import ImageLayer from ‘ol/layer/Image‘; import CustomImageArcGISRest from "./CustomImageArcGISRest"; function createDynamicArcGISLayer (url, zIndex, radio) { if (!radio) radio = 1.0; return new ImageLayer({ source: new CustomImageArcGISRest({ ratio: radio, url: url }), zIndex }); }
import ImageArcGISRest from ‘ol/source/ImageArcGISRest‘ import {appendParams} from "ol/uri"; import {assert} from "ol/asserts"; /** * * 兼容非标准URL形式的MapServer * * */ class CustomImageArcGISRest extends ImageArcGISRest { constructor(opt_options) { super(opt_options); } getRequestUrl_(extent, size, pixelRatio, projection, params) { // ArcGIS Server only wants the numeric portion of the projection ID. const srid = projection.getCode().split(‘:‘).pop(); params[‘SIZE‘] = size[0] + ‘,‘ + size[1]; params[‘BBOX‘] = extent.join(‘,‘); params[‘BBOXSR‘] = srid; params[‘IMAGESR‘] = srid; params[‘DPI‘] = Math.round(90 * pixelRatio); const url = this.url_; let _modifiedUrl = url .replace(/MapServer\/?$/, ‘MapServer/export‘) .replace(/ImageServer\/?$/, ‘ImageServer/exportImage‘); if (_modifiedUrl == url) { _modifiedUrl = url.concat(‘/export‘); } const modifiedUrl = _modifiedUrl; if (modifiedUrl == url) { assert(false, 50); // `options.featureTypes` should be an Array } return appendParams(modifiedUrl, params); } } export default CustomImageArcGISRest;
import XYZ from ‘ol/source/XYZ‘
import Tile from ‘ol/layer/Tile‘
import TileGrid from ‘ol/tilegrid/TileGrid‘
function createTiledArcGISLayer (url, zIndex, _EPSG) { let SRID = _EPSG || ‘4528‘; return new Tile({ source: new XYZ({ url: `${url}/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}`, projection: get(`EPSG:${SRID}`), tileGrid: new TileGrid(window.applicationConfig.tileInfo), }), zIndex }); }
tileInfo: { tileSize: 256, origin: [34876800, 10002100], extent: [40453740.474700004, 3442540.7754500005, 40557073.819, 3541460.3122000005], resolutions: [ 132.2919312505292, 76.35146092731352, 38.17573046365676, 19.08786523182838, 9.543932616046483, 4.771966307890949, 2.3859831539454746, 1.1929915769727373, 0.5964957886186606, 0.14912394722081113 ] },