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配置完成后在CMD中输入protoc --version检查是否配置成功(安装成功后运行命令结果如下图)





protoc --java_out=../java/ ./consistency.proto

protoc --java_out=../java/ ./Data.proto














配置启动参数为:-Dnacos.standalone=true -Dnacos.home=D:\Workspace\Idea\iHCommandCenter\nacos\distribution







默认用户名: nacos 密码:nacos



mvn -Prelease-nacos -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install -U -Drat.skip=true





//CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS mse_nacos encoding=‘UTF8‘ ;
//use mse_nacos;
    CREATE TABLE config_info (
      id serial  NOT NULL,
      data_id varchar(255) NOT NULL ,
      group_id varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
      content text NOT NULL ,
      md5 varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL ,
      gmt_create timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘2010-05-05 00:00:00‘ ,
      gmt_modified timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘2010-05-05 00:00:00‘ ,
      src_user text ,
      src_ip varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL ,
      app_name varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
      tenant_id varchar(128) DEFAULT ‘‘ ,
      c_desc varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL,
      c_use varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
      effect varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
      type varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
      c_schema text,
      PRIMARY KEY (id),
      constraint uk_configinfo_datagrouptenant unique(data_id,group_id,tenant_id)
    ) ;
		comment on table config_info is ‘config_info‘;
        comment on column config_info.id is ‘id‘;
	    comment on column config_info.content is ‘content‘;
        comment on column config_info.md5 is ‘md5‘;
    	comment on column config_info.gmt_create is ‘创建时间‘;
	    comment on column config_info.gmt_modified is ‘修改时间‘;
		comment on column config_info.src_user is ‘source user‘;
		comment on column config_info.src_ip is ‘source ip‘;
		comment on column config_info.tenant_id is ‘租户字段‘;
    CREATE TABLE config_info_aggr (
      id serial NOT NULL,
      data_id varchar(255) NOT NULL ,
      group_id varchar(255) NOT NULL ,
      datum_id varchar(255) NOT NULL ,
      content text NOT NULL ,
      gmt_modified timestamp NOT NULL ,
      app_name varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
      tenant_id varchar(128) DEFAULT ‘‘ ,
      PRIMARY KEY (id),
      constraint uk_configinfoaggr_datagrouptenantdatum unique(data_id,group_id,tenant_id,datum_id)
    ) ;
		comment on table config_info_aggr is ‘增加租户字段‘;
        comment on column config_info_aggr.id is ‘id‘;
        comment on column config_info_aggr.data_id is ‘data_id‘;
  	    comment on column config_info_aggr.group_id is ‘group_id‘;
  	    comment on column config_info_aggr.datum_id is ‘datum_id‘;
	    comment on column config_info_aggr.content is ‘内容‘;
		comment on column config_info_aggr.gmt_modified is ‘修改时间‘;
		comment on column config_info_aggr.tenant_id is ‘租户字段‘;

    CREATE TABLE config_info_beta (
      id serial NOT NULL,
      data_id varchar(255) NOT NULL ,
      group_id varchar(128) NOT NULL ,
      app_name varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL ,
      content text NOT NULL ,
      beta_ips varchar(1024) DEFAULT NULL ,
      md5 varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL ,
      gmt_create timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘2010-05-05 00:00:00‘,
      gmt_modified timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘2010-05-05 00:00:00‘,
      src_user text ,
      src_ip varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL ,
      tenant_id varchar(128) DEFAULT ‘‘,
      PRIMARY KEY (id),
      constraint uk_configinfobeta_datagrouptenant unique(data_id,group_id,tenant_id)

		comment on table config_info_beta is ‘config_info_beta‘;
        comment on column config_info_beta.id is ‘id‘;
	    comment on column config_info_beta.data_id is ‘data_id‘;
  	    comment on column config_info_beta.group_id is ‘group_id‘;
  	    comment on column config_info_beta.app_name is ‘app_name‘;
	    comment on column config_info_beta.content is ‘content‘;
		comment on column config_info_beta.beta_ips is ‘betaIps‘;
		comment on column config_info_beta.md5 is ‘md5‘;
		comment on column config_info_beta.gmt_create is ‘创建时间‘;
  	    comment on column config_info_beta.gmt_modified is ‘修改时间‘;
  	    comment on column config_info_beta.src_user is ‘source user‘;
	    comment on column config_info_beta.src_ip is ‘source ip‘;
		comment on column config_info_beta.tenant_id is ‘租户字段‘;
    CREATE TABLE config_info_tag (
      id serial NOT NULL,
      data_id varchar(255) NOT NULL ,
      group_id varchar(128) NOT NULL ,
      tenant_id varchar(128) DEFAULT ‘‘ ,
      tag_id varchar(128) NOT NULL ,
      app_name varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
      content text NOT NULL ,
      md5 varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL ,
      gmt_create timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘2010-05-05 00:00:00‘,
      gmt_modified timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘2010-05-05 00:00:00‘ ,
      src_user text ,
      src_ip varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL ,
      PRIMARY KEY (id),
      constraint uk_configinfotag_datagrouptenanttag unique(data_id,group_id,tenant_id,tag_id)
    ) ;

		comment on table config_info_tag is ‘config_info_tag‘;
        comment on column config_info_tag.id is ‘id‘;
	    comment on column config_info_tag.data_id is ‘data_id‘;
  	    comment on column config_info_tag.group_id is ‘group_id‘;
  	    comment on column config_info_tag.tenant_id is ‘tenant_id‘;
	    comment on column config_info_tag.tag_id is ‘tag_id‘;
		comment on column config_info_tag.app_name is ‘app_name‘;
		comment on column config_info_tag.content is ‘content‘;
		comment on column config_info_tag.md5 is ‘md5‘;
		comment on column config_info_tag.gmt_create is ‘创建时间‘;
  	    comment on column config_info_tag.gmt_modified is ‘修改时间‘;
  	    comment on column config_info_tag.src_user is ‘source user‘;
	    comment on column config_info_tag.src_ip is ‘source ip‘;
		comment on column config_info_tag.tenant_id is ‘租户字段‘;
    CREATE TABLE config_tags_relation (
      id bigint NOT NULL ,
      tag_name varchar(128) NOT NULL ,
      tag_type varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL ,
      data_id varchar(255) NOT NULL ,
      group_id varchar(128) NOT NULL ,
      tenant_id varchar(128) DEFAULT ‘‘ ,
      nid serial NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (nid),
      constraint uk_configtagrelation_configidtag unique(id,tag_name,tag_type)
    ) ;
		comment on table config_tags_relation is ‘config_tag_relation‘;
        comment on column config_tags_relation.id is ‘id‘;
	    comment on column config_tags_relation.tag_name is ‘tag_name‘;
  	    comment on column config_tags_relation.tag_type is ‘tag_type‘;
  	    comment on column config_tags_relation.data_id is ‘data_id‘;
	    comment on column config_tags_relation.group_id is ‘group_id‘;
		comment on column config_tags_relation.tenant_id is ‘tenant_id‘;

    CREATE TABLE group_capacity (
      id serial NOT NULL ,
      group_id varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘‘,
      quota int  NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0‘ CHECK (quota >= 0) ,
      usage int  NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0‘ CHECK (usage >= 0),
      max_size int  NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0‘ CHECK (max_size >= 0),
      max_aggr_count int  NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0‘ CHECK (max_aggr_count >= 0),
      max_aggr_size int  NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0‘ CHECK (max_aggr_size >= 0),
      max_history_count int  NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0‘ CHECK (max_history_count >= 0),
      gmt_create timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘2010-05-05 00:00:00‘ ,
      gmt_modified timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘2010-05-05 00:00:00‘ ,
      PRIMARY KEY (id),
      constraint uk_group_id unique(group_id)
    ) ;
		comment on table group_capacity is ‘集群、各Group容量信息表‘;
        comment on column group_capacity.id is ‘主键ID‘;
	    comment on column group_capacity.group_id is ‘Group ID,空字符表示整个集群‘;
  	    comment on column group_capacity.quota is ‘配额,0表示使用默认值‘;
  	    comment on column group_capacity.usage is ‘使用量‘;
	    comment on column group_capacity.max_size is ‘单个配置大小上限,单位为字节,0表示使用默认值‘;
		comment on column group_capacity.max_aggr_count is ‘聚合子配置最大个数,,0表示使用默认值‘;
		comment on column group_capacity.max_aggr_size is ‘单个聚合数据的子配置大小上限,单位为字节,0表示使用默认值‘;
		comment on column group_capacity.max_history_count is ‘最大变更历史数量‘;
		comment on column group_capacity.gmt_create is ‘创建时间‘;
  	    comment on column group_capacity.gmt_modified is ‘修改时间‘;

    CREATE TABLE his_config_info (
      id bigint  NOT NULL CHECK (id >= 0),
      nid serial  NOT NULL CHECK (nid >= 0),
      data_id varchar(255) NOT NULL ,
      group_id varchar(128) NOT NULL,
      app_name varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL ,
      content text NOT NULL,
      md5 varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
      gmt_create timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘2010-05-05 00:00:00‘,
      gmt_modified timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘2010-05-05 00:00:00‘,
      src_user text,
      src_ip varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
      op_type char(10) DEFAULT NULL,
      tenant_id varchar(128) DEFAULT ‘‘ ,
      PRIMARY KEY (nid)
		comment on table his_config_info is ‘多租户改造‘;
        comment on column his_config_info.app_name is ‘app_name‘;
  	    comment on column his_config_info.tenant_id is ‘租户字段‘;

    CREATE TABLE tenant_capacity (
      id serial NOT NULL CHECK (id >= 0),
      tenant_id varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘‘,
      quota int  NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0‘ CHECK (quota >= 0),
      usage int  NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0‘ CHECK (usage >= 0),
      max_size int  NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0‘ CHECK (max_size >= 0),
      max_aggr_count int  NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0‘ CHECK (max_aggr_count >= 0),
      max_aggr_size int  NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0‘ CHECK (max_aggr_size >= 0),
      max_history_count int  NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0‘ CHECK (max_history_count >= 0),
      gmt_create timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘2010-05-05 00:00:00‘,
      gmt_modified timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘2010-05-05 00:00:00‘ ,
      PRIMARY KEY (id),
      constraint uk_tenant_id unique(tenant_id)
		comment on table tenant_capacity is ‘租户容量信息表‘;
        comment on column tenant_capacity.id is ‘主键ID‘;
	    comment on column tenant_capacity.tenant_id is ‘Tenant ID‘;
  	    comment on column tenant_capacity.quota is ‘配额,0表示使用默认值‘;
  	    comment on column tenant_capacity.usage is ‘使用量‘;
	    comment on column tenant_capacity.max_size is ‘单个配置大小上限,单位为字节,0表示使用默认值‘;
		comment on column tenant_capacity.max_aggr_count is ‘聚合子配置最大个数‘;
		comment on column tenant_capacity.max_aggr_size is ‘单个聚合数据的子配置大小上限,单位为字节,0表示使用默认值‘;
		comment on column tenant_capacity.max_history_count is ‘最大变更历史数量‘;
		comment on column tenant_capacity.gmt_create is ‘创建时间‘;
  	    comment on column tenant_capacity.gmt_modified is ‘修改时间‘;

    CREATE TABLE tenant_info (
      id serial NOT NULL ,
      kp varchar(128) NOT NULL,
      tenant_id varchar(128) default ‘‘ ,
      tenant_name varchar(128) default ‘‘ ,
      tenant_desc varchar(256) DEFAULT NULL ,
      create_source varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL ,
      gmt_create bigint NOT NULL,
      gmt_modified bigint NOT NULL ,
      PRIMARY KEY (id),
      constraint uk_tenant_info_kptenantid unique(kp,tenant_id)
		comment on table tenant_info is ‘tenant_info‘;
        comment on column tenant_info.id is ‘id‘;
	    comment on column tenant_info.kp is ‘kp‘;
  	    comment on column tenant_info.tenant_id is ‘tenant_id‘;
  	    comment on column tenant_info.tenant_name is ‘tenant_name‘;
	    comment on column tenant_info.tenant_desc is ‘tenant_desc‘;
		comment on column tenant_info.create_source is ‘create_source‘;
		comment on column tenant_info.gmt_create is ‘创建时间‘;
  	    comment on column tenant_info.gmt_modified is ‘修改时间‘;

