPerson.java:65: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _JML_METHODEF__java_util_Objects_requireNonNull_1803(_JML__tmp1078)
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__15
MyPerson.java:65: 注:         PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp1101 != null
MyPerson.java:25: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1105 && _JML__tmp1101.name != null) || _JML__tmp1111 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__17
MyPerson.java:6: 注:          PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp1156 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1156.charArray != null && _JML__tmp1102 != null) || _JML__tmp1102 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__19
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1183 && _JML__tmp1170 != null && _JML__tmp1171 != null && _JML__tmp1170 != null) || _JML__tmp1170 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1183 && _JML__tmp1170 != null && _JML__tmp1171 != null && _JML__tmp1170 != null && _JML__tmp1171 != null) || _JML__tmp1171 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1183 && _JML__tmp1170 != null && _JML__tmp1171 != null && _JML__tmp1170 != null && _JML__tmp1171 != null && _JML__tmp1170 != null) || _JML__tmp1170 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1183 && _JML__tmp1170 != null && _JML__tmp1171 != null && _JML__tmp1170 != null) || _JML__tmp1170 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1183 && _JML__tmp1170 != null && _JML__tmp1171 != null && _JML__tmp1171 != null) || _JML__tmp1171 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1183 && _JML__tmp1170 != null && _JML__tmp1171 != null && (_$CPRE__20_1_1 && _$CPRE__20_1_2) && (_$CPRE__20_1_3 && _$CPRE__20_1_4 && _$CPRE__20_1_5 && _$CPRE__20_1_6 && _$CPRE__20_1_7) && _JML__tmp1170 != null) || _JML__tmp1170 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1183 && _JML__tmp1170 != null && _JML__tmp1171 != null && (_$CPRE__20_1_1 && _$CPRE__20_1_2) && (_$CPRE__20_1_3 && _$CPRE__20_1_4 && _$CPRE__20_1_5 && _$CPRE__20_1_6 && _$CPRE__20_1_7 && _$CPRE__20_1_8) && _JML__tmp1171 != null) || _JML__tmp1171 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__20
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(true && (_$CPRE__18_2_1 && _$CPRE__18_2_2) && _JML__tmp1156.charArray != null && _JML__tmp1102 != null) || _JML__tmp1102 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__21
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1287 && _JML__tmp1274 != null && _JML__tmp1275 != null && _JML__tmp1274 != null) || _JML__tmp1274 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1287 && _JML__tmp1274 != null && _JML__tmp1275 != null && _JML__tmp1274 != null && _JML__tmp1275 != null) || _JML__tmp1275 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1287 && _JML__tmp1274 != null && _JML__tmp1275 != null && _JML__tmp1274 != null && _JML__tmp1275 != null && _JML__tmp1274 != null) || _JML__tmp1274 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1287 && _JML__tmp1274 != null && _JML__tmp1275 != null && _JML__tmp1274 != null) || _JML__tmp1274 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1287 && _JML__tmp1274 != null && _JML__tmp1275 != null && _JML__tmp1275 != null) || _JML__tmp1275 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1287 && _JML__tmp1274 != null && _JML__tmp1275 != null && (_$CPRE__22_1_1 && _$CPRE__22_1_2) && (_$CPRE__22_1_3 && _$CPRE__22_1_4 && _$CPRE__22_1_5 && _$CPRE__22_1_6 && _$CPRE__22_1_7) && _JML__tmp1274 != null) || _JML__tmp1274 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1287 && _JML__tmp1274 != null && _JML__tmp1275 != null && (_$CPRE__22_1_1 && _$CPRE__22_1_2) && (_$CPRE__22_1_3 && _$CPRE__22_1_4 && _$CPRE__22_1_5 && _$CPRE__22_1_6 && _$CPRE__22_1_7 && _$CPRE__22_1_8) && _JML__tmp1275 != null) || _JML__tmp1275 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__22
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1156.charArray != null && _JML__tmp1102 != null) || _JML__tmp1102 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__23
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(true && (_$CPRE__18_3_1 && _$CPRE__18_3_2) && _JML__tmp1156.charArray != null && _JML__tmp1102 != null) || _JML__tmp1102 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__24
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1156.charArray != null && _JML__tmp1102 != null) || _JML__tmp1102 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__25
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1156.charArray != null && _JML__tmp1102 != null) || _JML__tmp1102 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__26
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1455 && _JML__tmp1442 != null && _JML__tmp1443 != null && _JML__tmp1442 != null) || _JML__tmp1442 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1455 && _JML__tmp1442 != null && _JML__tmp1443 != null && _JML__tmp1442 != null && _JML__tmp1443 != null) || _JML__tmp1443 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1455 && _JML__tmp1442 != null && _JML__tmp1443 != null && _JML__tmp1442 != null && _JML__tmp1443 != null && _JML__tmp1442 != null) || _JML__tmp1442 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1455 && _JML__tmp1442 != null && _JML__tmp1443 != null && _JML__tmp1442 != null) || _JML__tmp1442 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1455 && _JML__tmp1442 != null && _JML__tmp1443 != null && _JML__tmp1443 != null) || _JML__tmp1443 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1455 && _JML__tmp1442 != null && _JML__tmp1443 != null && (_$CPRE__27_1_1 && _$CPRE__27_1_2) && (_$CPRE__27_1_3 && _$CPRE__27_1_4 && _$CPRE__27_1_5 && _$CPRE__27_1_6 && _$CPRE__27_1_7) && _JML__tmp1442 != null) || _JML__tmp1442 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1455 && _JML__tmp1442 != null && _JML__tmp1443 != null && (_$CPRE__27_1_1 && _$CPRE__27_1_2) && (_$CPRE__27_1_3 && _$CPRE__27_1_4 && _$CPRE__27_1_5 && _$CPRE__27_1_6 && _$CPRE__27_1_7 && _$CPRE__27_1_8) && _JML__tmp1443 != null) || _JML__tmp1443 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__27
