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AxTrace 代码地址



原来AxTrace 3的时候,自带C#、C例子,更新到AxTrace 4后,没有C#例子。所以修改了原有的C#例子,让它能和AxTrace 4一起工作。



using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace com.thecodeway
  public class AxTrace
    public enum LogType
      TRACE = 0,
      DEBUG = 1,
      INFO = 2,
      WARN = 3,
      ERROR = 4,
      FATAL = 5,
      USERDEF = 10,

    //private static readonly ushort AX_CODEPAGE_ACP = 0;
    private static readonly ushort AX_CODEPAGE_UTF8 = 1;
    //private static readonly ushort AX_CODEPAGE_UTF16 = 2;

    public static readonly uint AXV_INT8 = 0;
    public static readonly uint AXV_UINT8 = 1;
    public static readonly uint AXV_INT16 = 2;
    public static readonly uint AXV_UINT16 = 3;
    public static readonly uint AXV_INT32 = 4;
    public static readonly uint AXV_UINT32 = 5;
    public static readonly uint AXV_INT64 = 6;
    public static readonly uint AXV_UINT64 = 7;
    public static readonly uint AXV_FLOAT32 = 8;
    public static readonly uint AXV_FLOAT64 = 9;
    public static readonly uint AXV_STR_ACP = 10;
    public static readonly uint AXV_STR_UTF8 = 11;
    public static readonly uint AXV_STR_UTF16 = 12;
    public static readonly uint AXV_USER_DEF = 100;

    private static readonly string DEFAULT_AXTRACE_SERVER_IP = "";
    private static Int32 DEFAULT_AXTRACE_SERVER_PORT = 1978;
    private static Int32 AXTRACE_MAX_PROCESSNAME_LENGTH = 512;
    private static readonly int AXTRACE_MAX_LOG_STRING_LENGTH = 0x8000;
    private static readonly int AXTRACE_MAX_VALUENAME_LENGTH = 128;
    private static readonly int AXTRACE_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH = 1024;
    //private static readonly int AXTRACE_MAX_SCENE_NAME_LENGTH = 128;
    //private static readonly int AXTRACE_MAX_SCENE_DEFINE_LENGTH = 2048;
    //private static readonly int AXTRACE_MAX_ACTOR_INFO_LENGTH = 2048;
    //private static readonly int AXTRACE_MAX_ACTOR_LOG_LENGTH = 2048;

    private static readonly int AXTRACE_PROTO_VERSION = 4;

    private static readonly int AXTRACE_CMD_TYPE_SHAKEHAND = 0;
    private static readonly byte AXTRACE_CMD_TYPE_LOG = 1;
    private static readonly byte AXTRACE_CMD_TYPE_VALUE = 2;
    //private static readonly int AXTRACE_CMD_TYPE_2D_BEGIN_SCENE = 3;
    //private static readonly int AXTRACE_CMD_TYPE_2D_ACTOR = 4;
    //private static readonly int AXTRACE_CMD_TYPE_2D_END_SCENE = 5;
    //private static readonly int AXTRACE_CMD_TYPE_2D_ACTOR_LOG = 6;

    private static axtrace_contex_s g_context = null;

    /* AxTrace Global data  */
    private class axtrace_contex_s
      public bool is_init_succ; /* 0 means not, 1 means yes*/
      public Socket socket;     /* socket file desc*/

      public axtrace_contex_s()
        is_init_succ = false;

    /* axtrace communication data struct*/
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
    private struct axtrace_head_s
      public ushort length;   /* length */
      public byte flag;       /* magic flag, always ‘A‘ */
      public byte type;       /* command type AXTRACE_CMD_TYPE_* */

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
    private struct axtrace_shakehand_s
      public axtrace_head_s head; /* common head */
      public ushort ver;          /* proto ver */
      public short sname_len;     /* length of session name */
      public uint pid;            /* process id*/
      public uint tid;            /* thread id*/

                                  /* [session name buf  with ‘\0‘ ended]*/

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
    private struct axtrace_log_s
      public axtrace_head_s head; /* common head */
      public uint log_type;       /* trace style AXT_* */
      public ushort code_page;    /* code page */
      public ushort length;       /* trace string length */

