It is a number of open file descriptors per process. They can all refer to the same file, or different files. It prevent single users from using too many system resources.
Run ulimit -a command from terminal.
Output of the above command:
ulimit -n {$no of files}
For example -> If you want to set no of open files 65535 below is the command you need to run on terminal. ulimit -n 65535 ;
For the ulimits to persists across reboots we need to set the ulimit values in the configuration file
Format ->
#[domain] [type] [item] [value]
domain → a user name or group name
type -> can have the two values (soft| hard)
item -> the property to set
value -> value of the property.
For example -> to add limit of number of files for user root:
to set limit of number of files valid for all users:
Increase ulimit in ubuntu and docker