/* * Log4z License * ----------- * * Log4z is licensed under the terms of the MIT license reproduced below. * This means that Log4z is free software and can be used for both academic * and commercial purposes at absolutely no cost. * * * =============================================================================== * * Copyright (C) 2010-2017 YaweiZhang <yawei.zhang@foxmail.com>. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * =============================================================================== * * (end of COPYRIGHT) */ /* * AUTHORS: YaweiZhang <yawei.zhang@foxmail.com> * VERSION: 3.5.0 * PURPOSE: A lightweight library for error reporting and logging to file and screen . * CREATION: 2010.10.4 * LCHANGE: 2017.08.20 * LICENSE: Expat/MIT License, See Copyright Notice at the begin of this file. */ /* * contact me: * tencent qq group: 19811947 * mail: yawei.zhang@foxmail.com */ /* * UPDATES LOG * * VERSION 0.1.0 <DATE: 2010.10.4> * create the first project. * It support put log to screen and files, * support log level, support one day one log file. * support multi-thread, cross-platform. * * VERSION .... <DATE: ...> * ... * * VERSION 0.9.0 <DATE: 2012.12.24> * support config files. * support color text in screen. * support multiple output to different files. * * VERSION 1.0.0 <DATE: 2012.12.29> * support comments in the config file. * add a advanced demo in the ./project * fix some details. * * VERSION 1.0.1 <DATE: 2013.01.01> * change and add some Comments in the log4z * simplify the ‘fast_test‘ demo projects. * * VERSION 1.1.0 <DATE: 2013.01.24> * the method Start will wait for the logger thread started. * config and add method change. * namespace change. * * VERSION 1.1.1 <DATE: 2013.02.23> * add status info method. * optimize. * * VERSION 1.2.0 <DATE: 2013.04.05> * add stress test demo * rewrite Stream module,better performance. * * VERSION 1.2.1 <DATE: 2013.04.13> * fixed type name ‘long‘ stream format on 64/32 operation system. * logger will not loss any log on process normal exit. * * VERSION 2.0.0 <DATE: 2013.04.25> * new interface: * merge some Main interface and Dynamic interface * add Change Logger Attribute method by thread-safe * new config design. * log file name append process id. * * VERSION 2.1 <DATE: 2013.05.22> * support binary text output * rewrite write file module, support vs2005 open Chinese characters path * * VERSION 2.2 <DATE: 2013.07.08> * optimized binary stream output view * support wchar * string. * * VERSION 2.3 <DATE: 2013.08.29> * adjust output file named. * support different month different directory. * adjust some detail. * * VERSION 2.4 <DATE: 2013.10.07> * support rolling log file. * support hot update configure * used precision time in log. * micro set default logger attribute * fix tls bug in windows xp dll * * VERSION 2.5 <DATE: 2014.03.25> * screen output can choice synchronous or not * fix sometimes color will disorder on windows. * eliminate some compiler warning * fix sem_timewait in linux * add format-style method at input log, cannot support vs2003 and VC6. * fix WCHAR String cannot output * optimize std::string, binary log input, and support std::wstring. * clean code, better readability * * VERSION 2.6 <DATE: 2014.08.19> * add PrePushLog * better performance when log is filter out. * interface replace std::string because it‘s in shared library is unsafe. * add log level ‘trace‘ * * VERSION 2.6.1 <DATE: 2014.08.22> * fix bug from defined _MSC_VER * * VERSION 2.7 <DATE: 2014.09.21> * compatible mac machine, now log4z can working in linux/windows/mac. * * VERSION 2.8 <DATE: 2014.09.27> * support synchronous written to file and thread-safe * fix compatibility on MinGW. a constant value suffix. * ignore utf-8 file BOM when load configure file * use macro WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN replace head file winsock2.h * new naming notations * * VERSION 3.0 <DATE: 2014.12.19> * new naming notations * support for reading config from a string. * remove all TLS code, used dispatch_semaphore in apple OS. * support system: windows, linux, mac, iOS * * VERSION 3.1 <DATE: 2014.12.19> * add method enable/disable logger by specific logger id * add method enable/disable log suffix line number. * add method enable/disable log output to file. * * VERSION 3.2 <DATE: 2014.12.19> * add interface setLoggerName,setLoggerPath,setAutoUpdate * support auto update from configure file * * VERSION 3.3 <DATE: 2014.12.19> * support map vector list * support continuum via travis. * new hot change design, all change realize need via push log flow. * support oem string convert. * new method to read whole content of file. * check configure‘s checksum when auto update it. * some other optimize. * * VERSION 3.5 <DATE: 2017.08.20> * optimization * */ #pragma once #ifndef _ZSUMMER_LOG4Z_H_ #define _ZSUMMER_LOG4Z_H_ #include <string> #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <cmath> #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef WIN32 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <Windows.h> #endif #include <vector> #include <map> #include <list> #include <queue> #include <deque> //! logger ID type. DO NOT TOUCH typedef int LoggerId; //! the invalid logger id. DO NOT TOUCH const int LOG4Z_INVALID_LOGGER_ID = -1; //! the main logger id. DO NOT TOUCH //! can use this id to set the main logger‘s attribute. //! example: //! ILog4zManager::getPtr()->setLoggerLevel(LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID, LOG_LEVEL_WARN); //! ILog4zManager::getPtr()->setLoggerDisplay(LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID, false); const int LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID = 0; //! the main logger name. DO NOT TOUCH const char*const LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_KEY = "Log"; //! check VC VERSION. DO NOT TOUCH //! format micro cannot support VC6 or VS2003, please use stream input log, like LOGI, LOGD, LOG_DEBUG, LOG_STREAM ... #if _MSC_VER >= 1400 //MSVC >= VS2005 #define LOG4Z_FORMAT_INPUT_ENABLE #endif #ifndef WIN32 #define LOG4Z_FORMAT_INPUT_ENABLE #endif //! LOG Level enum ENUM_LOG_LEVEL { LOG_LEVEL_TRACE = 0, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, LOG_LEVEL_WARN, LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, LOG_LEVEL_ALARM, LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! -----------------default logger config, can change on this.----------- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! the max logger count. const int LOG4Z_LOGGER_MAX = 20; //! the max log content length. const int LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE = 1024 * 8; //! the max stl container depth. const int LOG4Z_LOG_CONTAINER_DEPTH = 5; //! the log queue length limit size. const int LOG4Z_LOG_QUEUE_LIMIT_SIZE = 20000; //! all logger synchronous output or not const bool LOG4Z_ALL_SYNCHRONOUS_OUTPUT = true; //! all logger synchronous display to the windows debug output const bool LOG4Z_ALL_DEBUGOUTPUT_DISPLAY = false; //! default logger output file. const char* const LOG4Z_DEFAULT_PATH = "./app-log/"; //! default log filter level const int LOG4Z_DEFAULT_LEVEL = LOG_LEVEL_ERROR; //! default logger display const bool LOG4Z_DEFAULT_DISPLAY = false; //! default logger output to file const bool LOG4Z_DEFAULT_OUTFILE = true; //! default logger month dir used status const bool LOG4Z_DEFAULT_MONTHDIR = true; //! default logger output file limit size, unit M byte. const int LOG4Z_DEFAULT_LIMITSIZE = 50; //! default logger show suffix (file name and line number) const bool LOG4Z_DEFAULT_SHOWSUFFIX = true; //! support ANSI->OEM console conversion on Windows #undef LOG4Z_OEM_CONSOLE //! default logger force reserve log file count. const size_t LOG4Z_FORCE_RESERVE_FILE_COUNT = 7; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef _ZSUMMER_BEGIN #define _ZSUMMER_BEGIN namespace zsummer { #endif #ifndef _ZSUMMER_LOG4Z_BEGIN #define _ZSUMMER_LOG4Z_BEGIN namespace log4z { #endif _ZSUMMER_BEGIN _ZSUMMER_LOG4Z_BEGIN struct LogData { LoggerId _id; //dest logger id int _type; //type. int _typeval; int _level; //log level time_t _time; //create time unsigned int _precise; //create time unsigned int _threadID; int _contentLen; char _content[1]; //content }; //! log4z class class ILog4zManager { public: ILog4zManager(){}; virtual ~ILog4zManager(){}; //! Log4z Singleton static ILog4zManager * getInstance(); inline static ILog4zManager & getRef(){return *getInstance();} inline static ILog4zManager * getPtr(){return getInstance();} //! Config or overwrite configure //! Needs to be called before ILog4zManager::Start,, OR Do not call. virtual bool config(const char * configPath) = 0; virtual bool configFromString(const char * configContent) = 0; //! Create or overwrite logger. //! Needs to be called before ILog4zManager::Start, OR Do not call. virtual LoggerId createLogger(const char* key) = 