                                  /* [trace string data with ‘\0‘ ended] */

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
    private struct axtrace_value_s
      public axtrace_head_s head; /* common head */
      public uint value_type;     /* value type AXV_* */
      public ushort name_len;     /* length of value name */
      public ushort value_len;    /* length of value */

                                  /* [name buf  with ‘\0‘ ended]*/
                                  /* [value buf] */

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
    private struct axtrace_2d_begin_scene_s
      axtrace_head_s head;      /* common head */
      double left;              /* left of scene*/
      double top;               /* top of scene*/
      double right;             /* right of scene*/
      double bottom;            /* bottom of scene*/
      ushort name_len;          /* length of scene name */
      ushort define_len;        /* length of scene define */

                                /* [scene name buf  with ‘\0‘ ended]*/
                                /* [scene define buf  with ‘\0‘ ended]*/

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
    private struct axtrace_2d_actor_s
      axtrace_head_s head;      /* common head */
      Int64 actor_id;           /* id of actor */
      double x;                 /* position (x)*/
      double y;                 /* position (y)*/
      double dir;               /* direction */
      uint style;               /* user define style */
      ushort name_len;          /* length of actor name */
      ushort info_len;          /* length of actor information */

                                /* [actor name buf  with ‘\0‘ ended]*/
                                /* [actor information buf  with ‘\0‘ ended]*/

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
    private struct axtrace_2d_end_scene_s
      axtrace_head_s head;      /* common head */
      ushort name_len;          /* length of scene name */

                                /* [scene name buf  with ‘\0‘ ended]*/

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
    private struct axtrace_2d_actor_log_s
      axtrace_head_s head;    /* common head */
      Int64 actor_id;         /* id of actor */
      ushort name_len;        /* length of scene name */
      ushort log_len;         /* length of actor log */

                              /* [scene name buf  with ‘\0‘ ended]*/
                              /* [actor log(utf8) buf  with ‘\0‘ ended]*/

    static private void _send_handshake_message(axtrace_contex_s ctx)
      /* buf for send , call send() once*/
      int headSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(axtrace_shakehand_s));
      byte[] buf = new byte[headSize + AXTRACE_MAX_PROCESSNAME_LENGTH];

      string process_module_name = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName;
      int name_length = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(process_module_name);

      /* add ‘\0‘ ended */
      name_length += 1;

      /*calc final length*/
      int final_length = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(axtrace_shakehand_s)) + name_length;

      var head = new axtrace_shakehand_s();
      head.head.length = (ushort)(final_length);
      head.head.flag = (byte)‘A‘;
      head.head.type = (byte)AXTRACE_CMD_TYPE_SHAKEHAND;

      head.ver = (ushort)AXTRACE_PROTO_VERSION;
      head.sname_len = (short)name_length;
      head.pid = (uint)Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;
      head.tid = (uint)Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;

      IntPtr headPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(headSize);
      Marshal.StructureToPtr(head, headPtr, false);
      Marshal.Copy(headPtr, buf, 0, headSize);
      System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(process_module_name).CopyTo(buf, headSize);
      buf[final_length - 1] = 0; //add ‘\0‘

      /* send to axtrace server*/
      ctx.socket.Send(buf, 0, final_length, SocketFlags.DontRoute);

    static private axtrace_contex_s _axtrace_try_init(string server_ip, ushort server_port)
        g_context = new axtrace_contex_s();

        //try connect to server
        g_context.socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
        /* set SO_LINGER off, make sure all data in send buf can be sended */
        g_context.socket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.Linger, 0);

        /* connect to server */
        IPEndPoint iep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(server_ip), server_port);

        /* send hand shake message */

        /* init success */
        g_context.is_init_succ = true;
      catch (Exception)
        g_context.is_init_succ = false;
      return g_context;

    static axtrace_contex_s _axtrace_get_thread_contex()
      if (g_context != null)
        /* already try init in this thread */
        return (g_context.is_init_succ) ? g_context : null;

