在这之前我完成了对于接口上的自动化测试:ApiTesting全链路接口自动化测试框架 - 初版(一)
PyDemo: # 数据库查询超时时长(不得小于1) timeout: 3 # MySQL配置信息 mysql_info: address: db: test user: test auth: test # HBase配置信息(需要启动phoenix查询服务) hbase_info: address: db: test # ES配置信息(需要开放http查询服务) es_info: address: db: test # Solr配置信息 solr_info: address:
必须满足正则表达式 ^select (.*?) from (.*?) where (.*?)$ (注意大小写)
即以select开头 + *(所有)或字段名 + from + 表名 + where + 条件 [ + and + 其他条件 ... ]
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2021/03/09 # @Author : Leo Zhang # @File : queryDatabase.py # ************************** from comm.utils.readYaml import read_yaml_data from config import DB_CONFIG, PROJECT_NAME from comm.db import * import logging import time import re dbcfg = read_yaml_data(DB_CONFIG)[PROJECT_NAME] def query_mysql(sql): """查询MySQL数据 :param sql: sql查询语句 :return: """ # 获取配置信息 timeout = dbcfg[‘timeout‘] address = dbcfg[‘mysql_info‘][‘address‘] user = dbcfg[‘mysql_info‘][‘user‘] auth = dbcfg[‘mysql_info‘][‘auth‘] db = dbcfg[‘mysql_info‘][‘db‘] # 初始化MySQL host, port = address.split(‘:‘) mysql = MysqlServer(host, int(port), db, user, auth) logging.info(‘执行查询>>> {}‘.format(sql)) # 循环查询 for i in range(int(timeout)): try: result = mysql.query(sql, is_dict=True) mysql.close() if result: return result else: time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: raise Exception(‘查询异常>>> {}‘.format(e)) else: return [] def query_hbase(sql): """查询HBase数据 :param sql: sql查询语句 :return: """ # 获取配置信息 timeout = dbcfg[‘timeout‘] address = dbcfg[‘hbase_info‘][‘address‘] db = dbcfg[‘hbase_info‘][‘db‘] # 检索SQL语句 exp = r"^select .*? from (.*?) where .*?$" table = re.findall(exp, sql.strip())[0] # 添加数据库 if ‘.‘ not in table: sql = sql.strip().replace(table, db+‘.‘+table) # 初始化HBase hbase = PhoenixServer(address) logging.info(‘执行查询>>> {}‘.format(sql)) # 循环查询 for i in range(int(timeout)): try: result = hbase.query(sql, is_dict=True) if result: return result else: time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: raise Exception(‘查询异常>>> {}‘.format(e)) else: return [] def query_es(sql): """查询ES数据 :param sql: sql查询语句 :return: """ # 获取配置信息 timeout = dbcfg[‘timeout‘] address = dbcfg[‘es_info‘][‘address‘] db = dbcfg[‘es_info‘][‘db‘] logging.info(‘执行查询>>> {}‘.format(sql)) # 循环查询 for i in range(int(timeout)): try: result = elastic_search(address, db, sql) if result: return result else: time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: raise Exception(‘查询异常>>> {}‘.format(e)) else: return [] def query_solr(sql): """查询solr数据 :param sql: sql查询语句 :return: """ # 获取配置信息 timeout = dbcfg[‘timeout‘] address = dbcfg[‘solr_info‘][‘address‘] logging.info(‘执行查询>>> {}‘.format(sql)) # 循环查询 for i in range(int(timeout)): try: result = search_solr(address, sql) if result: return result else: time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: raise Exception(‘查询异常>>> {}‘.format(e)) else: return []