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(true && (_$CPRE__18_4_1 && _$CPRE__18_4_2) && _JML__tmp1156.charArray != null && _JML__tmp1102 != null) || _JML__tmp1102 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__28
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(true && (_$CPRE__18_4_1 && _$CPRE__18_4_2 && _$CPRE__18_4_3) && _JML__tmp1156.charArray != null && _JML__tmp1102 != null) || _JML__tmp1102 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__29
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1576 && _JML__tmp1563 != null && _JML__tmp1564 != null && _JML__tmp1563 != null) || _JML__tmp1563 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1576 && _JML__tmp1563 != null && _JML__tmp1564 != null && _JML__tmp1563 != null && _JML__tmp1564 != null) || _JML__tmp1564 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1576 && _JML__tmp1563 != null && _JML__tmp1564 != null && _JML__tmp1563 != null && _JML__tmp1564 != null && _JML__tmp1563 != null) || _JML__tmp1563 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1576 && _JML__tmp1563 != null && _JML__tmp1564 != null && _JML__tmp1563 != null) || _JML__tmp1563 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1576 && _JML__tmp1563 != null && _JML__tmp1564 != null && _JML__tmp1564 != null) || _JML__tmp1564 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1576 && _JML__tmp1563 != null && _JML__tmp1564 != null && (_$CPRE__30_1_1 && _$CPRE__30_1_2) && (_$CPRE__30_1_3 && _$CPRE__30_1_4 && _$CPRE__30_1_5 && _$CPRE__30_1_6 && _$CPRE__30_1_7) && _JML__tmp1563 != null) || _JML__tmp1563 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1576 && _JML__tmp1563 != null && _JML__tmp1564 != null && (_$CPRE__30_1_1 && _$CPRE__30_1_2) && (_$CPRE__30_1_3 && _$CPRE__30_1_4 && _$CPRE__30_1_5 && _$CPRE__30_1_6 && _$CPRE__30_1_7 && _$CPRE__30_1_8) && _JML__tmp1564 != null) || _JML__tmp1564 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__30
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         Precondition assertion: _$CPRE__18
MyPerson.java:8: 注:          NullField assertion: _JML__tmp1677
MyPerson.java:9: 注:          NullField assertion: _JML__tmp1681
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(Pre_16 && THIS.name != null && p2 != null) || _JML__tmp1684 != null
MyPerson.java:25: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp1688 && _JML__tmp1684.name != null) || _JML__tmp1693 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__32
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(Pre_16 && THIS.name != null) || _JML__tmp1738 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(Pre_16 && _JML__tmp1738.charArray != null && _JML__tmp1685 != null) || _JML__tmp1685 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__34
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(Pre_16 && (_$CPRE__33_2_1 && _$CPRE__33_2_2) && _JML__tmp1738.charArray != null && _JML__tmp1685 != null) || _JML__tmp1685 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__36
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(Pre_16 && _JML__tmp1738.charArray != null && _JML__tmp1685 != null) || _JML__tmp1685 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__38
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(Pre_16 && (_$CPRE__33_3_1 && _$CPRE__33_3_2) && _JML__tmp1738.charArray != null && _JML__tmp1685 != null) || _JML__tmp1685 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__39
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(Pre_16 && _JML__tmp1738.charArray != null && _JML__tmp1685 != null) || _JML__tmp1685 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__40
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(Pre_16 && _JML__tmp1738.charArray != null && _JML__tmp1685 != null) || _JML__tmp1685 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__41
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(Pre_16 && (_$CPRE__33_4_1 && _$CPRE__33_4_2) && _JML__tmp1738.charArray != null && _JML__tmp1685 != null) || _JML__tmp1685 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__43
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(Pre_16 && (_$CPRE__33_4_1 && _$CPRE__33_4_2 && _$CPRE__33_4_3) && _JML__tmp1738.charArray != null && _JML__tmp1685 != null) || _JML__tmp1685 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__44
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__33
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         ensures \result == name.compareTo(p2.getName()); 
                        VALUE: \result   === 1
                        VALUE: name      === REF!val!58
                        VALUE: p2        === REF!val!54
                        VALUE: p2.getName()      === REF!val!58
                        VALUE: name.compareTo(p2.getName())      === 0
                        VALUE: \result == name.compareTo(p2.getName())   === false
MyPerson.java:65: 注:  Invalid assertion (Postcondition)
: Person.java:66: 注:  Associated location