      /* try init */
      g_context = _axtrace_try_init(DEFAULT_AXTRACE_SERVER_IP, (ushort)DEFAULT_AXTRACE_SERVER_PORT);
      return g_context.is_init_succ ? g_context : null;

    static public void Log(LogType log_type, string format, params object[] args)
      /* buf for send , call send() once*/
      int headSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(axtrace_log_s));
      byte[] buf = new byte[headSize + AXTRACE_MAX_LOG_STRING_LENGTH];

      /* is init ok? */
      var ctx = _axtrace_get_thread_contex();
      if (ctx == null || !ctx.is_init_succ) return;

      /* Create String Contents*/
      string trace_string = System.String.Format(format, args);

      /** get string length*/
      // use byte count not the length of string
      //int content_length = content.Length + 1;
      int contents_byte_size = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount(trace_string);

      /* add ‘\0‘ ended */
      contents_byte_size += 1;

      /* fill the trace head data */
      int final_length = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(axtrace_log_s)) + contents_byte_size;

      var head = new axtrace_log_s();
      head.head.length = (ushort)(final_length);
      head.head.flag = (byte)‘A‘;
      head.head.type = AXTRACE_CMD_TYPE_LOG;

      head.log_type = (uint)log_type;
      head.code_page = AX_CODEPAGE_UTF8;
      head.length = (ushort)contents_byte_size;

      IntPtr headPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(headSize);
      Marshal.StructureToPtr(head, headPtr, false);

      /* copy the head data */
      Marshal.Copy(headPtr, buf, 0, headSize);

      /* copy the trace string */
      System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(trace_string).CopyTo(buf, headSize);
      buf[final_length - 1] = 0; //add ‘\0‘


      /* send to axtrace server*/
      ctx.socket.Send(buf, 0, final_length, SocketFlags.DontRoute);

    static private void _value(axtrace_contex_s ctx, /*uint style, */string name, uint value_type, byte[] valueBytes)
      byte[] nameBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name);
      int name_length = nameBytes.Length + 1; // add ‘\0‘
      int value_length = valueBytes.Length;

      int headSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(axtrace_value_s));
      byte[] buf = new byte[headSize + AXTRACE_MAX_VALUENAME_LENGTH + AXTRACE_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH];
      int final_length = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(axtrace_value_s)) + name_length + value_length;

      axtrace_value_s head = new axtrace_value_s();
      head.head.length = (ushort)(final_length);
      head.head.flag = (byte)‘A‘;
      head.head.type = AXTRACE_CMD_TYPE_VALUE;

      head.value_type = value_type;
      head.name_len = (ushort)(name_length);
      head.value_len = (ushort)(value_length);

      IntPtr headPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(headSize);
      Marshal.StructureToPtr(head, headPtr, false);
      Marshal.Copy(headPtr, buf, 0, headSize);
      nameBytes.CopyTo(buf, headSize);
      buf[headSize + nameBytes.Length] = 0; //add ‘\0‘
      valueBytes.CopyTo(buf, headSize + head.name_len);

      ctx.socket.Send(buf, 0, final_length, SocketFlags.DontRoute);

    static public void Value(/*uint style, */string name, sbyte value)
      var ctx = _axtrace_get_thread_contex();
      if (!ctx.is_init_succ) return;

      _value(ctx, /*style, */name,

    static public void Value(/*uint style, */string name, byte value)
      var ctx = _axtrace_get_thread_contex();
      if (!ctx.is_init_succ) return;

      _value(ctx, /*style, */name,

    static public void Value(/*uint style, */string name, short value)
      var ctx = _axtrace_get_thread_contex();
      if (!ctx.is_init_succ) return;

      _value(ctx, /*style, */name,

    static public void Value(/*uint style, */string name, ushort value)
      var ctx = _axtrace_get_thread_contex();
      if (!ctx.is_init_succ) return;

      _value(ctx, /*style, */name,

    static public void Value(/*uint style, */string name, int value)
      var ctx = _axtrace_get_thread_contex();
      if (!ctx.is_init_succ) return;

