Abstract. Numerical integration is the approximate computation of an integral using numerical techniques. The numerical computation of an integral is sometimes called quadrature. The most straightforward numerical integration technique uses the Newton-Cotes formulas(also called quadrature formulas), which approximate a function tabulated sequence of regularly spaced intervals by various degree polynomials. If the functions are known analytically instead of being tabulated at equally spaced intervals, the best numerical method of integrations is called Gauss Integration(Gaussian quadrature). By picking the abscissas at which to evaluate the function, Gaussian quadrature produces the most accurate approximations possible. In OpenCASCADE math package it implement the Gauss-Legendre integration. So I will focus on the usage of the class in OpenCASCADE.
Key Words. OpenCASCADE, Gauss Integration, Gauss-Legendre, Numerical Analysis
1. Introduction
2. The Gauss-Legendre Integration
对于一般区间[a, b]上的Gauss型求积公式,可通过变量变换,由Gauss-Legendre求积公式得到:
v 查表求得Gauss点及求积系数;
//Recuperation des points de Gauss dans le fichier GaussPoints. math::GaussPoints(Order,GaussP); math::GaussWeights(Order,GaussW);
v 根据Gauss-Legendre求积公式计算;
// Changement de variable pour la mise a l‘echelle [Lower, Upper] : xm = 0.5*(Upper + Lower); xr = 0.5*(Upper - Lower); Val = 0.; Standard_Integer ind = Order/2, ind1 = (Order+1)/2; if(ind1 > ind) { // odder case Ok1 = F.Value(xm, Val); if (!Ok1) return; Val *= GaussW(ind1); } // Sommation sur tous les points de Gauss: avec utilisation de la symetrie. for (j = 1; j <= ind; j++) { dx = xr*GaussP(j); Ok1 = F.Value(xm-dx, F1); if(!Ok1) return; Ok1 = F.Value(xm+dx, F2); if(!Ok1) return; // Multiplication par les poids de Gauss. Standard_Real FT = F1+F2; Val += GaussW(j)*FT; } // Mise a l‘echelle de l‘intervalle [Lower, Upper] Val *= xr;
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 eryar All Rights Reserved. * * File : Main.cpp * Author : eryar@163.com * Date : 2014-09-11 20:46 * Version : 1.0v * * Description : Demo for Gauss-Legendre Integration usage. * * Key words : OpenCascade, Gauss-Legendre Integration */ #define WNT #include <math_Function.hxx> #include <math_GaussSingleIntegration.hxx> #pragma comment(lib, "TKernel.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "TKMath.lib") class Test_GaussFunction : public math_Function { public: virtual Standard_Boolean Value(const Standard_Real x, Standard_Real &y) { y = x; return Standard_True; } private: }; void TestGaussIntegration(void) { Test_GaussFunction aFunction; math_GaussSingleIntegration aSolver(aFunction, 1, 10, 10); std::cout << aSolver << std::endl; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { TestGaussIntegration(); return 0; }
Figure 2.1 Gauss-Legendre Integtation Result
3. Application
Figure 3.1 Compute Area of a Surface
TopoDS_Shape S = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(BSS, Precision::Confusion()).Face(); GProp_GProps System; BRepGProp::SurfaceProperties(S,System); gp_Pnt G = System.CentreOfMass (); Standard_Real Area = System.Mass(); gp_Mat I = System.MatrixOfInertia();
4. Conclusion
5. References
1. Wolfram MathWorld, Numerical Integration,
2. 易大义,沈云宝,李有法编. 计算方法. 浙江大学出版社. 2002
3. 易大义,陈道琦编. 数值分析引论. 浙江大学出版社. 1998
4. 李庆杨,王能超,易大义.数值分析.华中理工大学出版社. 1986
5. 同济大学数学教研室. 高等数学(第四版). 高等教育出版社. 1996
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