0; //! Start Log Thread. This method can only be called once by one process. virtual bool start() = 0; //! Default the method will be calling at process exit auto. //! Default no need to call and no recommended. virtual bool stop() = 0; //! Find logger. thread safe. virtual LoggerId findLogger(const char* key) =0; //pre-check the log filter. if filter out return false. virtual bool prePushLog(LoggerId id, int level) = 0; //! Push log, thread safe. virtual bool pushLog(LogData * pLog, const char * file = NULL, int line = 0) = 0; //! set logger‘s attribute, thread safe. virtual bool enableLogger(LoggerId id, bool enable) = 0; // immediately when enable, and queue up when disable. virtual bool setLoggerName(LoggerId id, const char * name) = 0; virtual bool setLoggerPath(LoggerId id, const char * path) = 0; virtual bool setLoggerLevel(LoggerId id, int nLevel) = 0; // immediately when enable, and queue up when disable. virtual bool setLoggerFileLine(LoggerId id, bool enable) = 0; virtual bool setLoggerDisplay(LoggerId id, bool enable) = 0; virtual bool setLoggerOutFile(LoggerId id, bool enable) = 0; virtual bool setLoggerLimitsize(LoggerId id, unsigned int limitsize) = 0; virtual bool setLoggerMonthdir(LoggerId id, bool enable) = 0; virtual bool setLoggerReserveTime(LoggerId id, time_t sec) = 0; //! Update logger‘s attribute from config file, thread safe. virtual bool setAutoUpdate(int interval/*per second, 0 is disable auto update*/) = 0; virtual bool updateConfig() = 0; //! Log4z status statistics, thread safe. virtual bool isLoggerEnable(LoggerId id) = 0; virtual unsigned long long getStatusTotalWriteCount() = 0; virtual unsigned long long getStatusTotalWriteBytes() = 0; virtual unsigned long long getStatusTotalPushQueue() = 0; virtual unsigned long long getStatusTotalPopQueue() = 0; virtual unsigned int getStatusActiveLoggers() = 0; virtual LogData * makeLogData(LoggerId id, int level) = 0; virtual void freeLogData(LogData * log) = 0; }; class Log4zStream; class Log4zBinary; #ifndef _ZSUMMER_END #define _ZSUMMER_END } #endif #ifndef _ZSUMMER_LOG4Z_END #define _ZSUMMER_LOG4Z_END } #endif _ZSUMMER_LOG4Z_END _ZSUMMER_END //! base macro. #define LOG_STREAM(id, level, file, line, log)do{ if (zsummer::log4z::ILog4zManager::getPtr()->prePushLog(id,level)) { zsummer::log4z::LogData * __pLog = zsummer::log4z::ILog4zManager::getPtr()->makeLogData(id, level); zsummer::log4z::Log4zStream __ss(__pLog->_content + __pLog->_contentLen, LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE - __pLog->_contentLen); __ss << log; __pLog->_contentLen += __ss.getCurrentLen(); zsummer::log4z::ILog4zManager::getPtr()->pushLog(__pLog, file, line); }} while (0) //! fast macro #define LOG_TRACE(id, log) LOG_STREAM(id, LOG_LEVEL_TRACE, __FILE__, __LINE__, log) #define LOG_DEBUG(id, log) LOG_STREAM(id, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__, log) #define LOG_INFO(id, log) LOG_STREAM(id, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, __FILE__, __LINE__, log) #define LOG_WARN(id, log) LOG_STREAM(id, LOG_LEVEL_WARN, __FILE__, __LINE__, log) #define LOG_ERROR(id, log) LOG_STREAM(id, LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, log) #define LOG_ALARM(id, log) LOG_STREAM(id, LOG_LEVEL_ALARM, __FILE__, __LINE__, log) #define LOG_FATAL(id, log) LOG_STREAM(id, LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__, log) //! super macro. #define LOGT( log ) LOG_TRACE(LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID, log ) #define LOGD( log ) LOG_DEBUG(LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID, log ) #define LOGI( log ) LOG_INFO(LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID, log ) #define LOGW( log ) LOG_WARN(LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID, log ) #define LOGE( log ) LOG_ERROR(LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID, log ) #define LOGA( log ) LOG_ALARM(LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID, log ) #define LOGF( log ) LOG_FATAL(LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID, log ) //! format input log. #ifdef LOG4Z_FORMAT_INPUT_ENABLE #ifdef WIN32 #define LOG_FORMAT(id, level, file, line, logformat, ...) do{ if (zsummer::log4z::ILog4zManager::getPtr()->prePushLog(id,level)) { zsummer::log4z::LogData * __pLog = zsummer::log4z::ILog4zManager::getPtr()->makeLogData(id, level); int __logLen = _snprintf_s(__pLog->_content + __pLog->_contentLen, LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE - __pLog->_contentLen, _TRUNCATE, logformat, ##__VA_ARGS__); if (__logLen < 0) __logLen = LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE - __pLog->_contentLen; __pLog->_contentLen += __logLen; zsummer::log4z::ILog4zManager::getPtr()->pushLog(__pLog, file, line); }} while (0) #else #define LOG_FORMAT(id, level, file, line, logformat, ...) do{ if (zsummer::log4z::ILog4zManager::getPtr()->prePushLog(id,level)) { zsummer::log4z::LogData * __pLog = zsummer::log4z::ILog4zManager::getPtr()->makeLogData(id, level); int __logLen = snprintf(__pLog->_content + __pLog->_contentLen, LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE - __pLog->_contentLen,logformat, ##__VA_ARGS__); if (__logLen < 0) __logLen = 0; if (__logLen > LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE - __pLog->_contentLen) __logLen = LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE - __pLog->_contentLen; __pLog->_contentLen += __logLen; zsummer::log4z::ILog4zManager::getPtr()->pushLog(__pLog, file, line); } }while(0) #endif //!format string #define LOGFMT_TRACE(id, fmt, ...) LOG_FORMAT(id, LOG_LEVEL_TRACE, __FILE__, __LINE__, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define LOGFMT_DEBUG(id, fmt, ...) LOG_FORMAT(id, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, __FILE__, __LINE__, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define LOGFMT_INFO(id, fmt, ...) LOG_FORMAT(id, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, __FILE__, __LINE__, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define LOGFMT_WARN(id, fmt, ...) LOG_FORMAT(id, LOG_LEVEL_WARN, __FILE__, __LINE__, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define LOGFMT_ERROR(id, fmt, ...) LOG_FORMAT(id, LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define LOGFMT_ALARM(id, fmt, ...) LOG_FORMAT(id, LOG_LEVEL_ALARM, __FILE__, __LINE__, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define LOGFMT_FATAL(id, fmt, ...) LOG_FORMAT(id, LOG_LEVEL_FATAL, __FILE__, __LINE__, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define LOGFMTT( fmt, ...) LOGFMT_TRACE(LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define LOGFMTD( fmt, ...) LOGFMT_DEBUG(LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define LOGFMTI( fmt, ...) LOGFMT_INFO(LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define LOGFMTW( fmt, ...) LOGFMT_WARN(LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define LOGFMTE( fmt, ...) LOGFMT_ERROR(LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define LOGFMTA( fmt, ...) LOGFMT_ALARM(LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define LOGFMTF( fmt, ...) LOGFMT_FATAL(LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #else inline void empty_log_format_function1(LoggerId id, const char*, ...){} inline void empty_log_format_function2(const char*, ...){} #define LOGFMT_TRACE empty_log_format_function1 #define LOGFMT_DEBUG LOGFMT_TRACE #define LOGFMT_INFO LOGFMT_TRACE #define LOGFMT_WARN LOGFMT_TRACE #define LOGFMT_ERROR LOGFMT_TRACE #define LOGFMT_ALARM LOGFMT_TRACE #define LOGFMT_FATAL LOGFMT_TRACE #define LOGFMTT empty_log_format_function2 #define LOGFMTD LOGFMTT #define LOGFMTI LOGFMTT #define LOGFMTW LOGFMTT #define LOGFMTE LOGFMTT #define LOGFMTA LOGFMTT #define LOGFMTF LOGFMTT #endif _ZSUMMER_BEGIN _ZSUMMER_LOG4Z_BEGIN //! optimze from std::stringstream to Log4zStream #ifdef WIN32 #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:4996) #endif class Log4zBinary { public: Log4zBinary(const void * buf, size_t len) { this->buf = (const char *)buf; this->len = len; } const char * buf; size_t len; }; class Log4zString { public: Log4zString(const char * buf, size_t len) { this->buf = (const char *)buf; this->len = len; } const char * buf; size_t len; }; class Log4zStream { public: inline Log4zStream(char * buf, int len); inline int getCurrentLen(){return (int)(_cur - _begin);} public: inline Log4zStream & writeLongLong(long long t, int width = 0, int dec = 10); inline Log4zStream & writeULongLong(unsigned long long t, int width = 0, int dec = 10); inline Log4zStream & writeDouble(double t, bool isSimple); inline Log4zStream & writePointer(const void * t); inline Log4zStream & writeString(const char * t) { return writeString(t, strlen(t)); }; inline Log4zStream & writeString(const char * t, size_t len); inline Log4zStream & writeChar(char ch); inline Log4zStream & writeBinary(const Log4zBinary & t); public: inline