1 # 生成聚类数据集 2 3 import numpy 4 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 5 6 7 numpy.random.seed(3) 8 9 10 def generate_data(clusterNum): 11 mu = [0, 0] 12 sigma = [[0.03, 0], [0, 0.03]] 13 data = numpy.random.multivariate_normal(mu, sigma, (1000, )) 14 15 for idx in range(clusterNum - 1): 16 mu = numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, (2, )) 17 arr = numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, (2, 2)) 18 sigma = numpy.matmul(arr.T, arr) / 10 19 tmpData = numpy.random.multivariate_normal(mu, sigma, (1000, )) 20 data = numpy.vstack((data, tmpData)) 21 22 return data 23 24 25 def plot_data(data): 26 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 3)) 27 ax1 = plt.subplot() 28 29 ax1.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], s=1) 30 ax1.set(xlim=[-2, 2], ylim=[-2, 2]) 31 # plt.show() 32 fig.savefig("plot_data.png", dpi=100) 33 plt.close() 34 35 36 37 if __name__ == "__main__": 38 X = generate_data(5) 39 plot_data(X)
1 # Gaussian Mixture Model之实现 2 3 import numpy 4 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 5 6 7 numpy.random.seed(3) 8 9 10 11 def generate_data(clusterNum): 12 mu = [0, 0] 13 sigma = [[0.03, 0], [0, 0.03]] 14 data = numpy.random.multivariate_normal(mu, sigma, (1000, )) 15 16 for idx in range(clusterNum - 1): 17 mu = numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, (2, )) 18 arr = numpy.random.uniform(0, 1, (2, 2)) 19 sigma = numpy.matmul(arr.T, arr) / 10 20 tmpData = numpy.random.multivariate_normal(mu, sigma, (1000, )) 21 data = numpy.vstack((data, tmpData)) 22 23 return data 24 25 26 27 class GMM(object): 28 29 def __init__(self, X, clusterNum): 30 self.__X = X # 聚类数据集, 1行代表1个样本 31 self.__clusterNum = clusterNum # 类簇数量 32 33 34 def get_clusters(self, pi, mu, sigma): 35 ‘‘‘ 36 获取类簇 37 ‘‘‘ 38 X = self.__X 39 clusterNum = self.__clusterNum 40 gamma = self.__calc_gamma(X, pi, mu, sigma) 41 maxIdx = numpy.argmax(gamma, axis=0) 42 43 clusters = list(list() for idx in range(clusterNum)) 44 for idx, x in enumerate(X): 45 clusters[maxIdx[idx]].append(x) 46 clusters = list(numpy.array(cluster) for cluster in clusters) 47 return clusters 48 49 50 def PDF(self, x, pi, mu, sigma): 51 ‘‘‘ 52 GMM概率密度函数 53 ‘‘‘ 54 val = sum(list(self.__calc_gaussian(x, mu[k], sigma[k]) * pi[k] for k in range(mu.shape[0]))) 55 return val 56 57 58 def optimize(self, maxIter=1000, epsilon=1.e-6): 59 ‘‘‘ 60 maxIter: 最大迭代次数 61 epsilon: 收敛判据, 优化变量趋于稳定则收敛 62 ‘‘‘ 63 X = self.__X 64 clusterNum = self.__clusterNum # 簇数量 65 N = X.shape[0] # 样本数量 66 67 pi, mu, sigma = self.__init_GMMOptVars(X, clusterNum) 68 gamma = numpy.zeros((clusterNum, N)) 69 for idx in range(maxIter): 70 print("iterCnt: {:3d}, pi = {}".format(idx, pi)) 71 gamma = self.__calc_gamma(X, pi, mu, sigma) 72 73 Nk = numpy.sum(gamma, axis=1) 74 piNew = Nk / N 75 muNew = self.__calc_mu(X, gamma, Nk) 76 sigmaNew = self.__calc_sigma(X, gamma, mu, Nk) 77 78 deltaPi = piNew - pi 79 deltaMu = muNew - mu 80 deltaSigma = sigmaNew - sigma 81 if self.__converged(deltaPi, deltaMu, deltaSigma, epsilon): 82 return piNew, muNew, sigmaNew, True 83 pi, mu, sigma = piNew, muNew, sigmaNew 84 85 return pi, mu, sigma, False 86 87 88 def __calc_sigma(self, X, gamma, mu, Nk): 89 sigma = list() 90 for gamma_k, mu_k, Nk_k in zip(gamma, mu, Nk): 91 term1 = X - mu_k 92 term2 = gamma_k.reshape((-1, 1)) * term1 93 term3 = numpy.matmul(term2.T, term1) 94 sigma_k = term3 / Nk_k 95 sigma.append(sigma_k) 96 return numpy.array(sigma) 97 98 99 def __calc_mu(self, X, gamma, Nk): 100 mu = list() 101 for gamma_k, Nk_k in zip(gamma, Nk): 102 term1 = gamma_k.reshape((-1, 1)) * X 103 term2 = numpy.sum(term1, axis=0) 104 mu_k = term2 / Nk_k 105 mu.append(mu_k) 106 return numpy.array(mu) 107 108 109 def __calc_gamma(self, X, pi, mu, sigma): 110 gamma = numpy.zeros((pi.shape[0], X.shape[0])) 111 for k in range(gamma.shape[0] - 1): 112 for i in range(gamma.shape[1]): 113 gamma[k, i] = self.