    CREATE TABLE users (
      username varchar(50) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
      password varchar(500) NOT NULL,
      enabled boolean NOT NULL

    CREATE TABLE roles (
      username varchar(50) NOT NULL,
      role varchar(50) NOT NULL

    INSERT INTO users (username, password, enabled) VALUES (‘nacos‘, ‘$2a$10$EuWPZHzz32dJN7jexM34MOeYirDdFAZm2kuWj7VEOJhhZkDrxfvUu‘, TRUE);

    INSERT INTO roles (username, role) VALUES (‘nacos‘, ‘ROLE_ADMIN‘);



<!-- Postgresql驱动包 -->




## Count of DB:

## Connect URL of DB:
# db.url.0=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ry-mysql-config?characterEncoding=utf8&connectTimeout=1000&socketTimeout=3000&autoReconnect=true&useUnicode=true&useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC


<module name="Checker">



<!-- Postgresql驱动包 -->


setUseExternalDB("mysql".equalsIgnoreCase(getString("spring.datasource.platform", "")));
setUseExternalDB("postgre".equalsIgnoreCase(getString("spring.datasource.platform", ""))||
                "mysql".equalsIgnoreCase(getString("spring.datasource.platform", "")));


private static final String JDBC_DRIVER_NAME_POSTGRE = "org.postgresql.Driver";
}else {


文件目录 service/repository/extrnal
 * Copyright 1999-2018 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.repository.extrnal;

import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.model.Page;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.repository.PaginationHelper;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.sql.EmbeddedStorageContextUtils;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.utils.PropertyUtil;
import com.alibaba.nacos.sys.env.EnvUtil;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper;

import java.util.List;

 * External Storage Pagination utils.
 * @author <a href="mailto:liaochuntao@live.com">liaochuntao</a>

class ExternalPostgreStoragePaginationHelperImpl<E> implements PaginationHelper {

    private final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;

    public ExternalPostgreStoragePaginationHelperImpl(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
        this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;

     * Take paging.
     * @param sqlCountRows query total SQL
     * @param sqlFetchRows query data sql
     * @param args         query parameters
     * @param pageNo       page number
     * @param pageSize     page size
     * @param rowMapper    {@link RowMapper}
     * @return Paginated data {@code <E>}
    public Page<E> fetchPage(final String sqlCountRows, final String sqlFetchRows, final Object[] args,
                             final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final RowMapper rowMapper) {
        return fetchPage(sqlCountRows, sqlFetchRows, args, pageNo, pageSize, null, rowMapper);

    public Page<E> fetchPage(final String sqlCountRows, final String sqlFetchRows, final Object[] args,
                             final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final Long lastMaxId, final RowMapper rowMapper) {
        if (pageNo <= 0 || pageSize <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("pageNo and pageSize must be greater than zero");

        // Query the total number of current records.
        Integer rowCountInt = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sqlCountRows, args, Integer.class);
        if (rowCountInt == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("fetchPageLimit error");

        // Compute pages count
        int pageCount = rowCountInt / pageSize;
        if (rowCountInt > pageSize * pageCount) {

        // Create Page object
        final Page<E> page = new Page<E>();

        if (pageNo > pageCount) {
            return page;

        final int startRow = (pageNo - 1) * pageSize;
        String selectSql = "";
        if (isDerby()) {
            selectSql = sqlFetchRows + " OFFSET " + startRow + " ROWS FETCH NEXT " + pageSize + " ROWS ONLY";
        } else if (lastMaxId != null) {
            selectSql = sqlFetchRows + " and id > " + lastMaxId + " order by id asc" + " limit " + 0 + "," + pageSize;
        } else {
//            selectSql = sqlFetchRows + " limit " + startRow + "," + pageSize;
            selectSql = sqlFetchRows + " limit  " + pageSize + "offset  " + startRow;

        List<E> result = jdbcTemplate.query(selectSql, args, rowMapper);
        for (E item : result) {
        return page;

    public Page<E> fetchPageLimit(final String sqlCountRows, final String sqlFetchRows, final Object[] args,
                                  final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final RowMapper rowMapper) {
        if (pageNo <= 0 || pageSize <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("pageNo and pageSize must be greater than zero");
        // Query the total number of current records
        Integer rowCountInt = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sqlCountRows, Integer.class);
        if (rowCountInt == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("fetchPageLimit error");

        // Compute pages count
        int pageCount = rowCountInt / pageSize;
        if (rowCountInt > pageSize * pageCount) {

        // Create Page object
        final Page<E> page = new Page<E>();

        if (pageNo > pageCount) {
            return page;

        String selectSql = sqlFetchRows;
        if (isDerby()) {
            selectSql = selectSql.replaceAll("(?i)LIMIT \\?,\\?", "OFFSET ? ROWS FETCH NEXT ? ROWS ONLY");

        List<E> result = jdbcTemplate.query(selectSql, args, rowMapper);
        for (E item : result) {
        return page;

    public Page<E> fetchPageLimit(final String sqlCountRows, final Object[] args1, final String sqlFetchRows,
                                  final Object[] args2, final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final RowMapper rowMapper) {
        if (pageNo <= 0 || pageSize <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("pageNo and pageSize must be greater than zero");
        // Query the total number of current records
        Integer rowCountInt = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sqlCountRows, args1, Integer.class);
        if (rowCountInt == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("fetchPageLimit error");

        // Compute pages count
        int pageCount = rowCountInt / pageSize;
        if (rowCountInt > pageSize * pageCount) {

        // Create Page object
        final Page<E> page = new Page<E>();

        if (pageNo > pageCount) {
            return page;

        String selectSql = sqlFetchRows;
        if (isDerby()) {
            selectSql = selectSql.replaceAll("(?i)LIMIT \\?,\\?", "OFFSET ? ROWS FETCH NEXT ? ROWS ONLY");

        List<E> result = jdbcTemplate.query(selectSql, args2, rowMapper);
        for (E item : result) {
        return page;

    public Page<E> fetchPageLimit(final String sqlFetchRows, final Object[] args, final int pageNo, final int pageSize,
                                  final RowMapper rowMapper) {
        if (pageNo <= 0 || pageSize <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("pageNo and pageSize must be greater than zero");
        // Create Page object
        final Page<E> page = new Page<E>();

        String selectSql = sqlFetchRows;
        if (isDerby()) {
            selectSql = selectSql.replaceAll("(?i)LIMIT \\?,\\?", "OFFSET ? ROWS FETCH NEXT ? ROWS ONLY");

        List<E> result = jdbcTemplate.query(selectSql, args, rowMapper);
        for (E item : result) {
        return page;

    public void updateLimit(final String sql, final Object[] args) {
        String sqlUpdate = sql;

        if (isDerby()) {
            sqlUpdate = sqlUpdate.replaceAll("limit \\?", "OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT ? ROWS ONLY");

        try {
            jdbcTemplate.update(sqlUpdate, args);
        } finally {

    private boolean isDerby() {
        return (EnvUtil.getStandaloneMode() && !PropertyUtil.isUseExternalDB()) || PropertyUtil



private static final String POSTGRE_TYPE = "postgre";
private static final String PLATFORM_TYPE = "spring.datasource.platform";
public <E> PaginationHelper<E> createPaginationHelper() {
    return new ExternalStoragePaginationHelperImpl<E>(jt);
public <E> PaginationHelper<E> createPaginationHelper() {
        return new ExternalPostgreStoragePaginationHelperImpl<E>(jt);
    return new ExternalStoragePaginationHelperImpl<E>(jt);


 * Copyright 1999-2018 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.repository.extrnal;

import com.alibaba.nacos.api.exception.NacosException;
import com.alibaba.nacos.common.utils.MD5Utils;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.configuration.ConditionOnExternalStorage;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.constant.Constants;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.enums.FileTypeEnum;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.model.ConfigAdvanceInfo;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.model.ConfigAllInfo;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.model.ConfigHistoryInfo;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.model.ConfigInfo;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.model.ConfigInfo4Beta;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.model.ConfigInfo4Tag;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.model.ConfigInfoAggr;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.model.ConfigInfoBase;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.model.ConfigInfoBetaWrapper;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.model.ConfigInfoChanged;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.model.ConfigInfoTagWrapper;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.model.ConfigInfoWrapper;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.model.ConfigKey;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.model.Page;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.model.SameConfigPolicy;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.model.SubInfo;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.model.TenantInfo;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.datasource.DataSourceService;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.datasource.DynamicDataSource;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.repository.PaginationHelper;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.repository.PersistService;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.utils.LogUtil;
import com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.utils.ParamUtils;
import com.alibaba.nacos.sys.env.EnvUtil;
import com.google.common.base.Joiner;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Conditional;
import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException;
import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException;
import org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException;
import org.springframework.dao.IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException;
import org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.PreparedStatementCreator;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.PreparedStatementSetter;
import org.springframework.jdbc.support.GeneratedKeyHolder;
import org.springframework.jdbc.support.KeyHolder;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionException;
import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus;
import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException;
import org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionCallback;
import org.springframework.transaction.support.TransactionTemplate;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import static com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.repository.RowMapperManager.CONFIG_ADVANCE_INFO_ROW_MAPPER;
import static com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.repository.RowMapperManager.CONFIG_ALL_INFO_ROW_MAPPER;
import static com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.repository.RowMapperManager.CONFIG_INFO4BETA_ROW_MAPPER;
import static com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.repository.RowMapperManager.CONFIG_INFO4TAG_ROW_MAPPER;
import static com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.repository.RowMapperManager.CONFIG_INFO_AGGR_ROW_MAPPER;
import static com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.repository.RowMapperManager.CONFIG_INFO_BASE_ROW_MAPPER;
import static com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.repository.RowMapperManager.CONFIG_INFO_BETA_WRAPPER_ROW_MAPPER;
import static com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.repository.RowMapperManager.CONFIG_INFO_CHANGED_ROW_MAPPER;
import static com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.repository.RowMapperManager.CONFIG_INFO_ROW_MAPPER;
import static com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.repository.RowMapperManager.CONFIG_INFO_TAG_WRAPPER_ROW_MAPPER;
import static com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.repository.RowMapperManager.CONFIG_INFO_WRAPPER_ROW_MAPPER;
import static com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.repository.RowMapperManager.CONFIG_KEY_ROW_MAPPER;
import static com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.repository.RowMapperManager.HISTORY_DETAIL_ROW_MAPPER;
import static com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.repository.RowMapperManager.HISTORY_LIST_ROW_MAPPER;
import static com.alibaba.nacos.config.server.service.repository.RowMapperManager.TENANT_INFO_ROW_MAPPER;

 * External Storage Persist Service.
 * @author <a href="mailto:liaochuntao@live.com">liaochuntao</a>
 * @author klw
@SuppressWarnings(value = {"PMD.MethodReturnWrapperTypeRule", "checkstyle:linelength"})
@Conditional(value = ConditionOnExternalStorage.class)
public class ExternalStoragePersistServiceImpl implements PersistService {

    private DataSourceService dataSourceService;

    private static final String POSTGRE_TYPE = "postgre";
    private static final String PLATFORM_TYPE = "spring.datasource.platform";

    private static final String SQL_FIND_ALL_CONFIG_INFO = "select id,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content,type,md5,gmt_create,gmt_modified,src_user,src_ip,c_desc,c_use,effect,c_schema from config_info";

    private static final String SQL_TENANT_INFO_COUNT_BY_TENANT_ID = "select count(1) from tenant_info where tenant_id = ?";

    private static final String SQL_FIND_CONFIG_INFO_BY_IDS = "SELECT ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content,md5 FROM config_info WHERE ";

    private static final String SQL_DELETE_CONFIG_INFO_BY_IDS = "DELETE FROM config_info WHERE ";

    private static final String PATTERN_STR = "*";

    private static final int QUERY_LIMIT_SIZE = 50;

    protected JdbcTemplate jt;

    protected TransactionTemplate tjt;