Log4zStream & operator <<(const void * t){ return writePointer(t); } inline Log4zStream & operator <<(const char * t){return writeString(t);} inline Log4zStream & operator <<(bool t){ return (t ? writeString("true", 4) : writeString("false", 5));} inline Log4zStream & operator <<(char t){return writeChar(t);} inline Log4zStream & operator <<(unsigned char t){return writeULongLong(t);} inline Log4zStream & operator <<(short t){ return writeLongLong(t); } inline Log4zStream & operator <<(unsigned short t){ return writeULongLong(t); } inline Log4zStream & operator <<(int t){return writeLongLong(t);} inline Log4zStream & operator <<(unsigned int t){return writeULongLong(t);} inline Log4zStream & operator <<(long t) { return writeLongLong(t); } inline Log4zStream & operator <<(unsigned long t){ return writeULongLong(t); } inline Log4zStream & operator <<(long long t) { return writeLongLong(t); } inline Log4zStream & operator <<(unsigned long long t){ return writeULongLong(t); } inline Log4zStream & operator <<(float t){return writeDouble(t, true);} inline Log4zStream & operator <<(double t){return writeDouble(t, false);} template<class _Elem,class _Traits,class _Alloc> //support std::string, std::wstring inline Log4zStream & operator <<(const std::basic_string<_Elem, _Traits, _Alloc> & t){ return writeString(t.c_str(), t.length()); } inline Log4zStream & operator << (const zsummer::log4z::Log4zBinary & binary) { return writeBinary(binary); } inline Log4zStream & operator << (const zsummer::log4z::Log4zString & str) { return writeString(str.buf, str.len); } template<class _Ty1, class _Ty2> inline Log4zStream & operator <<(const std::pair<_Ty1, _Ty2> & t){ return *this << "pair(" << t.first << ":" << t.second << ")"; } template<class _Elem, class _Alloc> inline Log4zStream & operator <<(const std::vector<_Elem, _Alloc> & t) { *this << "vector(" << t.size() << ")["; int inputCount = 0; for (typename std::vector<_Elem, _Alloc>::const_iterator iter = t.begin(); iter != t.end(); iter++) { inputCount++; if (inputCount > LOG4Z_LOG_CONTAINER_DEPTH) { *this << "..., "; break; } *this << *iter << ", "; } if (!t.empty()) { _cur -= 2; } return *this << "]"; } template<class _Elem, class _Alloc> inline Log4zStream & operator <<(const std::list<_Elem, _Alloc> & t) { *this << "list(" << t.size() << ")["; int inputCount = 0; for (typename std::list<_Elem, _Alloc>::const_iterator iter = t.begin(); iter != t.end(); iter++) { inputCount++; if (inputCount > LOG4Z_LOG_CONTAINER_DEPTH) { *this << "..., "; break; } *this << *iter << ", "; } if (!t.empty()) { _cur -= 2; } return *this << "]"; } template<class _Elem, class _Alloc> inline Log4zStream & operator <<(const std::deque<_Elem, _Alloc> & t) { *this << "deque(" << t.size() << ")["; int inputCount = 0; for (typename std::deque<_Elem, _Alloc>::const_iterator iter = t.begin(); iter != t.end(); iter++) { inputCount++; if (inputCount > LOG4Z_LOG_CONTAINER_DEPTH) { *this << "..., "; break; } *this << *iter << ", "; } if (!t.empty()) { _cur -= 2; } return *this << "]"; } template<class _Elem, class _Alloc> inline Log4zStream & operator <<(const std::queue<_Elem, _Alloc> & t) { *this << "queue(" << t.size() << ")["; int inputCount = 0; for (typename std::queue<_Elem, _Alloc>::const_iterator iter = t.begin(); iter != t.end(); iter++) { inputCount++; if (inputCount > LOG4Z_LOG_CONTAINER_DEPTH) { *this << "..., "; break; } *this << *iter << ", "; } if (!t.empty()) { _cur -= 2; } return *this << "]"; } template<class _K, class _V, class _Pr, class _Alloc> inline Log4zStream & operator <<(const std::map<_K, _V, _Pr, _Alloc> & t) { *this << "map(" << t.size() << ")["; int inputCount = 0; for (typename std::map < _K, _V, _Pr, _Alloc>::const_iterator iter = t.begin(); iter != t.end(); iter++) { inputCount++; if (inputCount > LOG4Z_LOG_CONTAINER_DEPTH) { *this << "..., "; break; } *this << *iter << ", "; } if (!t.empty()) { _cur -= 2; } return *this << "]"; } private: Log4zStream(){} Log4zStream(Log4zStream &){} char * _begin; char * _end; char * _cur; }; inline Log4zStream::Log4zStream(char * buf, int len) { _begin = buf; _end = buf + len; _cur = _begin; } inline Log4zStream & Log4zStream::writeLongLong(long long t, int width, int dec) { if (t < 0 ) { t = -t; writeChar(‘-‘); } writeULongLong((unsigned long long)t, width, dec); return *this; } inline Log4zStream & Log4zStream::writeULongLong(unsigned long long t, int width, int dec) { static const char * lut = "0123456789abcdef"; static const char *lutDec = "00010203040506070809" "10111213141516171819" "20212223242526272829" "30313233343536373839" "40414243444546474849" "50515253545556575859" "60616263646566676869" "70717273747576777879" "80818283848586878889" "90919293949596979899"; static const char *lutHex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const unsigned long long cacheSize = 64; if ((unsigned long long)(_end - _cur) > cacheSize) { char buf[cacheSize]; unsigned long long val = t; unsigned long long i = cacheSize; unsigned long long digit = 0; if (dec == 10) { do { const unsigned long long m2 = (unsigned long long)((val % 100) * 2); *(buf + i - 1) = lutDec[m2 + 1]; *(buf + i - 2) = lutDec[m2]; i -= 2; val /= 100; digit += 2; } while (val && i >= 2); if (digit >= 2 && buf[cacheSize - digit] == ‘0‘) { digit--; } } else if (dec == 16) { do { const unsigned long long m2 = (unsigned long long)((val % 256) * 2); *(buf + i - 1) = lutHex[m2 + 1]; *(buf + i - 2) = lutHex[m2]; i -= 2; val /= 256; digit += 2; } while (val && i >= 2); if (digit >= 2 && buf[cacheSize - digit] == ‘0‘) { digit--; } } else { do { buf[--i] = lut[val % dec]; val /= dec; digit++; } while (val && i > 0); } while (digit < (unsigned long long)width) { digit++; buf[cacheSize - digit] = ‘0‘; } writeString(buf + (cacheSize - digit), (size_t)digit); } return *this; } inline Log4zStream & Log4zStream::writeDouble(double t, bool isSimple) { #if __cplusplus >= 201103L using std::isnan; using std::isinf; #endif if (isnan(t)) { writeString("nan", 3); return *this; } else if (isinf(t)) { writeString("inf", 3); return *this; } size_t count = _end - _cur; double fabst = fabs(t); if (count > 30) { if ( fabst < 0.0001 || (!isSimple && fabst > 4503599627370495ULL) || (isSimple && fabst > 8388607)) { gcvt(t, isSimple ? 7 : 16, _cur); size_t len = strlen(_cur); if (len > count) len = count; _cur += len; return *this; } else { if (t < 0.0) { writeChar(‘-‘); } double intpart = 0; unsigned long long fractpart = (unsigned long long)(modf(fabst, &intpart) * 10000); writeULongLong((unsigned long long)intpart); if (fractpart > 0) { writeChar(‘.‘); writeULongLong(fractpart, 4); } } } return *this; } inline Log4zStream & Log4zStream::writePointer(const void * t) { sizeof(t) == 8 ? writeULongLong((unsigned long long)t, 16, 16): writeULongLong((unsigned long long)t, 8, 16); return *this; } inline Log4zStream & Log4zStream::writeBinary(const Log4zBinary & t) { writeString("\r\n\t["); for (size_t i=0; i<(t.len / 32)+1; i++) { writeString("\r\n\t"); *this << (void*)(t.buf + i*32); writeString(": "); for (size_t j = i * 32; j < (i + 1) * 32 && j < t.len; j++) { if (isprint((unsigned char)t.buf[j])) { writeChar(‘ ‘); writeChar(t.buf[j]); writeChar(‘ ‘); } else { *this << " . "; } } writeString("\r\n\t"); *this << (void*)(t.buf + i * 32); writeString(": "); for (size_t j = i * 32; j < (i + 1) * 32 && j < t.len; j++) { writeULongLong((unsigned long long)(unsigned char)t.buf[j], 2, 16); writeChar(‘ ‘); } } writeString("\r\n\t]\r\n\t"); return *this; } inline Log4zStream & zsummer::log4z::Log4zStream::writeChar(char ch) { if (_end - _cur > 1) { _cur[0] = ch; _cur++; } return *this; } inline Log4zStream & zsummer::log4z::Log4zStream::writeString(const char * t, size_t len) { size_t count = _end - _cur; if (len > count) { len = count; } if (len > 0) { memcpy(_cur, t, len); _cur += len; } return *this; } #ifdef WIN32 #pragma warning(pop) #endif _ZSUMMER_LOG4Z_END _ZSUMMER_END #endif
