Display Conventions and Configuration
This track is a composite track that contains multiple subtracks. Each subtrack represents data for a different cell type and displays individually on the browser. Instructions for configuring tracks with multiple subtracks are here. The fifteen states of the HMM, their associated segment color, and the candidate annotations are as follows:
State 1 - Bright Red - Active Promoter
State 2 - Light Red -Weak Promoter
State 3 - Purple - Inactive/poised Promoter
State 4 - Orange - Strong enhancer
State 5 - Orange - Strong enhancer
State 6 - Yellow - Weak/poised enhancer
State 7 - Yellow - Weak/poised enhancer
State 8 - Blue - Insulator
State 9 - Dark Green - Transcriptional transition
State 10 - Dark Green - Transcriptional elongation
State 11 - Light Green - Weak transcribed
State 12 - Gray - Polycomb-repressed
State 13 - Light Gray - Heterochromatin; low signal
State 14 - Light Gray - Repetitive/Copy Number Variation
State 15 - Light Gray - Repetitive/Copy Number Variation
ENCODE Chromatin State Segmentation by HMM from Broad Institute, MIT and MGH