     * constant variables.
    public static final String SPOT = ".";

     * init datasource.
    public void init() {
        dataSourceService = DynamicDataSource.getInstance().getDataSource();

        jt = getJdbcTemplate();
        tjt = getTransactionTemplate();

    public boolean checkMasterWritable() {
        return dataSourceService.checkMasterWritable();

    public void setBasicDataSourceService(DataSourceService dataSourceService) {
        this.dataSourceService = dataSourceService;

    public synchronized void reload() throws IOException {

     * For unit testing.
    public JdbcTemplate getJdbcTemplate() {
        return this.dataSourceService.getJdbcTemplate();

    public TransactionTemplate getTransactionTemplate() {
        return this.dataSourceService.getTransactionTemplate();

    public String getCurrentDBUrl() {
        return this.dataSourceService.getCurrentDbUrl();

    public <E> PaginationHelper<E> createPaginationHelper() {
            return new ExternalPostgreStoragePaginationHelperImpl<E>(jt);
        return new ExternalStoragePaginationHelperImpl<E>(jt);

    // ----------------------- config_info table insert update delete

    public void addConfigInfo(final String srcIp, final String srcUser, final ConfigInfo configInfo,
                              final Timestamp time, final Map<String, Object> configAdvanceInfo, final boolean notify) {
        boolean result = tjt.execute(status -> {
            try {
                long configId = addConfigInfoAtomic(-1, srcIp, srcUser, configInfo, time, configAdvanceInfo);
                String configTags = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("config_tags");
                addConfigTagsRelation(configId, configTags, configInfo.getDataId(), configInfo.getGroup(),
                insertConfigHistoryAtomic(0, configInfo, srcIp, srcUser, time, "I");
            } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
                LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
                throw e;
            return Boolean.TRUE;

    public void addConfigInfo4Beta(ConfigInfo configInfo, String betaIps, String srcIp, String srcUser, Timestamp time,
                                   boolean notify) {
        String appNameTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(configInfo.getAppName()) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : configInfo.getAppName();
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(configInfo.getTenant()) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : configInfo.getTenant();
        String md5 = MD5Utils.md5Hex(configInfo.getContent(), Constants.ENCODE);
        try {
            jt.update("INSERT INTO config_info_beta(data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content,md5,beta_ips,src_ip,"
                    + "src_user,gmt_create,gmt_modified) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", configInfo.getDataId(),
                configInfo.getGroup(), tenantTmp, appNameTmp, configInfo.getContent(), md5, betaIps, srcIp, srcUser,
                time, time);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public void addConfigInfo4Tag(ConfigInfo configInfo, String tag, String srcIp, String srcUser, Timestamp time,
                                  boolean notify) {
        String appNameTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(configInfo.getAppName()) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : configInfo.getAppName();
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(configInfo.getTenant()) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : configInfo.getTenant();
        String tagTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tag) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tag.trim();
        String md5 = MD5Utils.md5Hex(configInfo.getContent(), Constants.ENCODE);
        try {
                "INSERT INTO config_info_tag(data_id,group_id,tenant_id,tag_id,app_name,content,md5,src_ip,src_user,"
                    + "gmt_create,gmt_modified) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", configInfo.getDataId(),
                configInfo.getGroup(), tenantTmp, tagTmp, appNameTmp, configInfo.getContent(), md5, srcIp, srcUser,
                time, time);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public void updateConfigInfo(final ConfigInfo configInfo, final String srcIp, final String srcUser,
                                 final Timestamp time, final Map<String, Object> configAdvanceInfo, final boolean notify) {
        boolean result = tjt.execute(status -> {
            try {
                ConfigInfo oldConfigInfo = findConfigInfo(configInfo.getDataId(), configInfo.getGroup(),
                String appNameTmp = oldConfigInfo.getAppName();
                 If the appName passed by the user is not empty, use the persistent user‘s appName,
                 otherwise use db; when emptying appName, you need to pass an empty string
                if (configInfo.getAppName() == null) {
                updateConfigInfoAtomic(configInfo, srcIp, srcUser, time, configAdvanceInfo);
                String configTags = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("config_tags");
                if (configTags != null) {
                    // delete all tags and then recreate
                    addConfigTagsRelation(oldConfigInfo.getId(), configTags, configInfo.getDataId(),
                        configInfo.getGroup(), configInfo.getTenant());
                insertConfigHistoryAtomic(oldConfigInfo.getId(), oldConfigInfo, srcIp, srcUser, time, "U");
            } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
                LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
                throw e;
            return Boolean.TRUE;

    public void updateConfigInfo4Beta(ConfigInfo configInfo, String betaIps, String srcIp, String srcUser,
                                      Timestamp time, boolean notify) {
        String appNameTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(configInfo.getAppName()) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : configInfo.getAppName();
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(configInfo.getTenant()) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : configInfo.getTenant();
        String md5 = MD5Utils.md5Hex(configInfo.getContent(), Constants.ENCODE);
        try {
                "UPDATE config_info_beta SET content=?, md5 = ?, src_ip=?,src_user=?,gmt_modified=?,app_name=? WHERE "
                    + "data_id=? AND group_id=? AND tenant_id=?", configInfo.getContent(), md5, srcIp, srcUser,
                time, appNameTmp, configInfo.getDataId(), configInfo.getGroup(), tenantTmp);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public void updateConfigInfo4Tag(ConfigInfo configInfo, String tag, String srcIp, String srcUser, Timestamp time,
                                     boolean notify) {
        String appNameTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(configInfo.getAppName()) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : configInfo.getAppName();
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(configInfo.getTenant()) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : configInfo.getTenant();
        String tagTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tag) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tag.trim();
        try {
            String md5 = MD5Utils.md5Hex(configInfo.getContent(), Constants.ENCODE);
                "UPDATE config_info_tag SET content=?, md5 = ?, src_ip=?,src_user=?,gmt_modified=?,app_name=? WHERE "
                    + "data_id=? AND group_id=? AND tenant_id=? AND tag_id=?", configInfo.getContent(), md5,
                srcIp, srcUser, time, appNameTmp, configInfo.getDataId(), configInfo.getGroup(), tenantTmp, tagTmp);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public void insertOrUpdateBeta(final ConfigInfo configInfo, final String betaIps, final String srcIp,
                                   final String srcUser, final Timestamp time, final boolean notify) {
        try {
            addConfigInfo4Beta(configInfo, betaIps, srcIp, null, time, notify);
        } catch (DataIntegrityViolationException ive) { // Unique constraint conflict
            updateConfigInfo4Beta(configInfo, betaIps, srcIp, null, time, notify);

    public void insertOrUpdateTag(final ConfigInfo configInfo, final String tag, final String srcIp,
                                  final String srcUser, final Timestamp time, final boolean notify) {
        try {
            addConfigInfo4Tag(configInfo, tag, srcIp, null, time, notify);
        } catch (DataIntegrityViolationException ive) { // Unique constraint conflict
            updateConfigInfo4Tag(configInfo, tag, srcIp, null, time, notify);

    public void updateMd5(String dataId, String group, String tenant, String md5, Timestamp lastTime) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        try {
                "UPDATE config_info SET md5 = ? WHERE data_id=? AND group_id=? AND tenant_id=? AND gmt_modified=?",
                md5, dataId, group, tenantTmp, lastTime);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public void insertOrUpdate(String srcIp, String srcUser, ConfigInfo configInfo, Timestamp time,
                               Map<String, Object> configAdvanceInfo) {
        insertOrUpdate(srcIp, srcUser, configInfo, time, configAdvanceInfo, true);

    public void insertOrUpdate(String srcIp, String srcUser, ConfigInfo configInfo, Timestamp time,
                               Map<String, Object> configAdvanceInfo, boolean notify) {
        try {
            addConfigInfo(srcIp, srcUser, configInfo, time, configAdvanceInfo, notify);
        } catch (DataIntegrityViolationException ive) { // Unique constraint conflict
            updateConfigInfo(configInfo, srcIp, srcUser, time, configAdvanceInfo, notify);

    public void insertOrUpdateSub(SubInfo subInfo) {
        try {
            addConfigSubAtomic(subInfo.getDataId(), subInfo.getGroup(), subInfo.getAppName(), subInfo.getDate());
        } catch (DataIntegrityViolationException ive) { // Unique constraint conflict
            updateConfigSubAtomic(subInfo.getDataId(), subInfo.getGroup(), subInfo.getAppName(), subInfo.getDate());

    public void removeConfigInfo(final String dataId, final String group, final String tenant, final String srcIp,
                                 final String srcUser) {
        tjt.execute(new TransactionCallback<Boolean>() {
            final Timestamp time = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());

            public Boolean doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
                try {
                    ConfigInfo configInfo = findConfigInfo(dataId, group, tenant);
                    if (configInfo != null) {
                        removeConfigInfoAtomic(dataId, group, tenant, srcIp, srcUser);
                        insertConfigHistoryAtomic(configInfo.getId(), configInfo, srcIp, srcUser, time, "D");
                } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
                    LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
                    throw e;
                return Boolean.TRUE;

    public List<ConfigInfo> removeConfigInfoByIds(final List<Long> ids, final String srcIp, final String srcUser) {
        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(ids)) {
            return null;
        List<ConfigInfo> result = tjt.execute(new TransactionCallback<List<ConfigInfo>>() {
            final Timestamp time = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());

            public List<ConfigInfo> doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
                try {
                    String idsStr = Joiner.on(",").join(ids);
                    List<ConfigInfo> configInfoList = findConfigInfosByIds(idsStr);
                    if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(configInfoList)) {
                        for (ConfigInfo configInfo : configInfoList) {
                            insertConfigHistoryAtomic(configInfo.getId(), configInfo, srcIp, srcUser, time, "D");
                    return configInfoList;
                } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
                    LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
                    throw e;
        return result;

    public void removeConfigInfo4Beta(final String dataId, final String group, final String tenant) {
        final String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        tjt.execute(status -> {
            try {
                ConfigInfo configInfo = findConfigInfo4Beta(dataId, group, tenant);
                if (configInfo != null) {
                    jt.update("DELETE FROM config_info_beta WHERE data_id=? AND group_id=? AND tenant_id=?", dataId,
                        group, tenantTmp);
            } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
                LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
                throw e;
            return Boolean.TRUE;

