而在PHP 5.3发布的时候, 其中有一条new feature就是支持闭包/Lambda Function, 我第一反应是以为zval新增了一个IS_FUNCTION, 但实际上是构造了一个PHP 5.3引入的Closure”类”的实例, Closure类的构造函数是私有的, 所以不能被直接实例化, 另外Closure类是Final类, 所以也不能做为基类派生子类.
而PHP 5.3中对闭包的支持, 也仅仅是把要保持的外部变量, 做为Closure对象的”Static属性”(并不是普通意义上的可遍历/访问的属性).
闭包函数也可以作为变量的值来使用。PHP 会自动把此种表达式转换成内置类 Closure 的对象实例。把一个 closure 对象赋值给一个变量的方式与普通变量赋值的语法是一样的,最后也要加上分号:
$greet = function($name)
printf("Hello %s\r\n", $name);
$result = 0;
$one = function()
{ var_dump($result); };
$two = function() use ($result)
{ var_dump($result); };
$three = function() use (&$result)
{ var_dump($result); };
$one(); // outputs NULL: $result is not in scope
$two(); // outputs int(0): $result was copied
$three(); // outputs int(1)
//set up variable in advance
$myInstance = null;
$broken = function() uses ($myInstance)
if(!empty($myInstance)) $myInstance->doSomething();
$working = function() uses (&$myInstance)
if(!empty($myInstance)) $myInstance->doSomething();
//$myInstance might be instantiated, might not be
if(SomeBusinessLogic::worked() == true)
$myInstance = new myClass();
$broken(); // will never do anything: $myInstance will ALWAYS be null inside this closure.
$working(); // will call doSomething if $myInstance is instantiated