- This repository provides references to recent advances in deep-learning-based inverse problems (DLB IP), and will be updated once every month with the hope of expediting the development of this field.
- The main content of this repository consists of 2 components: (0) tutorials and reviews; (1) empirical advances section which contains references to empirical investigations of inverse problems such as unrolling iterative algorithms as deep neural networks; (2) theoretical advances section which contains references to theoretical studies of GANs such as theoretical performance guarantees of reconstruction.
- This repository won‘t be possible without the efforts from many contributors who are listed in the end. If you want to contribute to this repository, you can simply put the reference information in the comment for this repository or send us an email. Please follow the following formats to help us: (1) send emails to ; (2) set the email title as "Refrences_DLB IP_Institute"; (3) set the references format as Vancouver (available in Google Scholar) with hyperlinks to the reference and its implementation (if it‘s available), i.e.,
This repository will be impossible without the contributions from the following:
* UserID, Affiliation, contributing since, number of reference contribution
To Be Added
To Be Added
Advances in Deep-learning-based Inverse Problems (DLB IP)