ifstream (const char* filename, ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::in);
ifstream fin(filename, openmode) by default openmode = ios::in
ifstream fin(“filename”);
Calling of default constructor
ifstream fin;
fin.open(filename, openmode)
模式标记 | 适用对象 | 作用 |
ios::in | ifstream、fstream | 打开文件用于读取数据。如果文件不存在,则打开出错。 |
ios::out | ofstream、fstream | 打开文件用于写入数据。如果文件不存在,则新建该文件;如果文件原来就存在,则打开时清除原来的内容。 |
ios::app | ofstream、fstream | 打开文件,用于在其尾部添加数据。如果文件不存在,则新建该文件。 |
ios::ate | ifstream | 打开一个已有的文件,并将文件读指针指向文件末尾(读写指 的概念后面解释)。如果文件不存在,则打开出错。 |
ios:: trunc | ofstream | 打开文件时会清空内部存储的所有数据,单独使用时与 ios::out 相同。 |
ios::binary | ifstream、ofstream、fstream | 以二进制方式打开文件。若不指定此模式,则以文本模式打开。 |
ios::in | ios::out | fstream | 打开已存在的文件,既可读取其内容,也可向其写入数据。文件刚打开时,原有内容保持不变。如果文件不存在,则打开出错。 |
ios::in | ios::out | ofstream | 打开已存在的文件,可以向其写入数据。文件刚打开时,原有内容保持不变。如果文件不存在,则打开出错。 |
ios::in | ios::out | ios::trunc | fstream | 打开文件,既可读取其内容,也可向其写入数据。如果文件本来就存在,则打开时清除原来的内容;如果文件不存在,则新建该文件。 |
使用 ifsream & ofstream classes实现文件读写的Demo:
#include <iostream>
/* fstream header file for ifstream, ofstream,
fstream classes */
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
// Driver Code
int main()
// Creation of ofstream class object
ofstream fout;
string line;
// by default ios::out mode, automatically deletes
// the content of file. To append the content, open in ios:app
// fout.open("sample.txt", ios::app)
// Execute a loop If file successfully opened
while (fout) {
// Read a Line from standard input
getline(cin, line);
// Press -1 to exit
if (line == "-1")
// Write line in file
fout << line << endl;
// Close the File
// Creation of ifstream class object to read the file
ifstream fin;
// by default open mode = ios::in mode
// Execute a loop until EOF (End of File)
while (fin) {
// Read a Line from File
getline(fin, line);
// Print line in Console
cout << line << endl;
// Close the file
return 0;
使用fstream class实现文件读写的demo:
#include <iostream>
/* fstream header file for ifstream, ofstream,
fstream classes */
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
// Driver Code
int main()
// Creation of fstream class object
fstream fio;
string line;
// by default openmode = ios::in|ios::out mode
// Automatically overwrites the content of file, To append
// the content, open in ios:app
// fio.open("sample.txt", ios::in|ios::out|ios::app)
// ios::trunc mode delete all conetent before open
fio.open("sample.txt", ios::trunc | ios::out | ios::in);
// Execute a loop If file successfully Opened
while (fio) {
// Read a Line from standard input
getline(cin, line);
// Press -1 to exit
if (line == "-1")
// Write line in file
fio << line << endl;
// Execute a loop untill EOF (End of File)
// point read pointer at beginning of file
fio.seekg(0, ios::beg);
while (fio) {
// Read a Line from File
getline(fio, line);
// Print line in Console
cout << line << endl;
// Close the file
return 0;
To write object‘s data members in a file :
// Here file_obj is an object of ofstream
file_obj.write((char *) & class_obj, sizeof(class_obj));
To read file‘s data members into an object :
// Here file_obj is an object of ifstream
file_obj.read((char *) & class_obj, sizeof(class_obj));
Input :
Input.txt :
Michael 19 1806
Kemp 24 2114
Terry 21 2400
Operation : Print the name of the highest
rated programmer.
Output :
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
// Class to define the properties
class Contestant {
// Instance variables
string Name;
int Age, Ratings;
// Function declaration of input() to input info
int input();
// Function declaration of output_highest_rated() to
// extract info from file Data Base
int output_highest_rated();
// Function definition of input() to input info
int Contestant::input()
// Object to write in file
ofstream file_obj;
// Opening file in append mode
file_obj.open("Input.txt", ios::app);
// Object of class contestant to input data in file
Contestant obj;
// Feeding appropriate data in variables
string str = "Michael";
int age = 18, ratings = 2500;
// Assigning data into object
obj.Name = str;
obj.Age = age;
obj.Ratings = ratings;
// Writing the object‘s data in file
file_obj.write((char*)&obj, sizeof(obj));
// Feeding appropriate data in variables
str = "Terry";
age = 21;
ratings = 3200;
// Assigning data into object
obj.Name = str;
obj.Age = age;
obj.Ratings = ratings;
// Writing the object‘s data in file
file_obj.write((char*)&obj, sizeof(obj));
return 0;
// Function definition of output_highest_rated() to
// extract info from file Data Base
int Contestant::output_highest_rated()
// Object to read from file
ifstream file_obj;
// Opening file in input mode
file_obj.open("Input.txt", ios::in);
// Object of class contestant to input data in file
Contestant obj;
// Reading from file into object "obj"
file_obj.read((char*)&obj, sizeof(obj));
// max to store maximum ratings
int max = 0;
// Highest_rated stores the name of highest rated contestant
string Highest_rated;
// Checking till we have the feed
while (!file_obj.eof()) {
// Assigning max ratings
if (obj.Ratings > max) {
max = obj.Ratings;
Highest_rated = obj.Name;
// Checking further
file_obj.read((char*)&obj, sizeof(obj));
// Output is the highest rated contestant
cout << Highest_rated;
return 0;
// Driver code
int main()
// Creating object of the class
Contestant object;
// Inputting the data
// Extracting the max rated contestant
return 0;