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2021/2/2 # @Author : Leo Zhang # @File : checkResult.py # *************************** import re import allure import operator import logging from decimal import Decimal from comm.unit import readRelevance, replaceRelevance from comm.unit import queryDatabase as qdb def check_json(src_data, dst_data): """ 校验的json :param src_data: 检验内容 :param dst_data: 接口返回的数据 :return: """ if isinstance(src_data, dict): for key in src_data: if key not in dst_data: raise Exception("JSON格式校验,关键字 %s 不在返回结果 %s 中!" % (key, dst_data)) else: this_key = key if isinstance(src_data[this_key], dict) and isinstance(dst_data[this_key], dict): check_json(src_data[this_key], dst_data[this_key]) elif not isinstance(src_data[this_key], type(dst_data[this_key])): raise Exception("JSON格式校验,关键字 %s 返回结果 %s 与期望结果 %s 类型不符" % (this_key, src_data[this_key], dst_data[this_key])) else: pass else: raise Exception("JSON校验内容非dict格式:{}".format(src_data)) def check_database(actual, expected, mark=‘‘): """校验数据库 :param actual: 实际结果 :param expected: 期望结果 :param mark: 标识 :return: """ if isinstance(actual, dict) and isinstance(expected, dict): result = list() logging.info(‘校验数据库{}>>>‘.format(mark)) content = ‘\n%(key)-20s%(actual)-40s%(expected)-40s%(result)-10s‘ % {‘key‘: ‘KEY‘, ‘actual‘: ‘ACTUAL‘, ‘expected‘: ‘EXPECTED‘, ‘result‘: ‘RESULT‘} for key in expected: if key in actual: actual_value = actual[key] else: actual_value = None expected_value = expected[key] if actual_value or expected_value: if isinstance(actual_value, (int, float, Decimal)): if int(actual_value) == int(expected_value): rst = ‘PASS‘ else: rst = ‘FAIL‘ else: if str(actual_value) == str(expected_value): rst = ‘PASS‘ else: rst = ‘FAIL‘ else: rst = ‘PASS‘ result.append(rst) line = ‘%(key)-20s%(actual)-40s%(expected)-40s%(result)-10s‘ % {‘key‘: key, ‘actual‘: str(actual_value) + ‘ ‘, ‘expected‘: str(expected_value) + ‘ ‘, ‘result‘: rst} content = content + ‘\n‘ + line logging.info(content) allure.attach(name="校验数据库详情{}".format(mark[-1]), body=str(content)) if ‘FAIL‘ in result: raise AssertionError(‘校验数据库{}未通过!‘.format(mark)) elif isinstance(actual, list) and isinstance(expected, list): result = list() logging.info(‘校验数据库{}>>>‘.format(mark)) content = ‘\n%(key)-25s%(actual)-35s%(expected)-35s%(result)-10s‘ % {‘key‘: ‘INDEX‘, ‘actual‘: ‘ACTUAL‘, ‘expected‘: ‘EXPECTED‘, ‘result‘: ‘RESULT‘} for index in range(len(expected)): if index < len(actual): actual_value = actual[index] else: actual_value = None expected_value = expected[index] if actual_value or expected_value: if isinstance(actual_value, (int, float, Decimal)): if int(actual_value) == int(expected_value): rst = ‘PASS‘ else: rst = ‘FAIL‘ else: if str(actual_value) == str(expected_value): rst = ‘PASS‘ else: rst = ‘FAIL‘ else: rst = ‘PASS‘ result.append(rst) line = ‘%(key)-25s%(actual)-35s%(expected)-35s%(result)-10s‘ % {‘key‘: index, ‘actual‘: str(actual_value) + ‘ ‘, ‘expected‘: str(expected_value) + ‘ ‘, ‘result‘: rst} content = content + ‘\n‘ + line logging.info(content) allure.attach(name="校验数据库详情{}".format(mark[-1]), body=str(content)) if ‘FAIL‘ in result: raise AssertionError(‘校验数据库{}未通过!‘.format(mark)) else: logging.info(‘校验数据库{}>>>‘.format(mark)) logging.info(‘ACTUAL: {}\nEXPECTED: {}‘.format(actual, expected)) if str(expected) != str(actual): raise AssertionError(‘校验数据库{}未通过!