/* * Log4z License * ----------- * * Log4z is licensed under the terms of the MIT license reproduced below. * This means that Log4z is free software and can be used for both academic * and commercial purposes at absolutely no cost. * * * =============================================================================== * * Copyright (C) 2010-2017 YaweiZhang <yawei.zhang@foxmail.com>. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * =============================================================================== * * (end of COPYRIGHT) */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "log4z.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <map> #include <list> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #ifdef WIN32 #include <io.h> #include <shlwapi.h> #include <process.h> #pragma comment(lib, "shlwapi") #pragma comment(lib, "User32.lib") #pragma warning(disable:4996) #else #include <unistd.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include<pthread.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <semaphore.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ #include "TargetConditionals.h" #include <dispatch/dispatch.h> #if !TARGET_OS_IPHONE #define LOG4Z_HAVE_LIBPROC #include <libproc.h> #endif #endif _ZSUMMER_BEGIN _ZSUMMER_LOG4Z_BEGIN static const char *const LOG_STRING[]= { "LOG_TRACE", "LOG_DEBUG", "LOG_INFO ", "LOG_WARN ", "LOG_ERROR", "LOG_ALARM", "LOG_FATAL", }; static const size_t LOG_STRING_LEN[] = { sizeof("LOG_TRACE") - 1, sizeof("LOG_DEBUG") - 1, sizeof("LOG_INFO") - 1, sizeof("LOG_WARN") - 1, sizeof("LOG_ERROR") - 1, sizeof("LOG_ALARM") - 1, sizeof("LOG_FATAL") - 1, }; #ifdef WIN32 const static WORD LOG_COLOR[LOG_LEVEL_FATAL + 1] = { 0, 0, FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_GREEN, FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED, FOREGROUND_RED, FOREGROUND_GREEN, FOREGROUND_RED | FOREGROUND_BLUE }; #else const static char LOG_COLOR[LOG_LEVEL_FATAL + 1][50] = { "\e[0m", "\e[0m", "\e[34m\e[1m",//hight blue "\e[33m", //yellow "\e[31m", //red "\e[32m", //green "\e[35m" }; #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! Log4zFileHandler ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Log4zFileHandler { public: Log4zFileHandler(){ _file = NULL; } ~Log4zFileHandler(){ close(); } inline bool isOpen(){ return _file != NULL; } inline long open(const char *path, const char * mod) { if (_file != NULL){fclose(_file);_file = NULL;} _file = fopen(path, mod); if (_file) { long tel = 0; long cur = ftell(_file); fseek(_file, 0L, SEEK_END); tel = ftell(_file); fseek(_file, cur, SEEK_SET); return tel; } return -1; } inline void clean(int index, int len) { #if !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(WIN32) if (_file != NULL) { int fd = fileno(_file); fsync(fd); posix_fadvise(fd, index, len, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED); fsync(fd); } #endif } inline void close() { if (_file != NULL){clean(0, 0); fclose(_file);_file = NULL;} } inline void write(const char * data, size_t len) { if (_file && len > 0) { if (fwrite(data, 1, len, _file) != len) { close(); } } } inline void flush(){ if (_file) fflush(_file); } inline std::string readLine() { char buf[500] = { 0 }; if (_file && fgets(buf, 500, _file) != NULL) { return std::string(buf); } return std::string(); } inline const std::string readContent(); inline bool removeFile(const std::string & path) { return ::remove(path.c_str()) == 0; } public: FILE *_file; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! UTILITY ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void fixPath(std::string &path); static void trimLogConfig(std::string &str, std::string extIgnore = std::string()); static std::pair<std::string, std::string> splitPairString(const std::string & str, const std::string & delimiter); static bool isDirectory(std::string path); static bool createRecursionDir(std::string path); static std::string getProcessID(); static std::string getProcessName(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! LockHelper ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class LockHelper { public: LockHelper(); virtual ~LockHelper(); public: void lock(); void unLock(); private: #ifdef WIN32 CRITICAL_SECTION _crit; #else pthread_mutex_t _crit; #endif }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! AutoLock ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class AutoLock { public: explicit AutoLock(LockHelper & lk):_lock(lk){_lock.lock();} ~AutoLock(){_lock.unLock();} private: LockHelper & _lock; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! SemHelper ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SemHelper { public: SemHelper(); virtual ~SemHelper(); public: bool create(int initcount); bool wait(int timeout = 0); bool post(); private: #ifdef WIN32 HANDLE _hSem; #elif defined(__APPLE__) dispatch_semaphore_t _semid; #else sem_t _semid; bool _isCreate; #endif }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! ThreadHelper ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef WIN32 static unsigned int WINAPI threadProc(LPVOID lpParam); #else static void * threadProc(void * pParam); #endif class ThreadHelper { public: ThreadHelper(){_hThreadID = 0;} virtual ~ThreadHelper(){} public: bool start(); bool wait(); virtual void run() = 0; private: unsigned long long _hThreadID; #ifndef WIN32 pthread_t _phtreadID; #endif }; #ifdef WIN32 unsigned int WINAPI threadProc(LPVOID lpParam) { ThreadHelper * p = (ThreadHelper *) lpParam; p->run(); return 0; } #else void * threadProc(void * pParam) { ThreadHelper * p = (ThreadHelper *) pParam; p->run(); return NULL; } #endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! LogData ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// enum LogDataType { LDT_GENERAL, LDT_ENABLE_LOGGER, LDT_SET_LOGGER_NAME, LDT_SET_LOGGER_PATH, LDT_SET_LOGGER_LEVEL, LDT_SET_LOGGER_FILELINE, LDT_SET_LOGGER_DISPLAY, LDT_SET_LOGGER_OUTFILE, LDT_SET_LOGGER_LIMITSIZE, LDT_SET_LOGGER_MONTHDIR, LDT_SET_LOGGER_RESERVETIME, // LDT_SET_LOGGER_, }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! LoggerInfo ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct LoggerInfo { //! attribute std::string _key; //logger key std::string _name; // one logger one name. std::string _path; //path for log file. int _level; //filter level bool _display; //display to screen bool _outfile; //output to file bool _monthdir; //create directory per month unsigned int _limitsize; //limit file‘s size, unit Million byte. bool _enable; //logger is enable bool _fileLine; //enable/disable the log‘s suffix.(file name:line number) time_t _logReserveTime; //log file reserve time. unit is time second. //! runtime info time_t _curFileCreateTime; //file create time time_t _curFileCreateDay; //file create day time unsigned int _curFileIndex; //rolling file index unsigned int _curWriteLen; //current file length Log4zFileHandler _handle; //file handle. //!history std::list<std::pair<time_t, std::string> > _historyLogs; LoggerInfo() { _enable = false; #ifdef WIN32 char exeFullPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; // Full path GetModuleFileName(NULL, exeFullPath, MAX_PATH); string strPath(exeFullPath); // Get full path of the file strPath = strPath.substr(0, strPath.find_last_of(‘\\‘, strPath.length())); // Return the directory without the file name _path = strPath + ‘\\‘ + LOG4Z_DEFAULT_PATH; #else _path = LOG4Z_DEFAULT_PATH; #endif _level = LOG4Z_DEFAULT_LEVEL; _display = LOG4Z_DEFAULT_DISPLAY; _outfile = LOG4Z_DEFAULT_OUTFILE; _monthdir = LOG4Z_DEFAULT_MONTHDIR; _limitsize = LOG4Z_DEFAULT_LIMITSIZE; _fileLine = LOG4Z_DEFAULT_SHOWSUFFIX; _curFileCreateTime = 0; _curFileCreateDay = 0; _curFileIndex = 0; _curWriteLen = 0; _logReserveTime = 0; } }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! LogerManager ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class LogerManager : public ThreadHelper, public ILog4zManager { public: LogerManager(); virtual ~LogerManager(); bool configFromStringImpl(std::string content, bool isUpdate); //! 读取配置文件并覆写 virtual bool config(const char* configPath); virtual bool configFromString(const char* configContent); //! 覆写式创建 virtual LoggerId createLogger(const char* key); virtual bool start(); virtual bool stop(); virtual bool prePushLog(LoggerId id, int level); virtual bool pushLog(LogData * pLog, const char * file, int line); //! 查找ID virtual LoggerId findLogger(const char* key); bool hotChange(LoggerId id, LogDataType ldt, int num, const std::string & text); virtual bool enableLogger(LoggerId id, bool enable); virtual bool setLoggerName(LoggerId id, const char * name); virtual bool setLoggerPath(LoggerId id, const char * path); virtual bool setLoggerLevel(LoggerId id, int nLevel); virtual bool setLoggerFileLine(LoggerId id, bool enable); virtual bool setLoggerDisplay(LoggerId id, bool enable); virtual bool setLoggerOutFile(LoggerId id, bool enable); virtual bool setLoggerLimitsize(LoggerId id, unsigned int limitsize); virtual bool setLoggerMonthdir(LoggerId id, bool enable); virtual bool setLoggerReserveTime(LoggerId id, time_t sec); virtual bool setAutoUpdate(int interval); virtual bool updateConfig(); virtual bool isLoggerEnable(LoggerId id); virtual unsigned long long getStatusTotalWriteCount(){return _ullStatusTotalWriteFileCount;} virtual unsigned long long getStatusTotalWriteBytes() { return _ullStatusTotalWriteFileBytes; } virtual unsigned long long getStatusTotalPushQueue() { return _ullStatusTotalPushLog; } virtual unsigned long long getStatusTotalPopQueue() { return _ullStatusTotalPopLog; } virtual unsigned int getStatusActiveLoggers(); protected: virtual LogData * makeLogData(LoggerId id, int level); virtual void freeLogData(LogData * log); void showColorText(const char *text, int level = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); bool