      _value(ctx, /*style, */name,

    static public void Value(/*uint style, */string name, uint value)
      var ctx = _axtrace_get_thread_contex();
      if (!ctx.is_init_succ) return;

      _value(ctx, /*style, */name,

    static public void Value(/*uint style, */string name, long value)
      var ctx = _axtrace_get_thread_contex();
      if (!ctx.is_init_succ) return;

      _value(ctx, /*style, */name,

    static public void Value(/*uint style, */string name, ulong value)
      var ctx = _axtrace_get_thread_contex();
      if (!ctx.is_init_succ) return;

      _value(ctx, /*style, */name,

    static public void Value(/*uint style, */string name, float value)
      var ctx = _axtrace_get_thread_contex();
      if (!ctx.is_init_succ) return;

      _value(ctx, /*style, */name,
    static public void Value(/*uint style, */string name, double value)
      var ctx = _axtrace_get_thread_contex();
      if (!ctx.is_init_succ) return;

      _value(ctx, /*style, */name,

    static public void Value(/*uint style, */string name, string value)
      var ctx = _axtrace_get_thread_contex();
      if (!ctx.is_init_succ) return;

      byte[] stringBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
      byte[] withNull = new byte[stringBytes.Length + 1];
      stringBytes.CopyTo(withNull, 0);
      withNull[stringBytes.Length] = 0;
      _value(ctx, /*style, */name,


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics;
using com.thecodeway;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace test.win32.cs
  class Program
    public static void AxTraceThread(object obj)
      AxTrace.Log(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, (string)obj);

    private class AxValueParam
      public string value_name;
      public string value;

    public static void AxValueThread(object obj)
          ((AxValueParam)obj).value_name, ((AxValueParam)obj).value);

    [DllImport(@"AxTraceDll.dll", EntryPoint = "mixed_mode_multiply", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    public static extern int Multiply(int x, int y);

    [DllImport(@"AxTraceDll.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
    public static extern void axlog(uint log_type, string message, __arglist);

    static void Main(string[] args)
      System.Console.WriteLine("============= AxTrace4 Test(C#) ================");

        Console.WriteLine("AxTrace Test\n请按任意键继续. . .");

        //test AxTrace
        AxTrace.Log(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "-=-=-=-=-=-= Hello,World -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-");
        AxTrace.Log(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "中文字符+Ascii");
        AxTrace.Log(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "MultiLineTest\nLine{0}:第一行\nLine2:{1}\nLine3:第三行pi={2}", 1, "第二行", 3.14f);

        AxTrace.Log(AxTrace.AXT_DEBUG, "DEBUG: This is a debug message");
        AxTrace.Log(AxTrace.AXT_INFO, "INFO: This is a info message");
        AxTrace.Log(AxTrace.AXT_WARN, "WARN: This is a warning message");
        AxTrace.Log(AxTrace.AXT_ERROR, "ERROR: This is a error message");
        AxTrace.Log(AxTrace.AXT_FATAL, "FATAL: This is a fatal message");

        Console.WriteLine("AxTrace Pressure Test\nPress any key to continue...");

        int blank_Count = 0;
        int step = 1;
        int MAX_BLANK_COUNT = 50;

        AxTrace.Log(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "<BEGIN>");
        for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
          byte[] szTemp = new byte[blank_Count + 1];

          int j = 0;
          for (j = 0; j < blank_Count; j++) szTemp[j] = (byte)‘ ‘;

          blank_Count += step;
          if (blank_Count >= MAX_BLANK_COUNT) step = -1;
          if (blank_Count <= 0) step = 1;

          szTemp[j++] = (byte)‘*‘;

          string l = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(szTemp);
          AxTrace.Log(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, l);
        AxTrace.Log(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "<END>");

        Console.WriteLine("AxTrace Multithread Pressure Test\nPress any key to continue...");

        WaitCallback waitCallback = new WaitCallback(AxTraceThread);

        int blank_Count = 0;
        int step = 1;
        int MAX_BLANK_COUNT = 50;

