/** * Autor: Created by 李清风 on 2020-11-17. * Desc: ArrayList */ export class ArrayList { private _list: [any[]]; private _row;//矩阵行 private _colums;//矩阵列 public constructor(rows: number, colums: number, defalut: any = 0) { this._list = [[]]; this._row = rows; this._colums = colums; this.initRows(rows); this.initColumns(colums, defalut); } //初始化数组行 initRows(rows: number) { if (rows < 1) { return; } for (let i = 0; i < this._row; i++) { let item:any[] = []; this._list.push(item); } } //初始化数组列 initColumns(columns: number, value: any) { if (columns < 1) { return; } for (let i = 0; i < this._list.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < columns; j++) { this._list[i].push(value) } } } getValue(rows: number, colums: number) { if (rows < 0 || colums < 0 || rows >= this._row || colums >= this._colums) { console.error("IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.") return null; } return this._list[rows][colums]; } setValue(rows: number, colums: number, value) { if (rows < 0 || colums < 0 || rows >= this._row || colums >= this._colums) { console.error("IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.") return; } this._list[rows][colums] = value; } getArrayList(): Array<Array<any>> { return this._list; } }
import { GridNode } from "./GridNode"; /** * Autor: Created by 李清风 on 2020-11-17. * Desc: PriorityQueue */ export class PriorityQueue { private nodes: GridNode[] = []; public Length() { return this.nodes.length; } public Contains(node: GridNode) { return this.nodes.includes(node); } public First(): GridNode { if (this.nodes.length > 0) { return this.nodes[0]; } return null; } public Add(node: GridNode) { this.nodes.push(node); this.sort(); } public Remove(node: GridNode) { let index = this.nodes.indexOf(node); if (index > -1) { this.nodes.splice(index, 1); } this.sort(); } private sort() { let sortCallFunc = (a, b) => { if (a.estimatedCost < b.estimatedCost) { return -1; } if (a.estimatedCost > b.estimatedCost) { return 1; } return 0; } this.nodes.sort(sortCallFunc) } }
/** * Autor: Created by 李清风 on 2020-11-17. * Desc: GridNode */ export class GridNode { public nodeTotalCost: number; public estimatedCost: number; public bObstacle: boolean; public parent: GridNode; public position: cc.Vec2; //矩阵行列式,也可代表x,y轴 public constructor() { this.estimatedCost = 0; this.nodeTotalCost = 1; this.bObstacle = false; this.parent = null; } public initWithPos(pos: cc.Vec2) { this.estimatedCost = 0; this.nodeTotalCost = 1; this.bObstacle = false; this.parent = null; this.position = pos; } public MarkAsObstacle() { this.bObstacle = true; } }
import { ArrayList } from "./ArrayList"; import { GridNode } from "./GridNode"; /** * Autor: Created by 李清风 on 2020-11-17. * Desc: 地图网格化管理器 */ export class GridManager { private static _instance: GridManager; public static getInstance(): GridManager { if (GridManager._instance == null) { GridManager._instance = new GridManager(); } return GridManager._instance; } public numOfRows: number; //行数 public numOfColumns: number;//列数 public girdCellSize: number; public showGrid: boolean; nodes: ArrayList; public obstacleList: any[]; public init(row: number, column: number, mapData: any) { if (!mapData) { console.error(‘地图数据加载失败‘); return; } this.numOfRows = row; // 53 (0,52) this.numOfColumns = column; //45(0-44) this.CalcuateGirdNodes(mapData); } /** * 初始化网格da * @param mapData json数据 * @param 注:网格是严格按照x,y对应来进行初始化的,但是遍历map需要额外处理下 */ public CalcuateGirdNodes(mapData: any) { this.nodes = new ArrayList(this.numOfRows, this.numOfColumns); for (let i = 0; i < this.numOfColumns; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < this.numOfRows; j++) { let node: GridNode = new GridNode(); node.initWithPos(cc.v2(j, i)) //BlockType.disable 自己设计的标签,不可行走 //BlockType.occlusion 障碍物 //BlockType.Basket 