‘‘‘ ! ========== Creat Date: 2021-5-4 ========== ! ========== Author: xdd1997 ========== ! ========== Email: xdd2026@qq.com ========== ‘‘‘ import re # ================ 输入文件 ================ # 接口 filePath = ‘D:\\Desktop\\uu.lis‘ 也可以 filePath = r‘D:\Desktop\PRNSOL.lis‘ pathAndName = filePath.split(".")[0] fileOutPath = pathAndName + ‘_change.txt‘ # ================ 获取文件行数 ================ count = -1 for count, line in enumerate(open(filePath)): pass count += 1 file_line = count print(file_line) # ================处理文件 ================== kk =0 with open(filePath, ‘r‘) as old_file: with open(fileOutPath, ‘w‘) as new_file: for line in old_file.readlines(): kk = kk + 1 if ((kk>11) and (kk<(file_line-4))): new_file.writelines(line[1:9] + ‘ ‘ +line[9:21] + ‘ ‘ + line[21:33] + ‘ ‘ + line[33:57]+‘\n‘)
Ansys采用后处理list Rusult输出位移时负号原因导致不能分列的python解决方法