REPORT demo_loop_group_by_random. CLASS demo DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS: main, class_constructor. PRIVATE SECTION. CLASS-DATA numbers TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF i WITH EMPTY KEY. ENDCLASS. CLASS demo IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD main. DATA(out) = cl_demo_output=>new( ). DATA(rnd) = cl_abap_random_int=>create( seed = CONV i( sy-uzeit ) min = 1 max = 10 ). DATA members LIKE numbers. LOOP AT numbers INTO DATA(line) GROUP BY rnd->get_next( ) ASCENDING ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<group>). out->begin_section( |Group Key: { <group> }| ). members = VALUE #( FOR <wa> IN GROUP <group> ( <wa> ) ). out->write( members )->write( |Lines: { lines( members ) }| )->end_section( ). ENDLOOP. out->display( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD class_constructor. numbers = VALUE #( FOR j = 1 UNTIL j > 100 ( j ) ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. START-OF-SELECTION. demo=>main( ).
Grouping of an internal table numbers with group key binding. The group key of the group loop is constructed as a value of the type i, which is determined as a random number fully independent of the internal table. This casts the table rows into groups of approximately the same size.
In the group loop, the rows of each group are placed in an internal table members using a table comprehension. This table is the output.
SAP 实例 13 Random Grouping with LOOP