onHotChange(LoggerId id, LogDataType ldt, int num, const std::string & text); bool openLogger(LogData * log); bool closeLogger(LoggerId id); bool popLog(LogData *& log); virtual void run(); private: //! thread status. bool _runing; //! wait thread started. SemHelper _semaphore; //! hot change name or path for one logger int _hotUpdateInterval; unsigned int _checksum; //! the process info. std::string _pid; std::string _proName; //! config file name std::string _configFile; //! logger id manager, [logger name]:[logger id]. std::map<std::string, LoggerId> _ids; // the last used id of _loggers LoggerId _lastId; LoggerInfo _loggers[LOG4Z_LOGGER_MAX]; //! log queue char _chunk1[256]; LockHelper _logLock; std::deque<LogData *> _logs; unsigned long long _ullStatusTotalPushLog; char _chunk2[256]; LockHelper _freeLock; std::vector<LogData*> _freeLogDatas; char _chunk3[256]; //show color lock LockHelper _scLock; //status statistics //write file char _chunk4[256]; std::deque<LogData *> _logsCache; unsigned long long _ullStatusTotalPopLog; unsigned long long _ullStatusTotalWriteFileCount; unsigned long long _ullStatusTotalWriteFileBytes; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! Log4zFileHandler ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const std::string Log4zFileHandler::readContent() { std::string content; if (!_file) { return content; } char buf[BUFSIZ]; size_t ret = 0; do { ret = fread(buf, sizeof(char), BUFSIZ, _file); content.append(buf, ret); } while (ret == BUFSIZ); return content; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! utility ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static inline void sleepMillisecond(unsigned int ms) { #ifdef WIN32 ::Sleep(ms); #else usleep(1000*ms); #endif } static inline struct tm timeToTm(time_t t) { #ifdef WIN32 #if _MSC_VER < 1400 //VS2003 return * localtime(&t); #else //vs2005->vs2013-> struct tm tt = { 0 }; localtime_s(&tt, &t); return tt; #endif #else //linux struct tm tt = { 0 }; localtime_r(&t, &tt); return tt; #endif } static void fixPath(std::string &path) { if (path.empty()){return;} for (std::string::iterator iter = path.begin(); iter != path.end(); ++iter) { if (*iter == ‘\\‘){*iter = ‘/‘;} } if (path.at(path.length()-1) != ‘/‘){path.append("/");} } static void trimLogConfig(std::string &str, std::string extIgnore) { if (str.empty()){return;} extIgnore += "\r\n\t "; int length = (int)str.length(); int posBegin = 0; int posEnd = 0; //trim utf8 file bom if (str.length() >= 3 && (unsigned char)str[0] == 0xef && (unsigned char)str[1] == 0xbb && (unsigned char)str[2] == 0xbf) { posBegin = 3; } //trim character for (int i = posBegin; i<length; i++) { bool bCheck = false; for (int j = 0; j < (int)extIgnore.length(); j++) { if (str[i] == extIgnore[j]) { bCheck = true; } } if (bCheck) { if (i == posBegin) { posBegin++; } } else { posEnd = i + 1; } } if (posBegin < posEnd) { str = str.substr(posBegin, posEnd-posBegin); } else { str.clear(); } } //split static std::pair<std::string, std::string> splitPairString(const std::string & str, const std::string & delimiter) { std::string::size_type pos = str.find(delimiter.c_str()); if (pos == std::string::npos) { return std::make_pair(str, ""); } return std::make_pair(str.substr(0, pos), str.substr(pos+delimiter.length())); } static bool parseConfigLine(const std::string& line, int curLineNum, std::string & key, std::map<std::string, LoggerInfo> & outInfo) { std::pair<std::string, std::string> kv = splitPairString(line, "="); if (kv.first.empty()) { return false; } trimLogConfig(kv.first); trimLogConfig(kv.second); if (kv.first.empty() || kv.first.at(0) == ‘#‘) { return true; } if (kv.first.at(0) == ‘[‘) { trimLogConfig(kv.first, "[]"); key = kv.first; { std::string tmpstr = kv.first; std::transform(tmpstr.begin(), tmpstr.end(), tmpstr.begin(), ::tolower); if (tmpstr == "main") { key = "Main"; } } std::map<std::string, LoggerInfo>::iterator iter = outInfo.find(key); if (iter == outInfo.end()) { LoggerInfo li; li._enable = true; li._key = key; li._name = key; outInfo.insert(std::make_pair(li._key, li)); } else { printf("log4z configure warning: duplicate logger key:[%s] at line: %d \r\n", key.c_str(), curLineNum); } return true; } trimLogConfig(kv.first); trimLogConfig(kv.second); std::map<std::string, LoggerInfo>::iterator iter = outInfo.find(key); if (iter == outInfo.end()) { printf("log4z configure warning: not found current logger name:[%s] at line:%d, key=%s, value=%s \r\n", key.c_str(), curLineNum, kv.first.c_str(), kv.second.c_str()); return true; } std::transform(kv.first.begin(), kv.first.end(), kv.first.begin(), ::tolower); //! path if (kv.first == "path") { #ifdef WIN32 char exeFullPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; // Full path GetModuleFileName(NULL, exeFullPath, MAX_PATH); string strPath(exeFullPath); // Get full path of the file strPath = strPath.substr(0, strPath.find_last_of(‘\\‘, strPath.length())); // Return the directory without the file name iter->second._path = strPath + ‘\\‘ + kv.second; #else iter->second._path = kv.second; #endif return true; } else if (kv.first == "name") { iter->second._name = kv.second; return true; } std::transform(kv.second.begin(), kv.second.end(), kv.second.begin(), ::tolower); //! level if (kv.first == "level") { if (kv.second == "trace" || kv.second == "all") { iter->second._level = LOG_LEVEL_TRACE; } else if (kv.second == "debug") { iter->second._level = LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG; } else if (kv.second == "info") { iter->second._level = LOG_LEVEL_INFO; } else if (kv.second == "warn" || kv.second == "warning") { iter->second._level = LOG_LEVEL_WARN; } else if (kv.second == "error") { iter->second._level = LOG_LEVEL_ERROR; } else if (kv.second == "alarm") { iter->second._level = LOG_LEVEL_ALARM; } else if (kv.second == "fatal") { iter->second._level = LOG_LEVEL_FATAL; } } //! display else if (kv.first == "display") { if (kv.second == "false" || kv.second == "0") { iter->second._display = false; } else { iter->second._display = true; } } //! output to file else if (kv.first == "outfile") { if (kv.second == "false" || kv.second == "0") { iter->second._outfile = false; } else { iter->second._outfile = true; } } //! monthdir else if (kv.first == "monthdir") { if (kv.second == "false" || kv.second == "0") { iter->second._monthdir = false; } else { iter->second._monthdir = true; } } //! limit file size else if (kv.first == "limitsize") { iter->second._limitsize = atoi(kv.second.c_str()); } //! display log in file line else if (kv.first == "fileline") { if (kv.second == "false" || kv.second == "0") { iter->second._fileLine = false; } else { iter->second._fileLine = true; } } //! enable/disable one logger else if (kv.first == "enable") { if (kv.second == "false" || kv.second == "0") { iter->second._enable = false; } else { iter->second._enable = true; } } //! set reserve time else if (kv.first == "reserve") { iter->second._logReserveTime = atoi(kv.second.c_str()); } return true; } static bool parseConfigFromString(std::string content, std::map<std::string, LoggerInfo> & outInfo) { std::string key; int curLine = 1; std::string line; std::string::size_type curPos = 0; if (content.empty()) { return true; } do { std::string::size_type pos = std::string::npos; for (std::string::size_type i = curPos; i < content.length(); ++i) { //support linux/unix/windows LRCF if (content[i] == ‘\r‘ || content[i] == ‘\n‘) { pos = i; break; } } line = content.substr(curPos, pos - curPos); parseConfigLine(line, curLine, key, outInfo); curLine++; if (pos == std::string::npos) { break; } else { curPos = pos+1; } } while (1); return true; } bool isDirectory(std::string path) { #ifdef WIN32 return PathIsDirectoryA(path.c_str()) ? true : false; #else DIR * pdir = opendir(path.c_str()); if (pdir == NULL) { return false; } else { closedir(pdir); pdir = NULL; return true; } #endif } bool createRecursionDir(std::string path) { if (path.length() == 0) return true; std::string sub; fixPath(path); std::string::size_type pos = path.find(‘/‘); while (pos != std::string::npos) { std::string cur = path.substr(0, pos-0); if (cur.length() > 0 && !isDirectory(cur)) { bool ret = false; #ifdef WIN32 ret = CreateDirectoryA(cur.c_str(), NULL) ? true : false; #else ret = (mkdir(cur.c_str(), S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO) == 0); #endif if (!ret) { return false; } } pos = path.find(‘/‘, pos+1); } return true; } std::string getProcessID() { std::string pid = "0"; char buf[260] = {0}; #ifdef WIN32 DWORD winPID = GetCurrentProcessId(); sprintf(buf, "%06u", winPID); pid = buf; #else sprintf(buf, "%06d", getpid()); pid = buf; #endif return pid; } std::string getProcessName() { std::string name = "process"; char buf[260] = {0}; #ifdef WIN32 if (GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, buf, 259) > 0) { name = buf; } std::string::size_type pos = name.rfind("\\"); if (pos != std::string::npos) { name = name.substr(pos+1, std::string::npos); } pos = name.rfind("."); if (pos != std::string::npos) { name = name.substr(0, pos-0); } #elif defined(LOG4Z_HAVE_LIBPROC) proc_name(getpid(), buf, 260); name = buf; return name;; #else sprintf(buf, "/proc/%d/cmdline", (int)getpid()); Log4zFileHandler i; i.open(buf, "rb"); if (!i.isOpen()) { return name; } name = i.readLine(); i.close(); std::string::size_type pos = name.rfind("/"); if (pos != std::string::npos) { name = name.substr(pos+1, std::string::npos); } #endif return name; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LockHelper ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LockHelper::LockHelper() { #ifdef WIN32 InitializeCriticalSection(&_crit); #else //_crit = PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP; pthread_mutexattr_t attr; pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr); //pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_TIMED_NP); //pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); pthread_mutex_init(&_crit, &attr); pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&attr); #endif } LockHelper::~LockHelper() { #ifdef WIN32 DeleteCriticalSection(&_crit); #else pthread_mutex_destroy(&_crit); #endif } void LockHelper::lock() { #ifdef WIN32 EnterCriticalSection(&_crit); #else pthread_mutex_lock(&_crit); #endif } void LockHelper::unLock() { #ifdef WIN32 LeaveCriticalSection(&_crit); #else pthread_mutex_unlock(&_crit); #endif } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SemHelper ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SemHelper::SemHelper() { #ifdef WIN32 _hSem = NULL; #elif defined(__APPLE__) _semid = NULL; #else _isCreate = false; #endif } SemHelper::~SemHelper() { #ifdef WIN32 if (_hSem != NULL) { CloseHandle(_hSem); _hSem = NULL; } #elif defined(__APPLE__) if (_semid) { dispatch_release(_semid); _semid = NULL; } #else if (_isCreate) { _isCreate = false; sem_destroy(&_semid); } #endif } bool SemHelper::create(int initcount) { if (initcount < 0) { initcount = 0; } #ifdef WIN32 if (initcount > 64) { return false; } _hSem = CreateSemaphore(NULL, initcount, 64, NULL); if (_hSem == NULL) { return false; } #elif defined(__APPLE__) _semid = dispatch_semaphore_create(initcount); if (!_semid) { return false; } #else if (sem_init(&_semid, 0, initcount) != 0) { return false; } _isCreate = true; #endif return true; } bool SemHelper::wait(int timeout) { #ifdef WIN32 if (timeout <= 0) { timeout = INFINITE; } if (WaitForSingleObject(_hSem, timeout) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { return false; } #elif defined(__APPLE__) if (dispatch_semaphore_wait(_semid, dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, timeout*1000)) != 0) { return false; } #else if (timeout <= 0) { return (sem_wait(&_semid) == 0); } else { struct timeval tm; gettimeofday(&tm, NULL); long long endtime = tm.tv_sec *1000 + tm.tv_usec/1000 + timeout; do { sleepMillisecond(50); int ret = sem_trywait(&_semid); if (ret == 0) { return true; } struct timeval tv_cur; gettimeofday(&tv_cur, NULL); if (tv_cur.tv_sec*1000 + tv_cur.tv_usec/1000 > endtime) { return false; } if (ret == -1 && errno == EAGAIN) { continue; } else { return false; } } while (true); return false; } #endif return true; } bool SemHelper::post() { #ifdef WIN32 return ReleaseSemaphore(_hSem, 1, NULL) ? true : false; #elif defined(__APPLE__) return dispatch_semaphore_signal(_semid) == 0; #else return (sem_post(&_semid) == 0); #endif } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! ThreadHelper ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool ThreadHelper::start() { #ifdef WIN32 unsigned long long ret = _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, threadProc, (void *) this, 0, NULL); if (ret == -1 || ret == 0) { printf("log4z: create log4z thread error! \r\n"); return false; } _hThreadID = ret; #else int ret = pthread_create(&_phtreadID, NULL, threadProc, (void*)this); if (ret != 0) { printf("log4z: create log4z thread error! \r\n"); return false; } #endif return true; } bool ThreadHelper::wait() { #ifdef WIN32 if (WaitForSingleObject((HANDLE)_hThreadID, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { return false; } #else if (pthread_join(_phtreadID, NULL) != 0) { return false; } #endif return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //! LogerManager ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LogerManager::LogerManager() { _runing = false; _lastId = LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID; _hotUpdateInterval = 0; _ullStatusTotalPushLog = 0; _ullStatusTotalPopLog = 0; _ullStatusTotalWriteFileCount = 0; _ullStatusTotalWriteFileBytes = 0; _pid = getProcessID(); _proName = getProcessName(); _loggers[LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID]._enable = true; _ids[LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_KEY] = LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID; _loggers[LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID]._key = LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_KEY; _loggers[LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID]._name = LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_KEY; _chunk1[0] = ‘\0‘; _chunk2[1] = ‘\0‘; _chunk3[2] = ‘\0‘; _chunk4[3] = ‘\0‘; } LogerManager::~LogerManager() { stop(); } LogData * LogerManager::makeLogData(LoggerId id, int level) { LogData * pLog = NULL; if (true) { if (!_freeLogDatas.empty()) { AutoLock l(_freeLock); if (!_freeLogDatas.empty()) { pLog = _freeLogDatas.back(); _freeLogDatas.pop_back(); } } if (pLog == NULL) { pLog = new(malloc(sizeof(LogData) + LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE-1))LogData(); } } //append precise time to log if (true) { pLog->_id = id; pLog->_level = level; pLog->_type = LDT_GENERAL; pLog->_typeval = 0; pLog->_threadID = 0; pLog->_contentLen = 0; #ifdef WIN32 FILETIME ft; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft); unsigned long long now = ft.dwHighDateTime; now <<= 32; now |= ft.dwLowDateTime; now /= 10; now -= 11644473600000000ULL; now /= 1000; pLog->_time = now / 1000; pLog->_precise = (unsigned int)(now % 1000); #else struct timeval tm; gettimeofday(&tm, NULL); pLog->_time = tm.tv_sec; pLog->_precise = tm.tv_usec / 1000; #endif #ifdef WIN32 pLog->_threadID = GetCurrentThreadId(); #elif defined(__APPLE__) unsigned long long tid = 0; pthread_threadid_np(NULL, &tid); pLog->_threadID = (unsigned int) tid; #else pLog->_threadID = (unsigned int)syscall(SYS_gettid); #endif } //format log if (true) { #ifdef WIN32 static __declspec(thread) tm g_tt = { 0 }; static __declspec(thread) time_t g_curDayTime = 0 ; #else static __thread tm g_tt = { 0 }; static __thread time_t g_curDayTime = 0; #endif // WIN32 if (pLog->_time < g_curDayTime || pLog->_time >= g_curDayTime + 24*3600) { g_tt = timeToTm(pLog->_time); g_tt.tm_hour = 0; g_tt.tm_min = 0; g_tt.tm_sec = 0; g_curDayTime = mktime(&g_tt); } time_t sec = pLog->_time - g_curDayTime; Log4zStream ls(pLog->_content, LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE); ls.writeULongLong(g_tt.tm_year + 1900, 4); ls.writeChar(‘-‘); ls.writeULongLong(g_tt.tm_mon + 1, 2); ls.writeChar(‘-‘); ls.writeULongLong(g_tt.tm_mday, 2); ls.writeChar(‘ ‘); ls.writeULongLong(sec/3600, 2); ls.writeChar(‘:‘); ls.writeULongLong((sec % 3600)/60 , 2); ls.writeChar(‘:‘); ls.writeULongLong(sec % 60, 2); ls.writeChar(‘.‘); ls.writeULongLong(pLog->_precise, 3); ls.writeChar(‘ ‘); ls.writeChar(‘[‘); ls.writeULongLong(pLog->_threadID, 4); ls.writeChar(‘]‘); ls.writeChar(‘ ‘); ls.writeString(LOG_STRING[pLog->_level], LOG_STRING_LEN[pLog->_level]); ls.writeChar(‘ ‘); pLog->_contentLen = ls.getCurrentLen(); } return pLog; } void LogerManager::freeLogData(LogData * log) { if (_freeLogDatas.size() < 200) { AutoLock l(_freeLock); _freeLogDatas.push_back(log); } else { log->~LogData(); free( log); } } void LogerManager::showColorText(const char *text, int level) { #if defined(WIN32) && defined(LOG4Z_OEM_CONSOLE) char oem[LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE] = { 0 }; CharToOemBuffA(text, oem, LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE); #endif if (level <= LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG || level > LOG_LEVEL_FATAL) { #if defined(WIN32) && defined(LOG4Z_OEM_CONSOLE) printf("%s", oem); #else printf("%s", text); #endif return; } #ifndef WIN32 printf("%s%s\e[0m", LOG_COLOR[level], text); #else AutoLock l(_scLock); HANDLE hStd = ::GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); if (hStd == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO oldInfo; if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStd, &oldInfo)) { return; } else { SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStd, LOG_COLOR[level]); #ifdef LOG4Z_OEM_CONSOLE printf("%s", oem); #else printf("%s", text); #endif SetConsoleTextAttribute(hStd, oldInfo.wAttributes); } #endif return; } bool LogerManager::configFromStringImpl(std::string content, bool isUpdate) { unsigned int sum = 0; for (std::string::iterator iter = content.begin(); iter != content.end(); ++iter) { sum += (unsigned char)*iter; } if (sum == _checksum) { return true; } _checksum = sum; std::map<std::string, LoggerInfo> loggerMap; if (!parseConfigFromString(content, loggerMap)) { printf(" !!! !!! !!! !!!