转自 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_7c773cc50100y9hz.html
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class ClxBase { public: ClxBase() {cout<<"Creat ClsBase"<<endl;}; ~ClxBase() {cout << "Output from the destructor of class ClxBase!" << endl;}; void DoSomething() { cout << "Do something in class ClxBase!" << endl; }; }; class ClxDerived : public ClxBase { public: ClxDerived() {cout<<"Creat ClxDerived"<<endl;}; ~ClxDerived() { cout << "Output from the destructor of class ClxDerived!" << endl; }; void DoSomething() { cout << "Do something in class ClxDerived!" << endl; }; }; int main() { ClxDerived *p = new ClxDerived; p->DoSomething(); delete p; return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class ClxBase { public: ClxBase() {cout<<"Creat ClsBase"<<endl;}; ~ClxBase() {cout << "Output from the destructor of class ClxBase!" << endl;}; void DoSomething() { cout << "Do something in class ClxBase!" << endl; }; }; class ClxDerived : public ClxBase { public: ClxDerived() {cout<<"Creat ClxDerived"<<endl;}; ~ClxDerived() { cout << "Output from the destructor of class ClxDerived!" << endl; }; void DoSomething() { cout << "Do something in class ClxDerived!" << endl; }; }; int main() { ClxBase *p = new ClxDerived; p->DoSomething(); delete p; return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class ClxBase { public: ClxBase() {cout<<"Creat ClsBase"<<endl;}; virtual ~ClxBase() {cout << "Output from the destructor of class ClxBase!" << endl;}; virtual void DoSomething() { cout << "Do something in class ClxBase!" << endl; }; }; class ClxDerived : public ClxBase { public: ClxDerived() {cout<<"Creat ClxDerived"<<endl;}; ~ClxDerived() { cout << "Output from the destructor of class ClxDerived!" << endl; }; void DoSomething() { cout << "Do something in class ClxDerived!" << endl; }; }; int main() { ClxBase *p = new ClxDerived; p->DoSomething(); delete p; return 0; }