from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas from reportlab.lib.units import inch, cm from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate, Paragraph, Image, PageBreak from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4,A3,A2,A1, legal, landscape from reportlab.lib.utils import ImageReader import PIL.Image,PIL.ExifTags from os import listdir import os,re import time from reportlab.lib.units import inch def img_search(mypath, filenames): for lists in os.listdir(mypath): path = os.path.join(mypath,lists) if os.path.isfile(path): expression = r‘[\w]+\.(jpg|png|jpeg)$‘ if re.search(expression, path, re.IGNORECASE): filenames.append(path) elif os.path.isdir(path): img_search(path, filenames) def img_search1(mypath, filenames): for lists in os.listdir(mypath): path = os.path.join(mypath,lists) if os.path.isfile(path): a = path.split(‘.‘) if a[-1] in [‘jpg‘, ‘png‘, ‘JPEG‘]: filenames.append(path) elif os.path.isdir(path): img_search1(path,filenames) def rotate_img_to_proper(image): try: # image = Image.open(filename) if hasattr(image, ‘_getexif‘): # only present in JPEGs for orientation in PIL.ExifTags.TAGS.keys(): if PIL.ExifTags.TAGS[orientation] == ‘Orientation‘: break e = image._getexif() # returns None if no EXIF data if e is not None: #log.info(‘EXIF data found: %r‘, e) exif = dict(e.items()) orientation = exif[orientation] # print(‘found, ‘,orientation) if orientation == 3: image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_180) elif orientation == 6: image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_270) elif orientation == 8: image = image.rotate(90,expand=True) except: pass return image def main(src_folder=None): output_file_name = ‘out.pdf‘ #save_file_name = ‘ex.pdf‘ #doc = SimpleDocTemplate(save_file_name, pagesize=A1, # rightMargin=72, leftMargin=72, # topMargin=72, bottomMargin=18) imgDoc = canvas.Canvas(output_file_name)#pagesize=letter imgDoc.setPageSize(A4) document_width,document_height = A4 if src_folder is None: mypath = input(‘Input the image folder please:‘) else: mypath = src_folder filenames=[] start = time.clock() img_search(mypath, filenames) end = time.clock() print(‘find file cost time: ‘, end-start, ‘find files: ‘, len(filenames)) # for f in filenames: # print(f) for image in filenames: try: image_file = PIL.Image.open(image) image_file = rotate_img_to_proper(image_file) image_width, image_height = image_file.size print(‘img size:‘, image_file.size) if not(image_width>0 and image_height>0): raise Exception image_aspect = image_height/float(image_width) #Determins the demensions of the image in the overview print_width = document_width print_height = document_width*image_aspect imgDoc.drawImage(ImageReader(image_file),document_width-print_width, document_height-print_height,width=print_width, height=print_height,preserveAspectRatio=True) #inform the reportlab we want a new page imgDoc.showPage() except Exception as e: print(‘error:‘,e,image) imgDoc.save() print(‘Done‘) if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: main(src_folder=‘C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\L1-U5-L3‘);