\r\n"); printf(" !!! !!! log4z load config file error \r\n"); printf(" !!! !!! !!! !!!\r\n"); return false; } for (std::map<std::string, LoggerInfo>::iterator iter = loggerMap.begin(); iter != loggerMap.end(); ++iter) { LoggerId id = LOG4Z_INVALID_LOGGER_ID; id = findLogger(iter->second._key.c_str()); if (id == LOG4Z_INVALID_LOGGER_ID) { if (isUpdate) { continue; } else { id = createLogger(iter->second._key.c_str()); if (id == LOG4Z_INVALID_LOGGER_ID) { continue; } } } enableLogger(id, iter->second._enable); setLoggerName(id, iter->second._name.c_str()); setLoggerPath(id, iter->second._path.c_str()); setLoggerLevel(id, iter->second._level); setLoggerFileLine(id, iter->second._fileLine); setLoggerDisplay(id, iter->second._display); setLoggerOutFile(id, iter->second._outfile); setLoggerLimitsize(id, iter->second._limitsize); setLoggerMonthdir(id, iter->second._monthdir); } return true; } //! read configure and create with overwriting bool LogerManager::config(const char* configPath) { if (!_configFile.empty()) { printf(" !!! !!! !!! !!!\r\n"); printf(" !!! !!! log4z configure error: too many calls to Config. the old config file=%s, the new config file=%s !!! !!! \r\n" , _configFile.c_str(), configPath); printf(" !!! !!! !!! !!!\r\n"); return false; } #ifdef WIN32 char exeFullPath[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; // Full path GetModuleFileName(NULL, exeFullPath, MAX_PATH); string strPath(exeFullPath); // Get full path of the file strPath = strPath.substr(0, strPath.find_last_of(‘\\‘, strPath.length())); // Return the directory without the file name _configFile = strPath + ‘\\‘ + configPath; #else _configFile = configPath; #endif Log4zFileHandler f; f.open(_configFile.c_str(), "rb"); if (!f.isOpen()) { printf(" !!! !!! !!! !!!\r\n"); printf(" !!! !!! log4z load config file error. filename=%s !!! !!! \r\n", configPath); printf(" !!! !!! !!! !!!\r\n"); return false; } return configFromStringImpl(f.readContent().c_str(), false); } //! read configure and create with overwriting bool LogerManager::configFromString(const char* configContent) { return configFromStringImpl(configContent, false); } //! create with overwriting LoggerId LogerManager::createLogger(const char* key) { if (key == NULL) { return LOG4Z_INVALID_LOGGER_ID; } std::string copyKey = key; trimLogConfig(copyKey); LoggerId newID = LOG4Z_INVALID_LOGGER_ID; { std::map<std::string, LoggerId>::iterator iter = _ids.find(copyKey); if (iter != _ids.end()) { newID = iter->second; } } if (newID == LOG4Z_INVALID_LOGGER_ID) { if (_lastId +1 >= LOG4Z_LOGGER_MAX) { showColorText("log4z: CreateLogger can not create|writeover, because loggerid need < LOGGER_MAX! \r\n", LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); return LOG4Z_INVALID_LOGGER_ID; } newID = ++ _lastId; _ids[copyKey] = newID; _loggers[newID]._enable = true; _loggers[newID]._key = copyKey; _loggers[newID]._name = copyKey; } return newID; } bool LogerManager::start() { if (_runing) { showColorText("log4z already start \r\n", LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); return false; } _semaphore.create(0); bool ret = ThreadHelper::start(); return ret && _semaphore.wait(3000); } bool LogerManager::stop() { if (_runing) { showColorText("log4z stopping \r\n", LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); _runing = false; wait(); while (!_freeLogDatas.empty()) { delete _freeLogDatas.back(); _freeLogDatas.pop_back(); } return true; } return false; } bool LogerManager::prePushLog(LoggerId id, int level) { if (id < 0 || id > _lastId || !_runing || !_loggers[id]._enable) { return false; } if (level < _loggers[id]._level) { return false; } size_t count = _logs.size(); if (count > LOG4Z_LOG_QUEUE_LIMIT_SIZE) { size_t rate = (count - LOG4Z_LOG_QUEUE_LIMIT_SIZE) * 100 / LOG4Z_LOG_QUEUE_LIMIT_SIZE; if (rate > 100) { rate = 100; } if ((size_t)rand() % 100 < rate) { if (rate > 50) { AutoLock l(_logLock); count = _logs.size(); } if (count > LOG4Z_LOG_QUEUE_LIMIT_SIZE) { sleepMillisecond((unsigned int)(rate)); } } } return true; } bool LogerManager::pushLog(LogData * pLog, const char * file, int line) { // discard log if (pLog->_id < 0 || pLog->_id > _lastId || !_runing || !_loggers[pLog->_id]._enable) { freeLogData(pLog); return false; } //filter log if (pLog->_level < _loggers[pLog->_id]._level) { freeLogData(pLog); return false; } if (_loggers[pLog->_id]._fileLine && file) { const char * pNameEnd = file + strlen(file); const char * pNameBegin = pNameEnd; do { if (*pNameBegin == ‘\\‘ || *pNameBegin == ‘/‘) { pNameBegin++; break; } if (pNameBegin == file) { break; } pNameBegin--; } while (true); zsummer::log4z::Log4zStream ss(pLog->_content + pLog->_contentLen, LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE - pLog->_contentLen); ss.writeChar(‘ ‘); ss.writeString(pNameBegin, pNameEnd - pNameBegin); ss.writeChar(‘:‘); ss.writeULongLong((unsigned long long)line); pLog->_contentLen += ss.getCurrentLen(); } if (pLog->_contentLen +3 > LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE ) pLog->_contentLen = LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE - 3; pLog->_content[pLog->_contentLen + 0] = ‘\r‘; pLog->_content[pLog->_contentLen + 1] = ‘\n‘; pLog->_content[pLog->_contentLen + 2] = ‘\0‘; pLog->_contentLen += 2; if (_loggers[pLog->_id]._display && LOG4Z_ALL_SYNCHRONOUS_OUTPUT) { showColorText(pLog->_content, pLog->_level); } if (LOG4Z_ALL_DEBUGOUTPUT_DISPLAY && LOG4Z_ALL_SYNCHRONOUS_OUTPUT) { #ifdef WIN32 OutputDebugStringA(pLog->_content); #endif } if (_loggers[pLog->_id]._outfile && LOG4Z_ALL_SYNCHRONOUS_OUTPUT) { AutoLock l(_logLock); if (openLogger(pLog)) { _loggers[pLog->_id]._handle.write(pLog->_content, pLog->_contentLen); _loggers[pLog->_id]._curWriteLen += (unsigned int)pLog->_contentLen; closeLogger(pLog->_id); _ullStatusTotalWriteFileCount++; _ullStatusTotalWriteFileBytes += pLog->_contentLen; } } if (LOG4Z_ALL_SYNCHRONOUS_OUTPUT) { freeLogData(pLog); return true; } AutoLock l(_logLock); _logs.push_back(pLog); _ullStatusTotalPushLog ++; return true; } //! 查找ID LoggerId LogerManager::findLogger(const char * key) { std::map<std::string, LoggerId>::iterator iter; iter = _ids.find(key); if (iter != _ids.end()) { return iter->second; } return LOG4Z_INVALID_LOGGER_ID; } bool LogerManager::hotChange(LoggerId id, LogDataType ldt, int num, const std::string & text) { if (id <0 || id > _lastId) return false; if (text.length() >= LOG4Z_LOG_BUF_SIZE) return false; if (!_runing || LOG4Z_ALL_SYNCHRONOUS_OUTPUT) { return onHotChange(id, ldt, num, text); } LogData * pLog = makeLogData(id, LOG4Z_DEFAULT_LEVEL); pLog->_id = id; pLog->_type = ldt; pLog->_typeval = num; memcpy(pLog->_content, text.c_str(), text.length()); pLog->_contentLen = (int)text.length(); AutoLock l(_logLock); _logs.push_back(pLog); return true; } bool LogerManager::onHotChange(LoggerId id, LogDataType ldt, int num, const std::string & text) { if (id < LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID || id > _lastId) { return false; } LoggerInfo & logger = _loggers[id]; if (ldt == LDT_ENABLE_LOGGER) logger._enable = num != 0; else if (ldt == LDT_SET_LOGGER_NAME) logger._name = text; else if (ldt == LDT_SET_LOGGER_PATH) logger._path = text; else if (ldt == LDT_SET_LOGGER_LEVEL) logger._level = num; else if (ldt == LDT_SET_LOGGER_FILELINE) logger._fileLine = num != 0; else if (ldt == LDT_SET_LOGGER_DISPLAY) logger._display = num != 0; else if (ldt == LDT_SET_LOGGER_OUTFILE) logger._outfile = num != 0; else if (ldt == LDT_SET_LOGGER_LIMITSIZE) logger._limitsize = num; else if (ldt == LDT_SET_LOGGER_MONTHDIR) logger._monthdir = num != 0; else if (ldt == LDT_SET_LOGGER_RESERVETIME) logger._logReserveTime = num >= 0 ? num : 0; return true; } bool LogerManager::enableLogger(LoggerId id, bool enable) { if (id < 0 || id > _lastId) return false; if (enable) { _loggers[id]._enable = true; return true; } return hotChange(id, LDT_ENABLE_LOGGER, false, ""); } bool LogerManager::setLoggerLevel(LoggerId id, int level) { if (id < 0 || id > _lastId) return false; if (level <= _loggers[id]._level) { _loggers[id]._level = level; return true; } return hotChange(id, LDT_SET_LOGGER_LEVEL, level, ""); } bool LogerManager::setLoggerDisplay(LoggerId id, bool enable) { return hotChange(id, LDT_SET_LOGGER_DISPLAY, enable, ""); } bool LogerManager::setLoggerOutFile(LoggerId id, bool enable) { return hotChange(id, LDT_SET_LOGGER_OUTFILE, enable, ""); } bool LogerManager::setLoggerMonthdir(LoggerId