    // ----------------------- config_aggr_info table insert update delete

    public boolean addAggrConfigInfo(final String dataId, final String group, String tenant, final String datumId,
                                     String appName, final String content) {
        String appNameTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(appName) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : appName;
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        final Timestamp now = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
        String select = "SELECT content FROM config_info_aggr WHERE data_id = ? AND group_id = ? AND tenant_id = ?  AND datum_id = ?";
        String insert = "INSERT INTO config_info_aggr(data_id, group_id, tenant_id, datum_id, app_name, content, gmt_modified) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ";
        String update = "UPDATE config_info_aggr SET content = ? , gmt_modified = ? WHERE data_id = ? AND group_id = ? AND tenant_id = ? AND datum_id = ?";

        try {
            try {
                String dbContent = jt
                    .queryForObject(select, new Object[] {dataId, group, tenantTmp, datumId}, String.class);

                if (dbContent != null && dbContent.equals(content)) {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return jt.update(update, content, now, dataId, group, tenantTmp, datumId) > 0;
            } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException ex) { // no data, insert
                return jt.update(insert, dataId, group, tenantTmp, datumId, appNameTmp, content, now) > 0;
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public void removeSingleAggrConfigInfo(final String dataId, final String group, final String tenant,
                                           final String datumId) {
        final String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        String sql = "DELETE FROM config_info_aggr WHERE data_id=? AND group_id=? AND tenant_id=? AND datum_id=?";

        try {
            this.jt.update(sql, new PreparedStatementSetter() {
                public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException {
                    int index = 1;
                    ps.setString(index++, dataId);
                    ps.setString(index++, group);
                    ps.setString(index++, tenantTmp);
                    ps.setString(index, datumId);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public void removeAggrConfigInfo(final String dataId, final String group, final String tenant) {
        final String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        String sql = "DELETE FROM config_info_aggr WHERE data_id=? AND group_id=? AND tenant_id=?";

        try {
            this.jt.update(sql, new PreparedStatementSetter() {
                public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException {
                    int index = 1;
                    ps.setString(index++, dataId);
                    ps.setString(index++, group);
                    ps.setString(index, tenantTmp);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public boolean batchRemoveAggr(final String dataId, final String group, final String tenant,
                                   final List<String> datumList) {
        final String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        final StringBuilder datumString = new StringBuilder();
        for (String datum : datumList) {
        datumString.deleteCharAt(datumString.length() - 1);
        final String sql =
            "delete from config_info_aggr where data_id=? and group_id=? and tenant_id=? and datum_id in ("
                + datumString.toString() + ")";
        try {
            jt.update(sql, dataId, group, tenantTmp);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            return false;
        return true;

    public void removeConfigHistory(final Timestamp startTime, final int limitSize) {
        String sql = "delete from his_config_info where gmt_modified < ? limit ?";
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfo> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        try {
            helper.updateLimit(sql, new Object[] {startTime, limitSize});
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public int findConfigHistoryCountByTime(final Timestamp startTime) {
        String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM his_config_info WHERE gmt_modified < ?";
        Integer result = jt.queryForObject(sql, Integer.class, new Object[] {startTime});
        if (result == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("configInfoBetaCount error");
        return result.intValue();

    public long findConfigMaxId() {
        String sql = "SELECT max(id) FROM config_info";
        try {
            return jt.queryForObject(sql, Long.class);
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
            return 0;

    public boolean batchPublishAggr(final String dataId, final String group, final String tenant,
                                    final Map<String, String> datumMap, final String appName) {
        try {
            Boolean isPublishOk = tjt.execute(new TransactionCallback<Boolean>() {
                public Boolean doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
                    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : datumMap.entrySet()) {
                        try {
                            if (!addAggrConfigInfo(dataId, group, tenant, entry.getKey(), appName, entry.getValue())) {
                                throw new TransactionSystemException("error in addAggrConfigInfo");
                        } catch (Throwable e) {
                            throw new TransactionSystemException("error in addAggrConfigInfo");
                    return Boolean.TRUE;
            if (isPublishOk == null) {
                return false;
            return isPublishOk;
        } catch (TransactionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            return false;

    public boolean replaceAggr(final String dataId, final String group, final String tenant,
                               final Map<String, String> datumMap, final String appName) {
        try {
            Boolean isReplaceOk = tjt.execute(new TransactionCallback<Boolean>() {
                public Boolean doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
                    try {
                        String appNameTmp = appName == null ? "" : appName;
                        removeAggrConfigInfo(dataId, group, tenant);
                        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
                        String sql = "INSERT INTO config_info_aggr(data_id, group_id, tenant_id, datum_id, app_name, content, gmt_modified) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ";
                        for (Map.Entry<String, String> datumEntry : datumMap.entrySet()) {
                            jt.update(sql, dataId, group, tenantTmp, datumEntry.getKey(), appNameTmp,
                                datumEntry.getValue(), new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));
                    } catch (Throwable e) {
                        throw new TransactionSystemException("error in addAggrConfigInfo");
                    return Boolean.TRUE;
            if (isReplaceOk == null) {
                return false;
            return isReplaceOk;
        } catch (TransactionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            return false;


    public List<ConfigInfo> findAllDataIdAndGroup() {
        String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT data_id, group_id FROM config_info";

        try {
            return jt.query(sql, new Object[] {}, CONFIG_INFO_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-other-error]" + e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public ConfigInfo4Beta findConfigInfo4Beta(final String dataId, final String group, final String tenant) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        try {
            return this.jt.queryForObject(
                "SELECT ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content,beta_ips FROM config_info_beta WHERE data_id=? AND group_id=? AND tenant_id=?",
                new Object[] {dataId, group, tenantTmp}, CONFIG_INFO4BETA_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { // Indicates that the data does not exist, returns null.
            return null;
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public ConfigInfo4Tag findConfigInfo4Tag(final String dataId, final String group, final String tenant,
                                             final String tag) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        String tagTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tag) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tag.trim();
        try {
            return this.jt.queryForObject(
                "SELECT ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,tag_id,app_name,content FROM config_info_tag WHERE data_id=? AND group_id=? AND tenant_id=? AND tag_id=?",
                new Object[] {dataId, group, tenantTmp, tagTmp}, CONFIG_INFO4TAG_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { // Indicates that the data does not exist, returns null.
            return null;
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public ConfigInfo findConfigInfoApp(final String dataId, final String group, final String tenant,
                                        final String appName) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        try {
            return this.jt.queryForObject(
                "SELECT ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content FROM config_info WHERE data_id=? AND group_id=? AND tenant_id=? AND app_name=?",
                new Object[] {dataId, group, tenantTmp, appName}, CONFIG_INFO_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { // Indicates that the data does not exist, returns null.
            return null;
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public ConfigInfo findConfigInfoAdvanceInfo(final String dataId, final String group, final String tenant,
                                                final Map<String, Object> configAdvanceInfo) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        final String appName = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("appName");
        final String configTags = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("config_tags");
        List<String> paramList = new ArrayList<String>();

        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(
            "select ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content from config_info where data_id=? and group_id=? and tenant_id=? ");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(configTags)) {
            sql = new StringBuilder(
                "select a.ID,a.data_id,a.group_id,a.tenant_id,a.app_name,a.content from config_info  a left join "
                    + "config_tags_relation b on a.id=b.id where a.data_id=? and a.group_id=? and a.tenant_id=? ");
            sql.append(" and b.tag_name in (");
            String[] tagArr = configTags.split(",");
            for (int i = 0; i < tagArr.length; i++) {
                if (i != 0) {
                    sql.append(", ");
            sql.append(") ");

            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(appName)) {
                sql.append(" and a.app_name=? ");
        } else {
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(appName)) {
                sql.append(" and app_name=? ");

        try {
            return this.jt.queryForObject(sql.toString(), paramList.toArray(), CONFIG_INFO_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { // Indicates that the data does not exist, returns null.
            return null;
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;


    public ConfigInfoBase findConfigInfoBase(final String dataId, final String group) {
        try {
            return this.jt.queryForObject(
                "SELECT ID,data_id,group_id,content FROM config_info WHERE data_id=? AND group_id=? AND tenant_id=?",
                new Object[] {dataId, group, StringUtils.EMPTY}, CONFIG_INFO_BASE_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { // Indicates that the data does not exist, returns null.
            return null;
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public ConfigInfo findConfigInfo(long id) {
        try {
            return this.jt
                .queryForObject("SELECT ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content FROM config_info WHERE ID=?",
                    new Object[] {id}, CONFIG_INFO_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { // Indicates that the data does not exist, returns null.
            return null;
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public ConfigInfo findConfigInfo(final String dataId, final String group, final String tenant) {
        final String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        try {
            return this.jt.queryForObject(
                "SELECT ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content,md5,type FROM config_info WHERE data_id=? AND group_id=? AND tenant_id=?",
                new Object[] {dataId, group, tenantTmp}, CONFIG_INFO_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { // Indicates that the data does not exist, returns null.
            return null;
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigInfo> findConfigInfoByDataId(final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final String dataId,
                                                   final String tenant) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfo> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        try {
            return helper.fetchPage("select count(*) from config_info where data_id=? and tenant_id=?",
                "select ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content from config_info where data_id=? and tenant_id=?",
                new Object[] {dataId, tenantTmp}, pageNo, pageSize, CONFIG_INFO_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigInfo> findConfigInfoByDataIdAndApp(final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final String dataId,
                                                         final String tenant, final String appName) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfo> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        try {
            return helper.fetchPage("select count(*) from config_info where data_id=? and tenant_id=? and app_name=?",
                "select ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content from config_info where data_id=? and tenant_id=? and app_name=?",
                new Object[] {dataId, tenantTmp, appName}, pageNo, pageSize, CONFIG_INFO_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigInfo> findConfigInfoByDataIdAndAdvance(final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final String dataId,
                                                             final String tenant, final Map<String, Object> configAdvanceInfo) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfo> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        final String appName = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("appName");
        final String configTags = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("config_tags");
        StringBuilder sqlCount = new StringBuilder("select count(*) from config_info where data_id=? and tenant_id=? ");
        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(
            "select ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content from config_info where data_id=? and tenant_id=? ");
        List<String> paramList = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(configTags)) {
            sqlCount = new StringBuilder(
                "select count(*) from config_info  a left join config_tags_relation b on a.id=b.id where a.data_id=? and a.tenant_id=? ");

            sql = new StringBuilder(
                "select a.ID,a.data_id,a.group_id,a.tenant_id,a.app_name,a.content from config_info  a left join "
                    + "config_tags_relation b on a.id=b.id where a.data_id=? and a.tenant_id=? ");

            sqlCount.append(" and b.tag_name in (");
            sql.append(" and b.tag_name in (");
            String[] tagArr = configTags.split(",");
            for (int i = 0; i < tagArr.length; i++) {
                if (i != 0) {
                    sqlCount.append(", ");
                    sql.append(", ");
            sqlCount.append(") ");
            sql.append(") ");

            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(appName)) {
                sqlCount.append(" and a.app_name=? ");
                sql.append(" and a.app_name=? ");
        } else {
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(appName)) {
                sqlCount.append(" and app_name=? ");
                sql.append(" and app_name=? ");
        try {
            return helper.fetchPage(sqlCount.toString(), sql.toString(), paramList.toArray(), pageNo, pageSize,
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigInfo> findConfigInfo4Page(final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final String dataId,
                                                final String group, final String tenant, final Map<String, Object> configAdvanceInfo) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfo> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        final String appName = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("appName");
        final String configTags = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("config_tags");
        String sqlCount = "select count(*) from config_info";
        String sql = "select ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content,type from config_info";
        StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(" where ");
        List<String> paramList = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(configTags)) {
            sqlCount = "select count(*) from config_info  a left join config_tags_relation b on a.id=b.id";
            sql = "select a.ID,a.data_id,a.group_id,a.tenant_id,a.app_name,a.content from config_info  a left join "
                + "config_tags_relation b on a.id=b.id";

            where.append(" a.tenant_id=? ");

            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dataId)) {
                where.append(" and a.data_id=? ");
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(group)) {
                where.append(" and a.group_id=? ");
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(appName)) {
                where.append(" and a.app_name=? ");

            where.append(" and b.tag_name in (");
            String[] tagArr = configTags.split(",");
            for (int i = 0; i < tagArr.length; i++) {
                if (i != 0) {
                    where.append(", ");
            where.append(") ");
        } else {
            where.append(" tenant_id=? ");
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dataId)) {
                where.append(" and data_id=? ");
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(group)) {
                where.append(" and group_id=? ");
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(appName)) {
                where.append(" and app_name=? ");
        try {
            return helper.fetchPage(sqlCount + where, sql + where, paramList.toArray(), pageNo, pageSize,
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigInfoBase> findConfigInfoBaseByDataId(final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final String dataId) {
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfoBase> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        try {
            return helper.fetchPage("select count(*) from config_info where data_id=? and tenant_id=?",
                "select ID,data_id,group_id,content from config_info where data_id=? and tenant_id=?",
                new Object[] {dataId, StringUtils.EMPTY}, pageNo, pageSize, CONFIG_INFO_BASE_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigInfo> findConfigInfoByGroup(final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final String group,
                                                  final String tenant) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfo> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        try {
            return helper.fetchPage("select count(*) from config_info where group_id=? and tenant_id=?",
                "select ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content from config_info where group_id=? and tenant_id=?",
                new Object[] {group, tenantTmp}, pageNo, pageSize, CONFIG_INFO_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigInfo> findConfigInfoByGroupAndApp(final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final String group,
                                                        final String tenant, final String appName) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfo> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        try {
            return helper.fetchPage("select count(*) from config_info where group_id=? and tenant_id=? and app_name =?",
                "select ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content from config_info where group_id=? and tenant_id=? and app_name =?",
                new Object[] {group, tenantTmp, appName}, pageNo, pageSize, CONFIG_INFO_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigInfo> findConfigInfoByGroupAndAdvance(final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final String group,
                                                            final String tenant, final Map<String, Object> configAdvanceInfo) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfo> helper = createPaginationHelper();

        final String appName = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("appName");
        final String configTags = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("config_tags");
        StringBuilder sqlCount = new StringBuilder(
            "select count(*) from config_info where group_id=? and tenant_id=? ");
        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(
            "select ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content from config_info where group_id=? and tenant_id=? ");
        List<String> paramList = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(configTags)) {
            sqlCount = new StringBuilder(
                "select count(*) from config_info  a left join config_tags_relation b on a.id=b.id where a.group_id=? and a.tenant_id=? ");
            sql = new StringBuilder(
                "select a.ID,a.data_id,a.group_id,a.tenant_id,a.app_name,a.content from config_info  a left join "
                    + "config_tags_relation b on a.id=b.id where a.group_id=? and a.tenant_id=? ");

            sqlCount.append(" and b.tag_name in (");
            sql.append(" and b.tag_name in (");
            String[] tagArr = configTags.split(",");
            for (int i = 0; i < tagArr.length; i++) {
                if (i != 0) {
                    sqlCount.append(", ");
                    sql.append(", ");
            sqlCount.append(") ");
            sql.append(") ");

