//cxg 2021-6-1 主从表json unit service.tables; interface uses system.JSON.Serializers, system.JSON, system.Generics.Collections, sysutils, Classes; type TMasterTable = record billid: Integer; operate: string; end; TDetailTable = record productid: Integer; productname: string; end; var MasterTables: TArray<TMasterTable>; var DetailTables: TArray<TDetailTable>; function getJson(const url: string): string; procedure setJson(const v: string); implementation procedure setJson(const v: string); begin var jo: TJSONObject := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(v) as TJSONObject; var ja: TJSONArray := TJSONArray(jo.GetValue(‘主表‘)); var s: string := ja.ToString; //[{"billid":0,"operate":"name0"},{"billid":1,"operate":"name1"}] var serial: TJsonSerializer := TJsonSerializer.Create; MasterTables := serial.Deserialize<TArray<TMasterTable>>(s); s := MasterTables[0].operate; //name0 serial.Free; jo.Free; end; function getJson(const url: string): string; //主从表 get url: /dal/bills/{accountno} begin try try SetLength(MasterTables, 2); //生成主表数据 var i: Integer; for i := 0 to 1 do begin MasterTables[i].billid := i; MasterTables[i].operate := ‘name‘ + i.ToString; end; SetLength(DetailTables, 2); for i := 0 to 1 do //生成从表数据 begin DetailTables[i].productid := i; DetailTables[i].productname := ‘name‘ + i.ToString; end; var serial: TJsonSerializer := TJsonSerializer.Create; var jo: TJSONObject := TJSONObject.Create; var ja: TJSONArray := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(serial.Serialize<TArray<TMasterTable>>(MasterTables)) as TJSONArray; jo.AddPair(‘主表‘, ja); ja := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(serial.Serialize<TArray<TDetailTable>>(DetailTables)) as TJSONArray; jo.AddPair(‘从表‘, ja); Result := jo.ToString; //{"主表":[{"billid":0,"operate":"name0"},{"billid":1,"operate":"name1"}],"从表":[{"productid":0,"productname":"name0"},{"productid":1,"productname":"name1"}]} jo.free; serial.free; except on E: Exception do begin result := ‘{"异常":"‘ + e.Message + ‘"}‘; end; end; finally end; end; end.