参考: How to read from an Excel file using OLEDB
注:连接字符串中,Provider=xx是从这个连接模仿,主要是考虑是否把第1行当成表头: http://www.connectionstrings.com/excel/
1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.Data.OleDb; 6 using System.Data; 7 using System.Collections; 8 9 namespace Oledb { 10 class OledbHelp { 11 public string FileName { get; private set; } 12 private string ConnectString = null; 13 14 /// <summary> 15 /// if contains header. 16 /// </summary> 17 readonly bool hasHeader = false; 18 public bool HasHeader { get { return hasHeader; } } 19 20 /// <summary> 21 /// Initialize connection string. 22 /// </summary> 23 /// <param name="fileName">full file name.</param> 24 /// <param name="hasHeader">ture if the .xls file contains header;otherwise false.</param> 25 public OledbHelp(string fileName, bool hasHeader) { 26 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName"); 27 FileName = fileName; 28 this.hasHeader = hasHeader; 29 ConnectString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=‘" + FileName + "‘;"; 30 31 //specify it contains header. 32 if (HasHeader) 33 ConnectString += "Extended Properties=‘Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=YES‘"; 34 } 35 36 public OleDbConnection GetConnection() { 37 return new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(ConnectString); 38 } 39 40 public DataSet GetDataSet(string sql, OleDbConnection connection) { 41 OleDbDataAdapter adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(sql, connection); 42 DataSet set = new DataSet(); 43 adapter.Fill(set); 44 return set; 45 } 46 47 /// <summary> 48 /// Get DataRows by specified column-name. 49 /// </summary> 50 /// <param name="set">The input set.</param> 51 /// <param name="columnName">The specified column-name</param> 52 /// <returns></returns> 53 public List<DataRow> GetDataRow(DataSet set, string columnName) { 54 DataTable t = set.Tables[0]; //get the first table as default. 55 List<DataRow> rows = new List<DataRow>(); 56 foreach (DataRow r in t.Rows) { 57 rows.Add((DataRow)r[columnName]); 58 }; 59 return rows; 60 } 61 } 62 }
1 string fileName = @"D:\cs\office\excel\excel_data\tmp.xls"; 2 string sql = "select [姓名] from [msg$]"; //可以在sql 语句指定列字段. 3 OledbHelp ole = new OledbHelp(fileName, true); 4 using (OleDbConnection conn = ole.GetConnection()) { 5 DataSet set = ole.GetDataSet(sql, conn); 6 dgv.DataSource = set.Tables[0]; 7 }