            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(appName)) {
                sqlCount.append(" and a.app_name=? ");
                sql.append(" and a.app_name=? ");
        } else {
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(appName)) {
                sqlCount.append(" and app_name=? ");
                sql.append(" and app_name=? ");

        try {
            return helper.fetchPage(sqlCount.toString(), sql.toString(), paramList.toArray(), pageNo, pageSize,
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigInfo> findConfigInfoByApp(final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final String tenant,
                                                final String appName) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfo> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        try {
            return helper.fetchPage("select count(*) from config_info where tenant_id like ? and app_name=?",
                "select ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content from config_info where tenant_id like ? and app_name=?",
                new Object[] {generateLikeArgument(tenantTmp), appName}, pageNo, pageSize, CONFIG_INFO_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigInfo> findConfigInfoByAdvance(final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final String tenant,
                                                    final Map<String, Object> configAdvanceInfo) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfo> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        final String appName = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("appName");
        final String configTags = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("config_tags");
        StringBuilder sqlCount = new StringBuilder("select count(*) from config_info where tenant_id like ? ");
        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(
            "select ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content from config_info where tenant_id like ? ");
        List<String> paramList = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(configTags)) {
            sqlCount = new StringBuilder(
                "select count(*) from config_info a left join config_tags_relation b on a.id=b.id where a.tenant_id=? ");

            sql = new StringBuilder(
                "select a.ID,a.data_id,a.group_id,a.tenant_id,a.app_name,a.content from config_info  a left join "
                    + "config_tags_relation b on a.id=b.id where a.tenant_id=? ");

            sqlCount.append(" and b.tag_name in (");
            sql.append(" and b.tag_name in (");
            String[] tagArr = configTags.split(",");
            for (int i = 0; i < tagArr.length; i++) {
                if (i != 0) {
                    sqlCount.append(", ");
                    sql.append(", ");
            sqlCount.append(") ");
            sql.append(") ");

            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(appName)) {
                sqlCount.append(" and a.app_name=? ");
                sql.append(" and a.app_name=? ");
        } else {
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(appName)) {
                sqlCount.append(" and app_name=? ");
                sql.append(" and app_name=? ");

        try {
            return helper.fetchPage(sqlCount.toString(), sql.toString(), paramList.toArray(), pageNo, pageSize,
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;


    public Page<ConfigInfoBase> findConfigInfoBaseByGroup(final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final String group) {
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfoBase> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        try {
            return helper.fetchPage("select count(*) from config_info where group_id=? and tenant_id=?",
                "select ID,data_id,group_id,content from config_info where group_id=? and tenant_id=?",
                new Object[] {group, StringUtils.EMPTY}, pageNo, pageSize, CONFIG_INFO_BASE_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public int configInfoCount() {
        String sql = " SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM config_info ";
        Integer result = jt.queryForObject(sql, Integer.class);
        if (result == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("configInfoCount error");
        return result.intValue();

    public int configInfoCount(String tenant) {
        String sql = " SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM config_info where tenant_id like ?";
        Integer result = jt.queryForObject(sql, new Object[] {tenant}, Integer.class);
        if (result == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("configInfoCount error");
        return result.intValue();

    public int configInfoBetaCount() {
        String sql = " SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM config_info_beta ";
        Integer result = jt.queryForObject(sql, Integer.class);
        if (result == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("configInfoBetaCount error");
        return result.intValue();

    public int configInfoTagCount() {
        String sql = " SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM config_info_tag ";
        Integer result = jt.queryForObject(sql, Integer.class);
        if (result == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("configInfoBetaCount error");
        return result.intValue();

    public List<String> getTenantIdList(int page, int pageSize) {
        String sql = "SELECT tenant_id FROM config_info WHERE tenant_id != ‘‘ GROUP BY tenant_id LIMIT ? offset ?";
        int from = (page - 1) * pageSize;
        return jt.queryForList(sql, String.class,  pageSize,from);

    public List<String> getGroupIdList(int page, int pageSize) {
        String sql = "SELECT group_id FROM config_info WHERE tenant_id =‘‘ GROUP BY group_id LIMIT ? offset ?";
        int from = (page - 1) * pageSize;
        return jt.queryForList(sql, String.class,  pageSize,from);

    public int aggrConfigInfoCount(String dataId, String group, String tenant) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        String sql = " SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM config_info_aggr WHERE data_id = ? AND group_id = ? AND tenant_id = ?";
        Integer result = jt.queryForObject(sql, Integer.class, new Object[] {dataId, group, tenantTmp});
        if (result == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("aggrConfigInfoCount error");
        return result.intValue();

    public int aggrConfigInfoCount(String dataId, String group, String tenant, List<String> datumIds, boolean isIn) {
        if (datumIds == null || datumIds.isEmpty()) {
            return 0;
        final String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(
            " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM config_info_aggr WHERE data_id = ? and group_id = ? and tenant_id = ? and datum_id");
        if (isIn) {
            sql.append(" in (");
        } else {
            sql.append(" not in (");
        for (int i = 0, size = datumIds.size(); i < size; i++) {
            if (i > 0) {
                sql.append(", ");

        List<Object> objectList = Lists.<Object>newArrayList(dataId, group, tenantTmp);
        Integer result = jt.queryForObject(sql.toString(), Integer.class, objectList.toArray());
        if (result == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("aggrConfigInfoCount error");
        return result.intValue();

    public int aggrConfigInfoCountIn(String dataId, String group, String tenant, List<String> datumIds) {
        return aggrConfigInfoCount(dataId, group, tenant, datumIds, true);

    public int aggrConfigInfoCountNotIn(String dataId, String group, String tenant, List<String> datumIds) {
        return aggrConfigInfoCount(dataId, group, tenant, datumIds, false);

    public Page<ConfigInfo> findAllConfigInfo(final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final String tenant) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        String sqlCountRows = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM config_info";
        String sqlFetchRows = " SELECT t.id,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content,md5 "
            + " FROM (  SELECT id FROM config_info WHERE tenant_id like ? ORDER BY id LIMIT ? offset ? )"
            + " g, config_info t  WHERE g.id = t.id ";

        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfo> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        try {
            return helper.fetchPageLimit(sqlCountRows, sqlFetchRows,
                new Object[] {generateLikeArgument(tenantTmp),  pageSize,(pageNo - 1) * pageSize}, pageNo, pageSize,
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigKey> findAllConfigKey(final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final String tenant) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        String select = " SELECT data_id,group_id,app_name  FROM ( "
            + " SELECT id FROM config_info WHERE tenant_id LIKE ? ORDER BY id LIMIT ? offset ?  )"
            + " g, config_info t WHERE g.id = t.id  ";

        final int totalCount = configInfoCount(tenant);
        int pageCount = totalCount / pageSize;
        if (totalCount > pageSize * pageCount) {

        if (pageNo > pageCount) {
            return null;

        final Page<ConfigKey> page = new Page<ConfigKey>();

        try {
            List<ConfigKey> result = jt
                .query(select, new Object[] {generateLikeArgument(tenantTmp),  pageSize,(pageNo - 1) * pageSize},
                    // new Object[0],

            for (ConfigKey item : result) {
            return page;
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
            return page;
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigInfoBase> findAllConfigInfoBase(final int pageNo, final int pageSize) {
        String sqlCountRows = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM config_info";
        String sqlFetchRows = " SELECT t.id,data_id,group_id,content,md5"
            + " FROM ( SELECT id FROM config_info ORDER BY id LIMIT ? offset ?  ) "
            + " g, config_info t  WHERE g.id = t.id ";

        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfoBase> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        try {
            return helper.fetchPageLimit(sqlCountRows, sqlFetchRows, new Object[] { pageSize,(pageNo - 1) * pageSize},
                pageNo, pageSize, CONFIG_INFO_BASE_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigInfoWrapper> findAllConfigInfoForDumpAll(final int pageNo, final int pageSize) {
        String sqlCountRows = "select count(*) from config_info";
        String sqlFetchRows = " SELECT t.id,type,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content,md5,gmt_modified "
            + " FROM ( SELECT id FROM config_info   ORDER BY id LIMIT ? offset ?  )"
            + " g, config_info t WHERE g.id = t.id ";
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfoWrapper> helper = createPaginationHelper();

        List<String> params = new ArrayList<String>();

        try {
            return helper.fetchPageLimit(sqlCountRows, sqlFetchRows, params.toArray(),  pageSize,pageNo,
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigInfoWrapper> findAllConfigInfoFragment(final long lastMaxId, final int pageSize) {
        String select = "SELECT id,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content,md5,gmt_modified,type from config_info where id > ? order by id asc limit ? offset ?";
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfoWrapper> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        try {
            return helper.fetchPageLimit(select, new Object[] {lastMaxId, pageSize, 0}, 1, pageSize,
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigInfoBetaWrapper> findAllConfigInfoBetaForDumpAll(final int pageNo, final int pageSize) {
        String sqlCountRows = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM config_info_beta";
        String sqlFetchRows = " SELECT t.id,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content,md5,gmt_modified,beta_ips "
            + " FROM ( SELECT id FROM config_info_beta  ORDER BY id LIMIT ? offset ?  )"
            + "  g, config_info_beta t WHERE g.id = t.id ";
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfoBetaWrapper> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        try {
            return helper.fetchPageLimit(sqlCountRows, sqlFetchRows, new Object[] { pageSize,(pageNo - 1) * pageSize},
                pageNo, pageSize, CONFIG_INFO_BETA_WRAPPER_ROW_MAPPER);

        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigInfoTagWrapper> findAllConfigInfoTagForDumpAll(final int pageNo, final int pageSize) {
        String sqlCountRows = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM config_info_tag";
        String sqlFetchRows = " SELECT t.id,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,tag_id,app_name,content,md5,gmt_modified "
            + " FROM (  SELECT id FROM config_info_tag  ORDER BY id LIMIT ? offset ? ) "
            + "g, config_info_tag t  WHERE g.id = t.id  ";
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfoTagWrapper> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        try {
            return helper.fetchPageLimit(sqlCountRows, sqlFetchRows, new Object[] { pageSize,(pageNo - 1) * pageSize},
                pageNo, pageSize, CONFIG_INFO_TAG_WRAPPER_ROW_MAPPER);

        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public List<ConfigInfo> findConfigInfoByBatch(final List<String> dataIds, final String group, final String tenant,
                                                  int subQueryLimit) {
        // assert dataids group not null
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        // if dataids empty return empty list
        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(dataIds)) {
            return Collections.emptyList();

        // Batch query limit
        // The number of in is controlled within 100, the shorter the length of the SQL statement, the better
        if (subQueryLimit > QUERY_LIMIT_SIZE) {
            subQueryLimit = 50;
        List<ConfigInfo> result = new ArrayList<ConfigInfo>(dataIds.size());