警告: An internal JML error occurred, possibly recoverable.  Please report the bug with as much information as you can.
  Reason: Last resort loading of extensions
MyPerson.java:44: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (ExceptionalPostcondition: openjml.jar(specs/java/lang/Object.jml):72: 注: ) in method equals
            return (((Person) obj).getId() == getId());
openjml.jar(specs/java/lang/Object.jml):72: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPerson.java:44: 注: 
    /*@  public normal_behavior

TRACE of com.oocourse.spec1.main.MyPerson.equals(java.lang.Object)
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null && java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null) || java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null && java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null) || java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         requires obj != null; 
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         requires this == obj; 
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         requires obj != null && \typeof(this) == \type(Object); 
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         requires obj == null; 
MyPerson.java:55: 注:         requires obj != null; 
                        VALUE: obj       === REF!val!19
                        VALUE: null      === NULL
                        VALUE: obj != null       === true
MyPerson.java:41: 注:         requires obj != null && obj instanceof Person; 
                        VALUE: obj       === REF!val!19
                        VALUE: null      === NULL
                        VALUE: obj != null       === true
                        VALUE: obj       === REF!val!19
                        VALUE: obj instanceof Person     === true
                        VALUE: obj != null && obj instanceof Person      === true
MyPerson.java:55: 注:         requires obj != null; 
                        VALUE: obj       === REF!val!19
                        VALUE: null      === NULL
                        VALUE: obj != null       === true
MyPerson.java:50: 注:         requires obj == null || !(obj instanceof Person); 
                        VALUE: obj       === REF!val!19
                        VALUE: null      === NULL
                        VALUE: obj == null       === false
                        VALUE: obj       === REF!val!19
                        VALUE: obj instanceof Person     === true
                        VALUE: (obj instanceof Person)   === true
                        VALUE: !(obj instanceof Person)  === false
                        VALUE: obj == null || !(obj instanceof Person)   === false
MyPerson.java:41: 注:         if (!(obj instanceof Person)) ...
                        VALUE: obj       === REF!val!19
                        VALUE: obj instanceof Person     === true
                        VALUE: (obj instanceof Person)   === true
                        VALUE: !(obj instanceof Person)  === false
                        VALUE: (!(obj instanceof Person))        === false
                                Condition = false
MyPerson.java:44: 注:         return (((Person)obj).getId() == getId());
                        VALUE: obj       === REF!val!19
                        VALUE: (Person)obj       === REF!val!19
                        VALUE: ((Person)obj)     === REF!val!19
                        VALUE: ((Person)obj).getId()     === 0
                        VALUE: getId()   === 0
                        VALUE: ((Person)obj).getId() == getId()  === true
                        VALUE: (((Person)obj).getId() == getId())        === true
MyPerson.java:44: 注:         PossiblyBadCast assertion: obj == null || obj instanceof com.oocourse.spec1.main.Person
MyPerson.java:44: 注:         PossiblyNullDeReference assertion: _JML__tmp612 != null
MyPerson.java:44: 注:         Exception thrown by getId()
                        VALUE: _JML___exceptionCall      === REF!val!79
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         Terminated with exception
                        VALUE: _JML___exception  === REF!val!79
MyPerson.java:1: 注:          signals () false; 
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         ExceptionalPostcondition assertion: !Pre_6 || false
MyPerson.java:44: 注:  Invalid assertion (ExceptionalPostcondition)
: openjml.jar(specs/java/lang/Object.jml):72: 注:  Associated location

警告: An internal JML error occurred, possibly recoverable.  Please report the bug with as much information as you can.
  Reason: Last resort loading of extensions
警告: An internal JML error occurred, possibly recoverable.  Please report the bug with as much information as you can.
  Reason: Last resort loading of extensions
MyPerson.java:36: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition: Person.java:24: 注: ) in method getAge
        return age;
Person.java:24: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPerson.java:36: 注: 
    //@ ensures \result == age;

TRACE of com.oocourse.spec1.main.MyPerson.getAge()
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null && java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null) || java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null && java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null) || java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null
MyPerson.java:36: 注:         return age;
                        VALUE: age       === ( - 2147483039 )
MyPerson.java:8: 注:          NullField assertion: _JML__tmp511
MyPerson.java:9: 注:          NullField assertion: _JML__tmp515
MyPerson.java:36: 注:         ensures \result == age; 
                        VALUE: \result   === ( - 2147483039 )
                        VALUE: age       === ( - 2147483038 )
                        VALUE: \result == age    === false
MyPerson.java:36: 注:  Invalid assertion (Postcondition)
: Person.java:24: 注:  Associated location

警告: An internal JML error occurred, possibly recoverable.  Please report the bug with as much information as you can.
  Reason: Last resort loading of extensions
MyPerson.java:31: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition: Person.java:21: 注: ) in method getCharacter
        return character;
Person.java:21: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPerson.java:31: 注: 
    //@ ensures \result.equals(character);

TRACE of com.oocourse.spec1.main.MyPerson.getCharacter()
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null && java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null) || java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null && java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null) || java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null
MyPerson.java:31: 注:         return character;
                        VALUE: character         === REF!val!34
MyPerson.java:8: 注:          NullField assertion: _JML__tmp353
MyPerson.java:9: 注:          NullField assertion: _JML__tmp357
MyPerson.java:34: 注:         ensures \result != null; 
                        VALUE: \result   === REF!val!34
                        VALUE: null      === NULL
                        VALUE: \result != null   === true
MyPerson.java:30: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(Pre_4 && THIS.character != null) || _JML__tmp362 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__3
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp398 && _JML__tmp361 != null) || _JML__tmp410 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__4
MyPerson.java:30: 注:         ensures \result.equals(character); 
                        VALUE: \result   === REF!val!34
                        VALUE: character         === REF!val!31
MyPerson.java:31: 注:  Invalid assertion (Postcondition)
: Person.java:21: 注:  Associated location