__calc_gamma_ik(X[i], k, pi, mu, sigma) 114 term1 = numpy.sum(gamma[:-1, :], axis=0) 115 gamma[-1] = 1 - term1 116 return gamma 117 118 119 def __converged(self, deltaPi, deltaMu, deltaSigma, epsilon): 120 val1 = numpy.linalg.norm(deltaPi) 121 val2 = numpy.linalg.norm(deltaMu) 122 val3 = numpy.linalg.norm(deltaSigma) 123 if val1 <= epsilon and val2 <= epsilon and val3 <= epsilon: 124 return True 125 return False 126 127 128 def __calc_gamma_ik(self, x_i, k, pi, mu, sigma): 129 pi_k = pi[k] 130 mu_k = mu[k] 131 sigma_k = sigma[k] 132 133 upperVal = pi_k * self.__calc_gaussian(x_i, mu_k, sigma_k) 134 lowerVal = self.PDF(x_i, pi, mu, sigma) 135 gamma_ik = upperVal / lowerVal 136 return gamma_ik 137 138 139 def __calc_gaussian(self, x, mu, sigma): 140 ‘‘‘ 141 x: 输入x - 1维数组 142 mu: 均值 143 sigma: 协方差矩阵 144 ‘‘‘ 145 d = mu.shape[0] 146 term0 = (x - mu).reshape((-1, 1)) 147 term1 = 1 / numpy.math.sqrt((2 * numpy.math.pi) ** d * numpy.linalg.det(sigma)) 148 term2 = numpy.matmul(numpy.matmul(term0.T, numpy.linalg.inv(sigma)), term0)[0, 0] 149 term3 = numpy.math.exp(-term2 / 2) 150 val = term1 * term3 151 return val 152 153 154 def __init_GMMOptVars(self, X, clusterNum): 155 pi = self.__init_pi(clusterNum) # GMM权重初始化 156 mu = self.__init_mu(X, clusterNum) # GMM均值初始化 157 sigma = self.__init_sigma(X.shape[1], clusterNum) # GMM协方差矩阵初始化 - 采用单位矩阵初始化之 158 return pi, mu, sigma 159 160 161 def __init_sigma(self, n, clusterNum): 162 sigma = list() 163 for idx in range(clusterNum): 164 sigma.append(numpy.identity(n)) 165 return numpy.array(sigma) 166 167 168 def __init_mu(self, X, clusterNum, epsilon=1.e-5): 169 ‘‘‘ 170 采用K-means方法进行初始化 171 ‘‘‘ 172 lowerBound = numpy.min(X, axis=0) 173 upperBound = numpy.max(X, axis=0) 174 oriMu = numpy.random.uniform(lowerBound, upperBound, (clusterNum, X.shape[1])) 175 traMu = self.__updateMuByKMeans(X, oriMu) 176 while numpy.linalg.norm(traMu - oriMu) > epsilon: 177 oriMu = traMu 178 traMu = self.__updateMuByKMeans(X, oriMu) 179 return traMu 180 181 182 def __updateMuByKMeans(self, X, oriMu): 183 distList = list() 184 for mu in oriMu: 185 distTerm = numpy.linalg.norm(X - mu, axis=1) 186 distList.append(distTerm) 187 distArr = numpy.vstack(distList) 188 distIdx = numpy.argmin(distArr, axis=0) 189 190 clusLst = list(list() for i in range(oriMu.shape[0])) 191 for xIdx, dIdx in enumerate(distIdx): 192 clusLst[dIdx].append(X[xIdx]) 193 194 traMu = list() 195 for clusIdx, clus in enumerate(clusLst): 196 if len(clus) == 0: 197 traMu.append(oriMu[clusIdx]) 198 else: 199 tmpClus = numpy.array(clus) 200 mu = numpy.sum(tmpClus, axis=0) / tmpClus.shape[0] 201 traMu.append(mu) 202 return numpy.array(traMu) 203 204 205 206 def __init_pi(self, clusterNum): 207 pi = numpy.ones((clusterNum, )) / clusterNum 208 return pi 209 210 211 212 class GMMPlot(object): 213 214 @staticmethod 215 def profile_plot(X, gmmObj, pi, mu, sigma): 216 surfX1 = numpy.linspace(-2, 2, 100) 217 surfX2 = numpy.linspace(-2, 2, 100) 218 surfX1, surfX2 = numpy.meshgrid(surfX1, surfX2) 219 220 surfY = numpy.zeros((surfX2.shape[0], surfX1.shape[1])) 221 for rowIdx in range(surfY.shape[0]): 222 for colIdx in range(surfY.shape[1]): 223 surfY[rowIdx, colIdx] = gmmObj.PDF(numpy.array([surfX1[rowIdx, colIdx], surfX2[rowIdx, colIdx]]), pi, mu, sigma) 224 225 clusters = gmmObj.get_clusters(pi, mu, sigma) 226 227 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3)) 228 ax1 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) 229 ax2 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) 230 231 ax1.contour(surfX1, surfX2, surfY, levels=16) 232 ax1.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], marker="o", color="tab:blue", s=1) 233 ax1.set(xlim=[-2, 2], ylim=[-2, 2], xlabel="$x_1$", ylabel="$x_2$") 234 235 for idx, cluster in enumerate(clusters): 236 ax2.scatter(cluster[:, 0], cluster[:, 1], s=1, label="$cluster\ {}$".format(idx)) 237 ax2.set(xlim=[-2, 2], ylim=[-2, 2], xlabel="$x_1$", ylabel="$x_2$") 238 ax2.legend() 239 240 fig.tight_layout() 241 # plt.show() 242 fig.savefig("profile_plot.png", dpi=100) 243 plt.close() 244 245 246 247 if __name__ == "__main__": 248 clusterNum = 5 249 X = generate_data(5) 250 251 gmmObj = GMM(X, clusterNum) 252 pi, mu, sigma, _ = gmmObj.optimize() 253 254 GMMPlot.profile_plot(X, gmmObj, pi, mu, sigma)
Gaussian Mixture Model - Python实现