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* Example program for the usage of the bar code
* reader autodiscrimination feature of HALCON.
* 创建条码读取句柄
* Create bar code reader model
create_bar_code_model ([], [], BarCodeHandle)
set_bar_code_param (BarCodeHandle, ‘quiet_zone‘, ‘true‘)
* 初始化
* Initialization
dev_update_off ()
dev_close_window ()
dev_open_window (0, 0, 512, 512, ‘black‘, WindowHandle)
set_display_font (WindowHandle, 14, ‘mono‘, ‘true‘, ‘false‘)
dev_set_draw (‘margin‘)
dev_set_line_width (3)
dev_set_color (‘forest green‘)
* 定义样本图像
* Define the example images to use
*  for part I
ExampleImagesAny := [‘barcode/ean13/ean1301‘,‘barcode/code39/code3901‘,‘barcode/gs1databar_omnidir/gs1databar_omnidir_01‘]
ExpectedNumCodes := [1,2,1]
ExpectedData := [‘4008535118906‘,‘92274A‘,‘R74-2001-010‘,‘(01)00098431358722‘]
*  for part II
ExampleImagesMixed := [‘barcode/mixed/barcode_mixed_04‘,‘barcode/mixed/barcode_mixed_03‘,‘barcode/mixed/barcode_mixed_01‘]
* 第一部分
* 用自动特征识别去解码任何一个条码或者定义位置的条码
* Use autodiscrimination to decode any of the bar code types
* supported by HALCON (except PharmaCode) or determine the bar
* code type of unknown bar codes
for IdxExample := 0 to 1 by 1
    * Use different parameters for each run
    * First:  Search for all bar code types
    * Second: Search only expected bar code types
    Message := ‘Usage of autodiscrimination to decode‘
    Message[1] := ‘unknown bar code types.‘
    Message[2] := ‘ ‘
   * 搜索所有条码类型的参数和显示信息
    if (IdxExample == 0)
        CodeTypes := ‘auto‘
        Message[3] := ‘Part I:‘
        Message[4] := ‘Compare performance between automatic‘
        Message[5] := ‘bar code discrimination and search for‘
        Message[6] := ‘specific code types only.‘
        Message[7] := ‘ ‘
        Message[8] := ‘In the first run we use CodeType=\‘‘ + CodeTypes + ‘\‘ to look‘
        Message[9] := ‘for all bar code types known to HALCON‘
        Message[10] := ‘ ‘
        Message[11] := ‘Please note that‘
        Message[12] := ‘ - Wrong bar codes may be found‘
        Message[13] := ‘ - Execution times are longer than necessary‘
        Color := [gen_tuple_const(|Message| - 2,‘black‘),gen_tuple_const(3,‘red‘)]
        CodeTypes := [‘EAN-13‘,‘Code 39‘,‘GS1 DataBar Omnidir‘]
        Message := ‘In the second run we look for the expected types only:‘
        Message[1] := sum(‘  ‘ + CodeTypes)
        Message[2] := ‘This reduces the decoding time and‘
        Message[3] := ‘increases the decoding reliability.‘
        Color := gen_tuple_const(|Message|,‘black‘)
    dev_clear_window ()
    disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, ‘window‘, 12, 12, Color, ‘true‘)
    *右下角显示‘Press F5 to continue‘
    disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, ‘black‘, ‘true‘)
    stop ()
    * Run the test 2 times with different parameters
    for IdxIma := 0 to |ExampleImagesAny| - 1 by 1
        FileName := ExampleImagesAny[IdxIma]
        read_image (Image, FileName)
        * 设置啊默认显示参数
        * Set display defaults
        get_image_size (Image, Width, Height)
        dev_set_window_extents (-1, -1, Width, Height)
        dev_display (Image)
        disp_message (WindowHandle, [‘Looking for bar code(s) of type:‘,sum(‘ ‘ + CodeTypes)], ‘window‘, 12, 12, ‘black‘, ‘true‘)
        * 寻找和定义一维码并测量所需时间
        * Find and decode bar codes. Measure the time needed.