警告: An internal JML error occurred, possibly recoverable.  Please report the bug with as much information as you can.
  Reason: Last resort loading of extensions
MyPerson.java:21: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition: Person.java:15: 注: ) in method getId
        return id;
Person.java:15: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPerson.java:21: 注: 
    //@ ensures \result == id;

TRACE of com.oocourse.spec1.main.MyPerson.getId()
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null && java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null) || java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null && java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null) || java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null
MyPerson.java:21: 注:         return id;
                        VALUE: id        === ( - 2147482506 )
MyPerson.java:8: 注:          NullField assertion: _JML__tmp158
MyPerson.java:9: 注:          NullField assertion: _JML__tmp162
MyPerson.java:20: 注:         ensures \result == id; 
                        VALUE: \result   === ( - 2147482506 )
                        VALUE: id        === ( - 2147482505 )
                        VALUE: \result == id     === false
MyPerson.java:21: 注:  Invalid assertion (Postcondition)
: Person.java:15: 注:  Associated location

警告: An internal JML error occurred, possibly recoverable.  Please report the bug with as much information as you can.
  Reason: Last resort loading of extensions
MyPerson.java:26: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition: Person.java:18: 注: ) in method getName
        return name;
Person.java:18: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPerson.java:26: 注: 
    //@ ensures \result.equals(name);

TRACE of com.oocourse.spec1.main.MyPerson.getName()
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null && java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null) || java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null && java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null) || java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null
MyPerson.java:26: 注:         return name;
                        VALUE: name      === REF!val!36
MyPerson.java:8: 注:          NullField assertion: _JML__tmp232
MyPerson.java:9: 注:          NullField assertion: _JML__tmp236
MyPerson.java:29: 注:         ensures \result != null; 
                        VALUE: \result   === REF!val!36
                        VALUE: null      === NULL
                        VALUE: \result != null   === true
MyPerson.java:25: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(Pre_3 && THIS.name != null) || _JML__tmp241 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedCalledMethodPrecondition assertion: _$CPRE__2
MyPerson.java:25: 注:         ensures \result.equals(name); 
                        VALUE: \result   === REF!val!36
                        VALUE: name      === REF!val!33
MyPerson.java:26: 注:  Invalid assertion (Postcondition)
: Person.java:18: 注:  Associated location

警告: An internal JML error occurred, possibly recoverable.  Please report the bug with as much information as you can.
  Reason: Last resort loading of extensions
MyPerson.java:50: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (ExceptionalPostcondition: Person.java:40: 注: ) in method isLinked
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Person.java:40: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPerson.java:50: 注: 
    /*@ public normal_behavior

TRACE of com.oocourse.spec1.main.MyPerson.isLinked(com.oocourse.spec1.main.Person)
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null && java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null) || java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null && java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null) || java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         requires person != null; 
                        VALUE: person    === REF!val!25
                        VALUE: null      === NULL
                        VALUE: person != null    === true
MyPerson.java:50: 注:         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
                        VALUE: new UnsupportedOperationException()       === REF!val!103
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp732 && _JML__tmp728._throwables != null) || _JML__tmp728._throwables != null
MyPerson.java:50: 注:         PossiblyNullValue assertion: _JML___NEWOBJECT_1019_723 != null
MyPerson.java:59: 注:         Terminated with exception
                        VALUE: _JML___exception  === REF!val!103
MyPerson.java:1: 注:          signals () false; 
MyPerson.java:59: 注:         ExceptionalPostcondition assertion: !Pre_12 || false
MyPerson.java:50: 注:  Invalid assertion (ExceptionalPostcondition)
: Person.java:40: 注:  Associated location

警告: An internal JML error occurred, possibly recoverable.  Please report the bug with as much information as you can.
  Reason: Last resort loading of extensions
MyPerson.java:55: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (ExceptionalPostcondition: Person.java:47: 注: ) in method queryValue
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Person.java:47: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPerson.java:55: 注: 
    /*@ public normal_behavior

TRACE of com.oocourse.spec1.main.MyPerson.queryValue(com.oocourse.spec1.main.Person)
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null && java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null) || java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null && java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null) || java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         requires person != null; 
                        VALUE: person    === REF!val!25
                        VALUE: null      === NULL
                        VALUE: person != null    === true
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         requires (\exists int i; 0 <= i && i < acquaintance.length; acquaintance[i].getId() == person.getId()); 
                        VALUE: \exists int i; 0 <= i && i < acquaintance.length; acquaintance[i].getId() == person.getId()       === true
                        VALUE: (\exists int i; 0 <= i && i < acquaintance.length; acquaintance[i].getId() == person.getId())     === true
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         requires person != null; 
                        VALUE: person    === REF!val!25
                        VALUE: null      === NULL
                        VALUE: person != null    === true
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         requires (\forall int i; 0 <= i && i < acquaintance.length; acquaintance[i].getId() != person.getId()); 
                        VALUE: \forall int i; 0 <= i && i < acquaintance.length; acquaintance[i].getId() != person.getId()       === false
                        VALUE: (\forall int i; 0 <= i && i < acquaintance.length; acquaintance[i].getId() != person.getId())     === false
MyPerson.java:55: 注:         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
                        VALUE: new UnsupportedOperationException()       === REF!val!105
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp863 && _JML__tmp859._throwables != null) || _JML__tmp859._throwables != null
MyPerson.java:55: 注:         PossiblyNullValue assertion: _JML___NEWOBJECT_1134_854 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         Terminated with exception
                        VALUE: _JML___exception  === REF!val!105
MyPerson.java:1: 注:          signals () false; 
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         ExceptionalPostcondition assertion: !Pre_13 || false
MyPerson.java:55: 注:  Invalid assertion (ExceptionalPostcondition)
: Person.java:47: 注:  Associated location

