#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; const int N = 10010, E = 200010; int n, m, s, t; LL ans = 0; LL cnt = 1, first[N], nxt[E], to[E], val[E]; inline void addE(int u, int v, LL w) { to[++cnt] = v; val[cnt] = w; nxt[cnt] = first[u]; first[u] = cnt; } int dep[N], q[N], l, r; bool bfs() {//顺着残量网络,方法是 bfs;这是个bool型函数,返回是否搜到了汇点 memset(dep, 0, (n + 1) * sizeof(int));//记得开局先初始化 q[l = r = 1] = s; dep[s] = 1; while(l <= r) { int u = q[l++]; for(int p = first[u]; p; p = nxt[p]) { int v = to[p]; if(val[p] and !dep[v]) {//按照有残量的边搜过去 dep[v] = dep[u] + 1; q[++r] = v; } } } return dep[t];//dep[t] != 0,就是搜到了汇点 } LL dfs(int u, LL in/*u收到的支持(不一定能真正用掉)*/) { //注意,return 的是真正输出的流量 if(u == t) return in;//到达汇点是第一个有效return LL out = 0; for(int p = first[u]; p and in; p = nxt[p]) { int v = to[p]; if(val[p] and dep[v] == dep[u] + 1) {//仅允许流向下一层 LL res = dfs(v, min(val[p], in)/*受一路上最小流量限制*/); //res是v真正输出到汇点的流量 val[p] -= res; val[p ^ 1] += res; in -= res; out += res; } } if(out == 0)//我与终点(顺着残量网络)不连通 dep[u] = 0;//上一层的点请别再信任我,别试着给我流量 return out; } int main() { scanf("%d %d %d %d", &n#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; const int N = 10010, E = 200010; int n, m, s, t; LL ans = 0; LL cnt = 1, first[N], nxt[E], to[E], val[E]; inline void addE(int u, int v, LL w) { to[++cnt] = v; val[cnt] = w; nxt[cnt] = first[u]; first[u] = cnt; } int dep[N], q[N], l, r; bool bfs() {//顺着残量网络,方法是 bfs;这是个bool型函数,返回是否搜到了汇点 memset(dep, 0, (n + 1) * sizeof(int));//记得开局先初始化 q[l = r = 1] = s; dep[s] = 1; while(l <= r) { int u = q[l++]; for(int p = first[u]; p; p = nxt[p]) { int v = to[p]; if(val[p] and !dep[v]) {//按照有残量的边搜过去 dep[v] = dep[u] + 1; q[++r] = v; } } } return dep[t];//dep[t] != 0,就是搜到了汇点 } LL dfs(int u, LL in/*u收到的支持(不一定能真正用掉)*/) { //注意,return 的是真正输出的流量 if(u == t) return in;//到达汇点是第一个有效return LL out = 0; for(int p = first[u]; p and in; p = nxt[p]) { int v = to[p]; if(val[p] and dep[v] == dep[u] + 1) {//仅允许流向下一层 LL res = dfs(v, min(val[p], in)/*受一路上最小流量限制*/); //res是v真正输出到汇点的流量 val[p] -= res; val[p ^ 1] += res; in -= res; out += res; } } if(out == 0)//我与终点(顺着残量网络)不连通 dep[u] = 0;//上一层的点请别再信任我,别试着给我流量 return out; } int main() { scanf("%d %d %d %d", &n, &m, &s, &t); for(int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) { int u, v; LL w; scanf("%d %d %lld", &u, &v, &w); addE(u, v, w); addE(v, u, 0); } while(bfs()) ans += dfs(s, 1e18); printf("%lld\n", ans); return 0; }, &m, &s, &t); for(int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) { int u, v; LL w; scanf("%d %d %lld", &u, &v, &w); addE(u, v, w); addE(v, u, 0); } while(bfs()) ans += dfs(s, 1e18); printf("%lld\n", ans); return 0; }