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1 --当一个班次时间内同时加工多种产品时,生产节拍=(零件1节拍*班次内零件1设备实际产量+零件2节拍*班次内零件2设备实际产量+...+)/(班次内零件1设备实际产量+班次内零件2设备实际产量+...+) 2 with 3 --1、依据公式计算各个零件实际产量及(零件节拍*班次内零件设备实际产量)值 4 beatInternal as ( 5 select 6 c.machineid , 7 c.MachineCode, 8 c.ShiftDay, 9 c.MachinesShiftDetailId, 10 c.Yield as RealYield, 11 c.Yield * mb.Beat as TotalTime 12 from ( 13 select --班次内各产品产量计算 14 c.machineid , 15 c.MachineCode, 16 c.ShiftDetail_ShiftDay as ShiftDay, 17 c.MachinesShiftDetailId, 18 c.ProductId, 19 sum(c.Yield) as Yield 20 from Capacities as c 21 group by c.MachineId,c.MachineCode,c.ShiftDetail_ShiftDay,c.MachinesShiftDetailId,c.ProductId 22 ) as c 23 join Products as p on c.ProductId = p.Id 24 join MachineBeats as mb on (p.Code = mb.ProductNumber and mb.MachineId = c.MachineId) 25 ), 26 --2、依据公式计算班次内 各设备生产节拍 27 beat as( 28 select 29 b.machineid , 30 b.MachineCode, 31 b.ShiftDay, 32 b.MachinesShiftDetailId, 33 sum(b.TotalTime ) / sum(b.RealYield) as mbeat --设备生产节拍 34 from beatInternal as b 35 group by b.MachineId,b.MachineCode,b.ShiftDay,b.MachinesShiftDetailId 36 ), 37 --3、计算班次内设备运行时间 38 realTime AS ( 39 select machineid, 40 MachineCode, 41 ShiftDetail_ShiftDay as ShiftDay, 42 MachinesShiftDetailId, 43 sum(case code when ‘Run‘ then Duration else 0 end) as Duration 44 from states 45 where machineid in (1) 46 and ShiftDetail_ShiftDay between ‘‘ and ‘‘ 47 group by machineid ,MachineCode,ShiftDetail_ShiftDay,MachinesShiftDetailId 48 ), 49 --4、计算班次内设备实际产量 50 realCapacity as ( 51 select 52 c.machineid , 53 c.MachineCode, 54 c.ShiftDetail_ShiftDay as ShiftDay, 55 c.MachinesShiftDetailId, 56 sum(c.Yield) as Yield 57 from Capacities as c 58 group by c.MachineId,c.MachineCode,c.ShiftDetail_ShiftDay,c.MachinesShiftDetailId 59 ), 60 --5、依据公式计算班次内设备计划产量 61 planCapacity as( 62 select 63 b.machineid, 64 b.MachineCode, 65 b.ShiftDay, 66 b.MachinesShiftDetailId, 67 r.Duration / b.mbeat as planCount 68 from beat as b 69 join realTime as r on (b.MachineId= r.MachineId and b.ShiftDay = r.ShiftDay and b.MachinesShiftDetailId = r.MachinesShiftDetailId) 70 ) 71 --最后计算班次内各设备性能运转率 =实际产量/计划产量 72 select 73 rc.machineid, 74 rc.MachineCode, 75 rc.ShiftDay, 76 rc.MachinesShiftDetailId, 77 rc.Yield / pc.planCount as PerformanceRate 78 from realCapacity as rc 79 join planCapacity as pc on (rc.MachineId = pc.MachineId and rc.ShiftDay = pc.ShiftDay and rc.MachinesShiftDetailId = pc.MachinesShiftDetailId)