        String sqlStart = "select data_id, group_id, tenant_id, app_name, content from config_info where group_id = ? and tenant_id = ? and data_id in (";
        String sqlEnd = ")";
        StringBuilder subQuerySql = new StringBuilder();

        for (int i = 0; i < dataIds.size(); i += subQueryLimit) {
            // dataids
            List<String> params = new ArrayList<String>(
                dataIds.subList(i, i + subQueryLimit < dataIds.size() ? i + subQueryLimit : dataIds.size()));

            for (int j = 0; j < params.size(); j++) {
                if (j != params.size() - 1) {

            // group
            params.add(0, group);
            params.add(1, tenantTmp);

            List<ConfigInfo> r = this.jt
                .query(sqlStart + subQuerySql.toString() + sqlEnd, params.toArray(), CONFIG_INFO_ROW_MAPPER);

            // assert not null
            if (r != null && r.size() > 0) {
        return result;

    public Page<ConfigInfo> findConfigInfoLike(final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final String dataId,
                                               final String group, final String tenant, final String appName, final String content) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(dataId) && StringUtils.isBlank(group)) {
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(appName)) {
                return this.findAllConfigInfo(pageNo, pageSize, tenantTmp);
            } else {
                return this.findConfigInfoByApp(pageNo, pageSize, tenantTmp, appName);

        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfo> helper = createPaginationHelper();

        String sqlCountRows = "select count(*) from config_info where ";
        String sqlFetchRows = "select ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content from config_info where ";
        String where = " 1=1 ";
        List<String> params = new ArrayList<String>();

        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(dataId)) {
            where += " and data_id like ? ";
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(group)) {
            where += " and group_id like ? ";

        where += " and tenant_id like ? ";

        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(appName)) {
            where += " and app_name = ? ";
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(content)) {
            where += " and content like ? ";

        try {
            return helper.fetchPage(sqlCountRows + where, sqlFetchRows + where, params.toArray(), pageNo, pageSize,
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigInfo> findConfigInfoLike(final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final ConfigKey[] configKeys,
                                               final boolean blacklist) {
        String sqlCountRows = "select count(*) from config_info where ";
        String sqlFetchRows = "select ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content from config_info where ";
        StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(" 1=1 ");
        // Whitelist, please leave the synchronization condition empty, there is no configuration that meets the conditions
        if (configKeys.length == 0 && blacklist == false) {
            Page<ConfigInfo> page = new Page<ConfigInfo>();
            return page;
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfo> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        List<String> params = new ArrayList<String>();
        boolean isFirst = true;
        for (ConfigKey configInfo : configKeys) {
            String dataId = configInfo.getDataId();
            String group = configInfo.getGroup();
            String appName = configInfo.getAppName();

            if (StringUtils.isBlank(dataId) && StringUtils.isBlank(group) && StringUtils.isBlank(appName)) {

            if (blacklist) {
                if (isFirst) {
                    isFirst = false;
                    where.append(" and ");
                } else {
                    where.append(" and ");

                boolean isFirstSub = true;
                if (!StringUtils.isBlank(dataId)) {
                    where.append(" data_id not like ? ");
                    isFirstSub = false;
                if (!StringUtils.isBlank(group)) {
                    if (!isFirstSub) {
                        where.append(" or ");
                    where.append(" group_id not like ? ");
                    isFirstSub = false;
                if (!StringUtils.isBlank(appName)) {
                    if (!isFirstSub) {
                        where.append(" or ");
                    where.append(" app_name != ? ");
                    isFirstSub = false;
                where.append(") ");
            } else {
                if (isFirst) {
                    isFirst = false;
                    where.append(" and ");
                } else {
                    where.append(" or ");
                boolean isFirstSub = true;
                if (!StringUtils.isBlank(dataId)) {
                    where.append(" data_id like ? ");
                    isFirstSub = false;
                if (!StringUtils.isBlank(group)) {
                    if (!isFirstSub) {
                        where.append(" and ");
                    where.append(" group_id like ? ");
                    isFirstSub = false;
                if (!StringUtils.isBlank(appName)) {
                    if (!isFirstSub) {
                        where.append(" and ");
                    where.append(" app_name = ? ");
                    isFirstSub = false;
                where.append(") ");

        try {
            return helper.fetchPage(sqlCountRows + where.toString(), sqlFetchRows + where.toString(), params.toArray(),
                pageNo, pageSize, CONFIG_INFO_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigInfo> findConfigInfoLike4Page(final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final String dataId,
                                                    final String group, final String tenant, final Map<String, Object> configAdvanceInfo) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        final String appName = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("appName");
        final String content = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("content");
        final String configTags = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("config_tags");
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfo> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        String sqlCountRows = "select count(*) from config_info";
        String sqlFetchRows = "select ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content from config_info";
        StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(" where ");
        List<String> params = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(configTags)) {
            sqlCountRows = "select count(*) from config_info  a left join config_tags_relation b on a.id=b.id ";
            sqlFetchRows = "select a.ID,a.data_id,a.group_id,a.tenant_id,a.app_name,a.content from config_info a left join config_tags_relation b on a.id=b.id ";

            where.append(" a.tenant_id like ? ");
            if (!StringUtils.isBlank(dataId)) {
                where.append(" and a.data_id like ? ");
            if (!StringUtils.isBlank(group)) {
                where.append(" and a.group_id like ? ");
            if (!StringUtils.isBlank(appName)) {
                where.append(" and a.app_name = ? ");
            if (!StringUtils.isBlank(content)) {
                where.append(" and a.content like ? ");

            where.append(" and b.tag_name in (");
            String[] tagArr = configTags.split(",");
            for (int i = 0; i < tagArr.length; i++) {
                if (i != 0) {
                    where.append(", ");
            where.append(") ");
        } else {
            where.append(" tenant_id like ? ");
            if (!StringUtils.isBlank(dataId)) {
                where.append(" and data_id like ? ");
            if (!StringUtils.isBlank(group)) {
                where.append(" and group_id like ? ");
            if (!StringUtils.isBlank(appName)) {
                where.append(" and app_name = ? ");
            if (!StringUtils.isBlank(content)) {
                where.append(" and content like ? ");

        try {
            return helper.fetchPage(sqlCountRows + where, sqlFetchRows + where, params.toArray(), pageNo, pageSize,
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigInfoBase> findConfigInfoBaseLike(final int pageNo, final int pageSize, final String dataId,
                                                       final String group, final String content) throws IOException {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(dataId) && StringUtils.isBlank(group)) {
            throw new IOException("invalid param");

        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfoBase> helper = createPaginationHelper();

        String sqlCountRows = "select count(*) from config_info where ";
        String sqlFetchRows = "select ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,content from config_info where ";
        String where = " 1=1 and tenant_id=‘‘ ";
        List<String> params = new ArrayList<String>();

        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(dataId)) {
            where += " and data_id like ? ";
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(group)) {
            where += " and group_id like ? ";
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(content)) {
            where += " and content like ? ";

        try {
            return helper.fetchPage(sqlCountRows + where, sqlFetchRows + where, params.toArray(), pageNo, pageSize,
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public ConfigInfoAggr findSingleConfigInfoAggr(String dataId, String group, String tenant, String datumId) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        String sql = "SELECT id,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,datum_id,app_name,content FROM config_info_aggr WHERE data_id=? AND group_id=? AND tenant_id=? AND datum_id=?";

        try {
            return this.jt
                .queryForObject(sql, new Object[] {dataId, group, tenantTmp, datumId}, CONFIG_INFO_AGGR_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
            // EmptyResultDataAccessException, indicating that the data does not exist, returns null
            return null;
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-other-error]" + e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public List<ConfigInfoAggr> findConfigInfoAggr(String dataId, String group, String tenant) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        String sql = "SELECT data_id,group_id,tenant_id,datum_id,app_name,content FROM config_info_aggr WHERE data_id=? AND group_id=? AND tenant_id=? ORDER BY datum_id";

        try {
            return this.jt.query(sql, new Object[] {dataId, group, tenantTmp}, CONFIG_INFO_AGGR_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-other-error]" + e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public Page<ConfigInfoAggr> findConfigInfoAggrByPage(String dataId, String group, String tenant, final int pageNo,
                                                         final int pageSize) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        String sqlCountRows = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM config_info_aggr WHERE data_id = ? and group_id = ? and tenant_id = ?";
        String sqlFetchRows =
            "select data_id,group_id,tenant_id,datum_id,app_name,content from config_info_aggr where data_id=? and "
                + "group_id=? and tenant_id=? order by datum_id limit ?,?";
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfoAggr> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        try {
            return helper.fetchPageLimit(sqlCountRows, new Object[] {dataId, group, tenantTmp}, sqlFetchRows,
                new Object[] {dataId, group, tenantTmp, (pageNo - 1) * pageSize, pageSize}, pageNo, pageSize,

        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigInfoAggr> findConfigInfoAggrLike(final int pageNo, final int pageSize, ConfigKey[] configKeys,
                                                       boolean blacklist) {

        String sqlCountRows = "select count(*) from config_info_aggr where ";
        String sqlFetchRows = "select data_id,group_id,tenant_id,datum_id,app_name,content from config_info_aggr where ";
        StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(" 1=1 ");
        // Whitelist, please leave the synchronization condition empty, there is no configuration that meets the conditions
        if (configKeys.length == 0 && blacklist == false) {
            Page<ConfigInfoAggr> page = new Page<ConfigInfoAggr>();
            return page;
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfoAggr> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        List<String> params = new ArrayList<String>();
        boolean isFirst = true;

        for (ConfigKey configInfoAggr : configKeys) {
            String dataId = configInfoAggr.getDataId();
            String group = configInfoAggr.getGroup();
            String appName = configInfoAggr.getAppName();
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(dataId) && StringUtils.isBlank(group) && StringUtils.isBlank(appName)) {
            if (blacklist) {
                if (isFirst) {
                    isFirst = false;
                    where.append(" and ");
                } else {
                    where.append(" and ");

                boolean isFirstSub = true;
                if (!StringUtils.isBlank(dataId)) {
                    where.append(" data_id not like ? ");
                    isFirstSub = false;
                if (!StringUtils.isBlank(group)) {
                    if (!isFirstSub) {
                        where.append(" or ");
                    where.append(" group_id not like ? ");
                    isFirstSub = false;
                if (!StringUtils.isBlank(appName)) {
                    if (!isFirstSub) {
                        where.append(" or ");
                    where.append(" app_name != ? ");
                    isFirstSub = false;
                where.append(") ");
            } else {
                if (isFirst) {
                    isFirst = false;
                    where.append(" and ");
                } else {
                    where.append(" or ");
                boolean isFirstSub = true;
                if (!StringUtils.isBlank(dataId)) {
                    where.append(" data_id like ? ");
                    isFirstSub = false;
                if (!StringUtils.isBlank(group)) {
                    if (!isFirstSub) {
                        where.append(" and ");
                    where.append(" group_id like ? ");
                    isFirstSub = false;
                if (!StringUtils.isBlank(appName)) {
                    if (!isFirstSub) {
                        where.append(" and ");
                    where.append(" app_name = ? ");
                    isFirstSub = false;
                where.append(") ");

        try {
            Page<ConfigInfoAggr> result = helper
                .fetchPage(sqlCountRows + where.toString(), sqlFetchRows + where.toString(), params.toArray(),
                    pageNo, pageSize, CONFIG_INFO_AGGR_ROW_MAPPER);
            return result;
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public List<ConfigInfoChanged> findAllAggrGroup() {
        String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT data_id, group_id, tenant_id FROM config_info_aggr";

        try {
            return jt.query(sql, new Object[] {}, CONFIG_INFO_CHANGED_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
            return null;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-other-error]" + e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public List<String> findDatumIdByContent(String dataId, String groupId, String content) {
        String sql = "SELECT datum_id FROM config_info_aggr WHERE data_id = ? AND group_id = ? AND content = ? ";

        try {
            return this.jt.queryForList(sql, new Object[] {dataId, groupId, content}, String.class);
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
            return null;
        } catch (IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException e) {
            return null;
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public List<ConfigInfoWrapper> findChangeConfig(final Timestamp startTime, final Timestamp endTime) {
        try {
            List<Map<String, Object>> list = jt.queryForList(
                "SELECT data_id, group_id, tenant_id, app_name, content, gmt_modified FROM config_info WHERE gmt_modified >=? AND gmt_modified <= ?",
                new Object[] {startTime, endTime});
            return convertChangeConfig(list);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigInfoWrapper> findChangeConfig(final String dataId, final String group, final String tenant,
                                                    final String appName, final Timestamp startTime, final Timestamp endTime, final int pageNo,
                                                    final int pageSize, final long lastMaxId) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        String sqlCountRows = "select count(*) from config_info where ";
        String sqlFetchRows = "select id,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content,type,md5,gmt_modified from config_info where ";
        String where = " 1=1 ";
        List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>();

