周赛地址:weekly contest 193
Given an array nums. We define a running sum of an array asrunningSum[i] = sum(nums[0]…nums[i]).
Return the running sum of nums.
Example 1:
Input:nums = [1,2,3,4]Output:[1,3,6,10]Explanation:Running sum is obtained as follows: [1, 1+2, 1+2+3, 1+2+3+4].
Example 2:
Input:nums = [1,1,1,1,1]Output:[1,2,3,4,5]Explanation:Running sum is obtained as follows: [1, 1+1, 1+1+1, 1+1+1+1, 1+1+1+1+1].
Example 3:
Input:nums = [3,1,2,10,1]Output:[3,4,6,16,17]
1 <= nums.length <= 1000
-10^6 <= nums[i] <= 10^6
* 这道题是让我们对一个数组进行操作,每一项都是前面n项的和,通过例子可以看到。
* @param {number[]} nums
* @return {number[]}
var runningSum = function(nums) {
let curr=0
const res= nums.map(item=>{
return curr;
return res
Given an array of integers arrand an integer k. Find the least number of unique integersafter removing exactly k elements.
Example 1:
Input: arr = [5,5,4], k = 1Output: 1Explanation: Remove the single 4, only 5 is left.
Example 2:
Input: arr = [4,3,1,1,3,3,2], k = 3Output: 2Explanation: Remove 4, 2 and either one of the two 1s or three 3s. 1 and 3 will be left.
1 <= arr.length <= 10^5
1 <= arr[i] <= 10^9
0 <= k <= arr.length
* 这道题是同样是数组操作的题目,题意大概是给定数组移除k项之后,最后最少能剩下几个不相同的整数
* 我们可以有如下步骤进行解答:
* 1.先对数组进行统计,使用object的统计次数
* 2.然后对数组进行次数出现的从小到大进行排序
* 3.最后对数组从前往后逐项进行删除,直到k项为止,剩下的不同整数即是所求
* @param {number[]} arr
* @param {number} k
* @return {number}
var findLeastNumOfUniqueInts = function(arr, k) {
let obj={}
for(let item of arr){
let enObj=Object.entries(obj).sort((a,b)=>a[1]-b[1]);
let len=enObj.length;
for(let item of enObj){
}else {
return len;
Given an integer array bloomDay, an integer m and an integer k.
We need to make mbouquets. To make a bouquet, you need to use k adjacent flowers from the garden.
The garden consists of n flowers, the ith flower will bloom in the bloomDay[i]and then can be used inexactly one bouquet.
Return the minimum number of days you need to wait to be able to make m bouquets from the garden. If it is impossible to make m bouquets return -1.
Example 1:
Input:bloomDay = [1,10,3,10,2], m = 3, k = 1Output:3Explanation:Let‘s see what happened in the first three days. x means flower bloomed and _ means flower didn‘t bloom in the garden.We need 3 bouquets each should contain 1 flower.After day 1: [x, _, _, _, _] // we can only make one bouquet.After day 2: [x, _, _, _, x] // we can only make two bouquets.After day 3: [x, _, x, _, x] // we can make 3 bouquets. The answer is 3.
Example 2:
Input:bloomDay = [1,10,3,10,2], m = 3, k = 2Output:-1Explanation:We need 3 bouquets each has 2 flowers, that means we need 6 flowers. We only have 5 flowers so it is impossible to get the needed bouquets and we return -1.
Example 3:
Input:bloomDay = [7,7,7,7,12,7,7], m = 2, k = 3Output:12Explanation:We need 2 bouquets each should have 3 flowers.Here‘s the garden after the 7 and 12 days:After day 7: [x, x, x, x, _, x, x]We can make one bouquet of the first three flowers that bloomed. We cannot make another bouquet from the last three flowers that bloomed because they are not adjacent.After day 12: [x, x, x, x, x, x, x]It is obvious that we can make two bouquets in different ways.
Example 4:
Input:bloomDay = [1000000000,1000000000], m = 1, k = 1Output:1000000000Explanation:You need to wait 1000000000 days to have a flower ready for a bouquet.
Example 5:
Input:bloomDay = [1,10,2,9,3,8,4,7,5,6], m = 4, k = 2Output:9
bloomDay.length == n
1 <= n <= 10^5
1 <= bloomDay[i] <= 10^9
1 <= m <= 10^6
1 <= k <= n
* 这道题的大意为:我们要制作m束花,每束花需要有在花园里采摘位置上连续的k朵,注意是相邻的k朵哦,只有花开了才能采摘。
* 现在给定一个数组(每朵花开需要的日期),现在要我们求最少需要多少天才能制作完成所有花束
* 如果完成不了,就返回-1
* @param {number[]} bloomDay
* @param {number} m
* @param {number} k
* @return {number}
var minDays = function(bloomDay, m, k) {
// 如果整个花园的花都没达到花束要求,就直接返回-1
if (m * k > bloomDay.length) return -1;
let left = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, right = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
for (let item of bloomDay) {
left = Math.min(left, item);
right = Math.max(right, item);
while (left <= right) {
let mid = left + parseInt((right - left) / 2);
if (isValid(bloomDay, k, m, mid)) right = mid - 1;
else left = mid + 1;
return left;
var isValid=function(bloomDay, size,count,day) {
let curcount = 0, cursize = 0;
for (let item of bloomDay) {
if (item <= day) cursize++;
else cursize = 0;
if (cursize == size) { cursize = 0; curcount++; }
if (curcount == count) return true;
return false;
You are given a tree withnnodes numbered from0ton-1in the form of a parent array where parent[i]is the parent of node i. The root of the tree is node 0.
Implement the functiongetKthAncestor(int node, int k)to return the k-th ancestor of the givennode. If there is no such ancestor, return-1.
Thek-th **ancestorof a tree node is the k-th node in the path from that node to the root.
Input:["TreeAncestor","getKthAncestor","getKthAncestor","getKthAncestor"][[7,[-1,0,0,1,1,2,2]],[3,1],[5,2],[6,3]]Output:[null,1,0,-1]Explanation:TreeAncestor treeAncestor = new TreeAncestor(7, [-1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2]);treeAncestor.getKthAncestor(3, 1); // returns 1 which is the parent of 3treeAncestor.getKthAncestor(5, 2); // returns 0 which is the grandparent of 5treeAncestor.getKthAncestor(6, 3); // returns -1 because there is no such ancestor
1 <= k <= n <= 5*10^4
parent[0] == -1indicating that0is the root node.
0 <= parent[i] < nfor all0 < i < n
0 <= node < n
There will be at most 5*10^4 queries.
* 给定一颗有n个节点的树,分别编号从0至n-1,getKthAncestor(node,k)返回从当前节点到根节点上的第k个祖先节点
* 看了discuss,居然暴力搜索,好吧,就这样!!!
* @param {number} n
* @param {number[]} parent
var TreeAncestor = function(n, parent) {
* @param {number} node
* @param {number} k
* @return {number}
TreeAncestor.prototype.getKthAncestor = function(node, k) {
let cnt =0
let val=-1, arrInd= node
val = this.parent[arrInd]
if (val === -1) return -1
arrInd = val
return val
* Your TreeAncestor object will be instantiated and called as such:
* var obj = new TreeAncestor(n, parent)
* var param_1 = obj.getKthAncestor(node,k)