id, bool enable) { return hotChange(id, LDT_SET_LOGGER_MONTHDIR, enable, ""); } bool LogerManager::setLoggerFileLine(LoggerId id, bool enable) { return hotChange(id, LDT_SET_LOGGER_FILELINE, enable, ""); } bool LogerManager::setLoggerReserveTime(LoggerId id, time_t sec) { return hotChange(id, LDT_SET_LOGGER_RESERVETIME, (int)sec, ""); } bool LogerManager::setLoggerLimitsize(LoggerId id, unsigned int limitsize) { if (limitsize == 0 ) {limitsize = (unsigned int)-1;} return hotChange(id, LDT_SET_LOGGER_LIMITSIZE, limitsize, ""); } bool LogerManager::setLoggerName(LoggerId id, const char * name) { if (id <0 || id > _lastId) return false; //the name by main logger is the process name and it‘s can‘t change. // if (id == LOG4Z_MAIN_LOGGER_ID) return false; if (name == NULL || strlen(name) == 0) { return false; } return hotChange(id, LDT_SET_LOGGER_NAME, 0, name); } bool LogerManager::setLoggerPath(LoggerId id, const char * path) { if (id <0 || id > _lastId) return false; if (path == NULL || strlen(path) == 0) return false; std::string copyPath = path; { char ch = copyPath.at(copyPath.length() - 1); if (ch != ‘\\‘ && ch != ‘/‘) { copyPath.append("/"); } } return hotChange(id, LDT_SET_LOGGER_PATH, 0, copyPath); } bool LogerManager::setAutoUpdate(int interval) { _hotUpdateInterval = interval; return true; } bool LogerManager::updateConfig() { if (_configFile.empty()) { //LOGW("log4z update config file error. filename is empty."); return false; } Log4zFileHandler f; f.open(_configFile.c_str(), "rb"); if (!f.isOpen()) { printf(" !!! !!! !!! !!!\r\n"); printf(" !!! !!! log4z load config file error. filename=%s !!! !!! \r\n", _configFile.c_str()); printf(" !!! !!! !!! !!!\r\n"); return false; } return configFromStringImpl(f.readContent().c_str(), true); } bool LogerManager::isLoggerEnable(LoggerId id) { if (id <0 || id > _lastId) return false; return _loggers[id]._enable; } unsigned int LogerManager::getStatusActiveLoggers() { unsigned int actives = 0; for (int i=0; i<= _lastId; i++) { if (_loggers[i]._enable) { actives ++; } } return actives; } bool LogerManager::openLogger(LogData * pLog) { int id = pLog->_id; if (id < 0 || id >_lastId) { showColorText("log4z: openLogger can not open, invalide logger id! \r\n", LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); return false; } LoggerInfo * pLogger = &_loggers[id]; if (!pLogger->_enable || !pLogger->_outfile || pLog->_level < pLogger->_level) { return false; } bool sameday = pLog->_time >= pLogger->_curFileCreateDay && pLog->_time - pLogger->_curFileCreateDay < 24*3600; bool needChageFile = pLogger->_curWriteLen > pLogger->_limitsize * 1024 * 1024; if (!sameday || needChageFile) { if (!sameday) { pLogger->_curFileIndex = 0; } else { pLogger->_curFileIndex++; } if (pLogger->_handle.isOpen()) { pLogger->_handle.close(); } } if (!pLogger->_handle.isOpen()) { pLogger->_curFileCreateTime = pLog->_time; pLogger->_curWriteLen = 0; tm t = timeToTm(pLogger->_curFileCreateTime); if (true) //process day time { tm day = t; day.tm_hour = 0; day.tm_min = 0; day.tm_sec = 0; pLogger->_curFileCreateDay = mktime(&day); } std::string name; std::string path; name = pLogger->_name; path = pLogger->_path; char buf[500] = { 0 }; if (pLogger->_monthdir) { sprintf(buf, "%04d_%02d/", t.tm_year + 1900, t.tm_mon + 1); path += buf; } if (!isDirectory(path)) { createRecursionDir(path); } #if 0 if (LOG4Z_ALL_SYNCHRONOUS_OUTPUT) { sprintf(buf, "%s_%s_%04d%02d%02d%02d_%s_%03u.log", _proName.c_str(), name.c_str(), t.tm_year + 1900, t.tm_mon + 1, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, _pid.c_str(), pLogger->_curFileIndex); } else { sprintf(buf, "%s_%s_%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d_%s_%03u.log", _proName.c_str(), name.c_str(), t.tm_year + 1900, t.tm_mon + 1, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, _pid.c_str(), pLogger->_curFileIndex); } #else if (LOG4Z_ALL_SYNCHRONOUS_OUTPUT) { sprintf(buf, "%s_%s_%04d%02d%02d_%03u.log", _proName.c_str(), name.c_str(), t.tm_year + 1900, t.tm_mon + 1, t.tm_mday, pLogger->_curFileIndex); } else { sprintf(buf, "%s_%s_%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d_%s_%03u.log", _proName.c_str(), name.c_str(), t.tm_year + 1900, t.tm_mon + 1, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, _pid.c_str(), pLogger->_curFileIndex); } #endif path += buf; long curLen = pLogger->_handle.open(path.c_str(), "ab"); if (!pLogger->_handle.isOpen() || curLen < 0) { sprintf(buf, "log4z: can not open log file %s. \r\n", path.c_str()); showColorText("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \r\n", LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); showColorText(buf, LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); showColorText("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \r\n", LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); pLogger->_outfile = false; return false; } pLogger->_curWriteLen = (unsigned int)curLen; if (pLogger->_logReserveTime > 0 ) { if (pLogger->_historyLogs.size() > LOG4Z_FORCE_RESERVE_FILE_COUNT) { while (!pLogger->_historyLogs.empty() && pLogger->_historyLogs.front().first < time(NULL) - pLogger->_logReserveTime) { pLogger->_handle.removeFile(pLogger->_historyLogs.front().second.c_str()); pLogger->_historyLogs.pop_front(); } } if (pLogger->_historyLogs.empty() || pLogger->_historyLogs.back().second != path) { pLogger->_historyLogs.push_back(std::make_pair(time(NULL), path)); } } return true; } return true; } bool LogerManager::closeLogger(LoggerId id) { if (id < 0 || id >_lastId) { showColorText("log4z: closeLogger can not close, invalide logger id! \r\n", LOG_LEVEL_FATAL); return false; } LoggerInfo * pLogger = &_loggers[id]; if (pLogger->_handle.isOpen()) { pLogger->_handle.close(); return true; } return false; } bool LogerManager::popLog(LogData *& log) { if (_logsCache.empty()) { if (!_logs.empty()) { AutoLock l(_logLock); if (_logs.empty()) { return false; } _logsCache.swap(_logs); } } if (!_logsCache.empty()) { log = _logsCache.front(); _logsCache.pop_front(); return true; } return false; } void LogerManager::run() { _runing = true; LOGA("----------------- log4z thread started! ----------------------------"); for (int i = 0; i <= _lastId; i++) { if (_loggers[i]._enable) { LOGA("logger id=" << i << " key=" << _loggers[i]._key << " name=" << _loggers[i]._name << " path=" << _loggers[i]._path << " level=" << _loggers[i]._level << " display=" << _loggers[i]._display); } } _semaphore.post(); LogData * pLog = NULL; int needFlush[LOG4Z_LOGGER_MAX] = {0}; time_t lastCheckUpdate = time(NULL); while (true) { while(popLog(pLog)) { if (pLog->_id <0 || pLog->_id > _lastId) { freeLogData(pLog); continue; } LoggerInfo & curLogger = _loggers[pLog->_id]; if (pLog->_type != LDT_GENERAL) { onHotChange(pLog->_id, (LogDataType)pLog->_type, pLog->_typeval, std::string(pLog->_content, pLog->_contentLen)); curLogger._handle.close(); freeLogData(pLog); continue; } // _ullStatusTotalPopLog ++; //discard if (!curLogger._enable || pLog->_level <curLogger._level ) { freeLogData(pLog); continue; } if (curLogger._display) { showColorText(pLog->_content, pLog->_level); } if (LOG4Z_ALL_DEBUGOUTPUT_DISPLAY ) { #ifdef WIN32 OutputDebugStringA(pLog->_content); #endif } if (curLogger._outfile ) { if (!openLogger(pLog)) { freeLogData(pLog); continue; } curLogger._handle.write(pLog->_content, pLog->_contentLen); curLogger._curWriteLen += (unsigned int)pLog->_contentLen; needFlush[pLog->_id] ++; _ullStatusTotalWriteFileCount++; _ullStatusTotalWriteFileBytes += pLog->_contentLen; } else { _ullStatusTotalWriteFileCount++; _ullStatusTotalWriteFileBytes += pLog->_contentLen; } freeLogData(pLog); } for (int i=0; i<=_lastId; i++) { if (_loggers[i]._enable && needFlush[i] > 0) { _loggers[i]._handle.flush(); needFlush[i] = 0; } if(!_loggers[i]._enable && _loggers[i]._handle.isOpen()) { _loggers[i]._handle.close(); } } //! delay. sleepMillisecond(50); //! quit if (!_runing && _logs.empty()) { break; } if (_hotUpdateInterval != 0 && time(NULL) - lastCheckUpdate > _hotUpdateInterval) { updateConfig(); lastCheckUpdate = time(NULL); } } for (int i=0; i <= _lastId; i++) { if (_loggers[i]._enable) { _loggers[i]._enable = false; closeLogger(i); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //ILog4zManager::getInstance ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ILog4zManager * ILog4zManager::getInstance() { static LogerManager m; return &m; } _ZSUMMER_LOG4Z_END _ZSUMMER_END
//启动日志模块 zsummer::log4z::ILog4zManager::getInstance()->config("LogCfg.ini"); zsummer::log4z::ILog4zManager::getInstance()->setAutoUpdate(30); //以秒为单位 bool bLogRet = zsummer::log4z::ILog4zManager::getInstance()->start(); if (bLogRet != true) { char arrError[512] = { 0 }; sprintf_s(arrError, sizeof(arrError), "启动日志模块初始化失败, 程序将不能正常运行!"); //::MessageBox(NULL, arrError, "出错框", IDOK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); }