Vivado 添加QSPI Flash
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选择 fsb 工程,右键选择 Create Boot Image
弹出的窗口中可以看到生成的BIF 文件路径,BIF 文件是生成BOO丁文件的配置文件,
还有生成的BOOT.bin文件路径,BOOT.bin文件是我们需要的启动文件,可以放到SD卡启动,也可以烧写到QSPI FLASH.
Xilinx VIVADO 软件版本更新到2017以后,为了对ZYNQ和MPSOC平台进行统一,对 QSPI FLASH 下载方式进行了改动,因此,下载需要额外做一点小工作,大致步骤如下:
有关步骤说明可以参考:Program Flash
注意:为了下载QSPI FLASH 的“指定的fsbl”与生成boot.bin文件的fsbl文件不同,这里不能混淆。
* Read bootmode register
BootModeRegister = Xil_In32(BOOT_MODE_REG);
BootModeRegister &= BOOT_MODES_MASK;
/* add this line to trick boot mode to JTAG */
BootModeRegister = JTAG_MODE; // 添加这行
Verify after flash
[AR# 70148](https://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/70148.html(Xilinx Answer 70148))
Since 2017.3 Zynq-7000 SoC: QSPI flash programming now requires that you specify an FSBL.
Starting with the 2017.3 release, Vivado Hardware Manager and XSDK require that you specify an FSBL in order to program a QSPI flash.
This has been done in order to have a common flow between Zynq-7000 and Zynq UltraScale+.
With this change there are a number of implications:
1、The user needs a working FSBL.
If this FSBL is initializing DDR, then DDR needs to be functioning even if the QSPI flash programming does not really use it.
A suggestion is to use
in the FSBL, to check if the UART of the FSBL is fully executed without hangs during QSPI flash programming.
2、 If you have issues programming the FLASH in Vivado 2017.3 or 2017.4, add the following environment variable.
(The ENV variable is not required for 2018.1):
This will force the mini-uBoot to set the QSPI device clock to 10 MHz.
Note: depending on your FSBL design, you might see a different QSPI clock on your hardware.
3、The device clocking is now configured by the FSBL rather than the tool.
The configuration which was previously used by the tool is listed below.
If you have issues programming the flash, you should check the FSBL configuration against this table.
Register Name | Register Address | Register Value | |
ARM_PLL_CFG | 0xF8000110 | 0x00177EA0 | (default values) |
ARM_PLL_CTRL | 0xF8000100 | 0x0001A000 | ARM_PLL = 866 MHz (not bypassed) |
ARM_CLK_CTRL | 0xF8000120 | 0x1F000400 | CPU_6x4x = 866 / 4 = 216 MHz |
IO_PLL_CFG | 0xF8000118 | 0x00177EA0 | (default values) |
IO_PLL_CTRL | 0xF8000108 | 0x0001A000 | IO_PLL = 866 MHz (not bypassed) |
PLL_STATUS | 0xF800010C | 0x0000003F | ARM_PLL and IO_PLL are LOCKED and STABLE. |
Assuming PS_REF_CLK = 33.33 MHz
4、 In case of XIP (Execute in place from QSPI), a custom FSBL that executes from OCM needs to be created to be specified during QSPI flash programming.
Zynq-7000 - QSPI programming in QSPI-boot mode
QSPI programming requires the device to boot in JTAG mode, as mentioned by the program_flash output log.
Initialization done, programming the memory
BOOT_MODE REG = 0x00000001
WARNING: [Xicom 50-100] The current boot mode is QSPI.
Although JTAG boot mode is highly recommended, there is a work-around for devices booting in QSPI-boot mode.
Starting in 2017.3, programming flash for Zynq-7000 requires that you specify an FSBL. See (Xilinx Answer 70148).
This FSBL is required to initialize the system (mainly to run the ps7_init() function).
If booting in QSPI boot mode, this FSBL will try to load partitions from the flash causing misbehavior of the flash programming.
With the following modification we limit this FSBL (used only for flash programming) to basically only run the initialization (ps7_init()
Create a new FSBL project and add the following change (main.c) to use it for Flash programming in SDK.