‘.format(mark)) def check_result(case_data, code, data): """ 校验测试结果 :param case_data: 用例数据 :param code: 接口状态码 :param data: 返回的接口json数据 :return: """ try: # 获取用例检查信息 check_type = case_data[‘check_body‘][‘check_type‘] expected_code = case_data[‘check_body‘][‘expected_code‘] expected_result = case_data[‘check_body‘][‘expected_result‘] except Exception as e: raise KeyError(‘获取用例检查信息失败:{}‘.format(e)) # 接口数据校验 if check_type == ‘no_check‘: with allure.step("不校验接口结果"): pass elif check_type == ‘check_code‘: with allure.step("仅校验接口状态码"): allure.attach(name="实际code", body=str(code)) allure.attach(name="期望code", body=str(expected_code)) allure.attach(name=‘实际data‘, body=str(data)) if int(code) != expected_code: raise Exception("接口状态码错误!\n %s != %s" % (code, expected_code)) elif check_type == ‘check_json‘: with allure.step("JSON格式校验接口"): allure.attach(name="实际code", body=str(code)) allure.attach(name="期望code", body=str(expected_code)) allure.attach(name=‘实际data‘, body=str(data)) allure.attach(name=‘期望data‘, body=str(expected_result)) if int(code) == expected_code: if not data: data = "{}" check_json(expected_result, data) else: raise Exception("接口状态码错误!\n %s != %s" % (code, expected_code)) elif check_type == ‘entirely_check‘: with allure.step("完全校验接口结果"): allure.attach(name="实际code", body=str(code)) allure.attach(name="期望code", body=str(expected_code)) allure.attach(name=‘实际data‘, body=str(data)) allure.attach(name=‘期望data‘, body=str(expected_result)) if int(code) == expected_code: result = operator.eq(expected_result, data) if not result: raise Exception("完全校验失败! %s ! = %s" % (expected_result, data)) else: raise Exception("接口状态码错误!\n %s != %s" % (code, expected_code)) elif check_type == ‘regular_check‘: if int(code) == expected_code: try: result = "" if isinstance(expected_result, list): for i in expected_result: result = re.findall(i.replace("\"", "\""), str(data)) allure.attach(‘校验完成结果\n‘, str(result)) else: result = re.findall(expected_result.replace("\"", "\‘"), str(data)) with allure.step("正则校验接口结果"): allure.attach(name="实际code", body=str(code)) allure.attach(name="期望code", body=str(expected_code)) allure.attach(name=‘实际data‘, body=str(data)) allure.attach(name=‘期望data‘, body=str(expected_result).replace("\‘", "\"")) allure.attach(name=expected_result.replace("\"", "\‘") + ‘校验完成结果‘, body=str(result).replace("\‘", "\"")) if not result: raise Exception("正则未校验到内容! %s" % expected_result) except KeyError: raise Exception("正则校验执行失败! %s\n正则表达式为空时" % expected_result) else: raise Exception("接口状态码错误!\n %s != %s" % (code, expected_code)) else: raise Exception("无该接口校验方式%s" % check_type) # 判断是否存在数据库校验标识 if ‘check_db‘ in case_data: check_db = case_data[‘check_db‘] # 获取数据库期望结果:获取期望结果-获取关联值-替换关联值 data[‘parameter‘] = case_data[‘parameter‘] __relevance = readRelevance.get_relevance(data, check_db) check_db = replaceRelevance.replace(check_db, __relevance) # 循环校验数据库 for each in check_db: try: check_type = each[‘check_type‘] execute_sql = each[‘execute_sql‘] expected_result = each[‘expected_result‘] except KeyError as e: raise KeyError(‘【check_db】存在错误字段!