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# step 1: store all the values in hashmap # step 2: iterate all the values in the array, for each value, check the range related to this value, how to check? check if the left/right number contains in the hashmap or not. # if in the hashmap, set the value of that key in the hashmap to False(visited), then we don‘t need to recheck those False values def largestRange(array): # Write your code here. bestRange = [] longestLength = 0 nums = {} # create a hashmap to store all the values, for num in array: nums[num] = True # initialize all to True(all values do not have been touched at first for num in array: if not nums[num]: continue # if set to false, the value has been explored, do nothing nums[num] = False # now, the current value is being explored currentLength = 1 # the currentLength is itself left = num - 1 right = num + 1 while left in nums: nums[left] = False currentLength += 1 left -= 1 # continue to explore the range from right to left while right in nums: nums[right] = False currentLength += 1 right += 1 # continue to expolre the range from left to right if currentLength > longestLength: longestLength = currentLength bestRange = [left + 1, right - 1] # at the end of the two while loops, right has been plus 1, left has been minus 1, need to restore the real values of left and right return bestRange