MyPerson.java:55: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (ExceptionalPostcondition: Person.java:54: 注: ) in method queryValue
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Person.java:54: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPerson.java:55: 注: 
      @ public normal_behavior

TRACE of com.oocourse.spec1.main.MyPerson.queryValue(com.oocourse.spec1.main.Person)
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null && java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null) || java.math.BigInteger.ZERO != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null && java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null) || java.math.BigInteger.ONE != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         requires person != null; 
                        VALUE: person    === REF!val!25
                        VALUE: null      === NULL
                        VALUE: person != null    === true
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         requires (\exists int i; 0 <= i && i < acquaintance.length; acquaintance[i].getId() == person.getId()); 
                        VALUE: \exists int i; 0 <= i && i < acquaintance.length; acquaintance[i].getId() == person.getId()       === false
                        VALUE: (\exists int i; 0 <= i && i < acquaintance.length; acquaintance[i].getId() == person.getId())     === false
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         requires person != null; 
                        VALUE: person    === REF!val!25
                        VALUE: null      === NULL
                        VALUE: person != null    === true
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         requires (\forall int i; 0 <= i && i < acquaintance.length; acquaintance[i].getId() != person.getId()); 
                        VALUE: \forall int i; 0 <= i && i < acquaintance.length; acquaintance[i].getId() != person.getId()       === true
                        VALUE: (\forall int i; 0 <= i && i < acquaintance.length; acquaintance[i].getId() != person.getId())     === true
MyPerson.java:55: 注:         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
                        VALUE: new UnsupportedOperationException()       === REF!val!103
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         UndefinedNullDeReference assertion: !(_JML__tmp863 && _JML__tmp859._throwables != null) || _JML__tmp859._throwables != null
MyPerson.java:55: 注:         PossiblyNullValue assertion: _JML___NEWOBJECT_1134_854 != null
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         Terminated with exception
                        VALUE: _JML___exception  === REF!val!103
MyPerson.java:1: 注:          signals () false; 
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         ExceptionalPostcondition assertion: !Pre_13 || false
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         ExceptionList assertion: !(_JML___exception instanceof java.lang.Exception) || (!Pre_13 || (false || _JML___exception instanceof java.lang.RuntimeException))
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         Terminated with exception
                        VALUE: _JML___exception  === REF!val!103
MyPerson.java:1: 注:          signals () false; 
MyPerson.java:68: 注:         ExceptionalPostcondition assertion: !Pre_14 || false
MyPerson.java:55: 注:  Invalid assertion (ExceptionalPostcondition)
: Person.java:54: 注:  Associated location


  • Person::compareTo 的规格没有考虑 p2 == null 的情况,需要修改成允许扔出 NPE。
  • Person::isLinkedPerson::queryValue 可以允许扔异常。


修改后的 Person.java 如下。

package com.oocourse.spec1.main;

import java.math.BigInteger;

public interface Person extends Comparable<Person> {

    /*@ public instance model non_null int id;
      @ public instance model non_null String name;
      @ public instance model non_null BigInteger character;
      @ public instance model non_null int age;
      @ public instance model non_null Person[] acquaintance;
      @ public instance model non_null int[] value;
    //@ ensures \result == id;
    public /*@pure@*/ int getId();

    //@ ensures \result.equals(name);
    public /*@pure@*/ String getName();

    //@ ensures \result.equals(character);
    public /*@pure@*/ BigInteger getCharacter();

    //@ ensures \result == age;
    public /*@pure@*/ int getAge();

    /*@ also
      @ public normal_behavior
      @ requires obj != null && obj instanceof Person;
      @ assignable \nothing;
      @ ensures \result == (((Person) obj).getId() == id);
      @ also
      @ public normal_behavior
      @ requires obj == null || !(obj instanceof Person);
      @ assignable \nothing;
      @ ensures \result == false;
    public /*@pure@*/ boolean equals(Object obj);

    /*@ public normal_behavior
      @ assignable \nothing;
      @ ensures \result == (\exists int i; 0 <= i && i < acquaintance.length; 
      @                     acquaintance[i].getId() == person.getId()) || person.getId() == id;
    public /*@pure@*/ boolean isLinked(Person person);

    /*@ public normal_behavior
      @ requires (\exists int i; 0 <= i && i < acquaintance.length; 
      @          acquaintance[i].getId() == person.getId());
      @ assignable \nothing;
      @ ensures (\exists int i; 0 <= i && i < acquaintance.length; 
      @         acquaintance[i].getId() == person.getId() && \result == value[i]);
      @ also
      @ public normal_behavior
      @ requires (\forall int i; 0 <= i && i < acquaintance.length; 
      @          acquaintance[i].getId() != person.getId());
      @ ensures \result == 0;
    public /*@pure@*/ int queryValue(Person person);

    //@ ensures \result == acquaintance.length;
    public /*@pure@*/ int getAcquaintanceSum();

    /*@ also
      @ public normal_behavior
      @ ensures \result == name.compareTo(p2.getName());
      @ public exceptional_behavior
      @ signals (NullPointerException e) (p2 == null);
    public /*@pure@*/ int compareTo(Person p2);