        AxTrace.Log(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "<BEGIN>");
        for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
          byte[] szTemp = new byte[blank_Count + 1];

          int j = 0;
          for (j = 0; j < blank_Count; j++) szTemp[j] = (byte)‘ ‘;

          blank_Count += step;
          if (blank_Count >= MAX_BLANK_COUNT) step = -1;
          if (blank_Count <= 0) step = 1;

          szTemp[j++] = (byte)‘*‘;


        Console.WriteLine("AxValue Test\nPress any key to continue...");

        //test value
        AxTrace.Value(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "Int_Test", (int)-12345);

        AxTrace.Value(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "BYTE_MAX_VALUE", (byte)byte.MaxValue);
        AxTrace.Value(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "BYTE_MIN_VALUE", (byte)byte.MinValue);

        AxTrace.Value(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "SHORT_MAX_VALUE", (short)short.MaxValue);
        AxTrace.Value(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "SHORT_MIN_VALUE", (short)short.MinValue);

        AxTrace.Value(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "INT_MAX_VALUE", (int)int.MaxValue);
        AxTrace.Value(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "INT_MIN_VALUE", (int)int.MinValue);

        AxTrace.Value(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "LONG_MAX_VALUE", (long)long.MaxValue);
        AxTrace.Value(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "LONG_MIN_VALUE", (long)long.MinValue);

        AxTrace.Value(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "Float_Test", (float)-3.1415926f);
        AxTrace.Value(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "Double_Test", (double)-3.141592653589793238462643383279);

        AxTrace.Value(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "FLOAT_MAX_VALUE", (float)float.MaxValue);
        AxTrace.Value(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "FLOAT_MIN_VALUE", (float)float.MinValue);

        AxTrace.Value(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "DOUBLE_MAX_VALUE", (double)double.MaxValue);
        AxTrace.Value(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "DOUBLE_MIN_VALUE", (double)double.MinValue);

        AxTrace.Value(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "String_Test", "String 汉字 123");

        Console.WriteLine("AxValue Pressure Test\nPress any key to continue...");

        int start_blank = 0;
        int start_step = 1;
        int MAX_BLANK_COUNT = 50;

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
          AxTrace.Value(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "start_blank", start_blank);

          int blank_Count = start_blank;
          int step = start_step;

          for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++)
            byte[] szTemp = new byte[blank_Count + 1];

            int k = 0;
            for (k = 0; k < blank_Count; k++) szTemp[k] = (byte)‘ ‘;

            blank_Count += step;
            if (blank_Count >= MAX_BLANK_COUNT) step = -1;
            if (blank_Count <= 0) step = 1;

            szTemp[k++] = (byte)‘*‘;

            string value_name = "Value_" + j;
            AxTrace.Value(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, value_name,

          start_blank += start_step;
          if (start_blank >= MAX_BLANK_COUNT) start_step = -1;
          if (start_blank <= 0) start_step = 1;

        Console.WriteLine("AxValue Multithread Pressure Test\nPress any key to continue...");

        int start_blank = 0;
        int start_step = 1;
        int MAX_BLANK_COUNT = 50;
        WaitCallback waitCallback = new WaitCallback(AxValueThread);

        for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)
          AxTrace.Value(AxTrace.AXT_TRACE, "start_blank_multiThread", start_blank);
          int blank_Count = start_blank;
          int step = start_step;

          for (int j = 0; j < 50; j++)
            byte[] szTemp = new byte[blank_Count + 1];

            int k = 0;
            for (k = 0; k < blank_Count; k++) szTemp[k] = (byte)‘ ‘;

            blank_Count += step;
            if (blank_Count >= MAX_BLANK_COUNT) step = -1;
            if (blank_Count <= 0) step = 1;

            szTemp[k++] = (byte)‘*‘;

            string value_name = "Value_" + j;

            AxValueParam axvp = new AxValueParam();
            axvp.value_name = "Value_" + j; ;
            axvp.value = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(szTemp);

            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(waitCallback, axvp);

          start_blank += start_step;
          if (start_blank >= MAX_BLANK_COUNT) start_step = -1;
          if (start_blank <= 0) start_step = 1;




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