Managing the Database Instance
After completing this lesson, you should be able to:
• Start and stop the Oracle database instance and
• Modify database initialization parameters初始化参数
• Describe the stages of database startup
• Describe database shutdown options
• View the alert log
• Access dynamic performance views
Initialization Parameters: Examples
Parameter Specifies
CONTROL_FILES控制文件 One or more control file names
DB_FILES Maximum number of database files数据库允许的最大文件个数
PROCESSES Maximum number of OS user processes that can
simultaneously connect最大后台进程及后台进程的个数
DB_BLOCK_SIZE Standard database block size used by all
DB_CACHE_SIZE 数据库告诉缓冲池Size of the standard block buffer cache
SGA_TARGET (Total size of all SGA components)
MEMORY_TARGET (Total size of system-wide usable memory)
Parameter Specifies
PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET Amount of PGA memory available to all server
SHARED_POOL_SIZE 设定共享池大小Size of shared pool (in bytes)
UNDO_MANAGEMENT Undo space management mode to be used默认AUTO方式