MyNetwork 各方法

验证时,需要把所有的 Java 源代码都放入命令行参数中。


../jdk1.8.0_102/bin/java -jar openjml.jar -prover z3 -exec Solvers-linux/z3-4.3.0 -trace -subexpressions -esc /path/to/src/com/oocourse/spec1/exceptions/*.java


  • ensures 语句没有实现对其中 \not_assigned 的静态检查。可以删除这条语句,应该不影响规格的正确性。


修改后的 Network.java 如下。

package com.oocourse.spec1.main;

import java.math.BigInteger;

import com.oocourse.spec1.exceptions.EqualPersonIdException;
import com.oocourse.spec1.exceptions.EqualRelationException;
import com.oocourse.spec1.exceptions.PersonIdNotFoundException;
import com.oocourse.spec1.exceptions.RelationNotFoundException;

public interface Network {

    /*@ public instance model non_null Person[] people;

    //@ ensures \result == (\exists int i; 0 <= i && i < people.length; people[i].getId() == id);
    public /*@pure@*/ boolean contains(int id);

    /*@ public normal_behavior
      @ requires contains(id);
      @ ensures (\exists int i; 0 <= i && i < people.length; people[i].getId() == id && 
      @         \result == people[i]);
      @ also
      @ public normal_behavior
      @ requires !contains(id);
      @ ensures \result == null;
    public /*@pure@*/ Person getPerson(int id);

    /*@ public normal_behavior
      @ requires !(\exists int i; 0 <= i && i < people.length; people[i].equals(person));
      @ assignable people;
      @ ensures people.length == \old(people.length) + 1;
      @ ensures (\forall int i; 0 <= i && i < \old(people.length); 
      @          (\exists int j; 0 <= j && j < people.length; people[j] == (\old(people[i]))));
      @ ensures (\exists int i; 0 <= i && i < people.length; people[i] == person);
      @ also
      @ public exceptional_behavior
      @ signals (EqualPersonIdException e) (\exists int i; 0 <= i && i < people.length; 
      @                                     people[i].equals(person));
    public void addPerson(Person person) throws EqualPersonIdException;

    /*@ public normal_behavior
      @ requires contains(id1) && contains(id2) && id1 != id2 && 
      @             !getPerson(id1).isLinked(getPerson(id2));
      @ assignable people;
      @ ensures people.length == \old(people.length);
      @ ensures (\forall int i; 0 <= i && i < \old(people.length); 
      @          (\exists int j; 0 <= j && j < people.length; people[j] == \old(people[i])));
      @ ensures getPerson(id1).isLinked(getPerson(id2)) && getPerson(id2).isLinked(getPerson(id1));
      @ ensures getPerson(id1).queryValue(getPerson(id2)) == value;
      @ ensures getPerson(id2).queryValue(getPerson(id1)) == value;
      @ ensures (\forall int i; 0 <= i && i < \old(getPerson(id1).acquaintance.length); 
      @         \old(getPerson(id1).acquaintance[i]) == getPerson(id1).acquaintance[i] && 
      @          \old(getPerson(id1).value[i]) == getPerson(id1).value[i]);
      @ ensures (\forall int i; 0 <= i && i < \old(getPerson(id2).acquaintance.length); 
      @         \old(getPerson(id2).acquaintance[i]) == getPerson(id2).acquaintance[i] && 
      @          \old(getPerson(id2).value[i]) == getPerson(id2).value[i]);
      @ ensures getPerson(id1).value.length == getPerson(id1).acquaintance.length;
      @ ensures getPerson(id2).value.length == getPerson(id2).acquaintance.length;
      @ ensures \old(getPerson(id1).value.length) == getPerson(id1).acquaintance.length - 1;
      @ ensures \old(getPerson(id2).value.length) == getPerson(id2).acquaintance.length - 1;
      @ also
      @ public normal_behavior
      @ requires id1 == id2 && contains(id1);
      @ assignable \nothing;
      @ also
      @ public exceptional_behavior
      @ requires !contains(id1) || !contains(id2) || 
      @          (getPerson(id1).isLinked(getPerson(id2)) && id1 != id2);
      @ signals (PersonIdNotFoundException e) !contains(id1) || !contains(id2);
      @ signals (EqualRelationException e) contains(id1) && contains(id2) && 
      @         \old(getPerson(id1)).isLinked(\old(getPerson(id2)));
    public void addRelation(int id1, int id2, int value) throws 
        PersonIdNotFoundException, EqualRelationException;

    /*@ public normal_behavior
      @ requires contains(id1) && contains(id2) && getPerson(id1).isLinked(getPerson(id2));
      @ ensures \result == getPerson(id1).queryValue(getPerson(id2));
      @ also
      @ public exceptional_behavior
      @ signals (PersonIdNotFoundException e) !contains(id1) || !contains(id2);
      @ signals (RelationNotFoundException e) contains(id1) && contains(id2) && 
      @         !getPerson(id1).isLinked(getPerson(id2));
    public /*@pure@*/ int queryValue(int id1, int id2) throws 
        PersonIdNotFoundException, RelationNotFoundException;

    /*@ public normal_behavior
      @ requires contains(id1) && contains(id2);
      @ ensures \result.equals(getPerson(id1).getCharacter().xor(getPerson(id2).getCharacter()));
      @ also
      @ public exceptional_behavior
      @ signals (PersonIdNotFoundException e) !contains(id1) || !contains(id2);
    public /*@pure@*/ BigInteger queryConflict(int id1, int id2) throws PersonIdNotFoundException;

