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 public @interface RestController
 A convenience annotation that is itself annotated with @Controller and @ResponseBody.

 Types that carry this annotation are treated as controllers where @RequestMapping methods assume @ResponseBody semantics by default.

 NOTE: @RestController is processed if an appropriate HandlerMapping-HandlerAdapter pair is configured

 such as the RequestMappingHandlerMapping-RequestMappingHandlerAdapter pair which are the default in the MVC Java config and the MVC namespace.


 一个能代替它自己的比较方便的注解是 @Controller@ResponseBody


 如果配置了适当的 HandlerMapping-HandlerAdapter 映射与适配器对,类似于MVC中的Java配置和命名空间中的默认值


 注意咯,这里指的是,@RestController 等价于 @Controller 和 @ResponseBody



 public @interface Controller
 Indicates that an annotated class is a "Controller" (e.g. a web controller).

 This annotation serves as a specialization of @Component, allowing for implementation classes to be autodetected through classpath scanning.

 It is typically used in combination with annotated handler  methods based on the RequestMapping annotation.



 此注释是 @Component 的特有一种特有形式,允许实现类通过路径扫描被自动检测到


 Returns: the suggested component name, if any (or empty String otherwise),返回的是一个组件名



 对于Controller, 如果只是使用@RestController注解,则其方法无法返回指定页面

 此时配置的视图解析器 InternalResourceViewResolver 不起作用,返回的内容就是 return 里的内容。

 如果需要返回到指定页面,则需要用 @Controller配合视图解析器InternalResourceViewResolver才行

 @RestController 可以返回JSON格式字符串




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