asterisk 可以作为电子传真服务器,进行收发电子传真。但是配置起来,比较麻烦,需要一番折腾。在这儿分享一下电子传真的配置,希望对朋友们有所帮助。
asterisk 如果需要收发电子传真,需要的配置资源有两个。
res_fax : 包含了收发传真方法
res_fax_spandsp: 传真DSP信号
开始安装dsp,建议大家去spandsp官方去下载 spandsp-master,安装步骤,按照 ReadMe.去安装好了。
asterisk 模块选择时,一定要选择res_fax 和 res_fax_spandsp.
启动 asterisk, 检查模块是否安装成功:太棒了,传真模块加载完成。
pbx*CLI> module show like fax Module Description Use Count res_fax.so Generic FAX Applications 1 res_fax_spandsp.so Spandsp G.711 and T.38 FAX Technologies 23
和传真相关的配置文件 res_fax.conf 和 sip.conf
; Generic Fax Application configuration [general] ; Maximum Transmission Rate ; Possible values are { 2400 | 4800 | 7200 | 9600 | 12000 | 14400 } ; Set this value to the maximum desired transfer rate. Default: 14400 maxrate=14400 ; Minimum Transmission Rate ; Possible values are { 2400 | 4800 | 7200 | 9600 | 12000 | 14400 } ; Set this value to the minimum desired transfer rate. Default: 2400 minrate=2400 ; Send Progress/Status events to manager session ; Manager events with ‘call‘ class permissions will receive events indicating the ; steps to initiate a fax session. Fax completion events are always sent to manager ; sessions with ‘call‘ class permissions, regardless of the value of this option. ; Default: no statusevents=yes ; modem capabilities ; Possible values are { v17 | v27 | v29 } ; Set this value to modify the default modem options. Default: v17,v27,v29 modems=v17,v27,v29 ; Enable/disable T.30 ECM (error correction mode) by default. ; Default: Enabled ecm=disable
sip.conf 有对T380检测的配置,我取消了,没有做,你可以加上,但是这个信号就必须跑T380了,否则会报错了,检测不到T380.
sip.conf general增加 ,注意传真只能是G711编码。
[fax-in] exten => _X.,1,Verbose(3,Incoming fax) exten => _X.,n,Set(FAXDEST=/var/spool/asterisk/fax) exten => _X.,n,SET(tempfax=${CALLEDFAX}/${UNIQUEID}) exten => _X.,n,ReceiveFax(${FAXDEST}/${tempfax}.tif) exten => _X.,n,Verbose(3,- Fax receipt completed with status:${FAXSTATUS})