    /*@ public normal_behavior
      @ requires contains(id);
      @ ensures \result == getPerson(id).getAcquaintanceSum();
      @ also
      @ public exceptional_behavior
      @ signals (PersonIdNotFoundException e) !contains(id);
    public /*@pure@*/ int queryAcquaintanceSum(int id) throws PersonIdNotFoundException;

    /*@ public normal_behavior
      @ requires contains(id1) && contains(id2);
      @ ensures \result == getPerson(id1).getAge() - getPerson(id2).getAge();
      @ also
      @ public exceptional_behavior
      @ signals (PersonIdNotFoundException e) !contains(id1) || !contains(id2);
    public /*@pure@*/ int compareAge(int id1, int id2) throws PersonIdNotFoundException;

    /*@ public normal_behavior
      @ requires contains(id1) && contains(id2);
      @ ensures \result == getPerson(id1).getName().compareTo(getPerson(id2).getName());
      @ also
      @ public exceptional_behavior
      @ signals (PersonIdNotFoundException e) !contains(id1) || !contains(id2);
    public /*@pure@*/ int compareName(int id1, int id2) throws PersonIdNotFoundException;

    //ensures \result == people.length;
    public /*@pure@*/ int queryPeopleSum();

    /*@ public normal_behavior
      @ requires contains(id);
      @ ensures \result == (\sum int i; 0 <= i && i < people.length && 
      @                     compareName(id, people[i].getId()) > 0; 1) + 1;
      @ also
      @ public exceptional_behavior
      @ signals (PersonIdNotFoundException e) !contains(id);
    public /*@pure@*/ int queryNameRank(int id) throws PersonIdNotFoundException;

    /*@ public normal_behavior
      @ requires contains(id1) && contains(id2);
      @ ensures \result == (\exists Person[] array; array.length >= 2; 
      @                     array[0].equals(getPerson(id1)) && 
      @                     array[array.length - 1].equals(getPerson(id2)) &&
      @                      (\forall int i; 0 <= i && i < array.length - 1; 
      @                      array[i].isLinked(array[i + 1]) == true));
      @ also
      @ public exceptional_behavior
      @ signals (PersonIdNotFoundException e) !contains(id1) || !contains(id2);
    public /*@pure@*/ boolean isCircle(int id1, int id2)throws PersonIdNotFoundException;




  • 无法验证和没有实现验证的语句会报错。
  • 失败会有连锁反应。Person::compareTo 方法的失败,导致之后上层调用的方法失败。
  • 不考虑方法有意不实现的情况。如果直接扔出 UnsupportedOperationException 会出错。
  • 如果 JML 不规定,就不考虑异常情况,但在验证的过程中会考虑异常情况。
  • 通过自带的标准库的 JML 进行验证。

部署 JMLUnitNG


JMLUnitNG 的 Github 页面上似乎没有它的编译好的 JAR,需要到它的官方网站下载。[5][6]

下载以后,用 JDK 1.8.0_241 运行。


/path/to/jdk/bin/java -jar /path/to/jmlunitng.jar --verbose {Person,MyPerson,Group,MyGroup}.java -cp .

其中 --verbose 可以去掉。-cp 加入是为了避免如下错误信息。

JMLUnitNG exited because of an irrecoverable error: 
org.jmlspecs.jmlunitng.JMLUnitNGError: Encountered 98 compilation errors: 
openjml: -cp需要参数
用法: openjml <options> <source files>
-help 用于列出可能的选项



MyGroup.java:78: 错误: 需要‘)‘
        graph[realPersonId].forEachOrdered((linkedRealPersonId, weight) -> {

猜测是不支持 lambda 表达式。因此把所有与 lambda 表达式相关的代码暂时改写。

实际上根本原因是 OpenJML 也不支持 lambda 表达式和钻石操作符,但之后实测支持了。[7]JMLUnitNG 可能因为更新较晚,所以支持不好。



通过分析生成出来的文件,可以看出具体生成的测试用例和数据,在 *_JML_Data 中。其余的代码大都是胶水代码,是配合 OpenJML RAC 等动态检查器使用的。从 *_JML_Test.java 中也能看出来这一点。

jmlunitng.jar 内部实际上也有不同的生成策略,有些时候是靠内置策略生成的。


比如 Group::getAgeVar 方法,规格如下。

    /*@ ensures \result == (people.length == 0? 0 : ((\sum int i; 0 <= i && i < people.length; 
      @          (people[i].getAge() - getAgeMean()) * (people[i].getAge() - getAgeMean())) / 
      @           people.length));

JMLUnitNG 就会生成覆盖规格两个分支的代码,不仅让组内成员数 >0,还让组内成员数 =0。

但是,JMLUnitNG 生成的数据缺乏通用性,进一步导致测试覆盖率可能不够。而且它的考虑不细致,想法没有特别深入。比如同样的方法,应该测试组内成员数在 >0 和 =0 之间不断变化的情况,它并没有测试。




三次作业都采用的是以 Network 为中心的架构,以 Network 为中心维护数据。

数据结构除了标准库里的,都封装成独立的类,放在 util 包里。



操作 意义 对应模型
添加人、查询对应信息、比较年龄、比较名字、查询人的个数 映射
添加关系、查询关系权重、查询一个节点关系数、知道两个人之间是否有关系构成的路径 无向图
query_circle 查询两个人之间通过关系是否能形成路径 并查集
query_name_rank 知道名字在其集合中的次序 能够获取元素次序的集合
add_group 添加组 映射
把人添加到组,把人从组中删除 集合
查询组内的各种信息 缓存
query_age_sum 查询某个年龄区间里的和 集合区间和
query_min_path 查询两个人之间关系权重之和最小的路径 无向图的最短路径
query_strong_linked 查询两个人之间是否有两条路径,两条路径包括的人的集合除这两人外不能相同 无向图的点双连通分量
query_block_sum 查询图中有多少个块,块内能够通过关系连通,块外不连通 无向图的连通块个数
borrow_from query_money 借钱和查询钱 映射