\n{}‘.format(e)) except TypeError: raise KeyError("【check_db】类型错误,期望<class ‘list‘>,而不是%s!" % type(expected_result)) if not isinstance(expected_result, list): raise KeyError("【expected_result】类型错误,期望<class ‘list‘>,而不是%s!" % type(expected_result)) # 检索SQL语句 exp = r"^select (.*?) from (.*?) where (.*?)$" res = re.findall(exp, execute_sql.strip())[0] for r in res: if not each: msg = ‘标准格式: ‘ + exp raise Exception(‘无效SQL>>> {}\n{}‘.format(execute_sql, msg)) # 判断数据库检查类型 if check_type == ‘mysql‘: actual = qdb.query_mysql(execute_sql) elif check_type == ‘hbase‘: actual = qdb.query_hbase(execute_sql) elif check_type == ‘solr‘: actual = qdb.query_solr(execute_sql) elif check_type == ‘es‘: actual = qdb.query_es(execute_sql) else: raise Exception("无该数据库校验方式%s" % check_type) # 增加输出并进行数据校验 mark = check_type.replace(‘check_‘, ‘‘).upper() + ‘[‘+res[1]+‘]‘ with allure.step("校验数据库{}".format(mark)): allure.attach(name="实际结果", body=str(actual)) allure.attach(name=‘期望结果‘, body=str(expected_result)) # expected_num = each[‘expected_num‘] # allure.attach(name="实际行数", body=str(len(actual))) # allure.attach(name=‘期望行数‘, body=str(expected_num)) # # 验证数据库实际结果数量是否正确 # if len(actual) != int(expected_num): # raise AssertionError(‘校验数据库{}行数未通过!‘.format(mark)) # 检查实际结果中第一条结果值 *************** for index, expected in enumerate(expected_result): try: check_database(actual[index], expected, mark+str(index)) except IndexError: raise IndexError(‘校验数据库{}失败,期望结果超出实际条目!‘.format(mark+str(index)))
test_info: title: perRelated host: ${host} scheme: http method: POST address: /api/perRelated/addAudltCard mime_type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded headers: ${headers} timeout: 10 file: false cookies: false premise: false test_case: - summary: addAudltCard describe: test_addAudltCard parameter: addAudltCard_request.json check_body: check_type: check_json expected_code: 200 expected_result: addAudltCard_response.json # 新增数据库检查标识,要求必须为列表类型,以支持多类型多表校验。 check_db: # 检查类型,目前支持一下三种 - check_type: mysql # 执行sql语句,请遵循格式要求,可使用接口返回作为关联值。 execute_sql: select * from TD_ADULT where ADULT_CODE=‘${adultCode}‘ # 期望结果,要求必须为列表类型,以支持多条结果校验,且排序与sql查询结果一致,期望结果条数必须小于等于实际结果,期望结果字段数也必须小于等于实际结果。 expected_result: - ADULT_CODE: ${adultCode} ADULT_NAME: AUTO99 ADULT_SEX: 1 ADULT_BIRTHDAY: 2015-03-03 ADULT_MOBILE: 19999999999 - check_type: es execute_sql: select * from adult where CHIL_NAME=‘AUTO99‘
# 多条结果校验,注意排序需要与实际结果一致。 expected_result: - CHIL_NAME: AUTO99 CHIL_SEX: 1 CHIL_MOBILE: 19999999999 - CHIL_NAME: AUTO99 CHIL_SEX: 1 CHIL_MOBILE: 19999999999 - check_type: solr execute_sql: select * from adultsolr320000 where adultName=‘AUTO99‘ expected_result: - adultName: AUTO99 adultSex: 1 adultMobile: 19999999999 - check_type: hbase execute_sql: select * from TD_ADULT_YZ where ADULT_CODE=3202112002803000001 expected_result: - ADULT_CODE: 3202112002803000001
C:\Python37\python.exe E:/__SVN__/Auto_Test_Jm/ApiTesting/startup.py 2021-03-12 15:51:37,543 - startup.py - INFO: 不开启自动生成测试用例功能,将直接运行测试! ============================= test