# 修改haproxy配置文件
# 查询:输入网址获取当前backend下的所有记录
# 增加:输入字典增加一条记录
# 删除:输入字典删除该记录
1 global 2 log local2 3 daemon 4 maxconn 256 5 log local2 info 6 defaults 7 log global 8 mode http 9 timeout connect 5000ms 10 timeout client 50000ms 11 timeout server 50000ms 12 option dontlognull 13 14 listen stats :8888 15 stats enable 16 stats uri /admin 17 stats auth admin:1234 18 19 frontend oldboy.org 20 bind 21 option httplog 22 option httpclose 23 option forwardfor 24 log global 25 acl www hdr_reg(host) -i www.oldboy.org 26 use_backend www.oldboy.org if www 27 28 backend www.oldboy.org 29 server weight 20 maxconn 3000
1 # 修改haproxy配置文件 2 # 查询:输入网址获取当前backend下的所有记录 3 # 增加:输入字典增加一条记录 4 # 删除:输入字典删除该记录 5 6 import sys 7 8 9 def info(): 10 """提取当前配置文件中所有backend网址信息""" 11 backend = [] 12 with open("haproxy", ‘r‘) as f: 13 for line in f: 14 if line.startswith(‘backend‘): 15 line = line.strip() 16 backend.append(line.partition(‘ ‘)[2]) 17 return backend 18 19 20 def search(website): 21 """输入网址查找其具体信息""" 22 info_backend = [] 23 if website in info(): 24 with open(‘haproxy‘, ‘r‘) as f: 25 for line in f: 26 if line.strip() == ‘backend‘+‘ ‘+website: 27 f1 = f.readline() 28 while f1.startswith(‘ server‘): 29 info_backend.append(f1.strip()) 30 f1 = f.readline() 31 print(f"\033[31m{website}条目信息:\033[0m") 32 for i, items in enumerate(info_backend): 33 print(i+1, items.strip("‘")) 34 else: 35 print(f"{website} 条目不存在") 36 return info_backend 37 38 39 def add(add_dic): 40 """添加条目""" 41 add_dic = eval(add_dic) 42 website = add_dic[‘backend‘] 43 record = add_dic[‘record‘] 44 if website in info(): 45 print(f‘\033[31m{website}已存在\033[0m‘) 46 else: 47 with open(‘haproxy‘, ‘a‘) as f: 48 f.write(‘\n\n‘+‘backend‘+‘ ‘+website+‘\n‘) 49 f.write(‘ ‘+‘server‘+‘ ‘+record[‘server‘]+‘ ‘+record[‘server‘]+‘ ‘) 50 f.write(‘weight‘+‘ ‘+str(record[‘weight‘])+‘ ‘) 51 f.write(‘maxconn‘+‘ ‘+str(record[‘maxconn‘])) 52 print(f"\033[31mbackend {website} 条目已添加\033[0m") 53 54 55 def delete(del_dic): 56 """删除条目""" 57 del_dic = eval(del_dic) 58 website = del_dic[‘backend‘] 59 if website in info(): 60 with open(‘haproxy‘, ‘r‘) as f: 61 with open(‘haproxy_new.txt‘, ‘w+‘) as f1: 62 for line in f: 63 if line.strip() == ‘backend‘+‘ ‘+del_dic[‘backend‘]: 64 line = f.readline() 65 while line.startswith(‘ server‘): 66 line = f.readline() 67 continue 68 else: 69 f1.write(line) 70 print(f"{website} 条目删除成功") 71 with open(‘haproxy‘, ‘w‘) as f: 72 with open(‘haproxy_new.txt‘, ‘r‘) as f1: 73 for line in f1: 74 f.write(line) 75 else: 76 print(f"{website} 条目不存在") 77 return 78 79 80 print("\033[31m欢迎进入haproxy配置系统\033[0m".center(50, ‘ ‘)) 81 while True: 82 print(‘-‘.center(50, ‘-‘)) 83 print("当前backend网址信息如下:") 84 for j, backend in enumerate(info()): 85 print(j+1, backend) 86 print(‘-‘.center(50, ‘-‘)) 87 print("1.信息查询", ‘\n‘, "2.增加条目", ‘\n‘, "3.删除条目", sep=‘‘) 88 choice1 = input("输入序号进入配置界面(输入q退出系统):") 89 if choice1.isdigit(): 90 choice1 = int(choice1) 91 if choice1 in range(1, 4): 92 if choice1 == 1: 93 while True: 94 choice2 = input("请输入网址进行查询(例:www.baidu.com)(b返回q退出):") 95 if choice2 == ‘b‘: 96 break 97 elif choice2 == ‘q‘: 98 print("系统退出") 99 sys.exit() 100 else: 101 search(choice2) 102 elif choice1 == 2: 103 while True: 104 choice3 = input("请输入条目字典(b返回q退出):") 105 if choice3 == ‘b‘: 106 break 107 elif choice3 == ‘q‘: 108 print("系统退出") 109 sys.exit() 110 else: 111 add(choice3) 112 elif choice1 == 3: 113 while True: 114 choice4 = input("请输入添加条目字典(b返回q退出):") 115 if choice4 == ‘b‘: 116 break 117 elif choice4 == ‘q‘: 118 print("系统退出") 119 sys.exit() 120 else: 121 delete(choice4) 122 else: 123 print("无此选项,请正确输入!") 124 elif choice1 == ‘q‘: 125 print("系统退出") 126 sys.exit() 127 else: 128 print("格式错误,请重新输入!") 129 continue