* Read bootmode register
BootModeRegister = Xil_In32(BOOT_MODE_REG);
BootModeRegister &= BOOT_MODES_MASK;
//add this line to trick boot mode to JTAG
BootModeRegister = JTAG_MODE;
This should prevent the FSBL from loading any existing partition from the Flash device while programming is in operation.
cmd /C program_flash -f D:\BOOT.BIN -offset 0 -flash_type qspi-x4-single -fsbl E:\dowload-to-qspi.sdk\for_flash_download\Debug\for_flash_download.elf -verify -cable type xilinx_tcf url TCP:
****** Xilinx Program Flash
****** Program Flash v2018.3 (64-bit)
**** SW Build 2405991 on Thu Dec 6 23:38:27 MST 2018
** Copyright 1986-2018 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
WARNING: Failed to connect to hw_server at TCP:
Attempting to launch hw_server at TCP:
Connected to hw_server @ TCP:
Available targets and devices:
Target 0 : jsn-JTAG-HS1-210512180081
Device 0: jsn-JTAG-HS1-210512180081-4ba00477-0
Retrieving Flash info...
Initialization done, programming the memory
===== mrd->addr=0xF800025C, data=0x00000001 =====
BOOT_MODE REG = 0x00000001
WARNING: [Xicom 50-100] The current boot mode is QSPI.
If flash programming fails, configure device for JTAG boot mode and try again.
===== mrd->addr=0xF8007080, data=0x30800100 =====
===== mrd->addr=0xF8000B18, data=0x80000000 =====
Downloading FSBL...
Running FSBL...
Finished running FSBL.
===== mrd->addr=0xF8000110, data=0x000FA220 =====
READ: ARM_PLL_CFG (0xF8000110) = 0x000FA220
===== mrd->addr=0xF8000100, data=0x00028008 =====
READ: ARM_PLL_CTRL (0xF8000100) = 0x00028008
===== mrd->addr=0xF8000120, data=0x1F000200 =====
READ: ARM_CLK_CTRL (0xF8000120) = 0x1F000200
===== mrd->addr=0xF8000118, data=0x000FA240 =====
READ: IO_PLL_CFG (0xF8000118) = 0x000FA240
===== mrd->addr=0xF8000108, data=0x00036008 =====
READ: IO_PLL_CTRL (0xF8000108) = 0x00036008
Info: Remapping 256KB of on-chip-memory RAM memory to 0xFFFC0000.
===== mrd->addr=0xF8000008, data=0x00000000 =====
===== mwr->addr=0xF8000008, data=0x0000DF0D =====
MASKWRITE: addr=0xF8000008, mask=0x0000FFFF, newData=0x0000DF0D
===== mwr->addr=0xF8000910, data=0x000001FF =====
===== mrd->addr=0xF8000004, data=0x00000000 =====
===== mwr->addr=0xF8000004, data=0x0000767B =====
MASKWRITE: addr=0xF8000004, mask=0x0000FFFF, newData=0x0000767B
U-Boot 2018.01-00073-g63efa8c-dirty (Oct 04 2018 - 08:22:22 -0600)
Model: Zynq CSE QSPI Board
Board: Xilinx Zynq
Silicon: v3.1
DRAM: 256 KiB
WARNING: Caches not enabled
Using default environment
In: dcc
Out: dcc
Err: dcc
Zynq> sf probe 0 10000000 0
SF: Detected w25q256 with page size 256 Bytes, erase size 4 KiB, total 32 MiB
Zynq> Sector size = 4096.
f probe 0 10000000 0
Performing Erase Operation...
sf erase 0 6A2000
SF: 6955008 bytes @ 0x0 Erased: OK
Zynq> Erase Operation successful.
INFO: [Xicom 50-44] Elapsed time = 56 sec.
Performing Program Operation...
0%...sf write FFFC0000 0 20000
device 0 offset 0x0, size 0x20000
SF: 131072 bytes @ 0x0 Written: OK
Zynq> sf write FFFC0000 20000 20000
Total of 65536 byte(s) were the same
Zynq> sf read FFFC0000 3F0000 10000
device 0 offset 0x3f0000, size 0x10000
SF: 65536 bytes @ 0x3f0000 Read: OK
Zynq> cmp.b FFFC0000 FFFD0000 10000
Total of 65536 byte(s) were the same
Zynq> 60%...sf read FFFC0000 400000 10000
device 0 offset 0x400000, size 0x10000
SF: 65536 bytes @ 0x400000 Read: OK
Zynq> cmp.b FFFC0000 FFFD0000 10000
Total of 65536 byte(s) were the same
Zynq> 100%
sf read FFFC0000 6A0000 1D98
device 0 offset 0x6a0000, size 0x1d98
SF: 7576 bytes @ 0x6a0000 Read: OK
Zynq> cmp.b FFFC0000 FFFD0000 1D98
Total of 7576 byte(s) were the same
Zynq> INFO: [Xicom 50-44] Elapsed time = 33 sec.
Verify Operation successful.
Flash Operation Successful