        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(dataId)) {
            where += " and data_id like ? ";
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(group)) {
            where += " and group_id like ? ";

        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(tenantTmp)) {
            where += " and tenant_id = ? ";

        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(appName)) {
            where += " and app_name = ? ";
        if (startTime != null) {
            where += " and gmt_modified >=? ";
        if (endTime != null) {
            where += " and gmt_modified <=? ";

        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfoWrapper> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        try {
            return helper.fetchPage(sqlCountRows + where, sqlFetchRows + where, params.toArray(), pageNo, pageSize,
                lastMaxId, CONFIG_INFO_WRAPPER_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public List<ConfigInfo> findDeletedConfig(final Timestamp startTime, final Timestamp endTime) {
        try {
            List<Map<String, Object>> list = jt.queryForList(
                "SELECT DISTINCT data_id, group_id, tenant_id FROM his_config_info WHERE op_type = ‘D‘ AND gmt_modified >=? AND gmt_modified <= ?",
                new Object[] {startTime, endTime});
            return convertDeletedConfig(list);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public long addConfigInfoAtomic(final long configId, final String srcIp, final String srcUser,
                                    final ConfigInfo configInfo, final Timestamp time, Map<String, Object> configAdvanceInfo) {
        final String appNameTmp =
            StringUtils.isBlank(configInfo.getAppName()) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : configInfo.getAppName();
        final String tenantTmp =
            StringUtils.isBlank(configInfo.getTenant()) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : configInfo.getTenant();

        final String desc = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("desc");
        final String use = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("use");
        final String effect = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("effect");
        final String type = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("type");
        final String schema = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("schema");

        final String md5Tmp = MD5Utils.md5Hex(configInfo.getContent(), Constants.ENCODE);

        KeyHolder keyHolder = new GeneratedKeyHolder();

        final String sql =
            "INSERT INTO config_info(data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content,md5,src_ip,src_user,gmt_create,"
                + "gmt_modified,c_desc,c_use,effect,type,c_schema) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";

        try {
            jt.update(new PreparedStatementCreator() {
                public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
                    PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
                    ps.setString(1, configInfo.getDataId());
                    ps.setString(2, configInfo.getGroup());
                    ps.setString(3, tenantTmp);
                    ps.setString(4, appNameTmp);
                    ps.setString(5, configInfo.getContent());
                    ps.setString(6, md5Tmp);
                    ps.setString(7, srcIp);
                    ps.setString(8, srcUser);
                    ps.setTimestamp(9, time);
                    ps.setTimestamp(10, time);
                    ps.setString(11, desc);
                    ps.setString(12, use);
                    ps.setString(13, effect);
                    ps.setString(14, type);
                    ps.setString(15, schema);
                    return ps;
            }, keyHolder);
            Number nu = null;
                nu = (Number)keyHolder.getKeys().get("id");
                nu = keyHolder.getKey();
            if (nu == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("insert config_info fail");
            return nu.longValue();
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public void addConfigTagsRelation(long configId, String configTags, String dataId, String group, String tenant) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(configTags)) {
            String[] tagArr = configTags.split(",");
            for (int i = 0; i < tagArr.length; i++) {
                addConfigTagRelationAtomic(configId, tagArr[i], dataId, group, tenant);

    public void addConfigTagRelationAtomic(long configId, String tagName, String dataId, String group, String tenant) {
        try {
                "INSERT INTO config_tags_relation(id,tag_name,tag_type,data_id,group_id,tenant_id) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)",
                configId, tagName, null, dataId, group, tenant);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public void removeTagByIdAtomic(long id) {
        try {
            jt.update("DELETE FROM config_tags_relation WHERE id=?", id);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public List<String> getConfigTagsByTenant(String tenant) {
        String sql = "SELECT tag_name FROM config_tags_relation WHERE tenant_id = ? ";
        try {
            return jt.queryForList(sql, new Object[] {tenant}, String.class);
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
            return null;
        } catch (IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException e) {
            return null;
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public List<String> selectTagByConfig(String dataId, String group, String tenant) {
        String sql = "SELECT tag_name FROM config_tags_relation WHERE data_id=? AND group_id=? AND tenant_id = ? ";
        try {
            return jt.queryForList(sql, new Object[] {dataId, group, tenant}, String.class);
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
            return null;
        } catch (IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException e) {
            return null;
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public void removeConfigInfoAtomic(final String dataId, final String group, final String tenant, final String srcIp,
                                       final String srcUser) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        try {
            jt.update("DELETE FROM config_info WHERE data_id=? AND group_id=? AND tenant_id=?", dataId, group,
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public void removeConfigInfoByIdsAtomic(final String ids) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(ids)) {
        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(SQL_DELETE_CONFIG_INFO_BY_IDS);
        sql.append("id in (");
        List<Long> paramList = new ArrayList<>();
        String[] tagArr = ids.split(",");
        for (int i = 0; i < tagArr.length; i++) {
            if (i != 0) {
                sql.append(", ");
        sql.append(") ");
        try {
            jt.update(sql.toString(), paramList.toArray());
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public void removeConfigInfoTag(final String dataId, final String group, final String tenant, final String tag,
                                    final String srcIp, final String srcUser) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        String tagTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tag) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tag;
        try {
            jt.update("DELETE FROM config_info_tag WHERE data_id=? AND group_id=? AND tenant_id=? AND tag_id=?", dataId,
                group, tenantTmp, tagTmp);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public void updateConfigInfoAtomic(final ConfigInfo configInfo, final String srcIp, final String srcUser,
                                       final Timestamp time, Map<String, Object> configAdvanceInfo) {
        String appNameTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(configInfo.getAppName()) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : configInfo.getAppName();
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(configInfo.getTenant()) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : configInfo.getTenant();
        final String md5Tmp = MD5Utils.md5Hex(configInfo.getContent(), Constants.ENCODE);
        String desc = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("desc");
        String use = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("use");
        String effect = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("effect");
        String type = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("type");
        String schema = configAdvanceInfo == null ? null : (String) configAdvanceInfo.get("schema");

        try {
            jt.update("UPDATE config_info SET content=?, md5 = ?, src_ip=?,src_user=?,gmt_modified=?,"
                    + "app_name=?,c_desc=?,c_use=?,effect=?,type=?,c_schema=? "
                    + "WHERE data_id=? AND group_id=? AND tenant_id=?", configInfo.getContent(), md5Tmp, srcIp, srcUser,
                time, appNameTmp, desc, use, effect, type, schema, configInfo.getDataId(), configInfo.getGroup(),
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public List<ConfigInfo> findConfigInfosByIds(final String ids) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(ids)) {
            return null;
        StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(SQL_FIND_CONFIG_INFO_BY_IDS);
        sql.append("id in (");
        List<Long> paramList = new ArrayList<>();
        String[] tagArr = ids.split(",");
        for (int i = 0; i < tagArr.length; i++) {
            if (i != 0) {
                sql.append(", ");
        sql.append(") ");
        try {
            return this.jt.query(sql.toString(), paramList.toArray(), CONFIG_INFO_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { // Indicates that the data does not exist, returns null
            return null;
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public ConfigAdvanceInfo findConfigAdvanceInfo(final String dataId, final String group, final String tenant) {
        final String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        try {
            List<String> configTagList = this.selectTagByConfig(dataId, group, tenant);
            ConfigAdvanceInfo configAdvance = this.jt.queryForObject(
                "SELECT gmt_create,gmt_modified,src_user,src_ip,c_desc,c_use,effect,type,c_schema FROM config_info WHERE data_id=? AND group_id=? AND tenant_id=?",
                new Object[] {dataId, group, tenantTmp}, CONFIG_ADVANCE_INFO_ROW_MAPPER);
            if (configTagList != null && !configTagList.isEmpty()) {
                StringBuilder configTagsTmp = new StringBuilder();
                for (String configTag : configTagList) {
                    if (configTagsTmp.length() == 0) {
                    } else {
            return configAdvance;
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { // Indicates that the data does not exist, returns null
            return null;
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public ConfigAllInfo findConfigAllInfo(final String dataId, final String group, final String tenant) {
        final String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        try {
            List<String> configTagList = this.selectTagByConfig(dataId, group, tenant);
            ConfigAllInfo configAdvance = this.jt.queryForObject(
                "SELECT ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content,md5,"
                    + "gmt_create,gmt_modified,src_user,src_ip,c_desc,c_use,effect,type,c_schema FROM config_info "
                    + "WHERE data_id=? AND group_id=? AND tenant_id=?", new Object[] {dataId, group, tenantTmp},
            if (configTagList != null && !configTagList.isEmpty()) {
                StringBuilder configTagsTmp = new StringBuilder();
                for (String configTag : configTagList) {
                    if (configTagsTmp.length() == 0) {
                    } else {
            return configAdvance;
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { // Indicates that the data does not exist, returns null
            return null;
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public void insertConfigHistoryAtomic(long id, ConfigInfo configInfo, String srcIp, String srcUser,
                                          final Timestamp time, String ops) {
        String appNameTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(configInfo.getAppName()) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : configInfo.getAppName();
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(configInfo.getTenant()) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : configInfo.getTenant();
        final String md5Tmp = MD5Utils.md5Hex(configInfo.getContent(), Constants.ENCODE);
        try {
                "INSERT INTO his_config_info (id,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content,md5,src_ip,src_user,gmt_create,gmt_modified,op_type) "
                    + "VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", id,configInfo.getDataId(), configInfo.getGroup(),
                tenantTmp, appNameTmp, configInfo.getContent(), md5Tmp, srcIp, srcUser, time,time, ops);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Page<ConfigHistoryInfo> findConfigHistory(String dataId, String group, String tenant, int pageNo,
                                                     int pageSize) {
        PaginationHelper<ConfigHistoryInfo> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        String sqlCountRows = "select count(*) from his_config_info where data_id = ? and group_id = ? and tenant_id = ?";
        String sqlFetchRows =
            "select nid,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,src_ip,src_user,op_type,gmt_create,gmt_modified from his_config_info "
                + "where data_id = ? and group_id = ? and tenant_id = ? order by nid desc";