session starts ============================= platform win32 -- Python 3.7.3, pytest-6.0.2, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.0 -- C:\Python37\python.exe cachedir: .pytest_cache rootdir: E:\__SVN__\Auto_Test_Jm\ApiTesting plugins: allure-pytest-2.8.18, assume-2.3.3, cov-2.10.1, html-3.0.0, rerunfailures-9.1.1, xdist-2.1.0 collecting ... collected 6 items / 5 deselected / 1 selected PyDemo/testcase/perRelated/test_addAudltCard.py::TestPerrelated::test_addAudltCard[case_data0] 2021-03-12 15:51:37,986 - apiSend.py - INFO: ====================================================================================================================================================== 2021-03-12 15:51:37,986 - apiSend.py - INFO: 请求接口:addAudltCard 2021-03-12 15:51:37,986 - apiSend.py - INFO: 请求地址: 2021-03-12 15:51:37,986 - apiSend.py - INFO: 请求头: {‘Content-Type‘: ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8‘} 2021-03-12 15:51:37,986 - apiSend.py - INFO: 请求参数: {‘params‘: {‘adultAddressregion‘: ‘3202000000‘, ‘adultAddressdistrict‘: ‘AUTO99‘, ‘adultCountryCode‘: ‘156‘, ‘adultNationCode‘: ‘1001‘, ‘adultNoType‘: ‘2‘, ‘adultHabiCode‘: ‘32021100‘, ‘unitCode‘: ‘3202112002‘, ‘adultAccountCode‘: 1002, ‘adultResiCode‘: 1, ‘adultNo‘: ‘82389223‘, ‘adultName‘: ‘AUTO99‘, ‘adultSex‘: ‘1‘, ‘adultBirthday‘: ‘2015-03-03‘, ‘adultMobile‘: ‘19999999999‘, ‘adultHabiaddress‘: ‘AUTO99‘, ‘adultArtimove‘: 0, ‘adultIfdead‘: 0, ‘adultHereCode‘: 1001, ‘adultCreatesite‘: ‘3202112002‘, ‘adultCreatemanName‘: ‘马山山‘, ‘adultCreateman‘: ‘3202112002008‘, ‘adultCreatesiteName‘: ‘马山社区‘}, ‘headtoken‘: ‘xu5YwIZFkVGczMn0H0rot2ps7zRIbvrTHNwMXx1sJXg=‘} 2021-03-12 15:51:37,986 - apiSend.py - INFO: 请求方法: POST 2021-03-12 15:51:38,302 - apiSend.py - INFO: 请求接口结果: (200, {‘callTime‘: ‘2021-03-12 15:49:35‘, ‘code‘: None, ‘data‘: {‘adultInforms‘: [], ‘adultInquireBean‘: None, ‘inocStationList‘: [], ‘refuseinocList‘: [], ‘tdAdult‘: {‘accountName‘: ‘本县‘, ‘adultAccountCode‘: 1002, ‘adultAccountStr‘: None, ‘adultAddressdistrict‘: ‘AUTO99‘, ‘adultAddressregion‘: ‘3202000000‘, ‘adultAparetel‘: None, ‘adultApptime‘: None, ‘adultArtimove‘: 0, ‘adultBirthday‘: ‘2015-03-03 00:00:00‘, ‘adultBirthdaystr‘: None, ‘adultCode‘: ‘3202112002815000012‘, ‘adultCodeStr‘: None, ‘adultCountryCode‘: ‘156‘, ‘adultCreatedate‘: ‘2021-03-12 15:49:35‘, ‘adultCreateman‘: ‘3202112002008‘, ‘adultCreatemanName‘: ‘马山山‘, ‘adultCreatemanNo‘: None, ‘adultCreatesite‘: ‘3202112002‘, ‘adultCreatesiteName‘: ‘马山社区‘, ‘adultCurdepartment‘: ‘3202112002‘, ‘adultCurdepartmentName‘: ‘马山社区‘, ‘adultDeaddate‘: None, ‘adultDelmark‘: 0, ‘adultDeltime‘: None, ‘adultEduCode‘: None, ‘adultEwmCard‘: None, ‘adultFatherno‘: None, ‘adultFathernoType‘: None, ‘adultGuard‘: None, ‘adultHabiCode‘: ‘32021100‘, ‘adultHabiStr‘: None, ‘adultHabiaddress‘: ‘AUTO99‘, ‘adultHereCode‘: 1001, ‘adultHereStr‘: None, ‘adultIfapp‘: 0, ‘adultIfdead‘: 0, ‘adultIfwxin‘: 0, ‘adultJkdaCode‘: None, ‘adultJobCode‘: None, ‘adultLeavedate‘: ‘2021-03-12 15:49:35‘, ‘adultLock‘: 0, ‘adultMarry‘: None, ‘adultMobile‘: ‘19999999999‘, ‘adultMotherno‘: None, ‘adultMothernoType‘: None, ‘adultName‘: ‘AUTO99‘, ‘adultNationCode‘: ‘1001‘, ‘adultNo‘: ‘82389223‘, ‘adultNoType‘: ‘2‘, ‘adultRelCode‘: None, ‘adultRemark‘: None, ‘adultResiCode‘: 1, ‘adultResiStr‘: None, ‘adultSchCode‘: None, ‘adultSchName‘: None, ‘adultSex‘: ‘1‘, ‘adultTypeCode‘: None, ‘adultWxintime‘: None, ‘age‘: 6, ‘createDate‘: ‘2021-03-12 15:49:35‘, ‘createManCode‘: ‘3202112002008‘, ‘empCode‘: None, ‘habiName‘: ‘滨湖区‘, ‘hasRefInoc‘: 0, ‘hereName‘: ‘在册‘, ‘ifInform‘: None, ‘ifInquire‘: None, ‘isqr‘: 0, ‘modifyDate‘: ‘2021-03-12 15:49:35‘, ‘modifyManCode‘: ‘3202112002008‘, ‘modifyUnitCode‘: ‘3202112002‘, ‘moveDate‘: None, ‘photoUrl‘: None, ‘resiName‘: ‘常住‘, ‘showPhotoUrl‘: None, ‘sysEditDate‘: None, ‘type‘: None, ‘unitCode‘: None, ‘unitSimpname‘: None}, ‘tdAdultInoculation‘: [], ‘varIndex‘: []}, ‘msg‘: ‘返回成功‘, ‘success‘: True}) 2021-03-12 15:51:39,326 - queryDatabase.py - INFO: 执行查询>>> select * from TD_ADULT where ADULT_CODE=‘3202112002815000012‘ 2021-03-12 15:51:41,362 - checkResult.py - INFO: 校验数据库MYSQL[TD_ADULT]0>>> 2021-03-12 15:51:41,362 - checkResult.py - INFO: KEY ACTUAL EXPECTED RESULT ADULT_CODE 3202112002815000012 3202112002815000012 PASS ADULT_NAME AUTO99 AUTO99 PASS ADULT_SEX 1 1 PASS ADULT_BIRTHDAY 2015-03-03 2015-03-03 PASS ADULT_MOBILE 19999999999 19999999999 PASS 2021-03-12 15:51:41,363 - queryDatabase.py - INFO: 执行查询>>> select * from adult where CHIL_NAME=‘AUTO99‘ 2021-03-12 15:51:41,369 - base.py - INFO: GET [status:200 request:0.005s] 2021-03-12 15:51:41,373 - checkResult.py - INFO: 校验数据库ES[adult]0>>> 2021-03-12 15:51:41,373 - checkResult.py - INFO: KEY ACTUAL EXPECTED RESULT CHIL_NAME AUTO99 AUTO99 PASS CHIL_SEX 1 1 PASS CHIL_MOBILE 19999999999 19999999999 PASS 2021-03-12 15:51:41,374 - checkResult.py - INFO: 校验数据库ES[adult]1>>> 2021-03-12 15:51:41,374 - checkResult.py - INFO: KEY ACTUAL EXPECTED RESULT CHIL_NAME AUTO99 AUTO99 PASS CHIL_SEX 1 1 PASS CHIL_MOBILE 19999999999 19999999999 PASS 2021-03-12 15:51:41,376 - queryDatabase.py - INFO: 执行查询>>> select * from adultsolr320000 where adultName=‘AUTO99‘ 2021-03-12 15:51:41,376 - querySolr.py - INFO: 执行查询>>> GET"AUTO99" 2021-03-12 15:51:41,400 - pysolr.py - INFO: Finished ‘‘ (get) with body ‘‘ in 0.022 seconds, with status 200 2021-03-12 15:51:41,403 - checkResult.py - INFO: 校验数据库SOLR[adultsolr320000]0>>> 2021-03-12 15:51:41,403 - checkResult.py - INFO: KEY ACTUAL EXPECTED RESULT adultName AUTO99 AUTO99 PASS adultSex 1 1 PASS adultMobile 19999999999 19999999999 PASS 2021-03-12 15:51:41,413 - queryDatabase.py - INFO: 执行查询>>> select * from TEST.TD_ADULT_YZ where ADULT_CODE=3202112002803000001 2021-03-12 15:51:41,438 - checkResult.py - INFO: 校验数据库HBASE[TD_ADULT_YZ]0>>> 2021-03-12 15:51:41,438 - checkResult.py - INFO: KEY ACTUAL EXPECTED RESULT ADULT_CODE 3202112002803000001 3202112002803000001 PASS PASSED ======================= 1 passed, 5 deselected in 3.67s ======================= Report successfully generated to E:\__SVN__\Auto_Test_Jm\ApiTesting\PyDemo\report\html Process finished with exit code 0
ApiTesting全链路接口自动化测试框架 - 新增数据库校验(二)