import cx_Oracle
def real_save_to_oracle( lst_file_name, stpf_result_data_dir, dict_area_no ):
conn = cx_Oracle.connect( "SYSDBA/123456@" )
cursor = conn.cursor()
for file_name in lst_file_name:
str_suffix = file_name[-4:]
if str_suffix != ".csv":
file_path = os.path.join( stpf_result_data_dir, file_name )
df_data = pd.read_csv( file_path )
file_name = file_name.split("_")[1]
for _, row_data in df_data.iterrows():
area_no = dict_area_no[ file_name ]
print( area_no, file_name )
str_time = row_data["Time"]
d_P_real = row_data["P_use"]
d_Q_real = row_data["Q_use"]
str_sql = """select * from WF_STAT_PERIOD_DATA where WINDPLANT_NO=%d and
DATA_TIME=to_date( ‘%s‘, ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss‘)""" % ( area_no, str_time )
cursor.execute( str_sql )
lst_result = cursor.fetchall()
print( type( lst_result ), lst_result )
if len( lst_result ) > 0:
str_sql = """update WF_STAT_PERIOD_DATA set AVG_TEMP=%f, AVG_WIND_SPEED=%f where WINDPLANT_NO=%d and
DATA_TIME=to_date( ‘%s‘, ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss‘)""" % ( d_P_real, d_Q_real, area_no, str_time )
cursor.execute( str_sql )
str_sql = """insert into WF_STAT_PERIOD_DATA values
( %d, to_date( ‘%s‘, ‘yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss‘), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, %f,
%f, 0, 1 )""" % ( area_no, str_time, d_Q_real, d_P_real )
cursor.execute( str_sql )
cursor.execute( "COMMIT" )
time.sleep( 0.01 )
# select * from PV_AREA_PF_PERIOD_DATA where AREA_NO=37 and MODEL_NO = 0 and TIME_SCALE=-1;
return None