        Page<ConfigHistoryInfo> page = null;
        try {
            page = helper
                .fetchPage(sqlCountRows, sqlFetchRows, new Object[] {dataId, group, tenantTmp}, pageNo, pageSize,
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
                .error("[list-config-history] error, dataId:{}, group:{}", new Object[] {dataId, group}, e);
            throw e;
        return page;

    public void addConfigSubAtomic(final String dataId, final String group, final String appName,
                                   final Timestamp date) {
        final String appNameTmp = appName == null ? "" : appName;
        try {
                "INSERT INTO app_configdata_relation_subs(data_id,group_id,app_name,gmt_modified) VALUES(?,?,?,?)",
                dataId, group, appNameTmp, date);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public void updateConfigSubAtomic(final String dataId, final String group, final String appName,
                                      final Timestamp time) {
        final String appNameTmp = appName == null ? "" : appName;
        try {
                "UPDATE app_configdata_relation_subs SET gmt_modified=? WHERE data_id=? AND group_id=? AND app_name=?",
                time, dataId, group, appNameTmp);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public ConfigHistoryInfo detailConfigHistory(Long nid) {
        String sqlFetchRows = "SELECT nid,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content,md5,src_user,src_ip,op_type,gmt_create,gmt_modified FROM his_config_info WHERE nid = ?";
        try {
            ConfigHistoryInfo historyInfo = jt
                .queryForObject(sqlFetchRows, new Object[] {nid}, HISTORY_DETAIL_ROW_MAPPER);
            return historyInfo;
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[detail-config-history] error, nid:{}", new Object[] {nid}, e);
            throw e;

    public ConfigHistoryInfo detailPreviousConfigHistory(Long id) {
        String sqlFetchRows = "SELECT nid,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content,md5,src_user,src_ip,op_type,gmt_create,gmt_modified FROM his_config_info WHERE nid = (select max(nid) from his_config_info where id = ?) ";
        try {
            ConfigHistoryInfo historyInfo = jt
                .queryForObject(sqlFetchRows, new Object[] {id}, HISTORY_DETAIL_ROW_MAPPER);
            return historyInfo;
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[detail-previous-config-history] error, id:{}", new Object[] {id}, e);
            throw e;

    public void insertTenantInfoAtomic(String kp, String tenantId, String tenantName, String tenantDesc,
                                       String createResoure, final long time) {
        try {
                "INSERT INTO tenant_info(kp,tenant_id,tenant_name,tenant_desc,create_source,gmt_create,gmt_modified) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
                kp, tenantId, tenantName, tenantDesc, createResoure, time, time);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public void updateTenantNameAtomic(String kp, String tenantId, String tenantName, String tenantDesc) {
        try {
                "UPDATE tenant_info SET tenant_name = ?, tenant_desc = ?, gmt_modified= ? WHERE kp=? AND tenant_id=?",
                tenantName, tenantDesc, System.currentTimeMillis(), kp, tenantId);
        } catch (DataAccessException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public List<TenantInfo> findTenantByKp(String kp) {
        String sql = "SELECT tenant_id,tenant_name,tenant_desc FROM tenant_info WHERE kp=?";
        try {
            return this.jt.query(sql, new Object[] {kp}, TENANT_INFO_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-other-error]" + e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public TenantInfo findTenantByKp(String kp, String tenantId) {
        String sql = "SELECT tenant_id,tenant_name,tenant_desc FROM tenant_info WHERE kp=? AND tenant_id=?";
        try {
            return jt.queryForObject(sql, new Object[] {kp, tenantId}, TENANT_INFO_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
            return null;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-other-error]" + e.getMessage(), e);
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public void removeTenantInfoAtomic(final String kp, final String tenantId) {
        try {
            jt.update("DELETE FROM tenant_info WHERE kp=? AND tenant_id=?", kp, tenantId);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public List<ConfigInfo> convertDeletedConfig(List<Map<String, Object>> list) {
        List<ConfigInfo> configs = new ArrayList<ConfigInfo>();
        for (Map<String, Object> map : list) {
            String dataId = (String) map.get("data_id");
            String group = (String) map.get("group_id");
            String tenant = (String) map.get("tenant_id");
            ConfigInfo config = new ConfigInfo();
        return configs;

    public List<ConfigInfoWrapper> convertChangeConfig(List<Map<String, Object>> list) {
        List<ConfigInfoWrapper> configs = new ArrayList<ConfigInfoWrapper>();
        for (Map<String, Object> map : list) {
            String dataId = (String) map.get("data_id");
            String group = (String) map.get("group_id");
            String tenant = (String) map.get("tenant_id");
            String content = (String) map.get("content");
            long mTime = ((Timestamp) map.get("gmt_modified")).getTime();
            ConfigInfoWrapper config = new ConfigInfoWrapper();
        return configs;

    public List<ConfigInfoWrapper> listAllGroupKeyMd5() {
        final int pageSize = 10000;
        int totalCount = configInfoCount();
        int pageCount = (int) Math.ceil(totalCount * 1.0 / pageSize);
        List<ConfigInfoWrapper> allConfigInfo = new ArrayList<ConfigInfoWrapper>();
        for (int pageNo = 1; pageNo <= pageCount; pageNo++) {
            List<ConfigInfoWrapper> configInfoList = listGroupKeyMd5ByPage(pageNo, pageSize);
        return allConfigInfo;

    public List<ConfigInfoWrapper> listGroupKeyMd5ByPage(int pageNo, int pageSize) {
        String sqlCountRows = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM config_info ";
        String sqlFetchRows = " SELECT t.id,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,md5,type,gmt_modified FROM "
            + "( SELECT id FROM config_info ORDER BY id LIMIT ?,?  ) g, config_info t WHERE g.id = t.id";
        PaginationHelper<ConfigInfoWrapper> helper = createPaginationHelper();
        try {
            Page<ConfigInfoWrapper> page = helper
                .fetchPageLimit(sqlCountRows, sqlFetchRows, new Object[] {(pageNo - 1) * pageSize, pageSize},
                    pageNo, pageSize, CONFIG_INFO_WRAPPER_ROW_MAPPER);

            return page.getPageItems();
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public String generateLikeArgument(String s) {
        String fuzzySearchSign = "\\*";
        String sqlLikePercentSign = "%";
        if (s.contains(PATTERN_STR)) {
            return s.replaceAll(fuzzySearchSign, sqlLikePercentSign);
        } else {
            return s;

    public ConfigInfoWrapper queryConfigInfo(final String dataId, final String group, final String tenant) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        try {
            return this.jt.queryForObject(
                "SELECT ID,data_id,group_id,tenant_id,app_name,content,type,gmt_modified,md5 FROM config_info "
                    + "WHERE data_id=? AND group_id=? AND tenant_id=?", new Object[] {dataId, group, tenantTmp},
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
            return null;
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public boolean isExistTable(String tableName) {
        String sql = String.format("select 1 from %s limit 1", tableName);
        try {
            jt.queryForObject(sql, Integer.class);
            return true;
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            return false;

    public Boolean completeMd5() {
        LogUtil.DEFAULT_LOG.info("[start completeMd5]");
        int perPageSize = 1000;
        int rowCount = configInfoCount();
        int pageCount = (int) Math.ceil(rowCount * 1.0 / perPageSize);
        int actualRowCount = 0;
        for (int pageNo = 1; pageNo <= pageCount; pageNo++) {
            Page<ConfigInfoWrapper> page = findAllConfigInfoForDumpAll(pageNo, perPageSize);
            if (page != null) {
                for (ConfigInfoWrapper cf : page.getPageItems()) {
                    String md5InDb = cf.getMd5();
                    final String content = cf.getContent();
                    final String tenant = cf.getTenant();
                    final String md5 = MD5Utils.md5Hex(content, Constants.ENCODE);
                    if (StringUtils.isBlank(md5InDb)) {
                        try {
                            updateMd5(cf.getDataId(), cf.getGroup(), tenant, md5, new Timestamp(cf.getLastModified()));
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            LogUtil.DEFAULT_LOG.error("[completeMd5-error] datId:{} group:{} lastModified:{}",
                                new Object[] {cf.getDataId(), cf.getGroup(), new Timestamp(cf.getLastModified())});
                    } else {
                        if (!md5InDb.equals(md5)) {
                            try {
                                updateMd5(cf.getDataId(), cf.getGroup(), tenant, md5,
                                    new Timestamp(cf.getLastModified()));
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                LogUtil.DEFAULT_LOG.error("[completeMd5-error] datId:{} group:{} lastModified:{}",
                                    new Object[] {cf.getDataId(), cf.getGroup(),
                                        new Timestamp(cf.getLastModified())});

                actualRowCount += page.getPageItems().size();
                LogUtil.DEFAULT_LOG.info("[completeMd5] {} / {}", actualRowCount, rowCount);
        return true;

    public List<ConfigAllInfo> findAllConfigInfo4Export(final String dataId, final String group, final String tenant,
                                                        final String appName, final List<Long> ids) {
        String tenantTmp = StringUtils.isBlank(tenant) ? StringUtils.EMPTY : tenant;
        StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(" where ");
        List<Object> paramList = new ArrayList<>();
        if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(ids)) {
            where.append(" id in (");
            for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++) {
                if (i != 0) {
                    where.append(", ");
            where.append(") ");
        } else {
            where.append(" tenant_id=? ");
            if (!StringUtils.isBlank(dataId)) {
                where.append(" and data_id like ? ");
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(group)) {
                where.append(" and group_id=? ");
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(appName)) {
                where.append(" and app_name=? ");
        try {
            return this.jt.query(SQL_FIND_ALL_CONFIG_INFO + where, paramList.toArray(), CONFIG_ALL_INFO_ROW_MAPPER);
        } catch (CannotGetJdbcConnectionException e) {
            LogUtil.FATAL_LOG.error("[db-error] " + e.toString(), e);
            throw e;

    public Map<String, Object> batchInsertOrUpdate(List<ConfigAllInfo> configInfoList, String srcUser, String srcIp,
                                                   Map<String, Object> configAdvanceInfo, Timestamp time, boolean notify, SameConfigPolicy policy)
        throws NacosException {
        int succCount = 0;
        int skipCount = 0;
        List<Map<String, String>> failData = null;
        List<Map<String, String>> skipData = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < configInfoList.size(); i++) {
            ConfigAllInfo configInfo = configInfoList.get(i);
            try {
                    .checkParam(configInfo.getDataId(), configInfo.getGroup(), "datumId", configInfo.getContent());
            } catch (NacosException e) {
                LogUtil.DEFAULT_LOG.error("data verification failed", e);
                throw e;
            ConfigInfo configInfo2Save = new ConfigInfo(configInfo.getDataId(), configInfo.getGroup(),
                configInfo.getTenant(), configInfo.getAppName(), configInfo.getContent());

            String type = configInfo.getType();
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(type)) {
                // simple judgment of file type based on suffix
                if (configInfo.getDataId().contains(SPOT)) {
                    String extName = configInfo.getDataId().substring(configInfo.getDataId().lastIndexOf(SPOT) + 1);
                    FileTypeEnum fileTypeEnum = FileTypeEnum.getFileTypeEnumByFileExtensionOrFileType(extName);
                    type = fileTypeEnum.getFileType();
            if (configAdvanceInfo == null) {
                configAdvanceInfo = new HashMap<>(16);
            configAdvanceInfo.put("type", type);
            try {
                addConfigInfo(srcIp, srcUser, configInfo2Save, time, configAdvanceInfo, notify);
            } catch (DataIntegrityViolationException ive) {
                // uniqueness constraint conflict
                if (SameConfigPolicy.ABORT.equals(policy)) {
                    failData = new ArrayList<>();
                    skipData = new ArrayList<>();
                    Map<String, String> faileditem = new HashMap<>(2);
                    faileditem.put("dataId", configInfo2Save.getDataId());
                    faileditem.put("group", configInfo2Save.getGroup());
                    for (int j = (i + 1); j < configInfoList.size(); j++) {
                        ConfigInfo skipConfigInfo = configInfoList.get(j);
                        Map<String, String> skipitem = new HashMap<>(2);
                        skipitem.put("dataId", skipConfigInfo.getDataId());
                        skipitem.put("group", skipConfigInfo.getGroup());
                } else if (SameConfigPolicy.SKIP.equals(policy)) {
                    if (skipData == null) {
                        skipData = new ArrayList<>();
                    Map<String, String> skipitem = new HashMap<>(2);
                    skipitem.put("dataId", configInfo2Save.getDataId());
                    skipitem.put("group", configInfo2Save.getGroup());
                } else if (SameConfigPolicy.OVERWRITE.equals(policy)) {
                    updateConfigInfo(configInfo2Save, srcIp, srcUser, time, configAdvanceInfo, notify);
        Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>(4);
        result.put("succCount", succCount);
        result.put("skipCount", skipCount);
        if (failData != null && !failData.isEmpty()) {
            result.put("failData", failData);
        if (skipData != null && !skipData.isEmpty()) {
            result.put("skipData", skipData);
        return result;

    public int tenantInfoCountByTenantId(String tenantId) {
        Assert.hasText(tenantId, "tenantId can not be null");
        Integer result = this.jt
            .queryForObject(SQL_TENANT_INFO_COUNT_BY_TENANT_ID, new String[] {tenantId}, Integer.class);
        if (result == null) {
            return 0;
        return result.intValue();




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