模型 数据结构 实现细节 原因
映射 整数到整数的哈希表 通过质数再散列法解决冲突 本单元的映射都是整数到整数的映射;
邻接矩阵 boolean 二维数组 对人离散化后时间和空间代价都比较小
边权 int 二维数组 同上
邻接表 动态申请存储空间的 AVL 树,一条无向边表示成两条有向边 为了遍历的次序稳定性和较小的遍历代价,对有向边的出点进行排序;
动态申请存储空间,避免第二次作业 10 万条数据加边超时的问题;
AVL 树比较好写而且不会被特殊数据卡;
并查集 数组实现并查集 按秩合并 最坏复杂度有保障[8]
能够获取元素次序的集合 Order Statistic Tree 维护节点 sizecount 信息的 AVL 树,带字符串到节点的缓存 AVL 树比较好写而且不会被特殊数据卡;
集合 boolean 数组 对人离散化后时间和空间代价都比较小
缓存 N/A 见下节 缓存可以使组查询的复杂度降到常数级别,把复杂的修改操作均摊
集合区间和 线段树 限定范围为 $ \left[ 0,2000 \right] $ 加入和查询的时间复杂度都是对数级别;
图的最短路径 Dijkstra 采用 min heap 进行堆优化 复杂度比较正常,不会太高;
图的点双连通分量 Tarjan 对当前连通分量进行特判,找到一个至少 3 个点的连通分量且包括源点和目的点就退出 复杂度比较正常,不会太高
图的连通块个数 数组实现并查集 复用原来的并查集,在添加新节点时加一个连通块,在合并时如果根不一致就减少一个连通块 常数复杂度


缓存 更新时机 更新操作
组内人数 添加人 +1
组内人数 删除人 -1
组内关系和 添加人 +2,然后遍历该人在图中的所有邻居,如果邻居也在该组内,就增加 2
组内关系和 删除人 -2,然后遍历该人在图中的所有邻居,如果邻居也在该组内,就减少 2
组内关系权值和 添加人 遍历该人在图中的所有邻居,如果邻居也在该组内,就增加对应边的权值的两倍
组内关系权值和 删除人 遍历该人在图中的所有邻居,如果邻居也在该组内,就减少对应边的权值的两倍
组内冲突和 添加人 异或上该人的性格
组内冲突和 删除人 异或上该人的性格
组内年龄和 添加人 加上该人的年龄
组内年龄和 删除人 减去该人的年龄
组内年龄平方和 添加人 加上该人的年龄平方
组内年龄平方和 删除人 减去该人的年龄平方



$ n V = \sum_{i} (a_i - \bar{a})^2 = \sum_{i} (a_i^2 - 2 a_i \bar{a} + \bar{a}^2) = \sum_{i} a_i^2 - 2 \bar{a} \sum_{i} a_i + \sum_{i} \bar{a}^2 = \sum_{i} a_i^2 - 2 \bar{a} \sum_{i} a_i + n \bar{a}^2 $



因为在 overflow arithmetic 下,int 形成一个环,所以直接加且不考虑溢出的行为是可以的。[10]

最大方差是 $ \frac{c^2}{4} $,其中 $ c = 2000 $。[11]



一个性能瓶颈是 del_from_group 的时候,不需要真正更新,可以把组更改的日志记下来。但是这也是一种空间换时间的做法,实现难度略微有点大,就没有实现。

Bug 及其修复情况

一共出现了两个 bug,都是第一次作业的 bug。

首先是 Network::queryValue 没有考虑 id1 == id2 的情况,直接导致输出错误。

然后是没有考虑人有重名的情况,一开始没在 order statistic tree 里加入 count 域表示同样的字符串有几个。

在之后的作业里,通过认真阅读规格、做好单元测试的方法,修复了 bug。这也是一种教训。



实际上规格虽然看起来很形式化、很抽象,也是有规律可循的。撰写规格和编写代码一样,都需要注重层次化、逻辑、良好的理解性等方面。同时,规格和容器、specification pattern 结合,也能总结出不少有用的设计模式,使规格撰写本身系统化。




  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Design_By_Contract ??

  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eiffel_(programming_language) ??

  3. http://www.eecs.ucf.edu/~leavens/JML//refman/jmlrefman.pdf ?? ??

  4. https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3 ?? ??

  5. https://github.com/FreeAndFair/JMLUnitNG ??

  6. http://insttech.secretninjaformalmethods.org/software/jmlunitng/release_history.html ??

  7. https://github.com/OpenJML/OpenJML/issues/448 ??

  8. https://www.luogu.com.cn/blog/Atalod/shi-jian-fu-za-du-shi-neng-fen-xi-qian-tan ??

  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fibonacci_heap#Practical_considerations ??

  10. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30178301/do-c-sharp-and-java-longs-form-a-commutative-ring ??

  11. https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/350270/what-are-the-minimum-and-maximum-values-of-variance ??

  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway‘s_law ??

  13. https://www.openjml.org/documentation/introduction.html ??

OO 第三单元总结


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