测试环境有两台AIX 6.1需要安装bash,一般来说直接用rpm安装很快就完成,但是这回却碰到硬茬1,安装时报```
root@333333[/tmp]#rpm -ivh bash-4.2-3.aix6.1.ppc.rpm
bash unpacking of archive failed on file /bin/bash: cpio: unlink failed - Operation not permitted.
用smit install_all安装rpm包时后,会报以下错误:
Please wait...error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag、不管怎么说,rpm还是安装好,现在接下去安装yum那些包,但是安装过程中又遇到包依赖错误。
root@3333333[/tmp/yum]#rpm -ivh *.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
libcrypto.a( is needed by curl-7.52.1-1.ppc
libssl.a( is needed by curl-7.52.1-1.ppc
libcrypto.a( is needed by python-2.7.10-1.ppc
libssl.a( is needed by python-2.7.10-1.ppc
libcrypto.a( is needed by python-pycurl-7.19.3-1.ppc
3、检查openssl版本太低了,那么就升级下openssl版本吧,这回yum终于安装成功了。4、配置好yum后执行yum install bash时还是报错。
root@kaoracdb001r[/opt/freeware/etc/yum]#yum install bashInstalling : bash-5.0.18-1.ppc 1/1
Error unpacking rpm package bash-5.0.18-1.ppc
error: unpacking of archive failed on file /bin/bash: cpio: renameFailed:
bash.ppc 0:5.0.18-1Complete!
root@333333[/]#ls -l /bin/bash
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root system 12 Aug 10 2015 ksh -> /usr/bin/ksh
root@33333[/]#ls -ld /bin/bash
drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 256 Mar 24 2015 /bin/bash
2、于是执行mv /bin/bash /bin/bash.bak,bash终于能正常安装了。