        count_seconds (Start)
        find_bar_code (Image, SymbolRegions, BarCodeHandle, CodeTypes, DecodedDataStrings)
        count_seconds (Stop)
        Duration := (Stop - Start) * 1000
        * 检查结果是否正确,用上面期望的值与找到的值进行对比
        * Check, if results are correct
        Start := sum(ExpectedNumCodes[0:IdxIma]) - ExpectedNumCodes[IdxIma]
        DataExp := ExpectedData[Start:Start + ExpectedNumCodes[IdxIma] - 1]
        WrongIndex := []
        for I := 0 to |DecodedDataStrings| - 1 by 1
            tuple_find (DataExp, DecodedDataStrings[I], Indices)
            if (Indices == -1)
                WrongIndex := [WrongIndex,I]
        Color := [‘black‘,gen_tuple_const(|DecodedDataStrings|,‘forest green‘)]
        Color[WrongIndex + 1] := ‘red‘
        * *显示结果和执行时间
        * Display results and the execution time
        for I := 1 to |DecodedDataStrings| by 1
            select_obj (SymbolRegions, ObjectSelected, I)
            dev_set_color (Color[I])
            dev_display (ObjectSelected)
        get_bar_code_result (BarCodeHandle, ‘all‘, ‘decoded_types‘, DecodedDataTypes)
        disp_message (WindowHandle, [‘Found bar code(s) in ‘ + Duration$‘.0f‘ + ‘ ms:‘,DecodedDataTypes + ‘: ‘ + DecodedDataStrings], ‘window‘, 5 * 12, 12, Color, ‘true‘)
       *右下角显示‘Press F5 to continue‘
        disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, ‘black‘, ‘true‘)
        stop ()
* 第二部分
* Part II
* 开始一次读取多种类型条码
* Now we decode multiple bar code types
* 显示信息
* Display information for the user
Message := ‘Part II‘
Message[1] := ‘ ‘
Message[2] := ‘Now we demonstrate the usage of autodiscrimination‘
Message[3] := ‘to decode multiple mixed bar code types within one image.‘
dev_clear_window ()
disp_message (WindowHandle, Message, ‘window‘, 12, 12, ‘black‘, ‘true‘)
 *右下角显示‘Press F5 to continue‘
disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, ‘black‘, ‘true‘)
stop ()
* 分为两部分
for IdxExample := 0 to 1 by 1
    if (IdxExample)
        * 扫描所有条码类型,除去固定类型条码
        * We could scan for all bar codes except certain bar code
        * families...
        get_param_info (‘find_bar_code‘, ‘CodeType‘, ‘value_list‘, AllCodeTypes)
        NoGS1 := ‘~‘ + regexp_select(AllCodeTypes,‘GS1.*‘)
        NoUPC := ‘~‘ + regexp_select(AllCodeTypes,‘UPC.*‘)
        CodeTypes := [‘auto‘,NoGS1,NoUPC]
        CodeTypesDescription := ‘all types, except GS1 and UPC variants‘
        * 在这里,只扫描EAN和Code 39类型
        * ...or (as we do here) scan only for the EAN family and
        * Code 39
        get_param_info (‘find_bar_code‘, ‘CodeType‘, ‘value_list‘, AllCodeTypes)
        AllEAN := regexp_select(AllCodeTypes,‘EAN-13.*‘)
        CodeTypes := [AllEAN,‘Code 39‘]
        CodeTypesDescription := ‘Code 39 and all EAN variants‘
    * 展示混合多种条码的自动识别和区分
    * Demonstrate autodiscrimination for mixed bar code types
    for IdxIma := 0 to |ExampleImagesMixed| - 1 by 1
        FileName := ExampleImagesMixed[IdxIma]
        read_image (Image, FileName)
        * 显示图像和描述
        * Display image and description
        get_image_size (Image, Width, Height)
        dev_set_window_extents (-1, -1, Width / 2, Height / 2)
        dev_display (Image)
        disp_message (WindowHandle, [‘Looking for bar code(s) of type:‘,‘ ‘ + CodeTypesDescription], ‘window‘, 12, 12, ‘black‘, ‘true‘)
        * 解码混合条码
        * Decode mixed bar codes
        find_bar_code (Image, SymbolRegions, BarCodeHandle, CodeTypes, DecodedDataStrings)
        * 显示条码和条码区域
        * Display decoded data and symbol region
        dev_set_color (‘forest green‘)
        dev_display (SymbolRegions)
        get_bar_code_result (BarCodeHandle, ‘all‘, ‘decoded_types‘, DecodedDataTypes)
        area_center (SymbolRegions, Area, Rows, Columns)
        disp_message (WindowHandle, DecodedDataTypes + ‘: ‘ + DecodedDataStrings, ‘image‘, Rows, Columns - 160, ‘forest green‘, ‘true‘)
        if (IdxIma < |ExampleImagesMixed| - 1 or IdxExample == 0)
             *右下角显示‘Press F5 to continue‘
            disp_continue_message (WindowHandle, ‘black‘, ‘true‘)
            stop ()
* 清除条码读取器,释放内存
* Close the bar code reader to clean up memory
stop ()
clear_bar_code_model (BarCodeHandle)



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