其他 if (mapData[i][j] == BlockType.disable || mapData[i][j] == BlockType.occlusion || mapData[i][j] == BlockType.Basket) { node.MarkAsObstacle(); } this.nodes.setValue(j, i, node); } } } private GetRow(pos: cc.Vec2) { let row = pos.x return row; } private GetColumn(pos: cc.Vec2) { let colums = pos.y; return colums; } private GetGridNodeByRowColumn(row: number, column: number) { return this.nodes.getArrayList()[row][column]; } /** * 取8个点 * @param node * @param neighbors */ public GetNeighbours(node: GridNode, neighbors: GridNode[]) { let neighborPos: cc.Vec2 = node.position; let row = this.GetRow(neighborPos); // 26 let colum = this.GetColumn(neighborPos); //20 //左 let leftNodeRow = row - 2; let leftNodeColum = colum; this.AssignNeighbour(leftNodeRow, leftNodeColum, neighbors); //右 leftNodeRow = row + 2; leftNodeColum = colum; this.AssignNeighbour(leftNodeRow, leftNodeColum, neighbors); //上 leftNodeRow = row; leftNodeColum = colum + 1; this.AssignNeighbour(leftNodeRow, leftNodeColum, neighbors); //下 leftNodeRow = row; leftNodeColum = colum - 1; this.AssignNeighbour(leftNodeRow, leftNodeColum, neighbors); //左上 leftNodeRow = row - 1; leftNodeColum = colum; this.AssignNeighbour(leftNodeRow, leftNodeColum, neighbors); //右上 leftNodeRow = row + 1; leftNodeColum = colum; this.AssignNeighbour(leftNodeRow, leftNodeColum, neighbors); //左下 leftNodeRow = row - 1; leftNodeColum = colum - 1; this.AssignNeighbour(leftNodeRow, leftNodeColum, neighbors); //右下 leftNodeRow = row + 1; leftNodeColum = colum - 1; this.AssignNeighbour(leftNodeRow, leftNodeColum, neighbors); } private AssignNeighbour(row: number, colum: number, neighbors: GridNode[]) { if (row != -1 && colum != -1 && row < this.numOfRows && colum < this.numOfColumns) { let nodeToAdd: GridNode = this.GetGridNodeByRowColumn(row, colum); if (!nodeToAdd.bObstacle) { neighbors.push(nodeToAdd); } } } }
/** * Autor: Created by 李清风 on 2020-11-17. * Desc: A* */ import { GridManager } from "./GridManager"; import { GridNode } from "./GridNode"; import { PriorityQueue } from "./PriorityQueue"; export class AStar { private static openList: PriorityQueue; private static closeList: PriorityQueue; private static NodeCost(a: GridNode, b: GridNode): number { let vecCost: cc.Vec2 = a.position.sub(b.position); return vecCost.mag(); } public static FindPath(start: GridNode, goal: GridNode): any { AStar.openList = new PriorityQueue(); AStar.openList.Add(start); AStar.closeList = new PriorityQueue(); start.nodeTotalCost = 0; start.estimatedCost = AStar.NodeCost(start, goal); let node: GridNode = null; while (AStar.openList.Length() != 0) { node = AStar.openList.First(); if ((node.position.x == goal.position.x) && (node.position.y == goal.position.y)) { return AStar.CalculatePath(node); } let neighbours: GridNode[] = []; GridManager.getInstance().GetNeighbours(node, neighbours); for (let i = 0; i < neighbours.length; i++) { let neighbourNode: GridNode = neighbours[i]; if (!AStar.closeList.Contains(neighbourNode)) { let cost: number = AStar.NodeCost(node, neighbourNode); let totalCost = node.nodeTotalCost + cost; let neighbourNodeEstCost = AStar.NodeCost(neighbourNode, goal); neighbourNode.nodeTotalCost = totalCost; neighbourNode.estimatedCost = totalCost + neighbourNodeEstCost; neighbourNode.parent = node; if (!AStar.openList.Contains(neighbourNode)) { AStar.openList.Add(neighbourNode); } } } AStar.closeList.Add(node); AStar.openList.Remove(node); } if ((node.position.x == goal.position.x) && (node.position.y == goal.position.y)) { console.error("Arrived Goal Path Not Found"); return null; } return AStar.CalculatePath(node); } private static CalculatePath(node: GridNode): any { let list: GridNode[] = []; while (node != null) { list.push(node); node = node.parent; } list.reverse(); return list; } }